taschiewitch · 4 years
Free short stories, essays, audio and video all by me at
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taschiewitch · 4 years
Because we can all use a bit of good news, here’s how Vietnamese people are dealing with COVID-19:
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“western media wont talk about this but the vietnamese government is helping citizens fight the coronavirus by offering free /proper/ meals for people in quarantine areas and free groceries/necessities for a whole neighborhood in lockdown”
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“- here people will be placed in quarantine due to travel history, showing symptoms or recent contact with current patients - the neighborhood in lockdown is because the 17th patient, possibly a “super spreader”, resided there”
“some korean travelers are also in quarantine so they were given korean meals because what if they aren’t used to vietnamese food”
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“i ran out of characters but this is also meant to poke fun at how the usa and some european nations respond to this outbreak, both their government and people. anw if you constantly think of countries in the global south with your shallow eurocentric bias then karma will get you.”
“Muting this now reach me through DM if you need to! Appreciate all the good sentiments”
“your gov may be shitty but extend your appreciation and support to doctors & healthcare workers on the frontline of this crisis! if you cant wear masks, wash hands often, avoid touching MEN (Mouth Eyes Nose), and avoid crowds (PLEASE). the system is in shambles so be proactive”
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“The Vietnam government makes sure the neighbors of the “super spreader” number 17th has enough food for 14 days. The citizens in quarantine be making friends, cleaning up the place together, giving out roses for women patients for International Women day, even fall in love lol~”
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Source: https://twitter.com/yvescloudedcat/status/1237389224875196418
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taschiewitch · 4 years
never an empty room
for @kevinyard for the @aftgexchange: a trans neil kandreil soulmate au
warnings: child abuse, implied/referenced manipulation done by riko, implied/referenced transphobia
read on ao3
Andrew climbed the steps to the attic of his midwestern foster home, the only room certain to be empty of the hoards of starving children the Jacobson’s employed to pull in those monthly checks that they couldn’t seem to get enough of. Hungry dogs were never loyal; that was the first lesson Andrew had learned.
All the lost boys went hungry to their beds, so none shared their scraps. Andrew’s stash was hidden behind the two battered copies of HG Wells books on a shelf too high for him to reach without something to prop himself up on. He’d gathered a granola bar, a few KitKats from the prize box at school, and a half-eaten sandwich kept preserved in a ziplock bag.
He fully intended to go for the KitKats, but there was a boy blocking his path from the attic door to the bookshelf. His skin was too dark to be tan, hair cut close to his head. He was crying, or had been recently, brown eyes red and puffy.
“Leave,” Andrew ordered. He didn’t have time to deal with another kid’s problems. He only cared for the gaps between his own very visible ribs and the gap between him and his sugar.
“This is my room,” the other boy sniveled angrily, glaring at Andrew through his tears. He had an accent on his Th’s that made them sound like hard Ts.
“This is the attic,” Andrew deadpanned.
“It wasn’t a second ago,” the boy protested. “S’not my fault. I didn’t even do anything. I was just sitting on my bed and then I was here.”
Andrew blinked.
He’d read books about fairytales and happy endings for as long as he could remember, not because he enjoyed them, but because those were the only stories he could ever get his hands on. They spoke of this; true love’s kiss, lovers born with one soul, the soul snapping like elastic after being stretched too thin, snapping its pieces all to the same frame of reality for brief and passionate meetings.
Andrew knew this; soulmate traveling was a bit like having a blot of light in your eye, they were visions only shared by those connected through the bond. Your brain told you they were there in the flesh, but in reality they simply zoned out of wherever they’d left their bodies when they visited their other halves on the astral plane.
Keep reading
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taschiewitch · 4 years
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taschiewitch · 5 years
Calling all puppy parents!!!
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Please Tumblr fam!
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taschiewitch · 6 years
What if you get in an accident that should have broken bones but it just turns out all your bones are glowsticks and now you glow in the dark
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taschiewitch · 7 years
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taschiewitch · 7 years
The thing I love about John Green books is that they never fail to nudge me into a philosophical journey worthy of the Greeks.
