9/26 I miss you mahal, and today the weight of being parted from you is so heavy that I'm crying while writing this. You are working on your group video assignment, and deadline would be tomorrow. It's already 11:15PM your time and you have to wake up early in the morning. What else should I do dba? I just have to hug myself and tell myself it's okay. He loves you, he's just busy. I don't want to bother you because you are busy already. Just saying that the weight today is too heavy for me to bear. :<
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How to Build Self Discipline
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Cultivating self-discipline is the way towards personal growth and achieving long-term goals. To me, it’s really all about making choices that honor your well-being and identity.
Understand that self-discipline is about self love and respect
It’s not about punishment or deprivation, but rather caring for yourself enough to make choices that align with your long-term well-being and goals.
You’re showing yourself the respect you deserve by honoring and committing to changes you want to make.
It’s all about recognizing your worth and having the motivation and courage to pursue what’s really best for you, even when it requires a lot of effort and decision-making.
Frame your identity in a way that includes discipline
How we act directly ties to our identities and how we believe we are. If you believe you’re a successful individual, you’ll live a life framed by confidence and determination. If you believe you’re someone who is lazy and unmotivated, you’ll struggle to find the drive to pursue your goals and aspirations.
Gaining discipline is all about acting as the person you believe you are and moving through life in a way that’s consistent with your determined identity. The key here is to try to imagine who you are at your highest self in a disciplined state of mind.
To start this, ask yourself these questions and slowly arrange your life in a way so there’s no distance between who you are now and your highest self:
What does your day look like
What do you eat
What do you wear
What does your week look like
What does your work day look like
What hobbies do you have
What’s your morning and night routine
Who are you surrounded by
What do you say yes and no to
Have systems in your life
I recently wrote a post about habits and mentioned the idea of systems versus goals. Here, I want to delve a bit deeper into that concept within the context of self-discipline.
To me, another way to truly live a disciplined life is to establish starting systems, something that will propel you past hurdles and reduce the friction that accompanies change.
Let’s say you want to improve your eating habits and cultivate discipline in consuming less sugar while incorporating more whole foods into your diet. You could begin by implementing a system of prepping healthy snacks or meals in advance at the start of each week, or however you see fit. By having these snacks readily available, you eliminate the need for decision-making, making it easier to adhere to your goal.
Anything that serves as a reminder or facilitates consistent action toward your desired outcome is a valuable system in your life.
Be okay with not doing something and embrace the mindset of small wins
This may seem paradoxical in the context of developing self-discipline, but being okay with not doing something is crucial. There are times in life when we need tough love and motivation, but there are also moments when compassion is the driving force that propels us forward.
When you don’t follow through with something, whether it’s going for a run or preparing a healthy dinner, it’s important to be okay with it. You don’t need to shame yourself or feel guilty for not taking action because that will only reinforce negative thought patterns, making it harder to create the change you desire.
Consider this: if you miss a planned run and spiral into self-criticism, you’re more likely to avoid running altogether. However, if you approach the situation with understanding and compassion, you’ll be more inclined to try again next time.
This is where small daily victories come into play. Sometimes, all we need is one small step forward to develop a new habit and maintain consistency. Whatever you're striving to improve or change, if it feels daunting, tell yourself, "Just for today, I'll do a 15-minute workout instead of the full hour," or "Just for today, I'll read 5 pages instead of the entire chapter," and celebrate these as small victories. Doing so not only helps you establish new habits but also allows you to acknowledge the progress you've made and the trust you've built within yourself.
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Life is a journey filled with twists, turns, challenges, and victories.
Amidst it all, your resilience is your greatest asset. When faced with adversity, remember that setbacks are temporary and obstacles are opportunities in disguise.
Stay focused on your goals, adapt to change, learn from every experience, and let your resilience guide you through life's ups and downs.
Believe in your ability to overcome, grow stronger, and create the life you aspire to live.
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Isn’t she lovely? She’s the sweetest! I adore every little thing she does for me, from the smallest gestures to the grandest. Each one is meaningful and deepens my love for her. Thank you for another wonderful week together. My love for you grows stronger every day. Wishing you a happy Monday in advance, my dearest. Thank you for always being by my side. ❤️
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“You don’t have to be the best at something. You just have to be the most determined.”
— Lauren Burns
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“Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end.”
