#begginer streamer
n3onlights · 2 months
A close up of my half png model! I did it myself and I’m super proud of it. I’ll also post the full concept art for a future vtuber model but I might spend time changing the clothes of them to more match a retro old glitchy game aesthetic.
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ellyds · 1 month
mariana mentioned slime on the stream :D YES this is what i exactly needed
[transcription: (may be off because they talk all at once at some point and i am still learning)
"before the beggining of the clip:
Mariana mentioning Slime
Aldo (a streamer/Mariana's friend) asking who is Slime"
during the clip:
Mariana: Oh, this is the real Slime? ...A guy who is a streamer who i got to know at–
Aldo: Aha! Yes, from the, from the– Aha.
Mariana: *laughs*
Roier: And Slimecicle, that guy, that guy... He fucked with Mariana.
Mariana: *very quietly* Slimecicle, I miss him.]
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duckitity · 11 months
Día de los muertos!
(Quackity x Reader)
You're dating Quackity and he takes you to your first Dia de los Muertos!
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You and Quackity have been dating for a while now.
You were also a streamer, so most of your friends knew already, even though the relationship wasn't completely public.
One day while you were both streaming together, you jokingly told him about how you were waiting for him to invite you to Mexico.
The told you he would love to take you for El Dia de los Muertos, and that he would even buy you the plane ticket for you to go.
Both of your chats took it as a joke, obviously.
I mean, it was kind of a joke at the beggining, but not really.
Since he actually did it.
You didn't really mind, you were genuinely excited for it.
When you finally arrive to Mexico, he picked you up at the airport.
He greeted you with a hug and a kiss, and you could tell how excited he was.
He explained you everything he knew about the holiday.
He told you about the meaning, some traditions, some foods.
Almost as if he had waited years to talk about those things with somebody.
He also wanted to make sure you wouldn't feel lost, or left out. Since his whole family was going to be there, and he knew it could be a little overwhelming.
You thought it was really sweet of him.
His whole family was really nice to you.
You cooked typical mexican food with him and his mother
You helped him decorate the altars.
You have never seen so many colors in your life.
And then the day finally arrived.
His sister did your Catrina makeup,and help you dressed up.
It was beautiful.
When Quackity saw you, he couldn't stop smiling.
He thought you looked absolutely gorgeous.
And you couldn't stop smiling at how happy he looked.
"Thanks for letting me share this with you."
You had the best first Dia de los Muertos with him and his family.
Hi! Just wanna clarify something, im not mexican, so if there is anything wrong with anything i wrote about el Dia de los Muertos, i would apreciate it if you let me know <3
Also, english is not my first language, so, the same thing goes for anything about grammar or something similar. :)
And thanks for reading, hope you liked it. <3
Feel free to request for any ideas you would like me to write about, or ask me any question.
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regulum-plays · 5 months
Going live!
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A very short visual novel that reminds you about reading trigger warnings.
It’s a game that you can play in bowser and it’s completly free (well, like most of games I play…).
You only have one male love intrest, but what an amazing man he is! Zilas, aspiring idol, streamer and most importantly – your boyfriend. He will do everything in his power to make sure you both get a happy ending together.
The game is fully voiced with even narrator having it’s own voice, but if you want you can turn off every voice in this game.
We don’t see how MC looks like and you can chooose your name and pronouns (you also get to choose your usernames!).
Unfortunetly there is no skip or save option, but the game is so short that it isn’t a big issue (it also let’s you to listen to this amazing voice acting).
The game has two ending and one special scene/ending scene that you get after seeing all endings. There are plans to make more (even game suggest it) but it entirely depends on how this game will be recieved. Another reason to recommend this game to You. 😉
As I said in the beggining – before you play, read the trigger warnings, it’s really importnat if there are stuff you are sensitive to/you are not sure how much you can handle.
Zilas will make you feel the butterflies, but right after you will cry.
Bardzo krótka powieść wizualna (bardzo podobna mi się to tłumaczenie), która przypomni ci o dokładnym czytaniu ostrzeżeń.