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taschiewitch · 7 years
reasons to ship chughead/juryl
because i’m just such a huge dork when it comes to my lovelies
- they’ve both gone through (and are still going through) a lot of issues with their family, and could understand each other and be each others’ shoulder to cry on if needed
- Cheryl wants someone who likes her genuinely and doesn’t want something from her, someone who can understand her and most importantly, support her, and based on what we’ve seen of Jughead as a boyfriend so far he’s perfect for that
- Jughead could be Cheryl’s escape from her brother, someone to finally make her realize she can be interested in someone and trust someone who isn’t like Jason
- they’re literally the ideal partners in crime (..investigation), Jughead being the detective he is and Cheryl the queen b of riverdale high and therefore the biggest source of gossip/information (+ could you imagine them interrogating someone? they’d get it done in a heartbeat)
- Jughead obviously really enjoying compliments and getting dolled up (suprisingly) and Cheryl providing him with an excessive amount of both
- they’d be the power couple of the school (imagine what they could do with Jughead’s sarcasm and Cheyl’s insults, they’d burn the shit out of everyone)
- Cheryl would fully support Jughead going southside and find the leather jacket hot as hell, maybe even joining the serpents herself
- ..imagine the sex (note: even though i fully support Jug being asexual, he’s canonically not, and it’s sad but that’s the way it is, unfortunately)
- the spider and the serpent (it sounds so good to me okay, it goes perfectly together)
- they’d have a really interesting story (slowly falling in love and being in denial at first, giving in and exploring, Cheryl standing up against her mom who doesn’t want her dating Jug, walking into the school together and the news spreading like wildfire, it’d be much more interesting than what we have now)
- 1x13, everybody, need I say more?
- Jughead maybe staying at Cheryl’s house, and being in awe at his room, because he’s never had anything this fancy
- the parallels are insane
that’s a few, there’s obv more so i may or may not make another list <3
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taschiewitch · 7 years
I need Cheryl x Jughead fanfictions? Even if it’s just them interacting as friends.
But just imagine:
• They both start to grab the cherry from each other’s milkshakes at Pop’s and they argue.
• Jughead carrying Cheryl’s books and walking her to class.
•Cheryl spoiling Jellybean when Jellybean comes to visit Jughead in Riverdale.
•Cheryl playing dress up with Jellybean.
• Jughead assisting Cheryl during a cheerleading practice; him handing her a bottle of water or calming her down when she gets frustrated at the Vixens.
•Cheryl wearing Jughead’s hat in Riverdale High and everyone’s freaking out.
•Cheryl secretly wearing Jughead’s Southside Serpent jacket.
•Jughead always keeping Cheryl’s iconic spider brooch in his jacket pocket.
•Cheryl spoiling Jughead with food, especially burgers.
•Jughead being grumpy about guys and girls who stare at Cheryl longer than they should.
•Cheryl being Cheryl when she’s jealous.
•Jughead and Cheryl arguing over intellectual stuff.
•Them riding bicycles inside the Thorn Hill mansion (before Cheryl burns it ofc lol) and goofing around. (It’s huge anyway.)
•Cheryl leaving a bright red kiss mark on Jughead’s cheek and he blushes, a little bit annoyed as he walks towards the bathroom to wash it off because the students keep glancing at him.
•Jughead attending games just so he can support Cheryl’s cheerleading.
•Cheryl showing up at wherever Jughead currently calls home because Penelope is being a heartless bitch.
•Cheryl reading Jughead’s works.
•Jughead blushing as she reads his poems in his laptop.
•Cheryl insisting on reading his Jason Blossom story; Jughead asking her a million times if that’s okay with her.
•Cheryl being super nice to Jellybean because she’s never had a little sister. (And because she’s missing Jason)
•Jughead occasionally staring at Cheryl absentmindedly.
•Cheryl actually feeling insecure when he stares at her and she asks him if there’s something on her face.
•Jughead replying something that makes Cheryl blush and she glares at him.