— Robin S. Sharma
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Tagaytay Escapade
We traveled to Tagaytay at night, and the cold breeze of the place embraced and welcomed us. I really enjoyed the night because of the weather and also because I was with Arcel.
Despite having dual jobs, we managed to have quality bonding time, strengthening our relationship. We passed by Andoks, which was remarkable on our last trip due to its affordability and delicious taste when we had nothing else to choose from.
The cold weather led us to Serin to find and buy a jacket, and we found one at Penshoppe. My girlfriend chose this one for me, and it suited me well. It's memorable because she chose it for me. Thank you, mahal.
Feeling hungry, we took the bus to Bulalo's Point Restaurant. However, I noticed that the place was not very accommodating, so we tried searching nearby since there were many restaurants to choose from. We attempted to go to E-ways Restaurant, but unfortunately, it was already closed. We ended up at Balinsasayaw, where we did not expect the food to become our favorite. The fried bangus and bulalo were really special, and we ate a lot. The taste of Tsokolate was remarkable to us. We loved it so much!
In the morning, we took a walk and enjoyed the sun. We went to Starbucks and had coffee there, trying to sunbathe and talk to each other about life scenarios. I really admire her idea of always putting God first in whatever you do and not being too proud of yourself because humble people receive good merits in life. She gave an example of her mother's situation, and I appreciate her for sharing this with me. I am reminded to be humble every day and always be grateful for what I am today.
On Sunday afternoon, we went to Gracis and met her Kadiwa friends. We explored the place, exchanged gifts, and enjoyed the activities there. My girlfriend and I tried fishing and ATV, which was a super cool experience as it was our first time together. Thank you for sharing this adventure and introducing me to these people in my life. After that, we went to church to fulfill our duties and had dinner. I'll never forget the restaurant on Bonifacio Drive because of the small serving of food but being super expensive. Never again. After dinner, we made fun of that restaurant. Hahaha, we felt like the craziest people in the world. Lol.
Tagaytay has always held a special place in my heart because this is where we started to strengthen our relationship and get to know each other. Our relationship has become strong, intimate, and peaceful. To Arcel, I always look forward to making memories with you in this place, having hot chocolate, and engaging in meaningful conversations.
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Baguio Escapade
At 4 am on January 28, we went to Benguet with one of our closest friends, Joan and Jojo. My girlfriend and I were the ones who planned the trip, and unexpectedly, the couple wanted to join with us, so it became a double date now. Hahahaha. That was super cool, though. Thank you because the two have a car, and our travel to Benguet became easy. It took us a 4-hour drive to get there. We went to Camp John Hay to have breakfast and ended up at Pancake House. The cold weather was up to 14 degrees Celsius and tolerable at that time, but the weather got much colder in the evening, hahaha. After breakfast, we tried to go to Tsokolate de Batirol and experience their famous hot chocolate. A lot of people were there; however, when we tried the drink, the experience was not something amazing because the taste was like beer, lol. Nevertheless, we tried to finish it even though we did not like it much. Hahaha. Outside the restaurant, we experienced the cold breeze of the weather and appreciated the trees and breathing space there. I also loved how we used the camera brought by Ar. I was stunned by how we captured things and people. It felt like something special, to capture moments and make them live forever. How mesmerizing it was.
Benguet has been a place where Mother Nature heals everyone. The stunning mountains, the vegetables, the food, the weather, and the people – that's why I always want to be there and heal each wound that I experience in every war I face. The mountains and trees have been one of my friends whenever I feel tired because I know that God provided these amazing things to help His humans. I always love to connect to nature. With this, we went to Atok to explore the beauty of flower farms. There are lots of kinds of flowers there, and the place was too high to travel and too far from our place. Thank you to Jojo for driving us; he has really good driving skills, indeed! I appreciated the overlooking mountain and flowers. We also bought strawberries as pasalubong for ourselves, lol. We planned to make tanghulu; unfortunately, we did not have enough ingredients to make this. Sad. The whole trip was filled with relaxation and adventure. We went to ALAPO to experience camping at night and grilled enoki pork. The food was amazing, the bonfire was stunning, and the sunrise was a beautiful souvenir we could ever get from that place. I loved our photos there.