Jest to gra, w którą można grać w przeglądarce i jest całkowicie za darmo (cóż, jak większość gier, w które gram…).
W grze jest tylko jeden wybranek serca płci męskiej, ale cóż za niesamowity mężczyzna z niego jest! Zilas, aspirujący celebryta, streamer, a co najważniejsze – Twój chłopak. Zrobi wszystko co w jego mocy abyście dostali wasze wspólne dobre zakończenie.
W grze każda postać dostała swojego aktora głosowego, nawet narrator, ale każdy z tych głosów można bezproblemowo wyłączyć w ustawieniach.
Nie widzimy jak wygląda protagoniszcze i możemy wybrać własne imię oraz zaimki (wybieramy także nasze własne nazwy użytnikownika!).
Niestety gra nie posiada żadnego przycisku pominięcia czy zapisu, ale na całe szczęście jest na tyle krótka, że nie nie jest to dużym problemem (pozwala to też na posłuchanie niesmowitych aktorów głosowych).
Gra posiada dwa zakończenia oraz jedną specjalną scenę/zakończenie, które otrzymujesz po zobaczeniu dwóch pozostałych zakończeń. Są również plany na zrobienie większej ilości zakończeń (nawet sama gra to sugeruje) jednak to całkowicie zależy od tego jak ta gra się przyjmie. Kolejny powód, żeby polecić tę grę wam. 😉
Tak jak powiedziałom na początku – zanim zaczniesz grać przeczytaj dokładnie ostrzeżenie, to bardzo ważne jeżeli są jakieś tematy, na które jesteś szczególnie wrażliwe/tematy, na które nie będziesz w stanie patrzeć.
Zilas sprawi, że poczujesz motylki w brzuchu, ale zaraz potem będziesz płakać.
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mrghostrat · 10 months
Hey! Is that ok to make fanarts of your Streamer AU?
(Your Crowley lives free in my mind)
are u kidding me im beggin you
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random-conspiracy · 1 year
I just want to see Karkat as a twitch streamer. He would play something like minecraft or animal crossing, stardew valley with his "angry" emotionless face. He's totally into the damn relationships. Whiteboard and diagrams kind of crazy. Obviously the chat is a bitch and they're telling him to play something like Doki Doki because funny romance games. Like Jerma (my beloved) he don't want to do it at the beggining, but finally, 30 minutes of non-stopping requests he's doing it just to shut up the chat. The chat likes to put him into situations. This situations including other weird horror games. He can't stop playing this stuff by his love/hate relationship with the audience. God damn it, he would end up dressing a la F1NN5TER if the chat insisted enough. 5 months later he becomes conscious as if pierced by a lightning of clarity. Why... why is he doing a papuré? And why is his room full of working blenders (he blends the image of a characteer every time someone sends him bits) and christmas lights if we're in april? (he doesn't have professional lights, so someone suggested he used christmas lights) and most important, why is he dressed up as Vriska? Absolute nonsense. Then he goes back to play minecraft
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eira-kuso · 1 year
I've seen you posting about an amp a fair bit recently, tell me about it? I'm kind of interested
I guess you are talking about an smp, and the qsmp in specific.
So Quackity, that guy who was in the Dream SMP, schemed of doing another smp with a story and clashing content creators of different languages, like Roier, the hispanic minecraft youtuber, and Philza, the minecraft creator himself of english speaking language.
They are trapped in an island called Quesadilla Island, which nobidy knows nothing about. Qe know they are controlled by the Federation, whatever that means
They had one event so far, and it was an egg event that you were designated an egg to take care of. It had two lives before dying completely.
In the beggining, there were just spanish spekaing and english speaking creators. But Quackity announced that a bunch of other languages would appear on it, like portuguese and he introduced brazilian creators. That was when i got my interest in because this is so cool for me. Those guys have been on the community for years and now they are speaking to fucking Philza Minecraft. It's great.
