How the fuck do i exist in a world where there are more stories about og!shen qinqiu- teacher figure, actual immortal who should know better, ABUSER, mastermind behind a big part of Luo binghe's pain and someone who actually tried to kill his student- with Luo bingge, than Luo bingge with shen yuan, who showed him kindness when he least expected it, and proved that a reality where he wasn't miserable and actually happy for once was possible?
This is new, too. Cause I remember being really active in the fandom years ago and that ship wasn't even half as popular. It's only when it got serialized and distributed on paper worldwide that this started gaining traction. It's disgusting
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the suffering never ends
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I think I had a stroke reading that
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Percy Jackson in a nutshell
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So I was writing my daminette soulmate au and like....what?
The story was NOT supposed to go that way.
What started as a plot device to solve the whole "Adrien" problem without either making him out to be an idiot or dead, has ended up as an accidental reverse love square, and I'm just confused because how did I go from that, to whatever the hell this is.
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Reposting cause for some reason it doesn't post even though I've tried around 5 times?
So I'm gonna write a daminette soulmate au (which, yeah, is nothing new, but it's been living in my head rent free so I might as well write it) and I have a few questions.
Why did Deathstroke rebel?
How long did it take Talia to reclaim the league?
Does anyone know how normal(or, as normal as an assassin is able to be, anyway) members join?
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So I'm gonna write a daminette soulmate au (which, yeah, is nothing new, but it's been living in my head rent free so I might as well write it) and I have a few questions.
Why did Deathstroke rebel?
How long did it take Talia to reclaim the league?
Does anyone know how normal(or, as normal as an assassin is able to be, anyway) members join?
How old was Damian when he died again?
How long did he stay dead till his resurrection
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