We experienced a lot of firsts in our first three days; however, we are not yet ready to make our trip fully on vacation. After Mondays, we're back to work. My girlfriend and I work two jobs, and I am happy to say that we managed it superbly! I was amazed at how my girlfriend worked because she managed it so well, and she did smart work – by focusing on certain hours, and the rest will be rest time. I was amazed by her. Most of the time, she did not work, but her productivity was remarkable, and she finished all her tasks. On the other side, I had to work hard because there were a lot of deadlines and tasks to finish and create pull requests on my plate. I did not want to lose this job since I needed more money, and ironically, because of the burden and weight on my head, on this day, I had planned to leave my second job – but this is all in my head. I just wanted to rant and express it because I cannot manage it anymore. Thank you to my girlfriend for being my sounding board and carrying the burdens in my heart. I wanted to quit at that time and submit my resignation, but I never did. Haha, I tried to convince myself to push harder and find a solution to that problem, and fast forward, the workload in the next month became manageable. Up to this date, I am still with the same company.
Joan and Jojo had to leave in the middle of the week because they said they could not bear the cold weather. My girlfriend and I were the ones who stayed in the Airbnb. We enjoyed each other's company, and I was grateful for her and thankful because she was one of a kind. She helped and comforted me when I struggled to communicate with others and assisted me with my internet connection during my interview with Nelnet. I loved every act she did for me. She cooks our food well, and I appreciate how she takes care of me every single minute. I feel genuine care and love from her. I could say that I am the luckiest man alive. hahaha.
I know most people might be thinking about two people in the same room and sleeping together, and of course, they may engage in premarital sex. However, we respect each other's decisions and adhere to the doctrines of our religion, which prohibit having sex without the blessing of our beloved parents until we are married. I am thankful that she is not like other girls who might seduce their man into having sex. I love how our relationship is going and how we respect each other. I would love to experience this type of bonding with you again soon! Therefore, I conclude that the whole vacation, walking around the city, and helping me when I felt bloated and my tummy hurt after eating on our last day there was wonderful. I don't have anything to say but thank you, Arcel, for giving me the kind of love that I am not sure if I deserve because you are more than enough for me. I love you, and I will take care of you and protect you at all costs, mahal ko.
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Good News!
I got my Non-Professional Driver's License.
My girlfriend's Korean Tourist Visa was approved.
I decided to apply to the Korean Embassy for a Tourist Visa, and it was approved!
I applied for the Canadian Student Visa Pathway, and it was approved!
Arcel is now my neighbor, and we enjoy each other's company.
We got our homestay approved on Airbnb.
Better days are coming!
There are a lot of things to be grateful for. I am grateful for having all kinds of support from my family, friends, and girlfriend. I could not imagine a happy life without them. All I can say right now is thank you, God Father, for allowing these events to happen in my life. I know that you have a very good reason that we never know why all this happens. All I can say is to trust you and surrender all to you because, as a human, I cannot do anything without you. Since Day 1, I know you have never forgotten me and always stood by my side, watching me with every decision in my life. Thank you for your guidance and for allowing my faith to grow. I hope for better days ahead, and if struggles are coming my way, I know that you will help and guide me to conquer all of them. Better days are coming! I manifest and pray that Arcel will have an employer in Alberta, Canada, particularly in Calgary by 2025, so she can leave the country to start her 30s. I know God has a plan for each and every one of us, and serving God is one of our purposes. I manifest that from this very day, we will come back to this blog and say that we are meant for Canada, and we will live there and build our own family.
In the upcoming days, I want to make sure to be more disciplined in each aspect of life. Thank you for bringing Arcel into my life because she has guided me to become a better person, and we align with each other to be the best versions of ourselves.
Here are the plans I want to fulfill in the following weeks:
Eat less, move more, eat more proteins, and engage in strength training.
Lose body fat and build muscle.
Improve my spiritual connection and faith with God Father by doing Panata.
Wake up at 6 am and do the routines with my girlfriend.
Read one book per month.
Write a blog consistently.
Socialize with family and friends to boost oxytocin and happy hormones – as humans, we build connections with others.
Travel in nature once in a while.
I hope these activities will strengthen my personal well-being and relationships with others, and I am looking forward to seeing progress little by little.  Super excited for our next trip! See you soon, South Korea!
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Week Three : Forgiveness and Peace
For the past two weeks, I've been struggling with my relationship with my mom. She always gets mad at me and my sisters. We try to share our opinions and decisions with her in a calm manner; however, she sees it as answering back and being disrespectful. We have come to the point where my sisters and I, against my mom, exchanged a lot of painful words because we were at the edge. We regret moving back here, and my mom sees us as ungrateful and blasphemous. It hurts us to the core, hearing painful words from our own mother. We decided to move here just to be with her, and yet that's how she sees us. Because our opinions and decisions don't match with hers, we become the ungrateful and blasphemous ones.
