prismatictale · 1 month
She glanced at him, unsure if he would even believe her. Still not like she had anything to lose by being honest.
"We live in the outskirts of the great kingdom of monsters, lead by queen Toriel Dreemurr." It was clear that, whoever this Toriel person was, she didn't like her at all just by the tone of her voice.
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"Me and my brother live in different districts, I have a small home in The Maelstrom and Aby lives in the Glaciers, it sorta looks like this place but it's fully underground and has huge ice spikes everywhere."
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"there's other districts too but I haven't visited them much, Aby was always the more adventurous type" She rolled her eyes, smiling slightly as she thought of her brother and how silly he was sometimes.
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"Is this enough information for you?" She crossed her arms.
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He frowned, turning around and pointing in the direction of the river, where he arrived from.
"O-Over there...following the river..."
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He looked at the ground sadly at her remark
"I...I see...I-I guess I will have to go alone..."
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He looked around and thought about what he had to do before sighing.
"I...I-I will go save my sister, thank you for the food, Gran-Gran." He waited, making sure he heard her out if she had anything important to say.
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Zuko listened, but that didn't do much to quell his curiosity. If there was some sort of magical device that could transport people in a moment's notice, he would've known about it by now, right? And besides, these kids should've known about the war. Even if people didn't talk about it, it always loomed over their heads, silently.
"I see." His mumbled response betrayed his attempt at keeping his cool, so to speak.
"Where are you from, exactly?" He asked. Maybe if he had more information, he'd be able to take them home. Or at least help them on their way.
If they were even from here, that is. But what a ridiculous thought...
The older woman held out her hands, reaching for the boy, as if telling him to sit back down.
"Where did you say she was taken again?" She asked, her voice calm and slow. "Some of us may be able to help you, but if it's Fire Nation, you're on your own."
An unfortunate circumstance, but one they couldn't avoid.
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prismatictale · 1 month
She glanced at him as he entered the room again, expecting another interrogation session. What she wasn't expecting was him changing his mind so quickly.
"Finally decided to stop being stubborn huh?"
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She tried to remember as much as she could, hoping some of the information she had could help him know how to get her back home.
"Me and Aby were having a sleepover at his house, we got bored and went to check out the basement where his father had the lab equipment stored. He accidentally touched something in a strange ring machine and we suddenly appeared in that snowy area."
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"That's about everything I know, after that we saw your ship and you should know the rest." She shrugged.
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He instinctively pulled his hand back, almost as if he had just suffered an electrical shock.
"s-sorry..." He looked down in shame.
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"I-i...don't know...I-I feel t-tired I guess..." He muttered as he finished his food.
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"B-But I can't sleep now, I n-need to save my sister!" He said trying to get up, but clearly struggling from still being exhausted.
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Iroh always had great advice to give his nephew. Today was no different. Their conversation was short yet meaningful, and now Zuko knew what to do, though his mind was still reeling as he made his way back to the ship's cells.
"I've made my decision," he said, raising his voice slightly so Ember would hear him as he walked closer. He stepped in front of the cell, arms crossed, expression unreadable, for once not of anger. "I want you to explain what happened to me again. If you really don't know how you got here...I'll try to help."
Gran-Gran took ahold of the boy's hand with her own, and gave it a brief squeeze. "Don't worry. We'll find a way to help you somehow."
"Let me know how you feel after you eat. We'll figure something out. It can't be too hard, hmm?"
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prismatictale · 1 month
He looked down as he processed what she just said, one hundred years?!
Not only that but, every soldier of this little village left? So...no one could help him...?
"B-But...I-I need help..." He whined, trying his best to hold back his tears.
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He looked down at his food and did his best t keep eating it, even if he was feeling hopeless, he was still very hungry and tired.
He perked up a bit when she introduced herself, he looked at this food and then back at her, hoping he could force a small smile.
"M-My name is Aby... It's...n-nice to meet y-you..."
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He looked back down at the food and tried to finish it, though his eating was quite slow so that took a while. Still it helped him distract himself from what happened.
Zuko was still hellbent on getting information out of these two kids- though maybe his resolve was faltering and maybe...he was just releasing his frustration on them. He had a lot to be frustrated about. Four years, and now this. Losing the Avatar after having him in his grasp.
He still held on to the idea that they had to know something despite the signs turning to no, they didn't.
He grumbled to himself and trudged on, in search of his uncle Iroh.
