prythian-writing · 29 days
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Nyx Misting for the First Time
Nyx got a little too excited with his new toy ✨
Commissioned with charlize_artz (link here)
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prythian-writing · 29 days
I personally think Azriel would be a service top. He'd be so eager to please and want the praise that comes with it. He'd want to be able to let go of everything weighing on him and just focus on making his partner feel good. He'd happily stay on his knees for an hour if that's what his partner wanted, or let his partner use him for as long as they'd like. He'd melt into the aftercare later, soak up all the praise and affection. He'd love it when he's called a good boy, love the way you'd massage his back, his hands, his wrists after. The way you'd play with his hair and run your nails along his scalp.
That's not to say he wouldn't care about his own pleasure -- I think the minute you give the ok, he'd switch off from the gentle mewling male he was a second ago and instead become the rougher lover a lot of people remember him as (only after you've finished, of course), collapsing when he finishes and making it your turn to soak up his praise and affection.
Azriel in bed, man. could think abt it all day
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prythian-writing · 29 days
Release Me (And Let Me Love Again) pt. 1
Summary: When Nesta realizes something is off with Feyre, she enlists the help of someone she never thought she'd go to, starting a chain of events that may finally find all three sisters true happiness.
Pairings: Elucien, Nessian, Nesta/Lucien (platonic), Azriel/Nesta (platonic)
Overview: friends to lovers, anti-rhys, evil rhys, lucien deserved better
This is my first fanfic for this fandom, and I apologize for that, but after seeing a post with this concept I couldn't let it go. And so, a story where Lucien helps break Rhysand's spell/hold on Feyre with the help of Elain and Helion was born.
When Nesta storms into the room, Lucien's body is moving before his brain has time to process. He's on his feet, bracing himself, and words start spilling out of his mouth.
"I've been giving her space," he says, "she approaches me. Asks for my company." His gaze turns pleading, "I can't say no."
Nesta falters a step, but keeps her chin raised. "She is not the sister of mine I want to talk to you about."
Lucien's body relaxes, his stance turning casual even as his brow furrows. "Feyre?"
Nesta nods. "I know you broke whatever spell had you bound so you could..." she trails off, swallowing against the sudden lump in her throat as she remembers that day, "so you could get to Elain. I need you to do the same for Feyre."
Lucien's hand moves to his blade. "Where is she?" he asks, his voice hard. "Does Rhysand know? Azriel?" Despite his jealousy when it comes to the shadowsinger and Elain, he knows that when it comes to Feyre, Azriel would gladly lay an entire town to ruin if it meant getting his High Lady home safe. Not that Cassian wouldn't, but Azriel would do it quietly. Slowly. The way someone who hurts Feyre deserves to be hurt.
"Rhysand won't know about this," Nesta says, voice hard. "Azriel..." she stops to think. Who would he be most loyal to? He revers Feyre in a way she'd almost think to be romantic, if not for the tortured, longing expression he wears when he's around Gwyn. "Not yet," she says at last.
Lucien searches Nesta's face, but she's not quite sure what he's looking for. "What. Happened." Not a question.
"I think..." the guilt churns her stomach. Feyre doesn't know anything is wrong. She'll just think that Nesta is just doing what she used to -- hurting her to shove down her own hurts. Ruining her happiness just to be petty. She thinks of what she'd do if someone told her Cassian... she pushes the thought away.
"Nesta." Lucien's voice has gone gentle, and she hates it. She meant to strongarm him into this, she can't look weak.
"I think Rhysand has done something to her."
Lucien wastes no time unsheathing his dagger. As much as he outwardly supports Feyre and Rhysand together, simply because Feyre looked so happy, he is not surprised. It's what Tam and he had thought, all those months ago, when the note had arrived. What had allowed Feyre to break apart Spring.
"I'll end him." For all that Feyre has...ignored him lately, he owes her. For not being there as he should have been, for not pushing against Tamlin when he insisted Feyre was safer away from everything. For her saving his life, over and over.
