Okay so I know no one's going care but I almost got named fanfiction-esque like. My irl is super commonly boring but you know if my mother, my actual mother followed thru with what my grandmothers wanted, I would've had MINIMUM 5 names.
tradition bound: all my ancestors got that name. All first borns. Doesn't matter for the genitalia, you're getting it !
Was born on a religious holiday? Wow, congrats you're gonna get the spanish version of that shit
The one mother wanted but the "I'm a cool MC whose got the dark-past" trope
The normal one
✨️family name✨️
Casually egyptian but not really.
The amount of nicknames
You're classmates are already done with the exam but you're still writing you're whole name
You just use the normal english one and everyone in your family is P I S S E D why do you have to use the English one? Because half the people I know keep butchering the other three tf you think I shortened it to three letters??
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1. Pretty but angery. Reminds me of my dad, surprisingly.
2. Looks pissed off, looks innocent, looks like that professor you don't expect to get angry ever but could silence a hallway if needed
3. No
4. Every soldier based RO in every IF my MC fell for.
5. Eyelash says pretty boy, eyebrows say ✨️choke me✨️
6 & 7. Color & face blindness its your time to shine
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sons of feanor 👁
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The whole plot for two separate fanfics I haven't updated since mid 2020 that that conveniently came when I cannot write 🇷 🇮 🇬 🇭 🇹  🇳 🇴 🇼 
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Heeey Curufin can you teach me how to make a ring? Kinda want to give one to this ellon I've been talking with for a while now. What's your ring size by the way?
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“Very well then, let us begin. So the first thing you need is the ring size—Why do you wish for my ring size?” Suspiciously staring, he leaned forward, craning his neck to meet your height and squinting. “You claimed this is for an ellon you liked, where does my ring size come in… Oh!”
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Baby faced
You get IDed for like existing
People think you're a lost child but you're just truly shit at directions
Younger people think they're older than you and same aged people joke you look old enought to be their child
Not my problem, habibi, if you're 21 going looking old enough to have a wife and five children
Dating is so hard cause people think you're cat fishing them but you're sincerely just trying to not have your nosy extended families blind date you to infinity
Buying anything marketed for adults is like playing "who's that pokemon?™️"
It's me the residence ID, the passport and autheticated birth certificate folded into shreds
Yes, my friend, we ARE the same age isn't that so shocking?
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Imagine being short af but you're actually way past the marriagable age
Everyone thinks you are a child
Your elf has to repeatedly tell people, "no I am not courting a child! Do I look like a monster???"
You act very childish when the question is asked for giggles
Your elf does not think it funny
It's hilarious
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I’m having some thoughts about the council of Elrond. Because how much detail did he really go into in his recap? Like to explain who Sauron is did he go back to the very beginning? Because they said that the full story was known to none so that implies a pretty decent amount of information?
Did he start talking about the Silmarils? ‘And then my sort of adopted grandfather literally invented murder. He also created these shiny rocks that are a lot more important than you’d think. Apparently important enough for my mother to choose them over her own and her children’s lives so she jumped off a cliff. Don’t worry she’s still alive she turned into a bird and now she’s with my father who turned into a star, that one over there see? So then my brother Elros and I, yes that Elros, were raised by the same mass murderers.’
‘Then the gods show up and destroy the continent, because that’s the most responsible way to solve a problem’
‘Then my cousin fell in love with Sauron after deciding for some reason that creating three more shiny magic objects was a good idea after witnessing the entire thing I just described.’
‘And then everyone died, except my scary mother in law.’
‘Any questions?’ Erestor and Glorfindel are laughing, the elves are all horrified and everyone else is really confused.
‘I mean granted this plan has some flaws, but my great grandmother managed to steal from Sauron’s boss almost entirely unarmed by singing a song, so stupider plans have worked. I mean granted she was part god-
At this point everyone is so disturbed they just decide to go along with it. And they are all very glad they are not part of Elrond’s family. Little do they know they probably are.
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Me: *gets low romance*
Me: *restarts game* Did I miss something?
Also me: *keeps getting low romance* *death everywhere*
My Crowns: panic! At the palace
Water spirits: *trying their best*
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The Crown, newly hired: *assassination attempts* *nobles casually shit talking* *trauma dump* ✨️another death in the family✨️
The Crown:
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The Crown, has been comparing the nobles to A & D standards: "Will I be alright if I give my staff annual leaves? That tunnel was brighter than my future."