"Indeed, war," the woman said, gravely. "One hundred years of it..." The point she had to reiterate, because it weighed a lot on her mind. She hadn't known a day without war, and neither had her grandchildren.
At the question about soldiers, she shook her head. "Our soldiers left years ago to help our sister tribe fight in the war. We haven't seen or heard from them since."
She watched as Aby began to eat, feeling her spirits lift a bit. This boy was lost, alone, and scared. She needed to help him in any way she could.
"I suppose I forgot to introduce myself," she said, and she chuckled. "Just call me Gran-Gran."
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prismatictale · 2 months
She crossed her arms as he left the room, less in a way to show that she didn't care but more similar to a self hug. As brave as she was, she was still a kid, and the stress of all of this was getting to her.
"...please be okay, Aby..." She whispered to herself, doing a good job to hold back her tears as she hugged her legs.
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"(Four elements? I thought there were 10...Though Mr.Dad did tell me that some places don't know abut the existence of some traits...") He wondered to himself, watching to woman with soft and tired eyes.
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Still he listened to her carefully, his dad would love to know all the details of how this world works after all. Maybe then he can finally trust him to actually help him during experiments...Though maybe not after what happened in the lab today...
"W-War?! Is that why there are soldiers walking around in this snowy place?" He frowned
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He hugged himself as he looked around, the worry for his sister growing even higher, if those fire people did all this...what else were they capable of?
"Don't...you guys have soldiers too?" He was really worried about seeing only woman and kids around him, he feared the worst...
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With a bit of hesitation he slowly took the bowl she offered, meekly sitting down a bit far from her. He stared at the food for a bit before he started eating.
"I don't care if he's a victim, we all are." Zuko still listened to her story though- he was interested in where these people had come from, what they could do, though he already had his assumptions. But there seemed to be a lot more than what met the eye.
He paused, eyeing her, as he listened to her laugh. That small pang of guilt had returned. Damn, he had just kidnapped a literal child. Oh well.
He hummed softly in response, his expression...calm? Oddly enough.
"We'll see about that. I'll be back in a moment."
And then he walked off, the sound of his footsteps quieting as he went down the metal hall.
(thats awesome! it's very cool art ^^)
The woman wasn't surprised to hear that question, actually. Many of the younger generations didn't even know about the Avatar, simply due to his hundred year disappearance. A shame, really.
"The Avatar is the master of all four elements, the only one who can control them all. Though, he disappeared when the world needed him most- one hundred years ago, when the war first began."
Her explanation was tinged with the faintest hint of hope.
"But he may not be gone for much longer," she added with a smile, her eyes crinkling near the edges.
She began to prepare something over a fire, it looked like some sort of stew.
"The Fire Nation's prince left here not too long ago, looking for the Avatar. As you could probably see, the fight that ensued destroyed a good amount of our structures."
The woman poured a bowl of the stew and handed it to Aby. "Here, warm yourself up. I hope you like it."
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prismatictale · 2 months
"He's a lot stronger than you think, the fact he was hurt so badly in the past and yet is still a kind person means he's a lot stronger than even me." Her tone was a lot more serious, as she stood up and looked directly into his eyes, her pupils shining like flames.
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She sat back down again, closing her arms and looking away.
"You can believe whatever you want, I don't have any reason to lie to you even if I wanted to."
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"And trust me, I would love to give you the run-around, I have the feeling that your face would be priceless" She giggled.
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(my gf drew a updated emotion pack for aby yesterday, so now I can officially retire the old set :D )
("here's that word again") he thought, were mages just called benders here? His abilities didn't seem all that different from ember's...
"What's an Avatar?" He tilted his head a bit.
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"i...I don't know..." He frowned and looked back from where he came, unsure if he could afford to rest in times like this.
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Against his own better judgement he decided to take her up on her offer, following her to the igloo as he looked around.
"what...Happened to this place?" He muttered as he made his way to the igloo.
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"If you're so sure," Zuko replied, with a scoff he couldn't help. He turned around to face her. "Whatever you have to say, say it to my face. Don't speak when my back is turned."
"Your friend couldn't even handle the sight of a few flames. How is he supposed to stop an entire Fire Nation army? Including the prince?" He shook his head. The thought of it amused him. The boy could barely speak before he ran off.
"I know you know something about the Avatar. I just have to get it out of you."
