#packing tips ftm
school starts for me in a few days and I'm thinking of packing this year but I'm anxious!! I don't want to look awkward or anything :/ is there any tips or tricks to it??
Hey kid, There are many different ways to pack such as using a prosthetic or just a pair of socks. I'd recommend attatching your packer to your underwear using a safety pin. If you are using a prosthetic, put it in a sock/pouch and attach that to your underwear rather than the packer itself. Honestly, it might sound strange but it's very difficult to know if you look awkward, so I'd suggest asking a trusted friend -preferably one that is also trans- if it looks right. Lastly, wash your packer regularly!! If packing makes you feel more dysphoric (which is the case for some people) then don't be afraid to stop, it doesnt make you any less valid as a trans guy if you don't pack.
I'm also returning to school next week, so I hope this helps and good luck for the new school year!! <3 -Sage [he/they]
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ablueberryblogs · 4 months
What soft packers do you guys use for a subtle bulge? I want something that's barely noticeable, I'm terrified of accidentally looking hard 😅 the more affordable the better (as i also plan on buying a jockstrap to hold it in place and only have about 100 dollars to my name right now). I'm finally getting tired of using socks lol
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fagdykefrank · 11 months
ALRIGHT awhile back I made a post about getting a packer and someone asked if I could make a follow-up on how to pack so HERES THAT FOLLOWUP! Some light mention of afab anatomy below the cut, let me know if you have any questions!
Ok, so you've got a packer. Now what are you supposed to do with it? Well, you got plenty of options.
Some quick placement notes: when you're positioning your packer, the best place from an aesthetic perspective is to position the base of the shaft right over your clit, almost like its an extension of your clit. This will put your packer in the right spot to give you a bulge without looking like you have a boner in public.
Some packers will come with built in packing options, like underwear with built in bulges. I've never used these, but they're pretty straightforward.
If you don't have any of that stuff, another option is to use a harness. Any harness built for pegging will do, but if you're shopping around, some are built specifically for long wear comfort and packing. I have one of these, I wear it under my boxers. Probably one of the best packing styles, and you can almost guarantee that your dick won't fall out, and that its in the right spot. However, if youre just using a pair of socks or something that isnt compatible with a harness, you won't be able to use this.
Before I got my harness, I just stuffed it in my underwear. Definitely recommend getting mens boxers for this, because mens boxers have a little pouch in the front that goes right where the dick is, so you can just tuck your packer in there. If you just have womens underwear, even womens boxers, they tend to be looser and won't hold you packer in place very well. Its still totally possible to pack in just womens underwear, but your dick will almost certainly fall out eventually. If you're just packing in underwear, your packer will shift around and sort of migrate while you go about your day, so make sure to keep track of that and adjust whenever if starts to get uncomfortable or look strange. This will also help keep your dick from falling out
Feel free to ask any questions you might have, and happy packing!
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the-t-boy-king · 1 year
Now that I made a few post about packing, I was thinking about doing a review about the packers I have right now.
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forcedtogrow · 14 days
FTM cock-shame, forcemasc edition
You’ve been going to the gym with your coach for a while now, he’s a bigger and more experienced lifter and has helped you push through every goal you thought was impossible to reach. After many, many weeks of watching your hunky coach glistening with sweat, you start to get curious about his tdick, if he’s big all over… He wears a packer most of the time to create a bulge in his gym shorts that makes it hard to tell, but one day he forgets to wear underwear and you catch him changing.
His soft is bigger than your hard, in every dimension. It’s honestly embarrassing that a guy like you is even considered in the same category as a guy like him—that’s what you think anyway. You’re getting hard watching his dick jiggle as he shifts his weight while changing, but it’s not like anyone will notice less than an inch in your boxer briefs. You look away in time so he doesn’t see you flush with humiliation for being so inferior, you didn’t even know bottom growth could look like that! I mean, you’re really small anyway, maybe half an inch? Most guys don’t get luckier than 1.5 inches even after years on T…but he is packing.
