professorurha · 2 years
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Working on a new dude. His name is Madhav Karmakar and he’s a Hannish Alchemist and also awesome, I hope. I love highlanders. I’ve wanted to make a highlander for a while.
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professorurha · 3 years
I’ve also drawn other members of the lab, who I sometimes play. Ao in particular!
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professorurha · 5 years
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So after my friend drew how his character would draw Urha’s face I thought, oh, Urha can probably draw alright! I mean I know she sometimes draws her notes, and she can realistically portray ingredients. What if she tried to draw Siben in her notebook, I’ll just doodle in old photoshop for like 15 minutes! And I end up with this shit. This is. This is better than any fucking Siben I have done. 
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professorurha · 5 years
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Urha got thanked for giving someone crafting supplies. He can write now! Good job, murder butler!
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professorurha · 5 years
I know this kid. Urha will probably pop in and nyahaha at people. 
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The Cloak & Dagger’s Open Nights return!
The Cloak & Dagger is a higher-class establishment run by a mysterious and heretofore unseen proprietor. Although there are a great many rumors surrounding the establishment, including that it’s involved in criminal activity and even that it may be run in connection to the Ebonguard criminal network, it’s difficult to pin anything down as fact over being mere conjecture without going to one of its elusive open nights for oneself.
One night per moon it sees an influx of colorful customers and even more colorful staff. The air inside is scented by cigarettes and incense. The menu consists of mouthwatering food exceeding both in quality and in price that which might be found in a local dive bar, and the selection of spirits on hand seems as nearly-endless as the rumors surrounding the establishment.
Date and <NEW!> Time: Sunday, September 29 at 8:30 PM EDT / 7:30 PM CDT / 6:30 PM MDT / 5:30 PM PDT (Last Call is at 10:30 / 9:30 / 8:30 / 7:30.) Located at: The Goblet Ward 11 Plot 55 [ Balmung ] 
⸸ Venue Information, House Rules, and Menu
⸸ For the convenience of event staff and fellow patrons, if you are attending for criminal RP and/or have ordered a Cloak & Dagger, please set your status to looking for party. This will let RPers with similar interests find you more easily, including <NEW!> our LIAISON, who is tasked with gathering up the RPers with this flag in order to encourage interaction. This will also allow the staff to find those interested in doing some crime more easily!
⸸ Out of consideration for fellow players and the staff we ask large, self-contained groups to consider using party chat in order to help moderate chat scroll. Thank you for your cooperation!
⸸ We ask patrons to bear in mind that The Cloak & Dagger is meant to be a classy venue and is a lore-compliant space!
The Cloak & Dagger is an open RP space! We invite anyone to come use the space however they desire outside of our designated event nights. An updated post with information on the venue is coming soon!
We hope to see you there!
Please note that Ebonguard is not associated with and does not condone real-life criminal activities. Activities engaged in or discussed by Ebonguard are strictly fictional and for entertainment purposes only.
The Cloak & Dagger is staffed by members of the Ebonguard criminal network CW LS. For information about Ebonguard, please see our recruitment information!
We’ve reworked the venue a bit since the last time we were open! Further information is available below the cut!
vis. @balmungrp @crystalxivrp @ffxiv-crystal-rp @mooglemeet
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professorurha · 5 years
So I worked out a timeline and I cracked jokes through the whole thing because you have to.