It has been a family struggle since my dad is far away and not fully aware of our situation. My mom has cheated on him so many times, and as their children, it's just unacceptable. Despite my attempts to forgive my mom, she keeps on repeating the same mistakes. I think my dad knows about it too, but he refuses to believe it. Maybe love is truly blind.
Before my dad celebrated his birthday, he tried to fix the situation because, for him, family is the only treasure he has. Seeing how miserable all of us are at home breaks him into pieces. We tried to talk it out, and fortunately, we all humbled ourselves and tried to forgive one another.
This is another chance to make up for all of our shortcomings. I've learned that having too much pride can ultimately cause harm to the family, and family will always be the most important thing at the end of the day. I just hope that everything will fall into place for us. I hope my mom sees and focuses on us too, for the goodness of our family.
I couldn't keep up with my exercising because, really, I was out of focus since then. I hope I can find time to focus on my health. However, I was able to focus on my mental health this time. I hope I can manage my emotions and thoughts on the difficulties to come. I hope I will be strong enough to face another challenge.
It was really a hard week for me. It was so hard to focus on everything because my mind was really clouded, and I couldn't think straight and focus on my work. I kept ranting to my boyfriend, thankfully; he was really patient with me all the time. He listened attentively and comforted me. I hope I didn't give him too much negativity. I don't know how to thank this guy for being my best friend and my go-to person in this difficult time. He has his struggles with work as well, but he still manages to comfort me. His work isn't easy to deal with because he was assigned to different projects and tasks, which is really hard for a developer. Not to mention, he is doing dual jobs. I can only imagine how hard it is for him. But he happens to be amazing, jolly, and uplifting most of the time, and I'm thankful to GOD for bringing peace (Don) to my life. I thought only home could be found in a person; now I learned peace can also be found in a person too.
I remember him not even trying to lighten my mood when I was not okay. It comes naturally to him like magic. I will always love this guy, and I would do everything in my power to prove it to him. He too deserves the very best in the world, and I always pray for that because he deserves it. I saw how pure and beautiful his heart is. God knows how kind and beautiful this person is.
I hope for the days, weeks, and months to come; my boyfriend and I will be able to be courageous in all of the adversity and trials we have to face. May we be successful in all of our endeavors. As his girlfriend, I want to support him in all he wants to be so he may be able to get whatever his heart desires. I pray for all the goodness this year. May GOD bless us both.
Looking forward to our adventure next week!
Fighting!! <3
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Dear Third Week, It's a serene Saturday night, and here I am, enveloped in the soothing embrace of Café Background Music, a melodic companion to my post-exercise tranquility. As I reflect on the week that just unfolded, a sense of relief washes over me. This weekly ritual of introspection allows me to acknowledge achievements and identify areas for growth in the upcoming week.
The past week wove a tapestry of experiences—navigating familial connections, striking a balance between life and work, nurturing friendships, and grappling with decisions to alleviate stress. Amidst this mosaic, a deeply personal conflict emerged between a daughter and her mother. Though the details remain concealed, the resolution left me awe-inspired. Witnessing their journey from discord to harmony, where they not only spoke but also sought solace in prayer, was truly goosebump-inducing. This profound lesson underscores the enduring power of choosing love and understanding within families. It's a rarity in a world where such practices often take a backseat, or perhaps, I simply hadn't encountered it until my girlfriend entered my life. The act of turning to the divine for guidance and strength to fortify familial bonds was a beautiful testament to the strength of love. Kudos to every member of this extraordinary family, feline members included!
Balancing dual jobs is no easy feat, yet the gratitude for the additional income to support my family and fulfill personal needs runs deep. However, there have been moments when the weight of this dual role threatened to overpower me, raising concerns about potential consequences. The fear of my body retaliating for pushing its limits loomed large. In those moments, contemplation became my ally. I realized that prioritizing my mental health is non-negotiable. Reading more books, embracing the solace of prayers, and dedicating time to exercise emerged as my anchors. Focusing on the present, and detaching from the stress of deadlines, became a mantra. After all, what holds paramount significance is not the ticking clock but the essence of life itself. The key is to keep moving forward until the set deadlines cease to define us.