•Jughead loves to hug her from behind and bury his face in her gorgeous red hair.
•Jughead supporting Cheryl when she goes for therapy.
•Jughead trying his best to always be there when she’s having mental breakdowns.
I’m gonna stop now, my feelings are overflowing.
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taschiewitch · 7 years
So alien perspectives on humans are always fun because you get space orcs or space gypsys or the occassional space kinksters (because no matter what it is, some enterprising human will eventually try to bang it) but I secretly love the idea that we’re going to be the Cryptkeepers or Nightmare Fuel Station Attendents of the universe (at best) because our lore is effing DARK, and the happy shit never travels across cultures like the horror does.
It’ll be funny at first.
Earth kids are THOSE kids and grow up to collectively raise THOSE kids: The Next Generation. We don’t retell crap like Frozen or Mulan or the Lion King or whatever. Common campfire stories are all about escaped serial killers with hook hands or co-eds getting axe-murdered while their roommate is sleep. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark or Goosebumps fare are readily told and embellished and shared again. Bloody Mary and Candy Man spread all over the Galactic Scouts of the Virgo Supercluster like wildfire. Human kids think nothing of it, but the youth of over twenty different alien races are completely traumatized.
And it starts from Day 1. Imagine it: some stressed human with a squalling newborn is stuck waiting in the spaceport lounge for a super-delayed flight to Alpha Centauri and EVERYONE is getting pissed and the parent is getting even more frantic and embarrassed because their language translator works just fine and Atarians haven’t exactly perfected whispering anyway so they KNOW they’re totally being judged right now (I knew humans were loud Grarblyx, but this is ridiculous!!!) and they eventually go “fuck it” and resort to nursery rhymes. Jesus. It’s nice enough at first and kinda sweet and the human parent actually has a good singing voice so no one really minds, but then the words start registering? Holy. Shit. The bystanders are going to be just, just SO lost. This scumbag fleshie stuck their baby in a tree and it fell out and that’s okay with you?? An elder went to bed and bumped his head and fucking died and you’re singing about it??? Plague carols, Hrothlax! The fleshie’s singing plague carols! No one knows what’s worse–the parent thinking this is acceptable, or that fact that its working and the baby is soothed by the horror rhymes. #DemonBaby and #HumanParentsAreTheWorst are trending on cosmic Twitter within the hour. #WTFHumanity –a top twenty mainstay– hits the number one spot yet again.
That triggers even more curiosity and OF COURSE nursery rhymes trigger the fairytale discussion, and Humans Are Trolls so screw Disney, its Brothers Grimm (& Co.) time. Cinderella? Chopped off toes, ensorcelled shoes, birds pecking out eyes. Little Red Riding Hood (or the Lon Po Po variant, which is Nightmare Fuel in its own right)??? Snow White???? (WHY ARE HUMANS TELLING THEIR KIDS STORIES ABOUT MURDERING KIDS? NO WONDER THEY’RE NUTS–THIS NONSENSE STARTS AT BIRTH!!) Sleeping Beauty??? (Bloodline curses and rape, wtf?????)
You know what Earth offers up to Galactic TV??? It’s not Star Wars or Star Trek or super hero movies, because all that is reality now. Rom Coms never do well off Earth. (Or on Earth, these days) because they don’t cross culutres well. But slasher films??? They never go away because we LOVE them, even if only to mock them. Time to revisit the classics. Michael Myers returns, the Scream franchise is rebooted. SO. MANY. AXE MURDERS.
Humanity, you’re so weird, lol.
But everyone better hope it stops there at the Cryptkeeper level, or THINGS GO WRONG.
Next level? The supernatural shit is POSSIBLE because aliens are real and there are species that see what we only barely detect, and some Effed. Up. Mess. goes down on Earth. All those horror stories based on some human with ESP drawing the wrong thing’s attention? All those written off feelings of paranoia or fear? That’s going to make for some fucked up reality checks for HUMANS because our sixth sense is notorious and then you have to wonder…ghosts? Poltergeists? Demonic or violent entities? All that was contained on Earth but now can cross the stars.
