princevyce · 4 years
I know we all love it when the gurgles of an overfull stomach signal a need for belly rubs and TLC, but what about tummy grumbles that are a sign of comfortable, leisurely digestion?
someone is just stuffed to the gills and has gotten comfortable, planning to doze the afternoon away, but as tight and heavy as their belly feels, they can’t help but groan a little with satisfaction as their tummy grumbles, doing its best to handle their huge meal. they’re so full and breathless but as each rumble works its way through the heaviness, that tightness in their middle eases a little more and it just feels so good.
they might still have a caretaker who offers them tummy rubs, checking with them every few minutes to make sure they’re doing alright. they can only groan and nod reassuringly, arching up into the hand that’s rubbing soothing circles over their belly. because as good as those grumbles of digestion feel, they feel even better pressed against the warmth of a hand on their tummy.
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princevyce · 4 years
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Incubus Gaumereux! Be careful when you summon demons…
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princevyce · 4 years
To be gobbled up so urgently that you’re helpless to the pred’s movements… They’re shoving you into their mouth, swallowing strongly, tossing their head back to get you into their gullet as fast as they can to the point that your limbs are flopping about uselessly. You can’t even kick or scream because of the rapid, jerking, slurping gulps that drag you deep before you even know it. You fall into their gurgling gut with a sudden jolt, the trip having dazed you for a moment. To be needed so badly by a pred… Must be nice~
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princevyce · 4 years
I'm in love with both of them!
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Poor Virgaraud thought he could have a quiet evening studying at the library. Then Gaumereux showed up, kept teasing him about all that easy prey at the library, until the naive elf gave in.
And now he regrets it, it’s not easy to keep guts filled with people quiet. Also scarfing down random innocent people? You’re better than that Virgaraud…
(it’s a big image! click to zoom in)
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princevyce · 4 years
Preds who just discovered they're preds are so good - there's a million different reactions they could have depending on the character and situation.
Some panic and start apologizing, trying to get the prey back up to no avail. Lunch's frenzied attacks on their stomach walls combined with their untrained muscles prove a deadly combination, and the prey is practically slop by the time the inexperienced pred figures out how they should have gotten them out.
Some immediately take the cruel approach, mercilessly mocking their helpless meal. They end up laughing at their fading pleas as their stomach does what it does best, letting the prey know exactly how they'll end up. They make sure to enjoy every minute they can before their prey is gurgled up.
Some feel a sudden wrenching hunger too deep for one measly prey to satisfy, and end up gorging themselves on as many poor unfortunates as they can get ahold of. They might feel regret in the morning, but for now all they feel is full.
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princevyce · 4 years
are you sure you can eat me? Well, I think I'm not easy prey for you and I'm sure it wouldn't be easy digestion, I hope so..
You know, I’m sensing a common theme with all you little snacks. You all think you’re the special one that’ll escape, that this time, it’ll be different and the little guy will win.
Spoiler: You won’t. I’ve eaten countless prey like you, who all though they were juuust as special and clever as I’m sure you think you are. All of them ended up easy meals, dinnertime entertainment and a soup of digesting meat to sleep off later.
All those tricks you think will make me cough you up? Those don’t work, either. I’d invite you to try, though - desperate squirming in my belly never fails to brighten my mood.
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princevyce · 4 years
I like it when a pred breaks off in the middle of a mostly normal conversation with someone else to talk to their belly/the prey inside.
"Of course, I'll take care of the... Oh, come on, stop being dramatic, you're perfectly safe! *throat clearing* Anyway, as I was saying..."
"I need you to... Mm, keep doing that, it feels so good... Oh. You're still here. Um, as I was saying..."
"I'm going to go to the store and get - WOULD YOU QUIT MOVING IN THERE?!"
"I thought he was going to do th... FOR FUCK'S SAKE, I'M BUSY! I DON'T HAVE TIME TO LET YOU OUT! WOULD YOU BE QUIET?!"
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princevyce · 4 years
A pred wearing a signature item from their prey’s person that was either dropped, stolen, or burped up while the pred is massaging their full tum = REALLY good look
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princevyce · 4 years
Soon to be boss pred and co-worker prey. Unwilling prey, ambiguous ending, soft vore
🥭🍡🥭🍡🥭🍡🥭🍡🥭🍡🥭🍡🥭🍡🥭 -
Pred and Prey have known each other for a while now, and by now Prey is very aware of how much of a jerk their co-worker&friend Pred is.
