words-from-my-mind · 1 year
hello there
hey so uh... anyone want a poem for my return?
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words-from-my-mind · 3 years
We’ve torn each other to pieces for the maggots to eat
Stooped down to levels of hell that Dante would be envious of
Roared so loud at each other and the moon that God could hear us
  And yet it still kills me to know you went this low.
  I pray that you’re lying, that you made it all up
But your numb expression and empty eyes drown me in the truth
And suffocate all of my already dying hopes.
  You truly slept with him…
You truly let him use your body…
You truly broke those vows…
  I know I did it first
But at least I didn’t do it with someone you considered family!...
  You went to the one person you knew would hurt me, didn’t you?
You did this so you could punish me for eternity, didn’t you?
You chose to use my card so I’d find it all out when you wanted, didn’t you?
  You’re so cold-hearted and empty
The deathly cold of space will never compare to you!
And yet I still cling to you and pray for warmth, my love
I still look up at you and feel love grow in my heart  
I still pray that you’re lying…
  The cycle of pain and suffering as finally come to an end, hasn’t it?
This is the end of us.
  As you walk out the door,
my world goes mute as my mind races
She’s going to see him
She’s going to do it again
And I’m too heart-broken to stop it…
  I stand in the middle of our home
It’s been a broken home for far too long
I walk to our bedroom and start to pack some bags
  Memories flying through my mind as I walk through the house
Late nights in the kitchen, making snacks…
Binge-watching shows in the living room…
The bedroom on our wedding night…
None of it matters anymore
  I open the trunk of the Audi and toss my bags inside
My hands gripping the door as I slam it shut
I sit in the driver seat and start the car, a blank expression taking over me
  If you want to run to a “real man”… I’ll run to a real woman
  ~pain stains minds, revenge stains hearts
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words-from-my-mind · 3 years
If you’re an artist, writer, etc. reblog and put in the tags a specific thing you think you’re very good at and a specific thing you’d like to improve on.
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words-from-my-mind · 3 years
They say in Greek mythology that our life’s purpose is to find our soulmate
  Our Twin Flame
  As the story goes, humans used to have 4 arms, 4 legs, and 2 faces
When Zeus saw how we looked, he was terrified
So he split all humans into 2 even pieces, leaving us to wander our entire lives looking for our
other half
  Now, I’m not one for believing in mythology, but I think this story may be somewhat true
Let me tell you why.
  Humans, both mentally and emotionally, were never meant to go through life alone
We are social creatures by default, even those who say they would rather go through life alone
Deep down, even they know they’re lying
  Everyone always dream of having their movie moment
They look across the coffee shop or the bar, seeing the stranger looking at them and
Boom- the sparks start to fly
  I mean, why else would we say “sparks fly” when talking about love unless that describes
2 flames meeting, and becoming 1
  The fire inside all of us represents our desires, our passions, our souls, and our deepest self
And in life, all we want is someone to call our own. Someone who understands it all
And who better to understand us than our long lost other half?
  ~Our love based in mythology          
(P.S. Zeus, you cold son of a bitch…)
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words-from-my-mind · 3 years
This feeling will never get old
The wind in my hair
The streetlights illuminating the small town in front of us
The music blaring from our speakers
The smell of weed making my eyes heavy and my smile wide
  This town may hold memories too dark to revisit
But the people who I’ve managed to keep by my side make it all the brighter
  Because I know no matter where life takes me
Across the state lines
Across the time zones
Across the oceans
  I’ll always have a way back home
And a welcome back with open arms
With a feeling that nowhere else can match
    ~meaningless town, meaningful people
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words-from-my-mind · 3 years
Dear Seagram,
Life is better now that you’re out of our lives.
Yes, it has gone a tad down hill
         ok, really downhill
But we picked the pieces back up
We put ourselves back together
 Mom found another to slide between her sheets
He was nice enough for a long time
           He cared about Micheal
                   He didn’t push too hard to be let in
                         He truly loved mom for a while
But in the end, like you, he left us
 But, we are putting ourselves back together faster and better than ever
We are becoming us again
     Mom is going out with friends
         Micheal is doing amazing in school
   I got a job to support us
We are building ourselves to be stronger while together and apart
 All because you made us see a pattern we formed in our lives
We would let someone in, show them who we really are, and they would leave
Some because of a fight, others to chase another woman, and you because of the needle
 But we aren’t going to let it happen again
Never again
Because I’ve said it to you once in these letters, and I’ll say it again…
I would live in the lowest pit of hell if it meant my family would be happy
 These words rang true when we were ready to leave you
And they still hold up after you’re long gone
We don’t need anyone to help complete our household…
 That’s what we have each other for.