The older woman intently listened to him speak, but upon hearing the word 'mage' seemed a little...confused. "A fire mage? You must mean a fire bender. The prince just left here, looking for the Avatar. Just boys, the both of them..."
The woman shook her head. "Never mind that. You're clearly in shock. Why don't you sit down for a moment, and we'll help you figure something out?"
In reality, they didn't have much to offer. There were no waterbenders, and the last one just left with her brother to save Avatar Aang. And by the looks of it, the village was left in shambles over such event.
Most were women and children, and none of them knew how to defend themselves.
In any case, this woman seemed determined to get Aby some help, and so she began to usher him inside an igloo home where they could speak privately.
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prismatictale · 2 months
She seemed ready to charge at the prince after the way he tossed her in her cell, but she needed to save her strength, Aby was coming to save her, she knew that with all her heart.
For now all she could do was rest, try to regain as much energy as possible so she could really show him the "respect" he earned from her.
"He will find us, and he will kick the butts of you and all your little soldiers!" She groaned, getting back up from the ground, her sights locked with the prince's back.
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"And I will be right there to help him" She seemed very smug in her delivery.
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Meanwhile Aby was quite relieved to see someone here in the village, he was really afraid of it being empty, seeing as this was where the boat seemingly came from.
He looked at the old lady and frowned, avoiding eye contact.
"I am, yes..."
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She tried to think of how to tell her what they just went through, with a sigh he finally looked at them more directly.
"My sister...she has been...captured by some kinda soldiers wearing all black, one of them seemed like a fire mage...Do you know anyone who could help me?"
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"I...don't think I can take on so many adults...Especially not ones with...f-fire..."He seemed to lightly recoil when saying that word, his eyes closing tightly.
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"Fire mage? What the hell are you talking about? I'm not a fire mage, I'm a fire bender.
"And I'm the prince of the Fire Nation. I get all the respect I want." Zuko scoffed.
He listened to her little explanation, retelling the same story he oh-so-clearly didn't believe, not for a second. He raised an eyebrow, then let out a huff.
"Dreemurr," he mumbled, "never heard that one before." Unfortunately for Zuko, it didn't really get him anywhere.
Who were these people?
He led (aka tossed) Ember into a cell and slammed it shut, securing the lock and tucking the key into his pocket.
"You'll stay here while we go find your little friend," he said, leaning in between the bars, then leaning back.
After the sudden appearance of the Fire Nation, and the departure of Katara and Sokka, the people of the Southern Water Tribe were still collecting themselves. An older woman noticed a young boy walking to the gates, seeming lost.
And that just wouldn't do, not for her at least.
"Oh, dear," she muttered, and as quick as she could muster, she made her way over to Aby.
"What are you doing here? Are you lost?" She asked, gently, her eyes instinctively glancing over Aby's form in search of any injuries. The poor thing sounded tired. "You must've come a long way."
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prismatictale · 2 months
She looked around before locking eyes on the prince, his eyes shifting "You know, for a fire mage you really aren't that bright" She crossed her arms.
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She narrowed her eyes more, staring directly at his eyes as she said the next words, almost spitting them out like venom "Respect is earned, never demanded"
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She leaned back and crossed her arms.
"I told you before, I have no clue what you are even talking about, me and my brother just appeared here out of nowhere." She looked away, she was not exactly being the most forthcoming, she knew it was the machine, but trying to explain everything to someone like him was in the bottom of her priorities. She would try to keep him busy until her brother could get her out of there.
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She considered if it was worth giving out her name, after some deliberation she decided it was the best chance she kept to keep the conversation going, she needed to stall for time after all.
"Ember. Ember Dreemurr. Do what you will with that information."
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As Aby approached the structures he realized this was actually a village! Though a much smaller one than the ones back on the surface.
He slowed down to walking speed as he closer to the "gates" made out of snow, looking around and investigating them as best as he could.
"H-Hello?" He tried shouting, though he couldn't raise his voice much thanks to being heavily tired from all the physical effort.
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As Aby made his way toward the Southern Water Tribe village, much to the surprise of those who resided there, Zuko led Ember deeper into the ship.
Soon, they were mostly alone, other than a few soldiers dotting the dimly lit halls. The only sounds were those of their footsteps against the cold floor and the soft crackling of flames upon torches.
"I'll put you in a cell for now," Zuko said, mostly thinking out loud, but speaking loud enough for Ember to still hear him clearly. "You'll learn respect sooner or later."
