Thank you guys for this positive blog!
Of course! I’m sad that the Voltron fandom has become way less active since we last posted, but always feel free to @ us and use the tag #thankyouteamvoltron to continue spreading positivity! <3 Thank you for the ask!
Mod Keith
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Thank you for the wonderful 8 seasons, the jaw dropping fights, and heart warming moments. #thankyouteamvoltron
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I will be honest, there were things about season 8 that I’m disappointed with. I won’t name those things, because I have long been exhausted with the negativity in this fandom and I don’t want to spread more. But yeah, there’s some heartbreak and I really wish some things had been different.
But that doesn’t mean I don’t still love this show, its characters; it doesn’t mean I don’t respect and admire the cast and crew, who gave so much of their love and passion to giving us what was overall a wonderful story with amazing characters. This show captured my heart and imagination and I wouldn’t change my experience with it for the world.
Thank you, Voltron crew, for giving me something so special.
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I can’t be alone, right?
Voltron: Legendary Defender is amazing, and I am so grateful to have experienced the show. I’m honestly gonna be saddened by its end, but I’ll cherish everything that went into its making and what it stands for. All stories do, right?
I know that the cast of characters are fictional, that they do not exist in the tangible world. But that does not mean that I cannot love them as if they were. All of the characters, even the villains and underappreciated ones, are precious to me in a way that I can’t rightly put into words.
I know the creators of Voltron: Legendary Defender don’t know me personally, but I want to say thank you. Thank you for making my down-days happier, and giving me something to enjoy even when I am happy. I love Voltron, and I’ll never be able to fully thank you for it.
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Voltron is over…
I’m so happy yet so sad. Every thing was so great and I loved this show so much. I’m going to miss it. I’m going to miss all of this so much. Thank you, so much for this show. Thank you, for making this year for me, better. And lastly, thank you, to the community that has supported the team and everyone. I hope that this part of the fandom will continue on. Even if we have hit some rough patches with this series, this has truly been a good experience. I love this show, I LOVE this show. Thank you.
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Not a question, just wanted to thank you guys for helping create a positive corner in this fandom ❤ I had to stop watching in s5 (while the show was at s7) because the negativity in this fandom was messing with my head, but now I feel safe to watch it again!
Aw! This is so sweet!
I’m so glad we were able to have such a positive influence! Our whole goal is to make everyone feel comfortable and safe in this community, no matter what. ♥
- Mod Keith (PS! We’re still off-grid, avoiding spoilers. We haven’t gotten the chance to watch Season 8 yet! We won’t be reblogging anything from the tag until later, but we will get to it!)
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December 14th: Thank You Team Voltron!
By the time this posts, the new season will be out and we’ll all be off-grid until we finish it. Use today to thank the creators, voice actors, and crew for all of their hard work! We’ll check in with you all later to catch up! ♥
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Something that needs to be said about Voltron.
Season 8 premieres in a few hours as of writing this post. Ever since I joined this community, there has been so much hate against each other. I know not everyone gets involved, but everything feels so divided.
Shipping is a wonderful thing. It’s a great fandom activity. But, it’s something that doesn’t necessarily have to become canon to enjoy. Sure, it’s amazing if something that you ship does become canon (ex. Bubbline, or Korrasami)! But we all need to remember that its a fan activity, and the writers have already planned out the story and character arcs. Nothing will change that.
With Season 8, some people may be disappointed. Some people may be happy with the end. But, there are some important things to be aware of.
Remember that the show’s creators, voice actors, and animators are all real people, with real emotions. 
Remember that whatever happens, no ship is dead. Ships are fan-made, and as long as fans continue to create content for said ship, they will continue to exist.
Remember the show itself isn’t about shipping.
Remember that harassment is never okay, no matter how angry or disappointed you may be.
It’s been an honor flying with you all. I’ll see you on the other side of Season 8.
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December 13th: Voltron Crew Appreciation Day!
Oops, sorry for missing a couple days! We’ve been busy mentally preparing for Season 8 with some personal life stuff! But, we still love the Voltron crew all the same. We’re getting so close to the premiere, so let’s take these last hours to thank all of these wonderful, creative people for giving us the show that brought us all together.
@JDS_247, @ArtOfLaurenM, @steveahn82, @TheTimHedrick, @mitch_iverson, just to name a few.
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December 10th: Family/Coalition Appreciation Day!
Voltron wouldn't be what it is without the Paladins' families and the Voltron Coalition, so let's recognize them today!
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December 9th: Galra Appreciation Day!
The Galra may be a force of evil in the universe, but let's still take a moment to appreciate their actors for making sure we have some awesome villains! We've got Zarkon (voiced by @NeKap), Haggar/Honerva (voiced by @IAmCreeSummer), and Lotor (voiced by @AJLoCascio)!
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December 8th: Garrison/MFE Appreciation Day!
Let's appreciate Earth's protectors today! Our MFE Pilots, James, Veronica, Liefsdottir, and Kinkade. And we can't forget Adam and Iverson!
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December 7th: Coran Appreciation Day!
We are one week away from the premiere! Let's appreciate Coran, Coran, the Gorgeous Man today! His voice actor is @rhysiedarby on Twitter!
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December 6th: Allura Appreciation Day!
Whoops, a little late on this one. But we promise that we love our Princess! You can find Kimberly Brooks on Twitter @kimberlydbrooks!
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December 5th: Hunk Appreciation Day!
Today is Hunk's day to shine! Show your love for him and Tyler Labine (@TyLabine on Twitter)!
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December 4th: Lance Appreciation Day!
Let's celebrate our sharpshooter and Jeremy Shada today! (@JeremyShada on Twitter!)
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