Marami man tayong pinagdaraanang mga pagsubok sa buhay na tila halos hindi na matapos-tapos, kung minsan hindi pa nga natatapos ang isa, mayroon na namang nakaabang na isa pa. Puno ng pagsubok ang buhay at ang kailangan natin ay matutunan kung paano ito haharapin. Piliin natin maging matapang at huwag sukuan ang mga ito bagkus gamitin natin itong daan para mas lalo pang maipakita sa lumikha na kaya nating magapi ang mga ito sa pamamagitan nya; sa paraang tayo ay magtiwala sa kanyang magagawa nang sa gayon ay malagpasan natin ang lahat ng ito sapagkat kailanman hindi nya tayo pababayaan.
Kaya naman sa panibagong linggo na ating kahaharapin, magbukas nawa ang maraming pinto ng opportunidad na makakapagpatibay sa ating isipan na mapaunlad pa ang ating kakayahan at higit sa lahat ang ating  pananampalataya. Padayon, mga kaibigan!
As I bring this reflection to a close, I'm bubbling with enthusiasm about our upcoming journey to Benguet scheduled for next week. This marks my inaugural adventure of the year, and I couldn't be more thrilled to share it with my girlfriend and a handful of dear friends. Anticipating the beauty of Benguet, I find myself sending hopeful prayers to the heavens, asking for favorable weather, divine guidance, and an abundance of joy and memories on this trip.
The prospect of new beginnings and unforgettable experiences fuels my spirit, and I look forward to the unfolding of exciting events and positive news in the days ahead. This week, I'm channeling this inspiration into a commitment to self-improvement, dedicating the upcoming week to personal growth that promises to bring clarity and purpose to my life.
To everyone reading this, I extend my encouragement and support for your endeavors. May you find motivation in your tasks and strength in your journey. Happy weekend, and remember, I'm cheering you on from the sidelines!
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Week Two!
14 days have already passed, and time is swiftly flying by. Nevertheless, I managed to face the stresses of 2024 with calm resolve.
I realized the importance of focusing on solving problems rather than dwelling on them, as fixating on the problem itself can lead to more issues. In the second week, I concentrated on finding solutions to the challenges in front of me. Dealing with my mom, who tends to be confrontational and hurtful with words, became a priority. I focused on strategies to limit her behavior, recognizing the need to put a stop to it as it affects not just me but the entire family. I prayed for guidance, believing that answers can come through people. My boyfriend advised me to be the bigger person in such situations, emphasizing that I can control my actions and decisions even if I can't control others. I faced financial troubles before the weekend, but thankfully, I had enough money to cover the issue. I am grateful to have calmly navigated through this problem, trusting that I will receive abundance in return.
I successfully completed the requirements for the tour I'm planning this first quarter. Whatever awaits me, I will accept it wholeheartedly, especially since visiting that dream country means a lot to me. I hope and pray for the best.
I want to express my gratitude for my sweet and loving boyfriend. I'll never forget how he surprised me with milk tea – a gesture I had dreamt of. I never asked for it, but he did it unexpectedly, making me melt with joy. I feel blessed to have a loving, caring, and sweet partner. I'm thankful for past relationships because they led me to him. To my Don, my love – finding a man like him is rare, and I'm grateful for this blessing. Yesterday, he made an extra effort to meet halfway for a date. Thank you for going the extra mile to make me happy, feel loved, and heard. I appreciate your efforts to guide me to become a better person. Our trips are always fun because they are with you, and I cherish every moment with you, mahal ko. My love for you grows every day.
As for my health, I'm trying to gain weight as I look like a skeleton already. I think it's working fine because my boyfriend noticed a difference in me but he couldn't figure out. I also tried the HIIT exercise, which focuses on interval training exercises. It incorporates several rounds that alternate between several minutes of high-intensity movements to significantly increase the heart rate, followed by short periods of lower-intensity movements. After that, my entire body was sore, But I wanted to continue with this training as I needed to prepare my body for the upcoming adventure with my beloved boyfriend.
Looking forward to what the third week has in store, I'm now hopeful, and my zeal is back.
