prisoner009 · 3 years
okay, I don't talk much here, I just post icons and leave, but TODAY I'm bringing a theory about what the hell is going on in that devil manga and why fukuchi couldn't lose soon and die and we all be happy.
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Fedya's Goal
We know that our dear Fedya wants to play Wanda from the X-Men and wipe out all the ability users. For that, he needs the book if he doesn't want to go killing one by one. But first, he appears to have other goals, like ending the Port Mafia and the Armed Detective Agency. With the cannibalism arc we thought “oh okay his plan failed” but at the end of the arc you can see that everything was going fine for him, even though he appeared to be surprised at the betrayal of Fitzgerald and Dazai finding out about his location.
To be honest, Fitzgerald's betrayal must have surprised him, as at the beginning of the whole manga story, at the end of chapter 12, we see that Fitzgerald, Agatha Christie and Fedya are together to capture Atsushi as he appears to be the key to the location of the book. With Fitzgerald being defeated, Fyodor was one step closer to having the book for himself.
Now, realize this, Fyodor is constantly allying himself with people who don't share his main goal. Fitzgerald wanted the book to bring his daughter back to life and rebuild his family. Fukuchi used the book page to turn the ADA into criminals but mainly to try to destroy the world's governments and put them all in a great war. We don't know why Agatha wants the book but it probably doesn't align with what Fyodor wants either.
And then, we realized that he only uses these people. Fitzgerald, Agatha, Fukuchi, Kolya, Sigma; they're all just pieces he needs to discard when he's finished using it, so much so that he asked Kolya to die at the end of his participation in the plan & put Hawthorne to kill Sigma. When Fyodor no longer needs the pieces, he kills them.
And Fyodor made it clear in chapter 42 that his first target is the Porto Mafia and then he would focus on the ADA. And it makes sense. We know that, even without any will, both organizations can coexist and even form an alliance if something is too fucked up for just one of them to resolve. But with the ADA focusing totally on the prosecution issue of being criminals AND fighting a god of war AND a vampire pandemic (lol I love to say that) it turns out to be kind of hard for them to help the Port Mafia that's being slaughtered - I believe - by the vampires. Mori even let the Agency solve Fukuchi's case and helped them in the best way because he knows he's in deep shit.
In addition, Fyodor also has documents on ALL mafia abilities users, which include Chuuya and Verlaine who are/were constant targets of Europe.
Fedya's Plan
"Okay, crazy person who won't shut the fuck up, you've already said that Fyodor's goal is not to end the world's government system nor rebuild his dead family, we know he wants to wipe out the ability users and that he has a god complex, so what? Why don't we get rid of Fukuchi yet? Why is he so special?"
Fukuchi has two purposes in this arc:
To destabilize the strong ties of the ADA (ex: Fukuzawa and Ranpo)
To bring prestige to the Order of the Clock Tower
Fyodor knew about the strong connection Fukuchi and Fukuzawa had because Kolya spent those six months in government and obtained this information from Minister Tonan. Other people in the government also seem to know about Fukuzwa's past as one of the swordsmen trained for war.
To summarize: Fukuzawa and Fukuchi know each other as they were trained from a very young age to be government swordsmen. This is explained briefly in the novel about the origins of the Agency and it is easy to connect the dots with the last chapters of the manga where it is briefly shown that Fukuchi and Fukuzawa went their separate ways and bla bla bla.
The Fukuzawa-Ranpo relationship could be destabilized because Ranpo already comes with a heavy weight on his shoulders about being the agency's savior from the cannibalism arc, showing how he doesn't want to accept the DoA case for putting his partners in danger and how he put it all to waste by completely relying on Fukuzawa's judgment of Fukuchi. Also, with Mori's request for someone from the Agency to go to the Mafia and with him saying that "Fukuzawa left him free to choose", the trusting relationship between Fukuzawa and Yosano could also get a bit destabilized.
And, going further with my memory, the Agency's own ties to the Government and the people of Yokohama could be destabilized as they plan to expose Yosano's past with war, Kyoka's crimes, Dazai's past as a Port Mafia executive, and the murders Fukuzawa committed, as well as having been in partnership with the current mob boss at some point in the past.
So ok, Fukuchi's first purpose is to serve as the pivot of the ADA's relationships. But why would he serve as a trophy for Agatha organization?
Come on, how much honor would a person/organization gain if they unmasked the supposed world hero who plans to end the world's government system, in addition to ending a vampire pandemic that is terrorizing the world, IN ADDITION TO acquitting a poor Japanese organization that has been suffering accusations of terrorism even though it's just a victim? The true saviors of the world, enter the Order of the Clock Tower!