Your arm brushes his while you pull your shirt off and adjust your binder, he smiles at you. “Nice job today kid, I can tell you’ve been training hard between sessions”, he’s toweling off his upper body while he talks to you, flexing and contracting his arms, chest, his back—“you seem distracted”, he points out as you’re staring at his pecs, and coach flexes to emphasize he knows where your attention is at.
“I, uh, I’m ah…I mean I’ve never seen you change before”. You wish you hadn’t said it but when you start you can’t stop, “your bottom growth is fucking huge, coach. I didn’t think it could get that big”. He laughs and punches your arm harder than he means to, or maybe he wanted to hit you that hard. “It can, if you don’t mess around with that low dose shit, you could make way more progress if you doubled your dose and stop being scared of becoming a man”. Coach puts his hand on your shoulder and gives you a faint smile, like a good father softening criticism with love.
“You want to look like me right?”, he cups one of his pecs and runs his hand down his abdomen. “You want to get big and hairy,” he grabs your hand and rubs it against the coarse hair on his abdomen, “just like this right? And down here too”. You stop just shy of touching his dick. “What if someone sees us coach? I don’t wanna be the gym slut…”.
“You won’t be the gym slut, you’ll be my slut, but only if you up your dose and start growing for me”. Coach lifts you up and carries you to the back of the locker room, slamming you up against the wall. “Let’s play show and tell, kid. Show me yours and I’ll tell you how big you could get if you really wanted”. You pull down your boxer briefs to show the tiniest head of growth, like a mini dick-tip barely poking out of its foreskin.
“That’s it? Really?” He bends down to look closer, keeping his hands on your waist; you can feel the warmth of his breath on you. “It’s not like I can make it grow faster! It-it’s just growing slower cus I’m on the gel…it’s not fair to compare us anyway, coach. You have the biggest I’ve ever seen”, you can almost feel his lips touching you and suddenly your legs feel like giving out. “No more gel. No more low-dose T.”, coach rubs his bottom lip over your dick, making it twitch in a way you’ve never felt before. “If you promise to do your shots and turn into a big, hairy muscle man for me I’ll suck you off, and you can think about how much better it’ll feel to get a blowjob when you have a big fat cock like mine”, you start squirming your hips trying to force yourself into his mouth, but he easily forces you down with his strong hands.
“I’ll double my dose coach, I’ll do it tonight! I’ll let you put the shot in my ass yourself”. As you say it he starts to close his lips around you and gently circle your tip with his tongue, but stops abruptly. “Don’t get so excited kid, I’m gonna need a little more effort from you if you really want to show me how much you want to be a man”. Coach presses you harder into the wall, “see how easy it is for me to pin you? Don’t you wish you were strong like me?”. You start to moan and pitifully try to push him off of you, accidentally rubbing your dick against his thigh. “Seems like all you want right now is my mouth. Isn’t that right, slut?”. You let your mouth hang open and start rocking your body against your coaches hard, hairy thighs.
“I want to be just like you coach…”, you say moving close enough to kiss him, but he puts his hand over your mouth. “How about this”, coach moves down to your hips again, “I’m gonna suck your baby dick while you tell me how badly you want to be a big man for me”.
Coach starts lightly wrapping his lips around you, not sucking yet, just looking up at you like a muscle whore. “I want to be just like you coach, I want to eat and lift until my muscles feel like they’re going to explode”, coach starts sucking you off and doing this flick with his tongue…even his tongue is so strong… “I want to be be bigger than you, even if I have to quit my job and lift 24/7 and be an empty-headed muscle slut, only thinking about injecting myself with T and eating and lifting until the only clothes I can wear are XXL tank tops, I-“ you gasp as coach grabs your ass to push your cock harder into his mouth, sucking and slipping his tongue over your hole as the same time. “I-I…want to feel my dick getting bigger, I want to fill up your mouth with thick it is, I want to look like a real man next to you”. Coach keeps sucking and starts finger banging you like he’s possessed, you could not have imagined how sexy he would look with his shoulders flexed, veins bulging on his arms while he takes you into his mouth…red faced, sweating, gasping and moaning on your little clit-dick…
You cum so hard in his mouth you feel on the edge of blacking out.