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2nd Week of January
Thank you, God, for another week that has passed into our lives. You did not forget us on our journey. The past week has been, I considered, a rough road for me because the anxiety level that I faced rose gradually. It’s a little manageable, but everything seems pretty close to an end. Last Monday, I finally closed the payment with my agency in applying for something great – a dream of mine that I am currently building every year. I feel that I am close now compared to before. A plan with actions. I am really grateful for all instances that I faced throughout the year of building this. There were times that I ended up losing hope, and there were days that I was so high and full of energy to pursue this dream of mine. One thing I have learned so far is, no matter the circumstances and distractions – don't give up, just keep going. I do not know what will happen next, at least I try, and there will be no regrets in the near future. I am not sure what awaits me in the future, but one thing is for sure – no matter what, I am going to win with the help of God and their instruments to make this happen. “Magkikita rin tayo soon.” Thank you to all the people who believed in me – from my parents, relatives, friends, and girlfriend – who always had my back during tough times and discouragement. I know that my dream is something great and big, but it is what it is. All I can say is that I have a God Father who is bigger than my problems and dreams, so I believe that if He allows it, it will happen. I trust in Him more than my plans. I trusted Him; if my path right now won’t be successful, it’s okay. He has a very good reason why it would not happen, and I have proven that many times in my life. I am proud of myself because I now have the courage to take actions in fulfilling my dreams even though I cannot control the situation. At least I tried my best. I also remember my girlfriend saying to me, “If it's meant for you, it will always find its way to you, regardless of the circumstances. It will come to you.” Yes, she’s right. Don’t chase the butterflies; let’s attract them.
Every day is a battle between life and death. We do not know what will happen on the next day; that's why I always thank God for the beautiful day that He has given to me and to my loved ones. I reflected recently because I noticed three black tarpaulins on Malagasang road as we were going somewhere; it means that people died. I am not sure of the cause, but I realized that life is short and weak. We need to enjoy and value it as long as God gives this precious gift to us. This week has been tough and rough for me because I struggled at work, and one of our team members will be leaving soon. All her responsibilities will fall on me, and the workload will increase. I don’t know what I should do at that time. I just ignored the tickets and had no energy to work on these things. I focused on the Knowledge Transfer Session and listened to my body. If my mind and body do not feel like working, then I don't. I don’t want to push and put myself at risk that could lead me to burn out. Fortunately, I had someone to talk to – my dearest girlfriend, who is always there for me to listen and provide light when I needed it. I mentioned to her that I am recently facing some issues about my existence, and it was not good at all because of work. Luckily, she gave encouraging statements to realize that there’s more to life to conquer and battle with. I am proud and loud about this lady because she's not someone who discourages you when you are down; she’s amazing. She inspired me to be resilient when facing difficulties in many aspects of life. Thank God for allowing me to meet this kind of woman in my life. She’s a definition of someone I call affluent.
This week, I closed my rings in exercise, consistently did my fast. Well, as I said in my previous blog, my goal for the first quarter is to establish a habitual system – exercising, prioritizing a healthy diet for mind and body, reducing social media usage, and enhancing in-person social connections. So, I started small and always remind myself to keep at it little by little every day. For me, I realized that every day is another chance to be successful and get closer to your goal. Also, the bonus in here is I feel the calm in my body and mind; I feel there’s something changing that I cannot explain. During my fast, I controlled my mind to not eat and controlled my thoughts and hunger. What a good sign that there’s change happening in my body, so addicting.
The last day of the week was an adventure with my girlfriend. She was so incredible and patient that time and always understood every scenario we were facing on the road. She’s flexible, and I missed her so much. It’s our first date for this year, and every time I see her, I fall in love again and again. I don’t know what's with this woman, there’s something in her that I could not explain. By the way, she’s glowing up and beautiful as always, despite facing problems recently. Thank you for the cheesecake; it's so delicious, and I love your efforts to be with me and support me all the way through (she initiated this trip because she wanted me to support my baliw moment last week ahhaha). I love you!
For the upcoming week, I decided to keep going and maintain the same routine. I tried to read more pages in books to broaden my creativity. I hope the 3rd week is full of fun and exciting news. There are 50 weeks to go, and I am excited about what will happen next! See you!
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Good Bye, 2023!
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2022 has been a very tough year for me, but I believe those experiences had to happen to unfold the best to come, and indeed, 2023 was a year I will always remember in this life. It has brought clarity and blessings to my life, and it’s definitely an answer to all the whys of the past year.