"And maybe you'll stop lying," he added. "Because I know that you know something."
He could tell the young girl felt a sort of...familiarity here, and yet the opposite. Perhaps this placed reminded her of something, he could see it in her eyes. He wanted to know every detail.
Any intel- anything at all- would only aid him in finding the Avatar.
And getting home.
"So," he said, after a long pause, "what's your name?"
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prismatictale · 2 months
Ember hold her tongue, as much as she wanted to mock him for his loyalty, she knew that now she was his prisoner, for now she would need to play by his rules. Regardless, she followed him, doing as little as she could to cause anymore anger from her captor "..."
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Besides, her mind was elsewhere at the moment, she couldn't stop worrying about Aby, they had been inseparable since they met a few years ago, and while she always wanted him to be more independent...This wasn't how she wanted it to go...
She also noticed how warm his skin was, he had to be a bravery soul, right? While other traits could theoretically learn other elements, the way he handled those flames seemed too natural for that. Still she never knew any bravery soul that was anywhere near the royal level back home, so...where were they?
Walking into the ship felt like walking into a cold, empty, dark cage, even if there were plenty of people around her, she felt the most alone she ever had been before.
The ships were also strange, very much a different design than the ones back home, much much sharper and lacking on comfort features that were a staple of Alphys' ships.
She stared at the emblems as she walked, she was surprised that there was so much red there, wasn't that Frisk's house color? Where's all the orange? The flame emblem was very cool at least.
She also couldn't help but notice the guards, she made sure to take note of them in case she needed to fight later to escape, she didn't want to be caught unprepared, not here.
Meanwhile, Aby was making his way up the river, worry and regret painfully clear on his face, how could he leave her behind? Why did she ask him to run? Did she really believe he was that weak...?
All this slowed him down considerably, not to mention the fact that he wasn't exactly used to this much physical effort, it was quickly draining him.
He looked back for a moment, staring at the way he came from, by now the ship was long gone, he didn't know by how much, hell he didn't even know if it started moving or not. Still he pressed on, he couldn't give up, he wouldn't! He wouldn't lose his family again!
Suddenly those thoughts gave him a new boost of energy that he didn't even know he had, and with that he started dashing towards where he was heading before, eventually noticing some kinda village or structure in the horizon, something that only gave him more energy and more determination!
Zuko rose an eyebrow at the muffled whispers between the two, and the moment he took Ember's wrist and reached for Aby, the boy was already speeding off in the opposite direction, way too fast for anyone to even have pretended to see him.
Let alone catch him.
Zuko would take the loss for now.
"Let's go," he repeated, with a tug on Ember's arm. "Your little friend won't be able to hide from the Fire Nation for much longer." The pride in his nation and people was evident in his voice, as he trudged through the heavy snow and led the way back to his large, intimidating ship.
He noticed the warmth of Ember's skin, much like his own, as they both held the ability to bend fire. His mind raced with confusing thoughts. Mainly, how she was able to do the things she could do. And how he couldn't.
Maybe it frustrated him a little bit. But anyway.
Soon enough, they were entering the ship, into the dim light that illuminated various Fire Nation memorabilia and symbols, walking past two lines of guards that stood along the walls.
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prismatictale · 2 months
She reeeeally wanted to mock him for demanding so much respect, respect was earned, not forced after all, didn't help that his tone was seriously reminding her of Kelly in ways that she really didn't like, what's with princes and princesses being so up their own egos?
Still she knew that if she got too out of line that Aby would be at a serious risk, she stared at him for a moment and very quietly whispered to him "aby, I need to to run and get help, okay?, just follow the river."
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She then looked back at the man and, her tight and fists as tightly compressed as they could be, she spoke "Fine." Before looking back at the seriously doubtful Aby and nodding, reassuring him that she would be okay.
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It took a few second but suddenly the boy ran towards the river the boat was navigating on as Ember just stood on place and didn't react, hoping her captor wouldn't think she was trying to fight him.
Aby was fast, but more importantly he was surprisingly nimble in the ice and snow, using its slippery properties to propel himself and be much harder to aim at. His clothes blending in with all the snow certainly didn't help either.
Zuko hummed in response to Aby's words. How could they not know? They were literally right there. They would've seen it all.
He was about to respond, and then there was Ember. Mocking him, and Zuko didn't like being mocked. He demanded respect, of course.