“Now bend over and I’ll get the needle”.
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answersfromzestual · 10 months
Improved Blog Directory - Find what you need
Educational Article on the Phalloplasty Surgical Procedure -self written
Beginning testosterone, testosterone hormone therapy - Article on HRT
How to choose clothing/shoe sizes during transition - clothing on smaller feet and frames
Formal Wear - how to dress formally during transition.
Need to speak to someone? Do you need help with your legal name change? Please click here. Translifeline.org
USA Safe States for Trans-People (Constantly Updated by the website Owner)
What to Update After Legal Name Change
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Testosterone - storage, travel, and injection advice
Facial Hair Information- Tips and Tricks on How to Shave (HRT)
Frequently Asked Questions about Phalloplasty - My [personal] Experiences
How can one ejaculate after phalloplasty procedure? -ask answered.
Common Phalloplasty Misconceptions- Article
Male Mannerisms- help to know male gestures, wording, and attitude- (ask)
Testosterone Experiences That Caught Me Off Guard - (Ask)
Safe Binding and Packing - Articles Purchase Sites Also
Staying Stealth During Surgeries, Explaing Scarring - advice (ask)
Top Surgery (both ftm & mtf), procedures, and approximate costs.
Can I have top surgery and be overweight?
Keyhole Top Surgery Procdure- Outline and what qualifies you as a potential candidate
Finding a Top Surgeron in North America
So You Just Had Surgery (Top)- Advice on the best way to heal after surgery/ minimize scarring.
Is more time on the operating table really better? Operating time and infection information.
Metoidioplasty FAQ
My arm and upper thigh after about a decade after phalloplasty.
My Personal Surgeon and Their Clinic
Interview with Dr. Chen about Bottom Surgery
Penile/ Phalloplasty Erectile Devices
Expectations- Personal Advice on Setting Expectations
Urethra lengthening Procedure Information- Self written article.
Importance of Uriologist
Phalloplasty Website - Includes Parents Guide
Urethra Lengthening Procedure
General Surgical Risks
Plus Sized Surgery Risks
List of Phalloplasty Surgerons in the USA
Vaginal-Perservering Phalloplasty Procedure
Graft SiteCare for Forearm -Free Flap Phalloplasty
What Happens if Erectile Device Breaks?
Image of My Phalloplasty (wearing underwear) Educational Purposes Only
Phalloplasty Procedure Outline by GRS Montreal - (Link to Webpage)
First Ever Phalloplasty Procedure - Surgeon
Michael Dillon- Trans Pioneer (First phalloplasty patient)
How to Find Proper Sources of Information in a World of False Information/ Online Safety
Why certain terms can be hurtful. Please respect my/others views.
Tattooing over your forearm skin graft -ask
Testosterone and Hair Loss Information
If there are any other posts/ other topics I should add to this directory, please send me an ask. I will never post your username without your expressed consent in the ask.
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genderqueerdykes · 14 days
any tips on binding when you're hypermobile? i'm aware my ribs may react badly to it, so i wanna do this smartly and carefully
that's a good question, i somewhat have experience with this, but this may vary greatly from your experience depending on how your own rib cage responds
whenever i got a chest binder online, it was from a decent maker at the time, but i found myself not being able to wear it for very long without feeling extremely uncomfortable. i ended up not finding it worth it, but i had already used a strategy in the past. some folks can find success with a well fitting sports bra that doesn't have individual cups sewn in- some have a flat front that will help with compression
trans tape is also an option! this can depend on the size of your chest, but it's definitely an option:
otherwise i would say play it by ear, if you find yourself feeling very uncomfortable and especially if there's pain, it may not be worth your time to use a binder or sports bra. for some of us it's difficult or impossible because of our disabilities and that's okay. if anyone has any suggestions for anything else this anon could use, feel free to add!
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fairytail-whathesays · 8 months
Hello! I don't know if xreaders are still open but, I'm so curious what your take on a Sting x ftm!reader would be! Mainly sfw but nsfw is fine, too.
I love your headcanons so much, you really manage to portrait everyone's character so well! So thank you <3
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So guess what finally reached 100 notes?