A little while after the brazil update, the french arrived also.
I dont want to spoil too much because it is very good. It has a really good story and unlike Dream SMP, everyone has something going on and it matters. There is no one protagonist but everyone shares the role depending of the situation. And
It also has a tone of mystery and wonder. Nobody remembers their lifes before the island. They cant escape it. They are controlled by the Federation to not levae but who are the heads of the Federation? Why there is a polar bear that syalks everyone called cucurucho that kidnapped a brazilian creator? Why?
It is very good and i want you to go watch it.
Watch in a streamer of your language or switch it up by going to some spanish or french or portuguese speaking creators. The cultural clash this created is so good.
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cupidlakes · 3 years
wait bc i got a few asks abt this the other day, as a long time george viewer george not making public statements on stuff like pride month is something i’m used to but i realise that might not be the case for others and i just wanna say i think when he “neglects” to make statements on these things that doesn’t necessarily indicate what he feels or doesn’t feel yk?
ik his silence can feel deafening sometimes but also george himself has said that he’s bad with words i don’t think that means he’s secretly a bigot or anything crazy like that and his actions have always spoken louder than his words anyway in most other aspects, at the end of the day he fosters a welcoming community that’s lgbt+ friendly w/ the rest of the dream team (something at a point i didn’t think was even possible in the online landscape, like seriously the anti-sjw era was rough) and i think that means more to me than anything explicitly stated, maybe even fumblingly, ever could like there’s always more we could all do! of course of course but i don’t expect any grandiose statements from someone i watch for entertainment at the end of the day and it also isn’t indicative of anyone’s true thoughts and feelings, i genuinely don’t think it’s ever smth to worry abt so lay your worries at ease :)
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chillllii · 3 years
2 am reminder about the charty stream. snake's talked about it more on his twitter. his user is @/msfactual on twitter and it's his recent media, PLEASE look at it!!!!!
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n3onlights · 2 months
RAHHHH just did my first stream ever today feeling good! Pretty scuffed but and will probably continue to be scuffed but follow me on twitch!! Who knows maybe I’ll be your next favorite comfort (not) streamer/silly
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laraemmanuelle · 3 years
Vamos testar uns brushes novos e depois feedar um pouquinho!! :)
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micer2012 · 2 years
are there any particular skizz videos you would recommend to watch?
Solo Skizz is the highlight of my entire week EVERY time one comes out. Skizz just goofing off and building his giant circles and glass cases and rupe goldberg machines, absolutely not going for 1. beauty 2. efficiency 3. any desirable things anyone would want. hes SOLELY going for SILLINESS and FUN and i am having SO much fun. in the newest one he adopts a bunch of vex and calls them his lil kids. ill Cry
IMP N SKIZZ SHORTS. IMP N SKIZZ SHORTS!!!!!! . these are scripted animated shorts (animated by Pooka, who also edits for the Imp n Skizz channel, and also is well known for cursing Me Personally with the jeff the minion loreBJHVCFG. pooka my beloved) written by imp n skizz, and they're very much playin characters here like it was a real animated series.. its so comfy and hilarious n great to rewatch. THEY ARE BROTHERS UR HONOR. a little angst implications as a treat
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(pooka made this gif. i sent him an identical one i made earlier and he just went ?!?!? HEY SAME :D great minds think alike lol !!. look at it)
The Imp n Skizz channel I absolutely can reccomend too, especially if youre coming from hermitcraft. it feels Redundant to say theyve got "great chemistry" theyve been basically brothers for 25 years. they are two halves of a wholeBHJVG. n&s and their skyblock are GREAT
Skizz's 3L and LL. dear GOD SKIZZ'S 3L N LL. his third life is Great, though he starts pretty lonely it has one of the most tragic storylines in 3l, and a lotta interaction not in other povs. it makes me so sad
and his Last Life. legitimately, i think skizz has the best LL pov by FAR JBHVCFHVJB. BEST IN GENERAL, i would recommend watching skizz and Supplementing with bdubs episodes to get the full insanity of best. but skizz is the best LL pov. change my mind