TIMELINE There’s a few things that are important to Urha, who should be around 40, depending on how you view the timeline. She isn’t part of the timeskip, but she knows people who were, so let’s establish a few historical points. 3rd Astral Era, aka about 5,000 years ago, Allagan Empire rises and falls, shit happens. This is the height of technology as far as the history of this world is known. (4th Umbral era, Calamity of Earth) 4th Astral Era: The Eorzean Alphabet, not much else. 5th Umbral Era, ???, Calamity of Ice, Miqo’te can survive in Eorzea I guess. They can hunt, and enjoyed the Alphabet a lot. This is why they aren’t mentioned later in the waves of immigration I assume, because they were kind of there. (5th Astral Era, Mhach and Amdapor) (6th Umbral Era, Calamity of Water) (6th Astral Era, Pre-ARR. The reason a 7th calamity was not predicted was because the 6 elements had all been accounted for. I guess some people knew another one was coming, but no one really cared I guess, so they assumed it’d just all be great forever. If you think about it, it sort of makes sense since yeah that’s all the elements. Yoshi P, an as yet  unknown element,  was the 7th Calamity, as we all know. The Calamity of Deus Ex Machina, also known as, fuck, the moon.) - 969, the Lalafellian nation of Belah’dia, made up of descendants of ancient Mhach, is split into Sil’dih and Ul’dah. Some Hyurs try to come in around 755, and Belah’dia tells them to fuck off using the universal language of explosions. - ca. 1000, Ul’dah accepts some people from the prior waves of immigration to Aldenard, Hellsguard and Highlander sellswords. -1179, Ala Mhigan Mercenaries introduce Highlanders once again to Ul’dah. For 17 goddamn years Sil’dih has taken Ul’dah’s water and they are PISSED. They also fucked up Thanalan, helping in making it the crap place it is today. -1181, Ul’dah raises the fucking dead to destroy Sil’dih, thanks alchemy. -1224-1355, Thorne Dynasty, aka Hyurs sort of have some significance in Ul’dah for less than 150 years, good job guys, way to let the potato man keep you down. -1468-1469, Autumn War, Big Huge Deal. In summary, Ala Mhigo is an asshole and Ishgard, Ul’dah and Limsa all help Gridania fuck them up. -1476, Ul’dah isn’t gonna fuck someone up and not make a profit, so they force Ala Mhigo to reduce their tolls. This is great because pirates are still this huge problem for Ul’dah, and they haven’t invented flying yet, but they will soon. This is the beginning of it, where Tatanora makes coaches bigger and lighter using Ixali technology, which involves ceruleum vapors, and becomes a really famous figure in Ul’dah’s history as a fantastic and filthy rich merchant. -1522, Tatanora starts to do airships too, mostly used for exploration. Flight is available to the public as Highwind Skyways, 9 years later, but this turns out to be a terrible time to figure out how to fly because The Republic of Garlemald has just become the Garlean Empire in 1522. Somehow this doesn’t become a problem immediately. -1552, Garlemald Annexes Doma. -1557, Garlemald Annexes Ala Mhigo. -1561, Battle of Silvertear Skies. Neutral area of Mor Dhona is attacked by Garlemald, but they crash into a dragon. Midgarsormr and the warship makes a huge, gross mess. Ul’dah is still flying around like nothing’s gonna ever go wrong. -1563, Not only can Ul’dah fly now, but Garlond Ironworks works with Highland Skyways to make modern airships suitable for regular service between the citystates, available to an average citizen. -1569, Finally Garlemald shoots one of those airships out of the sky, so they suspend airship travel, limiting it only to “extraordinary circumstances”. Yes, it was only that recently. -1572, 7th Umbral Calamity, WOOPS WE HAD ANOTHER CALAMITY. Cue ARR. -1577, ARR, and we are in the 7th Astral Era. Some people who were at the Battle of Carteneau are forgotten along with the Warrior of Light and kind of jump ahead 5 years. It’s not really clear if it’s only the Warrior of Light or if it’s anyone out there fighting. Basically, if you were a player before ARR, your character has woken up 5 years later and someone took your shit. This blows. Fuck you, Yoshi P. (WE ARE NOW IN THE NOTORIOUS TIME BUBBLE) -1578 (?), Doma rebels, but it doesn’t work very well. Monzen’s bombed, because as previously established, explosions are a universal language. Doman refugees are refused entry to Ul’dah because Ul’dah has enough problems, and they are taken into Mor Dhona, which has now had not only a warship and a dragon fall on them, but also the moon. A regular local weather pattern is “gloom” so needless to say, this place sucks.