Nesta disarms him with a flourish that makes his eyes widen. “Not yet,” she says through her teeth. “I need you to break whatever it is he has on her. She hasn't been…right, lately. The more he's away the more like the old Feyre she becomes. Then he's back, and she's wearing those gossamer gowns and making doe eyes at him. Cassian has noticed it too, the way her personality shifts when Rhysand is away. It's like she's intoxicated when he's around.”
“Some females are just like that with their mates,” Lucien says.
“I can understand that,” Nesta says with a shrug. She's certainly softer with Cassian than she would be with anyone else. “But the other day I caught her sobbing. Over Tamlin. Wondering what she has done. And then she just…snapped out of it as soon as it started. Like Rhysand said something to her down their bond, or made her stop.”
That gives Lucien pause. “You think he's been manipulating her this entire time,” he breathes. Nesta nods.
“Maybe not when she decided she needed to leave to clear her head after Tamlin locked her in the manor. But certainly…after.”
Lucien feels sick. He grips the back of the chair he was sitting on what feels like days ago. His mind races through every interaction between the two of them, every look and glance and…noise he's heard through the walls.
“I don't know how I broke the bonds that held me,” Lucien admits, “I just knew I had to get to Elain, to cover her and offer her dignity.”
“Then you need to figure it out,” Nesta says, “because Rhysand’s only gone for two weeks this time, and I want her free before he comes back.”
She leaves then, and it's only after the door closes and Lucien sinks back into his chair that he realizes.
Nesta trusts him much more than he could have ever imagined.
And he now not only has to figure out how to break a spell, but he has to suppress the desire to kill Rhysand as he does it.
First things first, he thinks, getting up to find paper and a quill. Who else would be better to help him than the High Lord of Day?
He's nearly got pen to paper before he realizes having anything in writing may not be a great idea. He sighs, heading to his room to grab a bag.
It takes a while before he's at the front door of the townhouse, and Elain catches him as he goes to open the door.
“Where are you leaving to?” She asks. Her voice makes something pull deep in his chest. It's not the first time she's spoken directly to him – their afternoons weeding in the gardens have given way to stilted, but good conversation. But the way she asks it, like she's disappointed, that makes hope stir in Lucien.
“I'm going to the Day Court,” he says, “I need to speak with Helion and have somewhere to think.”
Elain bites her lip. “I've never been outside of the Night Court,” she says.
Lucien tries not to wince. “I assumed that was by choice.”
“At first,” Elain agrees. “But now…”
Lucien nods, an offer on his tongue. Since that evening the month past, where she had sat next to him on the couch and asked if they could be friends – only friends – despite what the mating bond said, they've truly become such. Friends, who weed in the garden and attempt (in Lucien's case) to bake bread together. But taking her on a trip… he knows what everyone would think of him, his motivations. Because though it's not obvious to Elain, every minute Lucien spends with her, he falls more in love with her. He's sure that even if the mating bond never snapped between them, he'd feel the same way.
“Take me with you,” Elain says instead, saving him from having to offer. “I think I'd like to see the other courts.”
“Nesta would have my head,” Lucien says. It isn't a refusal.
“I'm a grown woman,” Elain retorts. “Please.”
The same words Feyre had pleaded, every time he and Tamlin insisted she stay behind, that it's safer for her to sit and simper instead of being a part of the action.
“Pack a bag,” Lucien says before he can overthink it. “I'll wait here.”
Elain beams at him, and he replays the look over and over in his head as he waits for her return, hoping to sear the image behind his eyes. Elain’s smile could make flowers bloom and clouds part. And it was fixed on him.
When she comes back, two bags slung over a shoulder, he raises a brow.
“I have a bunch of things I've no need of anymore. I've donated a lot of it here, but figured Day may be rebuilding just as much as us. They could use it.”
The heart in this girl, Lucien thinks.
Winnowing takes extra concentration. His mind keeps wanting to wander to Elain’s smile, the warm of her hand in his.
He forces himself to focus. This trip isn't about him and Elain fixing whatever broke those weeks after she came out of the cauldron.
It's about fixing whatever Rhysand broke in Feyre.
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prythian-writing · 30 days
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A Court of Thorns and Roses Characters
Artist: @/eburnsillustrations
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prythian-writing · 30 days
Lucien glowed once as a child while he was with his big bro Eris and Eris knew from then exactly who his father was.