Looking back at the beginning of 2023, it was a year full of lessons and memories that I’ll cherish for life. Here are the highlights of my year:
I started the year by living independently in Manila. It was sad at first because I only had myself to depend on, but I sure learned to be independent and accountable for the decisions I had to make. This is where I felt like I was officially an adult because I had to think about my finances, food, and shelter. It was a wonderful experience for me, and I was so at peace with myself during those times. If I had to do it again, I would definitely do it without hesitation.
Hiked to my dream Mountain - I feel most like myself when I’m with nature. It was a wonderful opportunity to be able to hike my favorite mountain in Luzon for the second time. The first time was amazing, but we were caught during heavy rain and there was no clearing. The second time around, like they say, is sweeter, and we were given such a wonderful chance to see the majestic “Sea of Clouds”. Oh! There’s a catch on this adventure. It was memorable because I went hiking with strangers. It was a fun hike, and we were inseparable. The bond formed at DENR until dinner because we stayed in one homestay together. The funny thing is we didn’t know each other’s names until we got back to the ranger's station. It was a wonderful hike with fellow strangers, haha! I can still remember how magnificent the view was and how breathtaking it was. It was a dream come true, and I’m grateful to God for allowing me to see His wonderful creation. Before 2023 ended, I had the opportunity to hike again with my boyfriend. It was memorable since it was our first hike together, and what made it even more special was that we were able to hike two mountains in one day. Though it was a short experience, it was very memorable for me. My boyfriend was very supportive even though I was always short of breath as we ascended. Hahaha!
Traveled internationally again - I also had a chance to travel internationally. It was unplanned, but these kinds of trips do happen because they are unplanned, hahaha! On this journey, I got to eat an authentic PHO, which is now my favorite food. I always crave the soup! Again, memorable. I traveled with friends whom I barely saw or hung out with, but from that exact moment, we deepened our connection, and now we have travel plans for 2024.
Met my Future Husband - I guess from the very first time Don and I talked, I knew that he would become important to me. Before I met him, I sincerely prayed to God to allow me to meet the man whom I’m going to spend my whole life with. I kind of mentioned some qualities and traits that I wish to see in a man. So while Don and I dated, all of the specific features asked from God were slowly unfolding in him. He was kind, God-fearing, sweet, loving, and caring, and he has the purest of heart, and that made me fall in love with him even more. I enjoyed all of the adventures we went on. It was also an amazing experience to meet his family and friends, whom I felt very welcomed.
I reunited with my entire family after a year; it's been that long since my dad came home from Saudi. While I've become accustomed to our usual setup, this time together was truly enjoyable. The separation from my dad was emotional, and seeing him again brought tears of joy. During this reunion, I took the opportunity to introduce them to my boyfriend, and I'm grateful that they accepted and loved him. My family's support means a lot to me. In addition to these wonderful moments, my twin got engaged! I'm thrilled for her as she embarks on her married life.
Inspired to do two jobs while fulfilling my duties to God - I was inspired by my very hardworking boyfriend to do multiple jobs. I was so amazed by how he was able to provide for his family and save for his dreams. I was really amazed at how determined he was to do everything to fulfill his dreams even though it would cost him his energy and time to experience life. But I can see that he is enjoying his life right now, he is just too tired to enjoy due to his work situation. So! Yes, I was inspired to do the same thing, and I benefited from it. I was able to save money in a short period. It was really tiring, but it was sure worth it.
To my boyfriend, whom I genuinely love, thank you so much, Mahal, for the wonderful 2023. Most of my amazing memories are adventures with you. I hope we can collect and save more this year. Thank you for all the kindness and understanding you showed me and my family. Thank you for inspiring me to be better, as I mentioned at the beginning of this essay. 2023 brought me clarity on what I should focus on, and you were the reason why everything is clear to me and where I want to go. Thank you for bringing out the best in me and accepting my flaws. Thank you for your undying support; I will be right here for you, supporting you every step of the way. May all of your dreams come true this year; with God’s grace, nothing is impossible.