-1579 (?), Doma and Ala Mhigo is liberated by Some Guy, and I guess all of Heavensward happened last year, and/or this year, also Stormblood. These are a pretty impressive 2 years. They sure just flew by. -1580 (???), the year of our headcanon, Professor Urha, who is 41 or 42 sometime in the fall. Also known to some as The Future*. This could be ShadowBringers, but probably ShadowBringers also happened last year. Sorry, it’s not my fault. * (The only thing for certain is… heavensward happened, Yugiri said there was a rebellion at some point, and 25 years ago from that day, Doma was annexed, stormblood happened, and an NPC said the rebellion was last year. At least one year has passed. I allowed the canon to exist, and for 3 years to have past since ARR began, and that we are living in year 3, and will be living in year 3 for some time. When a more strict timeframe is referenced, my character’s age will reflect this.) Now that we have that established, let’s overlay Professor Urha’s history. Thanalan. Urha’s mother’s side is a seeker of the sun of the J tribe, who were there since magical ice age I guess or something. Her mother is a first generation citystate-cat, sired by a Nuhn named Raahn. Hyurs were let into Ul’dah around 1000, 6th astral era. It is suspected by her father’s side that in 1179, Urha’s Hyurian descendants were permitted to exist in Ul’dah society. The city of Davenport is on record existing at the time of the Autumn War, 1469, and is where her father, Miles Davenport, or at least that Surname, comes from. 1539: On the 30th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon, Myria Davenport is born to J’urhalla Raahn, AKA Rosegold, and Miles Davenport. This is a fantastic time to be born a Monetarist. No Ala Mhigan refugees, Ul’dah can fly, is dealing with the east near and far, Ul Dynasty is doing great, plenty of money to be made and no one to stop you. It’s been almost 10 years since the previously unknown republic has named itself an empire, but they’re mostly dominating Ilsebard, maybe the start of some of Othard, and not an issue Eorzea has to worry about. There aren’t very many Miqo’te monetarists, and so her father is very protective of her, as she came out with ears and a tail like her mother. He wants her to be taken seriously in business and gets her the best education money can buy. He takes it a little too far, and in the end, all members of the family go missing, with only some members of the Syndicate at the time aware of what actually happened. 1550: Something really really awful. 1552: Doma is Annexed by Garlemald. 1555: Something even more awful. 1557: Myria Davenport is all but forgotten, and somewhere in the east, a beautiful 18 year old Miqo’te is a horrible monster, and is frustrated her research has been rejected. She is being transferred. Oh, and Ala Mhigo is Annexed by Garlemald. 1559: Not a great time. Chemical Burns. 1561: Nope. 1572-1577: Calamity, and then a new era is born. The entire planet changes, physically and in spirit. Everyone works to repair their lives. When people try and remember those who fought for them and are the reason they are alive, they can remember neither the name nor face nor life of any being, only a shining, lighted silhouette. Myria Davenport returns to Eorzea after spoilers, in the year spoilers, using a short and sweet version of her mother’s name as her alias. She is found unconscious by a tribe of Keepers in the South Shroud, between the Black Shroud and Thanalan. Many keeper tribes have fled Eorzea entirely, a few broods moved from the West Shroud, now no longer in existence, to other parts of the Black Shroud. In spite of the fact she is a Seeker, she is accepted due to her medical knowledge and asked to act as the tribe’s wisewoman. Keepers are way more chill than she remembers them being, but I guess a calamity or two will do that. Once confident, she leaves them, and rebuilds her fortune, even though she cannot rebuild her family name, because spoiler.
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professorurha · 5 years
Girls will say they busy and be in their bed relaxin or sleep
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professorurha · 5 years
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Rin Furuya from Mateus looking smooth as silk.
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professorurha · 6 years
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I hope none of you die from my horrible poisons in the new year.
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professorurha · 6 years
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It’s Ibara from Mateus, and she is smug/adoring! I altered that poofy updo and made it a sort of Xenobia deal. I think every artist has that cartoon that Made them, but for me, it was a Sega CD game and a lot of imagination. 