One of many fun things I found in AToC is the portrayal of nobilities. Like, you have people who are cunning, scheming, and hard to read like Steward Welat and Kham and there's these:
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The Crown is so done lmao, it made me wonder how people can survive these overpriced stealing bitches everyday 😭💀
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that’s my secret. all my OCs are me
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What does the Crown's soldiers do when they're asleep or do not have prior Government Problems they must deal with ✨right now ✨? Like during the nightmare scene, we know A and Co where right there outside the room but for plot reasons they (A) did not come in should we choose of another RO.If, for security reasons, you cannot answer its fine :)
In A's case, the reason they don't show up is less "plot reasons" and more about the player choosing that their Crown and A don't really have that kind of initial affinity for each other.
So when A senses that the Crown is having a nightmare and they're not chosen to show up, they're quite literally like, This Is Not My Problem / I Don't Get Paid To Deal With This 😂
But for the Imperial Guards in general, they're on the job 24/7. They escort the Crown everywhere they go, and stand guard while the Crown sleeps. The only time they're not in the same room with the Crown is when the Crown is in a private chamber, but even then, they're right outside the door and can sense everything going on inside.
Basically, the Crown has to get used to not having any privacy anymore where the Imperial Guards are concerned. The Crown notes in the story that they don't mind, though, since the guards are very good at keeping out of sight and... it's preferable to being assassinated lol
The guards themselves rotate out in shifts. Sometimes you might have Ziryan working the 'night shift' so to speak and then Ezo and Kaja take over for them once the morning comes, as an example.
A has more leeway with this since, as the Royal Protector and captain of the guards, their duties also include coordinating security and anticipating/addressing possible security problems that may come up. So A is not really expected to stand guard as much as the rest of the Imperial Guards since they have a lot more to deal with!!
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they say you are?
A tale of crown prompts by @ataleofcrowns! The prompts are amazing!! So here’s a second poetry from me!! For General D’s one word prompt: Failure | I hope you all like it!!
The general, they say you are?  One everyone obeys to? One who shouts out orders responsible for a million lives? What say you general? Have you ever failed someone? Perhaps a beloved? Someone close to your bosom? What guilt you carry with you general? Are you truly worthy, with the burden on your shoulders?
They say you’re the one feared among, A loud calm, under the deafening pressure… What exaggerations they spread? Is there truly no heart, under the thick breastplate? What failure haunts you the most? One which made you tuck your heart away from the crowd? What promises you couldn’t keep general? 
The general, they praise you are! But so many songs of your unheard bravery went unwritten… How do you make the pain disappear? Is it all the rage? Or discipline? Or the vision you kept clear? Have you ever let someone in? Let your guard down? Or is that something solely for the Crown?
Are you afraid, you’ll fail them too? Just like you failed someone so dear to you? Or will you not make the same mistakes twice?  Will you be ready this time? To protect the eclipse? The rebirth of that grown child? Are you sure, you won’t make them your vice?
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Can we have the LIs + the Crown + other side characters summarized by your social media likes
I'm gonna consider this an extension of these three meme asks!!
Crown @ their LI:
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About A & Tûjo:
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D & X:
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The royal physicians @ R:
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Ishrah & R:
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Mr Fluffy Teacup on self time out
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do not talk to me i am angy
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Must be nice. Because elem me did not need that added bonus of having a bully-ble surname no.
would nazire have taken harun’s last name?
No, that's a patriarchal custom that wouldn't apply to Arsur's world.
The only reason MC has their father's surname is because Nazire didn't have one to pass on. When someone's parents both have surnames, the child decides which one they want to use once they are old enough.
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If you think watching a film from a fandom you're in with your parents is fun guess what! You're gonna be the all knowlegable dictionary and translator for the whole damn movie. Doesn't matter if your knowledge is limited to fanfiction or tumblr, you're gonna have to know everything because if you do not are you even a fan??? And what was the point of reading the book??Your excitement for the *new thing* just went out of the window because now its like you're the commentator for a basketball game. You don't know whats going on either because you didn't even finish the whole damn book and suddenly theres this new character that does not exist in the canon?
Mother: who is that?
Mother: is Sauron that eye? Are orcs undead elves?
Father: whats that sword? The one from Harry potter? Thats definitely the one from harry potter! (Asked 7x in a span of 30mins)
Why do the elves all look like peredhil???
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