What happens when ideas that thrive off the collective unconscious goes galactic? What if there is a species that has evolved enough to engender psychic constructs?
They’d better be kept far away from shit like Freddy Kreuger, and ALL gods forbid the Slender Man mythos resurfaces. The Cthulu Mythos??? That’s introduced and immediately banned and now Earth isn’t quirky and dangerous-but-awesome, but SpaceHell.
Good job, humanity. Good job.
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taschiewitch · 7 years
This made me really happy!!!
It shouldn’t be that surprising really. It wasn’t like the others spent that much time around him. (He couldn’t really blame them for that, it wasn’t like he was the most pleasant person in the world to spend time with).
And aside from them, who else was there? There weren’t that many people in the mindscape. So yeah, it shouldn’t be that surprising that Anxiety had never been hugged before.
And yet, even Logic, who was normally better about seeing the obvious, had seemed startled earlier, and maybe even concerned. Anxiety didn’t get it. It wasn’t like it was a big deal or anything. So he hadn’t ever been hugged before, so what? He got on perfectly fine without any unnecessary physical contact. Really.
The whole thing had come out over breakfast. Morality, in an attempt to get the others to open up and talk more, had asked Logic what he’d been studying recently. More than eager to show off his knowledge, Logic had enthusiastically described in detail the articles he had been reading about scientific studies on physical contact.
“It has now been definitively proven that we need physical contact to stay healthy,” Logic had babbled, leaning forward to engage Morality, who was listening in what seemed like genuine interest.
“So what you’re saying is that hugs are good for you?” Morality had asked excitedly.
“Yes, actually they’re extremely beneficial,” Logic had replied. “They’re the exact kind of positive contact needed to maintain emotional and physical well-being.”
That was when Anxiety had snorted, getting the attention of not only Morality and Logic, but Prince as well, looking up from his cereal.
“Is there something you find funny, Anxiety?” Logic had asked, one hand going to adjust his glasses.
Anxiety had rolled his eyes.
“I just find it all a bit ridiculous,” he had drawled. “I mean, really? We need hugs to survive? That just sounds like bullshit. And besides, even if it were true, it’s not like it applies to us. We’re not exactly normal humans.”
“Awww, c’mon, kiddo,” Morality had pouted. “Even you have to admit that hugs make you feel good, all warm and safe.”
Anxiety had huffed. “I don’t need to try out that touchy-feely stuff to know that this theory’s bullshit.”
“You can’t just dismiss the science behind this!” Logic had sputtered, having looked more and more outraged as Anxiety spoke. But before Anxiety could reply to that, he had been cut off by Prince.
“Try it out… Anxiety, have you ever been hugged before?”
The question had hung in the air, the other three turning to look at Anxiety.
Feeling uncomfortable under the scrutiny, Anxiety had just shrugged. “It’s how I knew this whole thing was bullshit, I seem to be doing just fine.”
“Oh, kiddo,” Morality had whispered, sounding heart-broken for some reason.
Not wanting to stick around and deal with the weird atmosphere that has settled over them, Anxiety had just muttered, “It’s not a big deal, Morality,” and ducked out.
He still didn’t get why the others had seemed so horrified. It wasn’t a big deal. Still he was sure they’d get over it. Hell, they’d probably already dismissed it. And by this time tomorrow, it would be forgotten entirely.
Back in the kitchen
“He’s never been hugged before. How did we not know that?” Logan asked, stunned.
“Well he does tend to kept to himself,” Prince pointed out, sounding uneasy. “I-I can’t say I ever really thought about this whole thing really, but I suppose I just assumed that Morality had hugged him at some point.”
“I should have” Morality whimpered, his head in his hands. “I noticed that he tended to shy away from me, and I decided to wait for him to come to me. But that was a mistake. I should have been the one to reach out.”
“We all should have,” Logan sighed. Then with a disturbing thought beginning to form in his mind, he continued, slowly. “Actually, just setting aside the hug matter for now, when was the last time you can remember Anxiety getting any form of physical contact? A handshake, a pat on the back, anything?”
