properlittlemanwhore · 2 years
Hello people of the internet,i need friends.
Hello people of the internet,i whould like too ask if anyone seeing this is like me,i need friends i am a desperate alter human. Please for the love of the gods above someone be my friend.
I'm an alterhuman with a few kintypes (shadowkin,dollkin, dragonkin,) and i use xenogenders+xenoprounouns, i'm trans t4t and gay(nwlnw),i like mcyt,marvel movies,reading, poetry, drawing, Steven Universe and i'm going too stream in the future! I also shift realities,i haven't been all that successful exept this one time but i got overwhelmed in a /pos way (and i've not been able too shift since but i've gotten closer every attempt!)
And i'd realy like too have some alterhuman friends who have the same interests:D or even some beginner youtuber/streamer friends then we could eventually stream together!
(I also think cringe culture is utterly stupid since it craves off of neurodivergent people's traits,mostly autistic traits, and it's stupid! Use O.o U.U 0w0 o3o ect. It's not hurting anyone!)
Anywhoo i love you all! Have a good day! 💌
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properlittlemanwhore · 2 years
Heyo! So uhm i have no idea how too work tumblr but i have made an account>:D a bit about me i guess?
-i'm transmasculine
-I use xenogenders/xenoprounouns
-I'm a DSMP fan
-i'm a soon too be streamer
-i am very mentally unstable.
-i'm actually asexual, aro-flux, gay(nwlnw), polyamory and a agender-transman.
-i use he/it/xe/mist/rain/cloud/blade/doll++ Prounouns
So like thats the most you'll need too know about me, have an amazing day!!
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