It was also the day that Eris decided Lucien could never be happy enough to glow again.
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prythian-writing · 1 month
the real reason azriel is frothing at the mouth about the mating bond and fantasizing about lucien challenging him to a blood rite is because he’s pissed off that elain got a vanserra and he didn’t. first eris doesn’t nasty make out with him in front of everyone when he body slams him during the high lord meeting, and now lucien’s off the market? its devastating. the only thing keeping him going is the fact that gwyn’s a snarky, stubborn redhead too and mama did NOT raise a quitter
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prythian-writing · 1 month
one of the most heartbreaking things about this theory is that if she breaks free of it and tries to return to tamlin - he likely won't believe her because of what she did before. Plus she'd have Rhys' kid in tow.
this would be such a good twist but unfortunately SJM would have to be a better writer to pull it off :/
Rhysan using Mind control theory
As many who have read the series/researched it every which way to Sunday know, Rhysand possesses the terrifying ability to read and manipulate minds. This is something he does every time to Feyre or whenever he wants to communicate with someone. He has sent desires through this as well.
What if he used this to convince Feyre to choose him. Throughout ACOMAF we have seen Feyre go back and forth between choosing Rhysand and Tamlin, the self doubt, and hating herself for betraying Tamlin. She even had full on paragraphs calling herself a whore, noting how she was dressed the same way she had under the mountain. And it only increases more and more she thinks of Tamlin.
If he wanted to Rhysand could have amplified these small emotions of doubt to appear as the hero in Feyre’s eyes. He targeted her the second they met in the Spring court in ACOTAR and used their deal as an excuse to get close to her for his plan to work. Tamlin locking Feyre up (as inexcusably bad that is) to protect her was just the perfect opportunity for him to put it into action.
By using his power to take her from Tamlin in his own twisted version of revenge. Feyre would be none the wiser because the fake memories and emotions would be amplified the more she began to doubt if she was making the right choice.
It would explain why she thought writing a letter to Tamlin instead of a confrontation on neutral ground with security to end things, why she allows Rhysand to dress her up in fabric that barely qualifies as clothes, and may have made up his mother making those clothes for her as an excuse to get her to wear them. This could even extend to convincing her they are mates.
And every time she begins to come out of the spell he has her caught in her just needs to place a new one or a simple caress to convince her he ‘loves’ her.
There is a good chance all of this was due to the trauma he went through growing up and stealing Tamlin’s mate turned into a perverse love of not wanting anyone to have her and to make Tamlin suffer.
But then again it’s just a theory, a terrifying one but a theory not the less.
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prythian-writing · 1 month
gwyn spends one night outside the library and ends up in the fucking hunger games
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prythian-writing · 1 month
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𝓜𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼: 𝓔𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷 & 𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓲𝓮𝓷 🌺
My lovely friend @melphss and I were able to commission with insanely lovely art by @jjflorentina
The artist did such an incredible job showing Elain and Lucien in a sweet embrace.
@melphss thought this quote from Elain in ACOWAR reminded her of a quote from Jane Eyre so I attached both of them. I thought it was a lovely correlation.
Elain: “It felt.. strange, like you pulled on a thread tied to a rib?”
Jane Eyre: “I have a strange feeling with regard to you. As if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly knotted to a similar string in you. And if you were to leave I'm afraid that cord of communion would snap. And I have a notion that I'd take to bleeding inwardly. As for you, you'd forget me.”
Link to Instagram post
Characters belong to Sarah J Maas
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prythian-writing · 1 month
My name's B, I'm 26, non-binary, and have been in love with the ACOTAR series for a while now. I've been a writer for well over ten years, but haven't written fanfic in a hot minute! I figured it was time for me to start up again while I procrastinate on my novel.
I don't have a particular ship / person I plan to write for -- Azriel and Lucien are my favourites, but they'll be paired with pretty much everyone if my heart so desires, and I'll write about the other characters too!
I do write smut, so this is an 18+ blog -- all minors who interact will be blocked.
While I do love to write, I'm also fixing up my first home and work two jobs, so updates may be sporadic or, if I'm procrastinating, may be super close together!
I look forward to interacting with other writers and ACOTAR readers!
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