The other two paused, obviously thinking hard.
“I, well, I remember clapping him on the shoulder a few weeks ago,” Morality replied, now sounding even more horrified than before. “He’d fetched something for me, but I can’t really remember anything else.”
“We held hands in the Valentine’s Day video,” Prince said hesitantly. “That’s about it though.”
A frown formed on Logan’s face. “Then it’s as I feared,” he said gravely. “Anxiety is likely extremely touch-starved at this point.” Seeing that Morality looked to be on the verge of tears, he hastily continued, “But that can be fixed!”
“Of course we’ll fix it,” Prince stated confidently, “Princess Pessimism and I may not always get along that well, but that doesn’t mean I wish him harm, and from what you were saying earlier, Logic, this is doing him harm.”
“You’re right,” Morality sniffed, sounding a little better. “We will make this better. I’m going to give him all the hugs.”
“That might not be the best idea just yet,” Logan cautioned sharply. “Given the severity and duration of Anxiety’s touch-starvation, even a small amount of physical contact may seem overwhelming right now. It’s better to start small and work our way up to larger gestures of physical affection such as hugs.”
Morality nodded. “Okay, I can do that.”
“What do we do if he pulls away?” Prince broke in, “Should we let him?”
“Yes, I think so,” Logan replied. “We don’t want to make him uncomfortable. If he pulls away, let him, just be prepared to keep offering the physical contact. Once he starts relaxing and accepting the smaller gestures, we will start offering larger ones, and so on.”
“It’s a plan.” Morality replied, looking more determined than Logan had seem him in a long while. Yes, they had made a terrible mistake in overlooking the youngest of the sides, but they were going to fix it.
The next morning, Anxiety slipped into the kitchen. He had ended up spending the previous day hanging out in his room and watching Netflix, which had been fun, but he was also pretty hungry at this point.
“Good morning, kiddo,” Morality called out cheerfully. “Logan’s making omelets, so can you help me set the table?”
“Sure,” Anxiety mumbled, wanting to get at the food as quickly as possible. He was starving.
Silently, he began to lay out silverware, as Morality got the plates and cups. It didn’t take them long to finish.
“Thanks, Anxiety,” Morality said, and then reached out and ruffled his hair?
A little startled, Anxiety moved back, staring at Morality in bewilderment. But the other side seemed oblivious to his confusion, only humming cheerfully as he sat down. He didn’t have too long to dwell on it though, as Logic came out of the kitchen with the food.
Once Prince had finally deigned to join them, they began eating. Anxiety ate silently, letting the others do the talking. When he was finished he went and put his plate in the sink, but before he could leave the kitchen completely, Logic grabbed his hand.
“Wait, before you go,” he said, pulling Anxiety closer, “I was wondering if you’d be willing to help me troubleshoot some plans for working on the next videos. You have a knack for spotting potential problems.”
“Uhhh,” Anxiety was having trouble responding. Did-did Logic realize he was still holding Anxiety’s hand? “Um, sure,” he finally stammered out.
Logic gave him a small smile. “Excellent,” he said briskly. “I have the plans laid out in my room.”
With that he tugged on their joined hands once more, towing Anxiety behind him. Anxiety could only follow along helplessly, still not really sure what was going on.
At the end of the day, Anxiety was ready to crawl under the covers and hope the world made more sense in the morning. Things had been slightly off all day. It wasn’t anything drastic, but Morality and Logic seemed to be paying slightly more attention to him than usual. It was just different enough to throw him off balance. He hadn’t seen Prince though, so that at least was normal.
But apparently he’d spoken too soon, because that was when Prince popped up.
“Ah, Anxiety, excellent. I was just looking for you.”
Anxiety only looked at him in askance. Why?
Prince seemed to catch his silent question because he elaborated. “I need you to help me convince Morality and Logic to host a Disney movie marathon tonight.”
“And you wanted my help” Anxiety said flatly. “Really?”
