prouddly-me · 3 years
Preorders are now open for Taste of Teyvat, a Genshin Impact cookbook zine featuring Mondstadt and Liyue cuisines!
 🛒SHOP NOW: genshincookbook.bigcartel.com 
🗓 July 15 - Sep 12
↓ Bundles and more info below! ↓
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🧊CRYO FRESH! | ⭐️⭐️ 
↳ A digital PDF of our zine, featuring 20 recipes, 27 artworks, and 4 fics!
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🔥 WHILE IT’S WARM | ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 
↳ Do you only want the physical zine without any other merch? This is the choice for you!
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🍱 CHEF DE CUISINE | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 
↳ A Xiangling-approved meal for those who prefer the physical zine + flat merch items!
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🥘 ADEPTAL FEAST | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 
↳ The star course: physical zine + ALL merch items. Truly a feast befitting that of the adepti!
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🍞 PAIMON’S SPECIAL | ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 
↳ Have you been eyeing that adorable Paimon tote bag? Lucky for you, we have an add-on option available! Paimon’s bakery is now open for business ~
Keep an eye out for our next posts, where we’ll be presenting stretch goals and more!
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prouddly-me · 6 years
Reaction to the patch
As I mentioned in my voice comparison video for November 5th, I would like to discuss the allergic reaction I have been having to the Androderm transdermal testosterone patches. I do fully think I am allergic to the adhesive and not the medication because I have ALWAYS had red rings because of the ashesice and that has worsened. I now get swelling and itchiness and irritation for about 48 hours after removing my patches and often after 12-16 hours of wearing them, especially on my stomach, where it’ll be more of a burning sensation, I’ll start to experience itching and irritation.
I am going to return to injections and either return to seeing my friend for my shots or have my father who used to be a certified paramedic do them for me considering I can’t. This reaction is very painful and burdensome and I think it may be effecting my testosterone absorption. I am not sure 100% if it is or not. I’ll have to find out at planned parenthood.
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prouddly-me · 6 years
Another super delayed voice video. Sorry these have been so few and far between. I’ve been crazy busy and going through a lot.
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prouddly-me · 6 years
I’m in an absolutely awful situation right now with school and I’m being asked to give my school more than 250% of my monthly income. More information on my gofundme. Please help. Please share or donate. https://www.gofundme.com/y2buyu-please-help-me-with-school
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prouddly-me · 6 years
Urgent! Is it bad to wear a binder that has bra clips to pull it together? Also to wear said binder for a 10 hour shift at work?
Jay says:
Yes, clasp binders are dangerous. Definitely don’t wear it for 10 hours at work.
Binding info
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prouddly-me · 6 years
The lighting in my car hides my breakout lmao. 2 months today!
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prouddly-me · 6 years
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prouddly-me · 6 years
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It took so much bravery that time. After I finished priming my needle I took this while i tried to psych myself up. My dosage is so small it looks like there’s nothing in the needle. 😭 can’t wait till I get upped. If the shots don’t get easier I’m about 6 months I might ask to get switched to SubQ because I’ve heard it’s easier than IM.
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prouddly-me · 6 years
Hey guys!! Sorry I haven’t posted another video. I’ve been extremely busy. I’ll probably post on Saturday to be honest. A mild update for you; I have been CRAZY emotional and my third shot was extremely hard for me. I don’t even know why. I didn’t prick myself like the first time it just took so much longer to work up the nerve.
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prouddly-me · 6 years
I’m starting to definitely notice the increased sex drive. I get uncomfortably aroused and it’s a bit of a burden to handle it 😭
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prouddly-me · 6 years
Second video! Obviously no big changes. Just an update on how I’m doing. My first self administered shot was last night and it was so scary! I did okay though and I know I did it right. Can’t wait to update you guys again next week at two weeks in testosterone! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
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prouddly-me · 6 years
Does Planned Parenthood offer Hormone Replacement Therapy for transgender people?
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Someone asked us: 
Can Planned Parenthood provide hormones to transgender people? And if so, what are the costs?