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You probably thought I forgot about this ask, or didn't receive it, right? Wrong! Time to keep my promise!
Sting is like the anti-dysphoria fairy. I think out of every possible boyfriend option in the series, he'd be the best at this sort of thing. You think he wears that fur-lined crop top and those elbow-length gloves because he likes gender conformity? Lmao. Sting not only is a hype man by nature, he loves your masculinity, your male-ness, and encourages it and your expression of it however you choose. You want tips on serving pure "dude" or just affirmation? He's the one you go to.
See, if Rogue were your boyfriend, he'd be the type to respond to you being addressed with the wrong pronoun by just talking about you casually and using the correct pronoun without drawing attention to it. Not Sting--he loudly and pointedly corrects people the second they make that mistake, just because he knows people don't be paying no fuccin attention half the time. It's embarrassing at first because of how gung-ho he is about it but it's something you end up liking about him.
Sting is the type of bisexual dude to call himself gay at literally every opportunity and endorse anything that allows him to feel more gay. At first you think he's constantly referring to you as his boyfriend in public to make you feel good--then you realize he just really really likes letting people know he got himself a man.
If you don't know your best angles, Sting will find them for you. He's very much an Instagram bf, always taking pictures, even when you're just doing nothing sitting there drinking coffee. His phone is chock full of you and yes, you're his lock screen.
Do you have a name you like yet? Don't get it twisted, if you've already got all your manly gameplans in order, it's all good, but if you start dating him while transitioning, he will have endless recommendations as to your new name. You're dating a guy named Sting Eucliffe, after all.
Sting does not dim his light to keep pace with anyone, he emphasizes his partner's qualities as best he can. Even if you're the shy type by nature, like Rogue, you'll find that Sting never overpowers your presence in a room. Remember what I said about automatically being the hot person x hot person couple? Even if you start out known to peers as "Sting Eucliffe's boyfriend", it doesn't stay that way for long.
He does, perhaps, simp a bit. He's not wound around your finger, but you can get him to bend to your will a little more easily than other people around him.
Regardless of what you're packing downstairs (or upstairs) you're good to go. If, however, you got some parts switched up, be prepared to spend a lot more time with Sting in Slut Mode--he loves to bottom. Even if you choose the strap-on route, he's happy either way.
Sting is so freaking good at oral, like, who the hell gave him permission??? It's ego, it's pride. You don't ask to have your eyes roll back in your head, he does it because he wants to.
Wear his clothes. Trust, you'll look good in them. And Sting looks good naked, win-win.
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Hi, I'm trans (ftm) and in a week I'm leaving for 2 month long camp. I was assigned to sleep in the girls cabins but have switched to th boys. Does anyone have any tips for a trans boy sleeping in the boys cabins for the first time? Also for reference I'm 14 years old.
Lee says:
I would advise you to speak with the camp staff or counselors in advance, if you haven't already, and make sure they understand the situation and fully support having you sleep in the boy's cabin and also do all of the other activities with the boys, if that's what you want.
You don't want to have to deal with any last-minute surprises like finding out they're re-assigned you back to the girl's cabin or plan on having you change in the girl's bathrooms instead of a private gender-neutral or male space after you're at camp, so you gotta get all of the details ironed out in advance.
That includes making sure you've thought about what you're comfortable with in terms of bathrooms, changing spaces, locker rooms, etc, and how you plan to handle things like binding or packing (and cleaning STP packers), how you plan to manage your period if you have a period, and whether you plan on coming out to your bunk-mates (and, by extension, to the whole camp because you can't assume everyone will keep your secrets) if you aren't already out to them.
It isn't safe to wear a binder 24/7 for two months so you presumably will not be binding at night when you're in the boy's cabin which means at some point over the next two months at least one boy in your cabin is likely to see you without the binder as you get ready for bed at night and get out of bed in the morning, even if you try to avoid it. If you don't mind that, or don't bind anyway, then it's not a big deal, but it's something to consider because it can make it harder to stay stealth if that is something you had hoped to do.