Prince rolled his eyes. “If we work together and both request it, it will surprise them enough to agree. Also I promise we’ll watch The Black Cauldron first if you help.”
“….Fine,” Anxiety replied after a moment of silence. It wasn’t a terrible deal.
“Fantastic,” Prince cheered, and then hooked his arm through Anxiety’s. “Come, I believe they’re in the common area.”
Anxiety moved on autopilot, his brain hyper-focused on the fact that Prince was right there. In his personal space. He could feel their shoulders pressed together. He couldn’t figure out Prince’s intentions though. He was chattering on and on about the movie marathon, not seeming care about their closeness in the slightest. Anxiety let it go. It didn’t mean anything. He was just getting paranoid.
Anxiety enjoyed the movie night, but he made sure to sit in an armchair away from the others, still slightly wary of their intentions. But nothing else seemed to be happening that night, so he relaxed and enjoyed the movies, even allowing himself to sing a little under his breath.
But then the next morning, the weirdness was back. While Anxiety still had time and space to himself, it felt like every other moment one of the others was there, pulling him along to go and do something. Eventually, he snapped.
“What the fuck is going on.” he snarled at Logic, who had asked to him to help with the grading of papers of all things.
“What do you mean, Anxiety?” Logic said, tilting his head. “You’ll have to be more specific.”
“You and the others have been acting all,” here Anxiety flailed, looking for the appropriate word. “Weird,” he finally said, looking suspiciously at Logic. “Seriously, what are you trying to do?”
The other side raised an eyebrow. “I would have thought it was obvious,” he replied.
“Well, it’s not,” Anxiety snapped, “so start talking.”
“Very well,” Logan said. “We, as a group, have recently become aware of a problem we had previously overlooked and are now endeavoring to fix it. Namely, your touch-starvation.”
Anxiety’s face grew hot. He’d thought they’d forgotten about that. “I don’t have a problem,” he said, “And I don’t need you trying to hug me.”
“Don’t worry,” Logic replied, infuriatingly calm. “We have no intention of trying to hug you right now. We can tell you’re not ready for that level of physical affection.”
Anxiety’s face felt like it was on fire now. Who the hell did he think he was saying stuff like this. But before he could tell Logic off, the other side stepped forward, and much to Anxiety’s astonishment, placed a kiss on his forehead.
“Don’t worry, Anxiety,” he said gently, one of his hands coming up to cradle Anxiety’s head. “I know it seems like a lot right now, but that’s why we’re taking it slow.”
Anxiety couldn’t reply, all of his thoughts were centered on the fingers now scritching at his scalp. It didn’t feel bad, it was kind of soothing actually. But at the same time, it was overwhelming. Logic seemed to understand though, as after one last scritch, he pulled his hand back.
“We’re going to fix this,” he said, holding Anxiety’s gaze. “I promise.“
Not knowing how to reply to that, Anxiety fled, but he could still feel Logic’s eyes following him as he went, and the ghost of Logic’s fingers running through his hair, burning like fire.
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taschiewitch · 7 years
My class 10/10 lost the plot today. I don’t even know where to start or how to explain to their parents that I think they’ve all turned into tiny little rebels.
9:10 - we are studying a report about Chernobyl in guided reading. Several are looking at me gone out when I explain that nuclear power can be dangerous. “So why use it?” one asks. Why indeed. 9:12 - we are now discussing renewable energy. Several more express outrage and ask why the country doesn’t have to use renewable energy. Several more state that we should avoid pollution because it kills polar bears and stuff right, Miss? 9:13 - I mention that it’s a complicated issue because of different viewpoints, and that certain people, say Drumpf, don’t believe in climate change. 9:14 - chaos. 9:15 - small child suggests someone murder Drumpf. I say that murder is both bad and illegal. 9:16 - the class have learned the word impeach and are shouting IMPEACH TRUMP IMPEACH TRUMP IMPEACH TRUMP while banging on the tables. 9:17 - headteacher comes in to see what is going on. Small child tells him quite angrily that SOME PEOPLE JUST DECIDE TO NOT BELIEVE IN SCIENCE WHICH YOU CAN’T DO BECAUSE IT’S SCIENCE. He backs out of the room quite quickly. 9:25 -I have abandoned plans for grammar and the children are now writing persuasive pieces about Why We Should Use Renewable Energy.