"Do not use that tone with me," he said, voice stern and firm. "I am Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation. Next in line to be the Firelord. You will respect me or face severe consequences."
For a brief second, he glanced back at his ship. It would be better to speak there. To get out of the cold. To get these people into his territory.
"You're coming with me," he said. A flame erupted in his hand, and instead of just being for show, Zuko was clearly prepared to use his flames based on the way his stance shifted. He would fight if need be.
"Let's go."
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prismatictale · 2 months
The boy took a deep breath "We don't know what you are talking about...sir. We...we aren't from around here, we don't even know where "here" is!" He pleaded.
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"Yeah, match-face, we just got here! Whatever this water tribe is, we clearly aren't part of it!" She stood her ground, starting to get into her fighting stance just in case things got ugly.
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"Besides, don't you have anything better to do than intimidate kids?" She mocked him, shifting her eyes as she tried to look for any emblem that could maybe tell her where they were.
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Zuko definitely took note of the boy's reaction to his flames. He was always taught that intimidation was good, that people should be afraid. But...
He watched Ember as she summoned her flames, his eyes widening at the sudden sight, but then, he scoffed at her words. And a small smirk played on his lips.
"Okay," he said, with a hint of teasing.
"So, I suppose you just wandered out into the middle of the Southern Water Tribe and didn't see what just happened? You're just taking a stroll? Is that it?"
His tone was venomous, he was getting annoyed and maybe a little agitated at this point.
And then, came his demand.
"Tell me what you saw.
"I know how to get what I want," he added, bitterly. "I know how to make people talk."
He knew his uncle would disapprove of such an attitude, of such words. But he couldn't think about the look Iroh would give him later- he tried to channel his father, the man he looked up to.
Yes, the same man who burned his face, but anyway.
These kids were just standing in his way.
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prismatictale · 2 months
The two of them stared at the flame that the man had conjured up, so he was a fire mage as well, that could be an issue.
Instinctively Ember looked at Aby, checking up on him as the flame appeared. His hand was shaking at this point as he instinctively took a step back before forcing himself to take a deep breath before awkwardly stepping back to where he was before.
The girl's demeanor was visibly more soft as she started at her brother and only looked back to the man once she knew he was ok, or at least, not getting worse.
"Aby, close your eyes for a moment, okay?" She asked softly to him over her shoulder and the boy nodded, closing his eyes and breathing loudly.
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She then focused her attention fully on the man. "That's cute" She smirked as she smacked her fists together and they both lit up on flames, absolutely consuming her hand and part of her arm to the point where her very skin became like metals on a furnace, though that didn't seem to hurt her in any way besides some possible minor discomfort.
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After making her point the fires went out as quickly as they appeared.
She stared at the man, processing his request and what she should say "We don't know any monks, or whatever a "waterbender" is, and I would worry less about you hurting us, we aren't the ones under threat right now" she smirked smugly.
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This was a bluff, of course, she had no idea how powerful the other was, his clothes also reminded her of amara's armor and the city guard's uniform, meaning there was a big possibility the flame he conjured wasn't even part of his full potential. Still she had to stand her ground, she couldn't risk Aby being hurt.
That was certainly something Zuko had never seen before.
Was the girl a firebender, perhaps? That would explain her power, but not that thing with her hair...which, to be honest, Zuko thought was sort of cool. He didn't expect it to just brighten with color like that!
But...now wasn't the time for that!
"I've got that, too," he said, and he summoned fire into his hand. He watched the flame, the light of it reflecting in his eyes before he waved his hand, and out went the flame.
"You're not from around here, are you?" He asked, eyeing them up and down. They're just kids, but...maybe they could be helpful.
He, of course, noticed the way the younger one seemed to hide behind the other. He did feel a pang of sympathy. But he tried to do away with it. He just needed answers.
"I'm not going to hurt you," he mumbled, curtly. He crossed his arms.
"You see a little bald monk in orange around here? Or two waterbenders?" He hoped that maybe they could answer a part of his question, or at least give him some valuable info. But he doubted it.
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prismatictale · 2 months
The two were very much most, though their confusion quickly gave away to panic as the coldness of the air around them hit both of them like a truck.
Ember quickly started shivering, her body being much more used to the extreme temperatures the Maelstrom, it was hard enough to cross the snow fields to get to aby's house but this was much, much worse.