Why yes, yes we do. There are an increasing number of Planned Parenthood health centers that offer hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for trans clients. (Cost will vary depending on your insurance and Planned Parenthood health center policies.) Currently, the Planned Parenthood health centers that offer hormone treatment for trans folks are: 
Mountain View
Santa Cruz
Walnut Creek
Near North 
Rogers Park
Great Falls
New Hampshire:
New York:
Saratoga Springs
North Carolina:
Chapel Hill
Hyde Park 
St. Albans
White River Junction
Mt. Vernon
- Calvin and Maureen at QueerTips
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prouddly-me · 6 years
If you prefer to donate to us directly: https://www.paypal.me/olivergraham9
PayPal or Google pay email address: [email protected]
Venmo: @transitionmatrix Cash app: $OliverGraham9
Amazon wishlist (packages sent to my mom’s within next week we will receive) we are planning on leaving Wisconsin 7/10/2018: https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/1UV361KBFAWRS
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prouddly-me · 6 years
Hey guys, this is my first video update, just a Pre-T voice snippet! In 4 days I’ll post about how my first injection goes and I’ll make a video update since I’ll have something fun to talk about. Like I mentioned I’ll be posting videos once a week on Sunday’s. Probably in the evenings since I usually do work on sundays. I’ll post often about my progress with learning how to do my injections and all physical changes I notice once those begin. I’m thrilled to be chronicling my transition, and I hope my blog can be of help to everyone.
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prouddly-me · 6 years
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Oh my god it’s so small?
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prouddly-me · 6 years
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It’s been a whole ordeal but we finally have my hormones. They only ended up costing me $20 with all the needles and syringes included after my insurance approved. I’m so happy. My first shot is on Sunday when my nurse friend can teach me how to do them properly. I’m going to be posting voice comparisons once a week for 12 weeks and then monthly, and I’m going to take daily selfies. 💕💉 I’m so happy this all is working out now. I can’t believe things have been so easy. Big thank you again to @plannedparenthood for making services for trans people so accessible. My biggest piece of advice is to MAKE SURE YOU ARE ASSERTIVE. If there are issues with your hormones being covered by insurance do not wait. Call your doctor. When I called planned parenthood to tell them there were issues they called me back WITHIN TWO HOURS and my pharmacy filled my script two hours after that. Never wait. Always take charge of your life and let no one get in your way. This is your life. Your treatment. It’s hell it high water and you can do it. You can make it happen. For a few days I was scared it would never work out in a million years. And here we are 6 days from when I achieve the dream. You can do it too. There is hope. There is support. You just have to be strong and stand up for yourself.
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prouddly-me · 6 years
Packing with a packer advice for those who got one but dont have a clue
I see you kid👀
Im going to be talking mostly with the mr. Limpy because that, like many people, was my first packer, but most of what is said here still goes for most packers. (Tw: i will be using anatomically correct terms for genitals so you understand what im talking about, also, i use a diagram of nether regions. Also silicone dicks)
So first off, ive only heard this once, but didn’t really notice it until i found my old packer cause I lost my main one. You dick changes. It shrinks, and after so many washes, it loses some squish, not a lot, but just, noticable if you have a brand new one. You guys ready to see some dicks?
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So if it feels too big now, Horray! Its gonna shrink some. It also starts to naturally bend in the direction you position it, like i pack downwards, so he’s lookin down some.
So now that that’s out of the way, harnesses. Now you can buy a harness, that’s cool. You can make a packing pouch(get two pieces of fabric shaped like back pants pockets, sew them with an open top, cut a hole in the front and put your boy in there), or buy one, that’s cool. But see, im a broke man, so i just got some old underwear and cut them as so
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It works just fine. Just, get some old underwear, slide them on, mark wear your dick will protrude, take em off, snip, and bam, harness. I use this and I’ve yet to have my packer fall out, even in a pool. So, that a harness for you.
So now is positioning
This took me longer than it had to to figure out. But a lot of guys dont know how to do it, so here’s a diagram:
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So depending on your anatomy, the balls should align with your urethra and your vagina. The shaft should protrude from your clitoris. First position the shaft and let the balls align with what they need. Now you can move your dick in whatever direction you like best. It honestly feels great.
To clean your dick, just soak it in a cup of water and hand soap for a good 15 minutes and he should be clean.
So there you go, some crappy dick advice.
~Have fun dicking~
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