The saga continued after lunch when we continued our WW2 topic work, learning about the holocaust.
1:35 - we are discussing Kristalnacht. The class are collectively outraged and appalled. One is in tears. 1:40 - “Miss, I fucking hate Hitler.” that’s okay, but please express your hatred of fascism without the F word or I’ll have to ring your Mum again. 2:00 - small child who suggested murder earlier says “isn’t this exactly what Drumpf tried to do to the Muslims?” There’s a heady mix of realisation and outrage in the room. 2:13 - “Racism makes no sense” says a child, looking quite confused. 2:33 - “Hitler would have killed me because I’ve got cerebral palsy, right?” says a boy. He is tackle-hugged by a girl from across the table. I have to pretend I’m not crying. 2:34 - The rest of his table have made a pact to never let anyone hurt him. I am still pretending to be super chill. I am obviously failing as another child offers me a hug. 2:37 - I ask the children to look at nine examples of things the nazis did against Jewish people, and then arrange them in a diamond with what they consider the worst at the top. 2:38 - Mutiny. They all collectively decide to arrange all nine cards in a line and say that they’re all awful things so they all go at the top. 2:39 - I tell them if they kind find a way to fit a line of all nine in their books then fair enough. Smart child suggests a circle. Everyone cheers. We have a break, and they go outside raging about Hitler, Drumpf, racism, prejudice and injustice in general. I am handed a very strong tea by my TA who congratulates me on my gang of angry eleven year olds. Faith in humanity both challenged and restored. Bring on tomorrow.
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taschiewitch · 7 years
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The Sides + A Guide To Troubled Birds
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taschiewitch · 7 years
I- I should probably post more fluffy HCs, I’ve realised that pretty much all of mine are smutty… Huh. This could be seen as either a platonic thing or a Poly Sanders thing.
-Cuddle piles with all the family (Started by Morality, obviously) where he pulls everyone into the main/living room and its just lots of happy times. -Logan helping Anx through his panic attacks after learning some ways that could help and Anx is really grateful of this. -Everyone is willing to help Anxiety out when he has a nightmare, they all keep their doors unlocked at night so he can go to whoever he wants after a nightmare. He usually goes to a different person depending on what the nightmare was about. -They all read together sometimes. Usually early in the morning or late at night, sometime when they’re all tired. They’ll just sit on the couch together and read. -Anxiety is basically a cat OK sometimes he’ll just curl up against one of them and they’ll run their fingers through his hair and he’ll usually fall asleep. -Game nights where they just pull out random games to play. The night with Monopoly ended with Roman flipping the board. -Morality is the one to cook, although Anx does come and join him, sometimes mixing things for him and cleaning things. He gets praise and cuddles as a thank you and Morality takes note of the genuine look of happiness on his face afterwards. -Morality wakes up first and gets breakfast and coffee ready before waking everyone else up (He’ll usually find Anxiety already awake and on Tumblr) -Logan usually goes to bed at a decent time so he gets enough sleep but sometimes he gets so lost in his books that one of the others has to get him to bed. -Roman randomly singing around the house and sometimes the others join him. -They all leave each other post-it notes around the house with cute messages and they can always tell who left the note, even if they didn’t sign it off with their name. -Roman being scared of not being able to help people and be a hero so when he sees one of them upset he instantly feels the need to help.
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taschiewitch · 7 years
I'd very much like to punch a feminist.
I’d never, ever hurt a lady but I’d be happy to punch a feminist. It’d bring me great joy.
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taschiewitch · 7 years
@rayndropsonrosez we tend to swap back and forth a lot, don't we?
We all have that one friend that ruined your life by telling you to join a fandom…
If you don’t have that friend, you are the friend.
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