Instinctively she used her fire magic to create a thin fire shield around her, melting the snow before quickly vaporizing the newly forced water, creating a thick steam atmosphere around her at all times.
Aby on the other hand was a lot more comfortable in the cold, his almost white skin hiding really well among the snow, with its temperature being closer to snow than normal human skin. Still he was quite upset at seeing his sister be so uncomfortable, though her fire magic did startle him quite a bit, as it was still a trigger for him.
"I don't know..." Ember finally replied as she looked around and noticed a strange metal boat in the distance, it was moving through the river before it stopped a few dozen meters away from them. It was hard to see any details in the snow but they weren't exactly thrilled to see something so...alien to them.
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The girl stepped in front of her brother as a strange man with what seemed to be a burn mark on his face approached them, she didn't know his intentions but she didn't want to take risks with humans she didn't know.
"Yes we are, why do you care?" She snapped at the man, clearly intimidated but not scared, her trait was bravery after all. Her hair seemed to flare up and change from its normal black to a hue of flame colors, sorta like a snake giving its threat a warning sign.
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Aby meanwhile was hiding being her, he was younger and much less willing to fight, especially when fire was involved. The man also just scared him in general, the fact he could see that this man wasn't in the best mood as well didn't exactly give him any confidence.
"Sis m-maybe you shouldn't be so...rude to him?" He meekly whispered to her, his eyes not living the stranger.
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Zuko was livid, for many reasons- the main one being that he had come so close to capturing the Avatar and going home, and yet failed at the last second and lost him. He chased and he chased and he chased, and yet.
As he gathered his things and assessed the damage to his ship, he thought about what brought him here. But it only made his anger and frustration burn brighter.
How could he let this happen? How could he just let his best chance at getting home slip out of his grasp?
He pondered those thoughts as they sailed past the calm waters.
And soon, something caught his eye. Could it have been the Avatar and his companions? No, but...
This seemed interesting.
"Uncle, stop the boat," Zuko said, and he hurriedly ran off to investigate whoever had caught his attention.
They didn't look like they were from here. Or anywhere that he knew, honestly.
Which was why he was so intrigued.
He acted before he thoroughly considered his options. Snow crunching under his boots, wind whipping his hair, he approached the duo, on guard and ready to attack if necessary.
"Lost?" Zuko asked, his strong voice somewhat intimidating.
Upon closer inspection, though, they did look lost. And they were quite young, too. It almost made him regret using such a tone.
But instead, he remained silent as he awaited their responses, watching carefully.
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prismatictale · 2 months
Closed Starter For @princewithangerissues
(- this is a closed starter for @princewithangerissues -)
The house was surprisingly quiet this night, usually the human kid Aby and his adopted father Gaster would do late night research on the lab or use this shift as an opportunity to clean up the used lab equipment for the next day's round.
But this time things were a little bit different, as Aby has planned to host a sleep over at his house with his adopted sister Ember, with them convincing Gaster to take the night off and go spend some time with his old friend Asgore back in the Gardens, leaving the two kids alone for the night.
"Are you sure it's safe to come down here without your father around? I mean isn't this machines dangerous?" The girl asked as they both walked down the stairs and into the underground lab located under Aby and Gaster's house in the basement.
(ps: the emotion pics weren't updated yet so yeah, sorry lol)
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Aby rolled his eyes as he turned on the lights and started walking towards a huge ring-shaped machine in the middle of the room, connected from all sides by thick cables.
"Come Emby, I mess with this machines everyday, I would know if they were dangerous" He smirked and winked at her, who just sighed.
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"Oh? Isn't your job just cleaning the beakers and cleaning the lab?" She teased him.
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The boy opened his mouth to reply but then had an idea, quickly running towards the ring machine, crossing his arms and smiling pridefully.
"Would a simple cleaner boy know how to operate this...uuuuh..." He looked at the machine, trying to remember what it did.
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Ember just crossed her arms and smirked, enjoying seeing his brother fumble his attempt to puff his ego.
"...You don't even know what this does, do you?"
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Aby's face was flushed with embarrassment "Of course I  do! I just uh...Forgot it's name! I will prove it!" Without thinking he pressed the big red button on the side of the machine, by now Ember was right beside him.
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Nothing happened for a few minutes, to the point where both of them walked under the ring to see if any lights were turning on.
"...Does...this even work?" She asked knocking on the metal frame and scratching her head.
