princessmelina · 15 days
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that feel when you stop trying to please your father, accept who you really are (gay), and then are immediately confronted with the fact that the friend of the 12 yr old youve were stalking for an entire year is actually an extremely cute boy
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princessmelina · 15 days
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Winter, spring, summer and fall Four seasons, four loves
for zukka week day 3 // song lyrics
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princessmelina · 15 days
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"please just order, I don't need to hear the backstory of your cactus allergy"
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princessmelina · 15 days
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Sometimes a smooch cures all of lifes problems
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princessmelina · 15 days
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Shoutout to all fanfics that have my sweet soft boys sleep like this! <33 You're so real for that!
(also, if you have fanfic recs that feed me this well do tell me!)
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princessmelina · 9 months
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tim's moving castle au ... been thinking about that yea
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princessmelina · 2 years
I hate that the stock response for "I'm lonely/I feel undervalued by my loved ones/I want a romantic partner" is "well do you value YOURSELF? You need to learn to enjoy being alone!" as if lonely people aren't very intimately familiar with being alone. Self esteem and love are important but they're not substitutes for companionship or friendship or romance and pretending that loneliness is a personal failure that can be fixed by self-improvement feels not only delusional but pretty cruel
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princessmelina · 2 years
“I don’t think that every villain in the world actually thinks they’re being a good guy, but I do think that everybody creates a value system that justifies the actions they’re taking, and and I think there’s a difference between those two things. Not everybody believes that they’re on the side of righteousness, but everybody has a way of justifying the actions they’re taking. Not every villain has to be a misunderstood hero, and in fact I think there are a lot of instances throughout history of people who were obviously doing the wrong thing and probably had an understanding of that on some level, but had some rationale or justification for it. A lot of villains in literature and media have these weird, Thanos-esque philosophies of what it is that they’re trying to do, and I think human motivation tends to come from more primal places than that. So a lot of the villains I write can be brilliant or clever (and, in fact, probably should be), but their motivation tends to be primal. They wanna be rich, they wanna have power, they wanna live forever. There’s something deep down that is, when you break it down, not too complex. Right? If you look at the real world, the people that are doing bad stuff don’t need complex motivations. They wanna rule the world! They wanna be rich! They wanna be unafraid that other people can ever screw them over, so they screw other people over. Evil is boring. Right? I kinda believe in the banality and mundanes of evil. Evil is just selfish impulses, which at the end of the day are really easy to understand. It’s easy to understand why people do bad things. It’s like “yeah, ok, you’re selfish and scared and cruel, I get it”. Being good is complex and beautiful and hard.”
Brennan Lee Mulligan, when asked how to create villains for ttrpgs
(I found this quote to be really meaningful in like…life in general which is why I posted it here. When he said “evil is boring”, it felt like something clicked in me that I had known deep down but hadn’t had the words for.)  (via @earthmoonlotus)
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princessmelina · 2 years
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princessmelina · 2 years
I feel like witches are sedentary and wizards are migratory. A witch has a home, a cauldron, herbs, you go to them with your problem. A wizard wanders, disappears, shows up at inconvenient times to fix nothing. am i making sense
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princessmelina · 2 years
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Here's my Starfire piece for @dcladieszine
There are still some copies left! Go Check them out!✨
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princessmelina · 2 years
i’m all for peter being portrayed as a teenager bc that’s just classic spidey, and if you prefer him being portrayed as a teenager that’s fine we all have preferences. my only issue with it is that people who only watch the spidey films and don’t read the comics are really missing out on some good adult peter moments. like right now in the comics peter parker is around 30 years old and watching him interact with younger superheroes is really heart-warming, because he’s been there and he gets how hard it can be, he feels responsible for these kids
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and then there’s the renew your vows comic where he’s an actual dad married to mary jane, and they have a daughter who’s named annie may. and that series is full of really fun stories, plus it’s interesting to see how peter juggles being spidey and being a dad/husband and how those two things intertwine, also the dad jokes are endless
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teenage peter parker is a timeless version, but that version is shown so much (especially in film) that it seems like a lot of spidey fans feel like adult peter wouldn’t be as good or true to his character which just isn’t true, so if you’re ignoring the adult version of peter parker then you’re seriously missing out on great character development/stories that show peter’s journey and his character more than anything
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princessmelina · 2 years
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🎶 The beauty and the brawn do no wrong 🎶
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princessmelina · 2 years
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princessmelina · 2 years
I love how all of the Batman villains are like “ah he’s not at the manor, it’s defenseless! and then alfred just racks an AK-47 and is like pull up bitch
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princessmelina · 2 years
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Should we have that leftover hasprat for dinner or go to the replimat? 
ds9 art kids ds9 ART KIDS 
there are, a lot of details in this
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princessmelina · 2 years
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everyone be quiet !!!! he's sending email
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