I wanted to focus on my goals: (1)Move into the house I bought for my family. (2)Get a good job offer abroad. In Canada, to be exact, with the love of my life. (3) Build a healthy lifestyle to be ready for what lies ahead. My body needs to be stronger because we are aging. 30 is waving. :D
2023 was a wild ride, and without God, I’m sure I wouldn’t make it out alive. Thanks to Him for His guidance and abundant blessings; whenever I ask for something, He genuinely gives. God gives to those who follow obediently. This 2024, I hope will be a fruitful year full of happy memories. I know life will be harder this year, but my promise to God is no matter what happens, I will endlessly glorify and fulfill my duties to Him. Though the first week was already tough, I believe there is more to unfold. I’m ready for you, 2024. :)
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Thank you, 2023, for such a wondrous ride! You have helped me broaden my skills, patience, and, most of all, my faith. It was an incredible ride, with some moments being truly great. I'll never forget the highs and lows of emotions from last year; all those experiences are acknowledged. I'll always be thankful to you because you helped me open another chapter in my life where I found the love of my life. I believe everything happens for a reason. Some people left my life, but as they say, when something leaves, someone arrives. She's the one I've been waiting for, my partner, someone with whom I can share my life.
In order to move forward, I'd like to reflect again on 2023. I accomplished so much in the wheel of life, and I was satisfied. I appreciate and am grateful for all the events that unfolded in each area of my life.
At the start of the new year in 2023, I treated myself to an IMAX experience and made time for more leisure activities to move on from the challenging experiences of 2022. The movie was great, leaving me amazed and somewhat reflective—I was moved by the family's sacrifices for each other.
As an outdoor lover, I pursued adventures. I joined friends for a hike at Mt. Masungi Georeserve, enjoying the calm and safe experience. The scenery was fantastic, offering breathtaking views of Rizal. We also visited Daranak, my first time seeing such a wonderful waterfall—a legit adventure.
After Mt. Masungi, I tackled more hikes—Mt. Ulap, Mt. Pulag, Mt. Malvars, Mt. Talamitam, and Mt. Apayang—all incredible experiences. I challenged myself further by participating in the intimidating Spartan race. Despite doubts and limitations, I pushed myself and found it to be a worthwhile and thrilling experience under the sun. Super proud of these achievements.
Last year, we finally bought our first-ever second-hand car, bringing immense joy to my father, and fulfilling one of our dreams—to see him drive a private car. Remarkably, we bought it on my birthday!
On that very evening, I messaged Arcel, who is now my girlfriend. I felt comfortable talking to her, and our conversations gradually led to dates, introductions to friends, and family. We enjoyed attending various events, going on adventures, and creating cherished memories together.
Later in the year, I ticked off some bucket list items—travelling to Palawan and experiencing the beauty of Japan for the first time. Both experiences were incredible, leaving lasting impressions and cherished memories.
This year, one of my siblings went abroad to one of my dream countries. I believe it's part of God's plan, blessing us in both small and big ways. I'm proud of my sister's transformation and her active involvement in every worship service to God.
Additionally, I met my girlfriend's family, a memorable experience. Eventually, I introduced her to my family in the last month of 2023, a year filled with many firsts. I'm grateful for these opportunities.
In summary, 2023 was a year of firsts and checking off bucket list moments. I cherish them all and eagerly anticipate more adventures with family, friends, and my girlfriend.
Today, I'm walking into the year 2024, January, feeling much like last year. The work challenges and room setup remain unchanged. Some people still indulge in peculiar jokes. I began the first week of the year with enthusiasm and a positive outlook. I drafted my focus for the entire year and areas for improvement. I've set my mind to consider this year as one where discipline holds the key to progress in life. I opt for the harder path now to avoid regret later on. By discipline, I mean taking care of my body, maintaining a balanced diet, and nurturing a healthy mind. Mastering control over my emotions in every life situation is another goal. I'm steering away from quick judgments of people because everyone has their story, and none of us are perfect. My focus is on personal growth and forging deeper connections with my loved ones. I've observed individuals who practice this and they exude happiness while broadening their perspectives. I deeply admire such individuals.
With my girlfriend, my partner in life, we've committed to inspiring each other, igniting fires within ourselves, and propelling one another to places we rightfully belong. We aim for a tranquil, healthy life surrounded by our loved ones. Hopefully, by year-end, our bond will be stronger, having embarked on this journey together with youthful determination. The first week has been challenging for her, but I have faith in her resilience to overcome these obstacles. I strive to learn from her experiences and remain grateful for every opportunity we face together.
In this year, I'm determined to become a better, wiser person. My mantra: "Better days are coming." It's a year of encouragement and victories. To kickstart, my goal for the first quarter is to establish a habitual system—exercising, prioritizing a healthy diet for mind and body, reducing social media usage, and enhancing in-person social connections.
Let's do this!
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