Make sure you have a plan for your menstrual supplies if you use any, and bring enough of them to have some back-ups. Think about what is going to make you feel the most comfortable, whether it's pads, tampons, menstrual cups, menstrual discs, period underwear, etc, and then think about the logistics of it-- disposing of used pads or tampons in the men's bathroom or bringing bags so you can wrap it yourself and carry it to another trash to get rid of, how you could discreetly wash a menstrual cup or period underwear in the men's bathroom, and so on. Don't bring anything to camp that you haven't used before-- this isn't the time to bring a single menstrual cup only to find the size you got isn't comfy for you!
Overall, the largest piece of advice that I'd have is to just be yourself, and be friendly to others. Take the opportunity to get to know your fellow cabin mates better if they aren't already your friends-- they could be the ones who either stand up for you and have your back if some other student gives you trouble, or they could end up being the source of trouble if they feel uncomfortable with you and/or are transphobic. You don't need to be best friends with all of them, but don't be a wallflower and ignore them either, and try to be reasonable even when they're not.
You might encounter curiosity or questions from your peers about your gender identity and body. While it's entirely up to you how much you want to share, being prepared with a simple and confident response can help navigate these interactions smoothly.
Respect the privacy and boundaries of your cabin mates, just as you would expect them to respect yours. Establishing mutual respect early on can contribute to a harmonious living environment. Even so, living with other folks means you may have disagreements and friction over things like how messy your space is, how late people stay up, etc, especially when you're living together for two months, so be prepared to stand up for yourself but also remember to try and be a problem-solver and take a minute to cool down before you get into a fight and learn to let some things go.
As always, remember that you have the right to be there and to feel comfortable in your surroundings. If you encounter any challenges or need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out to a trusted camp counselor or staff member. They are there to support you and ensure that your camp experience is positive and safe. If someone does cause drama or is bullying you or is transphobic etc, don't be afraid to snitch! You gotta take care of you.
All that being said, I don't have a lot of experience with this type of situation myself-- I went to a week of school sleep-away camp in 5th grade and 6th grade but that was before I came out, and the next time I went to a similar sleep-away camp thing was a brief experience in college, so I was a young adult and had been on T and had 2 of my 5 surgeries by that point and I only needed to share a room with my partner. I would like to encourage our followers to add on with more tips if you have relevant experiences and can help anon out! And anon, when you come back from camp, please do share any life-hacks you've picked up with us to help the next young trans camper out!!
Followers, anything to add?
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habitual-creatures · 10 days
Studying you like a specimen, HABIT!! It's so I can be better in cosplay:3 Also I just like watching HABIT scene packs,,,
Copying voice is so hard,,, and the laugh!! God I love your laugh it sends me chills every time I hear the true laugh,,, I'm not the greatest at the voice since I'm not a man but alright!!
You move very,,, Cartoon-ish? Is how I can put it kinda. You walk like you own everything and everyone. Which you do. But how you carry yourself is so cool,,, your hand movements add a lot to what you say,, Gives meaning!!
- 💜 anon
(( pspspspsp- as a not on T yet ftm guy who's HABIT kin and likes to slip into the voice, I can describe it as trying to add a slight growl to your voice. You can sorta feel it in your lower throat when you do it. It's kind of like the feeling of clearing your throat, but applying it to your words! But make sure you're hydrated before you try to do that. It can blow out your voice if you're not ready to do it. And you can't *or at least I can't* get too loud with it, or you lose the tone. But primarily, if you can just get a twinge of the accent, that can carry you through louder words/speaking! ))
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degendog · 3 months
hey! sorry in advanced for kinda spilling my guts, but idk there isnt really anyone else that ive found to talk to about this.