Pred is going to be taking over this business for his parents after all, and prey is just one of the people who manages the front desk.
Somehow Prey seems to have gotten Pred to warm up slightly to them, maybe it's the fact Prey treats Pred like a person unlike the rest of their co-workers, everyone know Pred is not normal after all, and not everyone treats them with respect.
It seems strange to Prey how Pred's drools and thier stomach growls whenever they're staring at Prey when they check Pred in at the desk. They think it's their tea they bring to work so they started bringing a second cup to give Pred and have done that for months now.
Pred ducks into an empty room and places they're hand on a desk as they bend over clutching their growling stomach, it's getting to hard to resist, Pred's not allowed to eat the good employees and nobody knows he eats the bad ones but from the day prey was hired Pred has wanted to eat them.
It not that Prey's a bad employee, they're pretty average, in terms of skill at least, they just smell really damn good, it's like having a warm freshly made dessert placed in front of you and not being able to eat it.
Pred just has to wait till they're in charge, then that adorably naive Prey is going straight to their gut in front of everyone, if Pred can't make their employees respect them then they'll hit two birds with one stone and make their employees fear them.
A few weeks later it's announced, Pred in now in charge, everyone had to sign a new contract for some reason, everyone figure it was the same as last time, but this time when Pred goes to check in at the front desk .
Pred lunges over the desk and shoves the shocked Prey headfirst into his gaping maw, in two think gulps faster than Prey can realize, they're half-way down Preds throat when Prey realizes what's happening and begins struggling.
The other front desk worker can only watch in silent horror as Pred steps back from the desk lifting their co-workers flailing legs into the air and in two more gulps, swallows them whole.
Pred lets a small burp into their hand placing a hand on their stomach as their squirming Prey is deposited inside, then looks to the other worker with a vicious grin and informs them that everyone basically signed a legal document saying that Pred could eat any worker they want and if anyone spread word that Pred eats people to the public Pred can sue them for slander and everything they're worth.
Pred purposely walks through the most crowded areas to their new office, showing off their wriggling gut, muffled shouts coming from it.
They settle in at their new desk, propping their feet up as they lean back to enjoy their prizes and decide Prey's fate.
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princevyce · 4 years
In a REAL big foodplay mood tonight... just thinkin’ about a pred who, after stuffing themselves silly after a meal, just can’t help themself and swallows up their dinner guest. They’re left with a squirming belly filled with all kinds of good food, plus an extra little something to fill out the edges. As they feel a food coma coming on, they lean back and thank the prey for such a wonderful meal and doze off, cradling their belly in their arms... Just imagining the sounds of heavy digestion as the pred’s belly happily does its work, punctuated by the occasional wet-sounding belch and “excuse me!” From above... nice...
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princevyce · 4 years
you know what, I still feel guilty for totally abandoning pred-suggestions, I'm going to start trying to post there again
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princevyce · 4 years
man it's wild how there are people out there who think it's perfectly acceptable to dictate to content creators what they can and can't do with work that they didn't commission and have no right to
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princevyce · 4 years
It is no longer 8/8 in my timezone but I will never stop voring. The government cannot stop me
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princevyce · 4 years
man I hope I get featured in someone's 'cringe compilation', that would be hilarious
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princevyce · 4 years
man I want to post art here, but my usual art style is really identifiable :(
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princevyce · 4 years
A hungry pred in an authority position decides to 'execute' a rebellion leader by eating them in front of a crowd. It's an impressive display of power that terrifies the general populace more than a little... maybe they let their true nature show a bit more than usual, taunting their former nemesis with a cruel grin as they squirm and plead and beg. All in all, it's a pretty successful execution, if the intention was to discourage a similar offense.
Problem is, they underestimated how long the prey would hang around. Now they have to attend meetings and give speeches, belching and hiccuping with a gurgling bellyful of what very obviously used to be a person hanging off their middle. Very undignified... But not unpleasant.
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princevyce · 4 years
(End) He ends up absorbing their power and becomes the new God of Life and Death. The afterlife soon becomes his new personal buffet.
3/3 I love it! I don't have much to add, but I think this is great. Maybe he gets bored of mortal prey after a while, though, and pursues more deities. After all, a goddess probably tastes better than some regular human.
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