As I already said, we know that Fitz, Fedya and Agatha were allies to get the book. With Fitz being sidelined with the defeat of his plan, Fedya and Agatha had probably already established that it would be just the two of them even before Fitz's defeat.
And we also know, with the beginning of vol 14 that Fedya was arrested on purpose, he let himself be taken to Mersault. And Mersault is where? Exactly, in Europe, probably France or England, which are the only ones that matter (lol).
"But why would Agatha accept something like that?" You, person with little logical reasoning and a very bad memory, ask me and I am very happy to answer. Agatha and her organization have suffered a major damage to their reputation as the Queen of Great Britain, who lives under their protection, was one step away from death by murder. And guess who almost murdered this old lady? Exactly, Paul Verlaine who was once one of the biggest terrorists in the world and now lives under the control of the Port Mafia. Obviously is not a big reason, but if someone offered you a plan that would grant you the honor of being the savior of the world, destroy the guy, and his organization, that irreversibly destroyed your reputation years ago and still get one step closer of getting a book that alters reality, what the hell do you say? No, thank you?
Summary (because I think I said nothing to nothing)
"Why has Fukuchi won every fight so far?" So that the real guy to defeat him is Agatha and she would win the prestige of having unmasked the war hero and saved the world.
"So Fyodor's plan is?" Let Agatha strike terror while he waits for the right moment to fuck her up, like he did to Fitzgerald.
"Why did Fyodor's face appear in the last chapter?" That was probably a ploy to show that Fedya is behind the Bandana and Eye Patch murders but he didn't actually kill them.
"Can a ability have such a range to hit people on an airplane?" Yes, but not Fyodor's. Remember Ayatsuji from the novel Gaiden? So that guy's ability comes down to finding the culprit in a murder case and that culprit will die from an accident, like a prophecy, and that skill can affect anyone anywhere in the world.
"So it was Ayatsuji?" Obviously not, but if there is an ability that affects ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD it is possible that one of the most powerful organizations in history - Agatha's one - also has someone with a similar ability.
This was my TED talk thank you so much, i'm probably wrong and asagiri is laughing at me and my poor weak brain but i don't care because thinking about that shit helps me and it's funny.
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prisoner009 · 3 years
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awwww the little baby spinach
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prisoner009 · 3 years
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due to divorce jokes me and my friends have a post-milgram rp in which mikoto fuuta and haruka are living in mikotos cringe fail apartment with no money and haruka inadvertently activating their big brother instincts is the only thing stopping mikoto and fuuta from destroying each other
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prisoner009 · 3 years
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Poorly drawn Angels + Shibu icons because as an homage to a page in my doujin but I also wanted to draw really stupid expressions.
Shibu doing his nails is my favorite.
Feel free to use, but please credit me in your profile 
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prisoner009 · 3 years
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prisoner009 · 3 years
Hi, I just made this Discord server for Fyogol fans. It is Fyogol centric but it can be used as a general BSD server. I just wanted to make a Discord server for normal BSD fans since a lot of BSD Discord servers seem to be full of questionable people. This is a 15+ server and proshippers / anti-antis aren't allowed but otherwise feel free to join.
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prisoner009 · 3 years
Here is why I, a person who has DID, think that Mikoto also has DID. I have seen a lot of misinformation about the disorder in the Milgram tag so I will try to correct them with the best of my abilities. And just a heads up, I am not interested in arguing whether or not Mikoto is a singlet or not since I had this conversation with others several times. This is just what I think Milgram meant to portray.