I’m trans masc, and recently, i made something thats like part strap-on, part dildo, and part packer. ive been wearing it and its been a adjustment, but ive been getting used to it.
ive also been trying to get off with it, but that hasnt been going super well. ive been trying to experiment recently, i've only really found that i get off to being called “good boy”, but just saying that to myself hasn't been very effective. (i tend to peek within the first 30 seconds, then go into something short of a depresive spiral for like 4-7 business days, which is why ive put off really trying anything until now.) so would you have any tips?
hey man you’re all good. no shame in needing advice from horny transgenders on the internet lol.
im going to assume you���re pre-t bc of the macgyvered packer-dildo-strap, which i am very intrigued by if you’re willing to describe how that works. like. are you hard packing all the time? is it like a pack n play? did you make something yourself and if so what material? <-that’s more of a question for safety/hygiene reasons lol
everyone has a different relationship to jacking off pre-t. i barely ever jacked off bc it didn’t feel good before and id be crippled with dysphoria every time i stuck a hand in my pants. a pre t dude i know is wayyyy hornier than i am now. there’s no shame in whatever libido you have, especially considering how dysphoria can affect it.
my advice: take some of the pressure to cum off yourself. it’s okay if you don’t cum when you jack off, particularly if you’re trying something new. forcing yourself to chase an orgasm isn’t fun when it’s every time (forced orgasms are hot, but only when it’s fun for everyone involved). let yourself try shit out and see what feels good. look at ftm porn if you need ideas—particularly amateur work. there’s a lot on various subreddits, but i’d avoid r/ftmspunished (which is a transmasc kinky subreddit) for at least a while bc way too much of the content on there is feminization. not helpful when you’re trying to feel comfortable sexually as a man.
seriously though, looking at porn is a great way to find out what you’re into and what gets you going. i mostly look at amateur porn bc it’s less perfect and closer to reality to me. there’s usually less fantasy involved, so it’s easier to imagine yourself in that scenario. you can watch videos of other trans guys jacking off and try to copy their movements, for example.
as for the 30-second peak followed by the week of depression, that sounds like a high libido impacted by good old standard issue dysphoria to me. i actually had pretty bad bottom dysphoria myself up until a few months ago, even after years on t. what helped me learn to love my anatomy was realizing that i’m not a lesser man just because i’m trans. i don’t have to be a last resort. people can be attracted to me for me, including my transness. (and then i got a really fucking good blowjob recently that further confirmed that lol so. worth a shot). you’re not a lesser man because you’re trans, and you and your dick are still worthy of love.
also. for the love of god do not everyday pack with a dildo unless you have one of the specially made ones. use a rolled up sock as a packer if you can’t get a silicone one. i’ve been using a sock packer for like six years.
much love man
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Hello fellow queer babies. Here are some tips i learned being trans FtM. I do also have MtF tips. THIS IS PURELY FOR MALE OR FEMALE! I HAVE NO NON-BINARY TIPS.
hair. this is obvious but there are masc. hair styles with long hair if you aren't ready to cut off your locks. the same goes for femme and short hair
make-up. quite a few people are shocked to hear you can use make-up to change your face shape. all you need is concealer, contour and some eyeshadow.
sitting. the way you sit tells a lot. men tend to spread out where women tend to cross their legs.
figure. I'm not telling you to diet. you can create more masc. or femme silhouettes for masc. simply wear looser shirts and hoodies. shorts also help. for femme skirts, dresses, crop tops. if you feel daring a bra.
jewellery. both genders have jewellery associated with them. for men its thicker chains, watches and thick plain band rings. A single stud earring helps. For women thinner jewellery, necklaces bracelets earrings.
packing. this is a FtM trick. roll up a sock or 2 and put it in your underwear. you can get fancier one that allow pack pee and play but this is for the poor boys
walking. men take longer strides where women take shorter steps
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dudepussy34 · 1 year
you click onto facebook marketplace. you scroll for a while. you come across a picture of me. i am wearing cat ears and a skimpy maid costume, dusting a shelf with my foot kicked up behind me and a charming smile on my face. you see "ftm catboy maid!" and you immediately hire me for three hours.
i show up at your place in a fucked up 1993 nissan hardbody. i get out: i am in the maid costume. you watch me from your window as i smoke two cigarettes, flick them both in through my open truck window, and put on the lacy cute cat ears. then i go into the truck box for a bag, and i knock on your door.
you open it. i tell you, "i'm here to clean." you respond with a teasing, "okay." i set the bag down on the table. i pull out a bottle of bleach, some all-surface cleaner, and a roll of paper towels. i say, deadpan, "i'm starting on your bathroom."