AND HIS LEGACY !!! though short lived, ABSOLUTELY another favorite and one i rewatch often. skizz has a bit of a rough time on his first SMP (and honestly. at the beggining i was going OH.. Oh. this is why hes not in hermitcraft. Oh. I understand nowBHJV /LH) BUT. his interactions with the legates, especially LogicalGeekBoy and Pearl (yes. hc pearl. they are SIBLINGS) is so amazing. and the episodes, with the interactions and achievements and weekly challenges are such great fun and comfort. his confidence on smps has gotten a bit better since this with 3l n LL i think, but this is a Much Watch 4 me
he also streams alot, and has a second channel w stream archives !! a lot with tango n impulse, and the friday night among us streams are a GEM. one time him n etho as imposters, gaslit (IN GRIAN'S WORDS. thats the words Grian used) grian so hard at 3am (For him) (I THINK ALSO. THE NIGHT BEFORE MCC??COULD BE WRONG) he logged off and went to sleep. n skizz felt SO bad. there are edited among us videos with a bunch of the other hermits on his channel too. Its Great
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kkaebsongtypo · 4 years
[2:22pm] "Babe! I have something for you!" You called to Donghyuck as you hopped over to where he was building your shared Minecraft home. He turned around to look at you and you crouched, placing a sunflower in the block between you two.
"Ohh, a sunflower! Thank you, baby! I love it." He jumped up and down happliy and you ran around the skeleton of your home.
"I found a sunflower feild on my way back so I collected a bunch! We can put them all around our house!" You said, begginning to place more sunflowers all around the surrounding land. Donghyuck chuckled softly, watching your character hop around in the flowers.
"That sounds perfect, baby. It's going to look so cute!"
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streamer!hyuck mini m.l
unus annus m.l
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Tougths on tales fo the dream smp?, i havent watched any of them... just watching this one that karl did and everything looks very fun, and u can see that was a really nice work. Are they all worth watching?, is this one worth rewatching? (i did not see the beggining), thanks 4 ur answer!
Hi! I think they are really fun, really creative pieces of story telling that Karl (and Bad and Dream) clearly put a ton of time and effort into and for those reasons alone I think you should watch them. There are some pacing issues and a few goofs here and there, but overall it’s a really fun idea with some of your favorite streamers roleplaying in funny accents and great skins. 
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testingcheats0n · 3 years
Can I talk about something regarding fanfiction and the bad name it has?
At this point I hope its obvious that cc's go out of their way to look for bad fanfiction for the content, as well as fanfiction that breaks boundaries because it's more entertaining. I also hope y'all know this is terrible for the writers that get targeted as well as fanfiction in general.
I've yet to see a cc searching out, and reading a gen work of fanfiction for their audience that the fans themselves had deemed good, and I don't think I ever will. There are so many good works written by fans with a lot of soul and hard work in them- but then they can't make fun of it and get views so I guess it's not worth the effort. Just imagine them doing that to visual art. Oh the outrage.
I think I'm asking too much of them. Is a little research or asking for recommendations that hard? I've never seen cc treat visual fanartists the same way, just imagine x streamer going out of his way to search for terrible begginers art of himself or nsfw art - oh I guess writing is not as hard as drawing (a notion that is fucking wrong, please do try and write a compelling 1k word piece, I beg you, show me your unimaginable talent Tolkien)
Ig this is a rant. Officially. You can't go on Wattpad search by 'Newest' of the dnf tag, find the bad piece of writing I know you wanted and expected, then proceed to give fanfiction and writers more of a bad name and incite harassement or a witch hunt.
It's not fair. It's humiliating to the begginers you targeted and probably exposed to millions of fans, and it's infuriating because you're actually missing out on true works of art.
I resent you for doing this.
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shreampy · 3 years
This E book will help begginer streamers in setting up there stream and grow on the streaming platforms. try it out!!
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