Before I start, please be mindful of the fact that Mikoto isn't a real person and I don't think he is a great DID rep however I feel like a lot of people just ignore the fact that he has DID because "it is ableist" while it is true we shouldn't ignore the obvious intention of the series, Milgram doesn't like being vague about the prisoners as seen with others. Here is the diagnostic criteria for DID. Code 300.14 "A. Disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states, which may be described in some cultures as an experience of possession. The disruption of marked discontinuity in sense of self and sense of agency, accompanied by related alterations in affect, behavior, consciousness, memory, perception, cognition, and/or sensory-motor functioning. These signs and symptoms may be observed by others or reported by the individual. B. Recurrent gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic events that are inconsistent with ordinary forgetting. C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. D. The disturbance is not a normal part of a broadly accepted cultural or religious practice. Note: In children, the symptoms are not better explained by imaginary playmates or other fantasy play. E. The symptoms are not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g., blackouts or chaotic behavior during alcohol intoxication) or another medical condition (e.g., complex partial seizures)." 1) "Disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states" for the sake of clarity, I will refer to Mikoto's alter as "Other Mikoto". Mikoto himself is very sociable, kind and has a more sweeter tone to his voice. He calls most prisoners by nicknames even though he isn't really familiar with them. In John Doe voice drama Mikoto gets stressed and switches to "Other Mikoto". Other Mikoto talks more like a delinquent, swears a lot and generally has more of a raspier tone to his voice. Other Mikoto goes as far as attacking Es which is out of character for Mikoto. 2) "B. Recurrent gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic events that are inconsistent with ordinary forgetting." We know that since day one Mikoto had no idea about what he had done to be in Milgram. In MeMe, during Other Mikoto's parts (metal parts of the song) he is very blunt about the murder making it clear that he is the alter that holds that traumatic memory while in Mikoto's parts (softer, chorus parts of the song) he says that he doesn't know why he is there and that they must be mistaken. No, he isn't lying about amnesia. It has been confirmed that to ensure that they are not lying Es uses a song extraction machine that extracts the knowledge about murders from their subconscious mind. MeMe sounds like two songs stitched together because Mikoto's subconscious is shared by another alter. In short, it was extracted from both of them not just Mikoto. Also, in John Doe voice drama right after Other Mikoto switches out Mikoto gets really confused because he doesn't remember beating Es and then fighting with Kotoko. 3) "C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning." Even though Mikoto has a stable office job and tries his best to look like a functioning adult I believe there is more to it. In MeMe, towards the end it sounds like they are aware of each others existence but Mikoto wants to deny the fact that he has DID. His amnesia barrier and miscommunication with Other Mikoto does affect his functioning. 4) D and E points are as we know, don't apply to Mikoto so I won't bother explaining them. I have seen a lot of people say that Mikoto is faking DID because "He remembers/knows about it a little as seen in the MV." which is literal misinformation. Amnesia barriers are not always the same and you may remember bits of things at times. Mikoto is well aware that
something bad is going on, he is scared to admit it. He just doesn't know what and that is when Other Mikoto comes in the stage. Other Mikoto is supposed to hold that traumatic memory (murder) so Mikoto won't have to process that all by himself. I believe Other Mikoto is a trauma holder + most likely an protector. "You don't have to keep it in and hide it away, “I” will save “me”." is the reason why I think Other Mikoto is a protector. Motive for the murder was not mentioned a lot in the video but basing from these lyrics I believe that he has killed someone that was a past abuser or a threat to Mikoto's life in anyway. The murder was planned. At the beginning we can see him waiting on a specific subway station for his victim, which makes me think that it was most likely someone he knew rather than a random pedestrian. Hopefully, we will learn more about his motive on the second trial but for now all we can speculate is that he did it to "protect" himself. Not by the means of self defense, but by something else. Another thing I have seen that has been spread around a lot is that "Mikoto formed a system after murdering someone/because of his stress as an office worker." No. No one can form a system at the age of 23. It doesn't work like that. (next part is taken from did-research) The theory of Structural Dissociation works off of the assumption that no one is born with an integrated personality. Instead, infants operate based off of a loose collection of different ego states that handle their different needs- feeding, attachment to a caregiver, exploring the world around them. Over time, these ego states naturally integrate into one coherent and cohesive personality, usually by the ages of 6 or 9. However, childhood trauma disrupts this process. Different ego states are left unable to merge with each other due to conflicting needs, traumatic memories, or learned action paths or responses to trauma. One coherent sense of self cannot form when the primary caregivers of the child are inconsistent, loving one moment and abusive the next, preventing healthy attachment from occurring and instead facilitating disorganized attachment. In short, Mikoto's DID formed in childhood because of repetitive trauma that he had experienced when he was between the ages of 6-9. We don't know what his trauma is but perhaps we may learn about it on the next trials. Overall, DID is used in a lot of symbolic ways in MeMe (from using OSDDID terms like "switch" to a headspace) that I think it is almost impossible for Mikoto to not have DID. Thank you for reading all this mess. Feel free to shoot me ask if you have any questions.
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prisoner009 · 3 years
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hi madoka magica fans
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prisoner009 · 3 years
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in another life
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prisoner009 · 3 years
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i just wanted to see you one last time
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prisoner009 · 3 years
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out of sight
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prisoner009 · 3 years
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a love that can never be
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prisoner009 · 3 years
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prisoner009 · 3 years
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I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you
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prisoner009 · 3 years
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before You and I ceased to mean Now and began to mean only Right Here
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prisoner009 · 3 years
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my first visit to the louvre wasn’t anything special because i’d already long ago met a mona lisa just for me
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prisoner009 · 3 years
Reblogging and liking so many things hoping that Tumblr would show my post on the tags
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