you realize about two hours and thirty minutes in that you hired someone to legitimately deep clean your house for three hours. i clean your bathroom and your kitchen; i get down on my hands and knees to scrub the floors, but when you come up behind me, thinking this is finally when you'll get your dick wet, i look over my shoulder and snap, "fuck off, don't interrupt me while i'm cleaning." you do not argue.
three hours have passed, and your place has never been cleaner. the weird smells are gone. i've gotten hair dye stains you thought were going to be there forever out of your shower tile. your floors shine and speckle. i hold out my hand. "one-twenty. tips are accepted."
you pay me. i go outside, smoke the rest of the pack, and then leave. you are surprised, but not overall disappointed.
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transgendertips · 9 months
Hi, I don't know if you're able to help me but I have top surgery in 2 months and I've heard that you should exercise before the surgery. I haven't really exercised because of my dysphoria and depression, and I'm now feeling very anxious about it... I'm scared my results will look bad because of not exercising and building muscle before the surgery. I am fairly healthy and thin but I definitely don't have much muscles - which doesn't really bother me. I'm just scared I have ruined my top surgery :(
So for exercise tips I’m prob not the best person to go to BUT—
Let’s look at a few things about this:
Post op, the things I have heard from MANY people is that it is incredibly important to do small stretches and massage the areas you’ve been operated on + the surrounding area in order to keep up/rebuild your range of movement. So it looks like some of the most important things are to rebuild range of movement in the arms/shoulders and to prevent muscular atrophy in the chest/shoulders/arms.
Pre op, depending on type of top surgery prep is going to look different, but since you mention muscles I’m going to assume it’s within the mastectomy category which can be varied in a lot of ways. Your insurance may require you to be on HRT for 18+ months without a single missed dose, your dr may or may not recommend HRT or exercise, and many drs have had many patients who didn’t have exceptional chest muscles, so you’re more than likely going to be FINE. More than fine. However many drs have said having SOME build up of muscle makes it EASIER for them to reconstruct the area in the later stages of surgery and many people who get mastectomies will say it’s easier to hide certain scars (if that’s what you wish to do) if there’s a build up of some muscle.
I also try doing the exercise thing and between time, fatigue, disability, it’s a pain in the ass, let me tell you.
Maybe the best thing is for you to combine something easy and simple with something else. For example, if you watch a lot of TV, you can add some simple stretches to that to increase mobility and to set a routine for yourself. I think the absolute hardest thing about exercise is the routine part.
You have most definitely not ruined your chances of top surgery, so try not to think too much about that.
I’m going to drop some links, as a disclaimer I haven’t gone through all of them but here they are:
TikTok Tony is a Top Surgery Dr he’s great:
This one is just about a book btw
And when I tried finding something about exercising with depression this was the only thing that fit what I was looking for
If top surgery is something you want/need, you’ve prob already done some research on it, so I say def go back to that as well and look to see what others have done. There’s plethora of guides and testimonials nowadays. Try not to be so hard on yourself too.
EDIT: totally missed the part where you said you had top surgery in two months 😭 omg that’s so great 😭 congrats!!!!🎈🍾🎉🎊 if your team has resources for therapy to deal with the stress of surgery etc I do recommend checking that out though. Follow your surgeons directions, do your stretches and massages, and do your best to take care of yourself and get plenty of rest 💕
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ftm-helper · 1 year
tips for dealing w dysphoria!!