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professorurha · 6 years
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me: I literally created you, I decide who and what you are
my character: it’s cute how you think you have any power here
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professorurha · 6 years
Some of them I didn’t have, some of them I did and they’re all... 
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To all the Tumblr users who tend to use tags very liberally:
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professorurha · 6 years
🐶Are they a cuddler?
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“I do feel a little put out now when I go for prolonged periods of time without that sort of affection, come to think of it. I wonder why that is! That’s strange, right? This question, it’s about hugging, things like that, right?” “Oh, this is a questionnaire for perverts and for people to overshare their sexual history! I getcha, I getcha! Why didn’t you say so? I’ll need more data, then. Am I in a bed? If so, well I mean, naturally. Isn’t that normal? If not in a bed, results vary, maybe I have to go somewhere! Am I outside? Are there people that it would be a hassle dealing with the disdain of? Are we in the middle of a battlefield. I feel like this is context-related…” “Oh, just my preference? Well, holding onto someone you care about is nice, isn’t it? Is it not for some people? I’m not a very romantic person but I mean, even I can enjoy a simple thing like that. I like food, too. And sometimes I smoke. But, snuggling is pretty good if you have a snuggler, and I have one in my possession frequently.”“… …What do you mean I should have just answered with that in the first place!?”
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professorurha · 6 years
↕️Are they sub, dom or switch?
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“HUH. Huh-huh-huh…. So that’s a question on there! You know! I think a lot of people think that people are categorized as that, and that switch doesn’t mean what they think it means? I’m a scientist. My boyfriend is a different kind of scientist. I’m science-sexual. I perform experiments.” “No, no let me try and deconstruct this and reconstruct this as an exercise. We have the technology. It can be done.”
“Alright, so. Let’s start here… Overall, my boyfriend could be classified as adventurous, probably/definitely masochistic, and will be docile and agreeable if it seems fun. I’m probably/definitely more sadistic, cautious, but I don’t think you really can BE with Siben without being something of a vicious aggressor at heart. I think that might be the answer to what is MEANT by the question, but I’m not a dominatrix, I’m no one’s submissive, and being a switch means being able to be either of those. I uh. Have a relationship based on trust? Being tied up would be fine because it’s him? I think this might be a question that is meant to minimize me to something categorically easier to understand in Quicksand terms. Is this too much information? Nyaha, sorry, Siben!”
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professorurha · 6 years
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My muse in a relationship ?s
Please include if you want answers for a particular verse or ship.
🤗Are they physically affectionate?  🎶Do they have a type? 😡What are their deal breakers? ↕️Are they sub, dom or switch? ⏰How long do their relationships tend to last? 💍Would they ever get married? 🏷️Do they give their partners cute nicknames? 💋Are they more sensual or sexual? 📖What is their favorite outside of the bedroom activity to do with their partner? 🛏What is their favorite bedroom activity to do with their partner? 💚Are they prone to jealousy? 😘Does their demeanor change when in a relationship?  👫Do they display affection in public? What about in private? 💕Are they open to threesomes or a polyamorous relationship? 💔Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with? 💝How long until they feel secure and comfortable in a relationship? 🤐Would they ever confess their feelings first? ❌Would they ever cheat on their partner? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Do they want children? 🐶Are they a cuddler? 🔮Do they believe in soul mates? ⚔️ Are they protective of their partner? 🚀 How far are they willing to go for the person they love? ❤️ Do they fall in love easily? 📺 Do they share information about their relationships freely with friends and family? ♦️Are they concerned with the social status of their partner? 💭 Do they tend to sleep better when in bed with their partner?
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professorurha · 6 years
Made a little side-tumblr for Ibara’s horrible schemes as the Mateus Urha. If anyone’s interested, hit me up sometime! I have many, many characters and I love playing them. Some of them are mean, but I like to think ooc I’m alright.
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professorurha · 6 years
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Can’t stop with this lizard. She is my Mateus stand in for Urha and I’m learning more about her crafty ways. Also a little hint about a vocaloid fan song I want to cover--
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