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Suddenly the machine sprung to life, a portal big enough to swallow them whole appeared right where they stood as the two kids were transported somewhere completely different in less than a second.
This new place seemed to be the side of a wide river in the middle of a glacial area. The two were extremely confused, they could barely process what just happened because of how quick this whole event was.
"...where...are...we?" Aby asked shocked and confused.
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prismatictale · 2 months
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Decided to reblog my old promo post just to make sure people know the blog isn't dead lol. Btw here's the updated designs, the ones in the reblogged post are old lol.
Quick Promo Post
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Art made by @coralgardenwasteland
Non-Selective, OC and Crossover friendly Undertale RP blog focusing on the Prismatictale AU (formally known as Icytale).
About Page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rxL6DQp2W9-oLPjQEywDUKkF0cQiz8wkdiU5qRq4QBg/edit?usp=sharing
Rules page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VPMj6I7l69_1_AOVmBQ-2LvABa4HdSqG9-lkVOALTco/edit?usp=sharing
My inbox and DMs are always open! Please be overage before interacting though, rping with minors makes me very uncomfortable.
Darker stories and strong themes are fair game tho.
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prismatictale · 4 months
Closed starter for @hefunks
(Sidenote, I will be using a mix of my old designs and new ones for this rp, just know the official looks for my ocs is in the new character sheet I reblogged a bit ago)
This is a closed started for @hefunks
It was starting to turn to dusk as two early teens were exiting out of a huge set of double doors made out of some kinda of green stone, it was intricately carved and looked almost a millennia old at this point.
They left from the strange ruins and into a giant snow field covered with giant stalagmites all throughout the field, some being as high as 8 meters tall and as thick as 5 meters wide. Strangely too, they seemed to be underground, a fact given away by the lack of stars or even a moon when you looked up, though whatever cave it was, it was extremely expansive and could easily fit another mountain inside it.
The two were humans, a taller female-presenting one with flame-like hair covered in multiple layers of winter clothes, with her shivering a bit even while under all that heavy clothing.
The other was a male presenting one with hair that seemed to have been taken straight from the freezer, he had a knitted sweater with an image of a skeleton smiling in the front and 6 colored hearts at the back that covered his whole torso, being a bit too big for him and so also frequently covering his hands. He seemed to also be wearing snow boots and strangely pants that didn't seem to be nearly as cold-proof as the rest of his attire.
"That was fun! I can't believe Kelly knew how to party, though I guess with all those super expensive balls the nobles like to throw I guess that's not a huge surprise"
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The other kid nodded, seemingly fairly sleepy as he was struggling to walk without almost tripping.
"I told you! Next time listen to your little bro, he knows a thing or two about who can party" He chuckled.
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The girl playfully pretend-punched his arm, missing it on propose by stopping right before it, but still pretending she hit it as and rolled her eyes.
"Well you usually don't go out much so how could I have know you were such an expert on it?"
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The boy frowned a bit, rubbing the spot she pretended to punch.
"It's not my fault! Mr. Dad just has a lot of work for me in the lab, he keeps saying I don't need to help him all the time but I feel bad about it..."
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The girl frowned and gently petted the air above his head.
"aw, I'm sorry chilly, you know I was just teasing you right?"
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"Tell you what, you tell your father that you want to go out a bit and I will do all the boring lab work for you, deal?"
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The boy perked up, raising an eyebrow.
"Really?...Well I can consider it, but I should probably teach you first how to do it"
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The girl laughed, dramatically rolling her eyes.
"All you do is clean his lab stuff after each day of work, how hard can it be to clean a bunch of glass vials?"
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prismatictale · 5 months
Interaction Interest Post...thing
Hey so, I never really done this before so I don't really know what to call this lol.
Basically, I'm looking for blogs that are either based around or have muses from the FNF (Friday Night Funkin) universe (including mods and OCs) that are interested in roleplaying with my blog, one which is based around my own silly little au of undertale.
If you are interested then feel free to like this post and I will check out your blog, and if I fit all the rules I will send you a IM asking to plot out a rp.
Just a heads up though, I won't rp nsfw stuff, I'm past that phase in my life, but I wouldn't be against shipping overage characters if they have chemistry and stuff.
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prismatictale · 5 months
Here's the new ocs designs if you don't want to check my about page lol.
Thanks again for the art, love! I love them a lot ^^
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New reference sheets for @prismatictale <3
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