this might not help everyone, but these are some tips n tricks that have helped me w dysphoria! 1. clothes!! if u can't get gender affirming clothes, try ur best to get gender neutral clothes!! if you're ftm like me, i suggest wearing your trousers quite low, even if they're not designed to be low waisted, it helps hide any hip curves!! n baggy shirts help me too, to hide anything my binder doesnt. i go to a support group for trans kids, and they have a free clothes rack, you can donate clothes or take clothes and they won't tell ur family or anything. even charity shops/thrift stores are good! if you dont like the clothes there or can't afford them, dont be afraid to ask your friends! the worst thing they can do is say no, unless you're not out to them
2. binding/tucking/packing,, i've found that binding and packing are some of the best ways to feel more at home in my body, but binders can be expensive, and cheap ones arent usually very good for you. i'd suggest body tape for my trans boys blessed with small chests, it doesnt really bind, but it holds things in place! u can watch tutorials on youtube but i'll link one just for u right here! the actual tutorial starts at around 1:36. https://youtu.be/Itzspq5K0z8
as for packing, you can buy an actual packer, or just use a balled up pair of socks! it might not make much difference but honestly just knowing i have that bulge has helped me a lot! i used to use socks, and it's quite easy to use, but remember they're there when you use the toilet,, ive dropped mine in countless times. i use a packer now and i love it so much, it adds the perfect bulge for me, and i wear boxers with a sort of pocket at the front to hold it in place!
when it comes to tucking i dont have any experience, but if you do a bit of research im sure you can find something!! just whatever you do....DONT USE DUCT TAPE!!!!!! that applies to all of u honestly. with stuffing a bra or something, you can buy adhesive silicone bra fillers from basically any store that sells female clothes! they'll add at least a little bit of cup size and if you have a bra, it'll make your chest look perkier and help fill it out a bit! plus once again, socks work for that! you can fold them, roll them, whatever you find works best!
3. friends!!!!!!!!! GET URSELF GOOD AND CONFIDENT FRIENDS!!! if ur out to people irl, and you get misgendered in public with friends, it can be so so uncomfortable to correct people! if you have confident friends/partners, you should ask that they correct people for you! you shouldnt have to go through any of it alone <3
more about friends !! find friends who are similar to you, but opposite! as a trans boy, i have quite a few mtf friends, and i've given my old clothes/bras etc to them, and they've given me boxers, shirts, and colognes!!
i really hope this has helped a bit!! dont stress yourself out, im here for anything you need and i'm always willing to help <3
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hungry-m0th · 2 years
Hey Moth, holy shit your last few stuffings are seriously impressive. I'm a fellow ftm gainer and I was wondering whether you had some tips for gaining as fast as possible?
I've never been a super hungry person so it's always been challenging to eat enough, let alone in excess. T didn't help on that end either cause it upped my metabolism but not my appetite.
First of all, thank you. 🥺 I'm always surprised by how quickly I'm growing, so YMMV, but I'd be happy to share my tips with you.
1) Listen to your body. This is the big one. Some gainers are really good at putting away huge multi-course meals at a time (which itself takes practice), while others like myself flourish most when we're allowed to casually graze on small meals over the course of the day.
Keep some easy snacks like granola bars nearby and eat one whenever you get a quick craving. You'll start to pay attention to your belly more and will get better at predicting what it wants.
2)Prepare meals decadently. Whatever you're eating can be made more calorie dense, depending on how health-conscious you are and how much effort you put into your own cooking.
Pan-fry vegetables in garlic and butter. Replace milk with cream when you bake. Choose higher-calorie versions of snacks you already like, and try new ones to expand your range of tastes. When you're just starting out, this will make the whole experience of eating and gaining more generally efficient and enjoyable.
3) Gainer Shakes.
This is the fastest, most efficient method of putting calories in your body, and to some gainers they're the pinnacle of fantasy fuel. Not all bodies respond well to shakes, but if you need access to fast, easy calories, here you go.
If you have the money to drop, invest in some mass gainer powder and add 1-2 scoops to 8-12oz of your favorite milk or milk alternative. Add whatever else you want - berries, peanut butter, ovaltine, coffee, ice cream, anything- and blend it to a smooth consistency with a blender, electric whisk, or blender bottle. You now have a protein shake that clocks in between 400-1000+ calories, depending on your choice of ingredients. Pour it into an opaque thermos, and voila, you have a discreet way to bulk up on the go. They also pair well with light exercise, which is always recommended for general wellness and stimulating your appetite. 😉
If you're not sure if you'd enjoy protein shakes, grab a six pack of ensure or boost for ~$10 to see if they appeal to your taste without making you feel gross.
I hope this helps a little! Best of luck with your gaining journey and transition. 🤟
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