   ~A letter to the man who loved Seagram 7 more than us
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words-from-my-mind · 3 years
My mind races with my thoughts, trying to tell me what to do
Even though it’ll be the hardest thing I ever do
  I don’t feel like we belong together
Yes, when we are together, it’s great
We laugh, love, and mesh well together
  But… there are also the times when we are together that just don’t feel like a couple…
You lay with me, then walk away when the guys beck and call
You fuck me, then you get up and play your games as I lay there, wishing for your touch
  You don’t even know a lot of my hobbies. Hell, you don’t even know I write
  You get pissed when I try to explain these thoughts to you
You say “Sorry” and let it go into silence, you don’t say
“How can I do better? I promise I’ll do better.”
  A relationship isn’t something that can sit in silence and be saved for when you’re happy
We’re supposed to be the same through everything
Yes, we’ll have our bad times, but we need to talk through it, not sit and breath over it
And I know we’ve gone through the break-up before, but maybe it happened for a reason…
   Months later, I tried to make it work, but Life had different plans
You called me bipolar, I called you a high school dropout
We both got our last insults in before we turned our backs
But in the end, you lost
  Why do I say that? Because I would’ve given you anything you ever wanted,
And yet you didn’t care enough to notice
  Honestly, I pray the next girl you find is everything you want
I pray you’re happy with her
I pray you’re a “better man” with her
And I pray she walks away like I should’ve a looooong time ago
  Because you are no man, honey
You are a little boy who doesn’t see the good he has when it’s in front of his face
   ~To my first love, and my first regret
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words-from-my-mind · 3 years
It’s 12:14 am
The house should be quiet
besides my music and the hum of a few fans
But I hear something from my mom’s room
  My fists clench as I stand in the hallway, hearing the sounds from her room
My mom is crying
And him, his voice laced with a silent anger
“You wanna put the gloves on, bitch?”
“C’mon, I’ll even wrap your hands for you.”
  I know mom would never raise her hand at him like that
But Anger boils and sneers in the front of my mind
“Let me at him. I’ll do it in her stead.”
“No one has the right to make my mom cry like that and then not expect a fight.”
  Logic quickly chimes in, pushing Anger back and making me slow my breathing
“Not now. Money is too tight for bail and mom is already upset. We can’t make it worse.”
  The asshole is lucky that I care more about the cost of bail and my mom’s sanity
over my impulses.
   ~I’ll put the gloves on
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words-from-my-mind · 3 years
please don’t go
  don’t leave me here all alone
at the mercy of this cruel world
I don’t want to be here alone
  you are the light of my life
the sun could not compare to how much you light me up
and without you, I will lose the lifeline that keeps me here
  just hold on a little longer, baby
I know that the other side holds a world only described in books of religion
but I need you here
we need you here with us
  don’t let the light claim you yet
god can take a raincheck as long as you fight
  I can��t watch life go on without you beside me
I can’t feel the embrace of love without you beside me
I can’t live without you beside me
  please don’t go…
  ~waiting room pleas
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words-from-my-mind · 3 years
Everyone always says
“I’ll take a bullet for you”
But I don’t think they ever would
  Because I’m not worth the lead
And no one outside of my family would hold their word seriously
  But, I think it’s time to change the phrase as a whole
  Because “I’ll hold you when your heart gets tired” sounds much more poetic and sweet
than finding out that the one who said they would take the bullet for you…
  …is the one holding the gun to your head.
   ~warmth over lead
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words-from-my-mind · 3 years
the only way to feel this high
i got to feel with you
the only person who could make my body feel like this
i got to lay with you
  even if it was only for a short while
i still got to feel you
even if the marks on my body have faded
i still got to wake up with them
after all is said and done
i got my night with you
and even if youre no longer in my life
i dont regret the fling we had
  even if it is the only thing that haunts my dreams
even if it means you are simply a ghost on my sheets
  if someone told me to do it all again with the same outcome
i would call you in a heartbeat to relive that high
   ~the high i only got with you
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words-from-my-mind · 3 years
My mind is playing a life-altering game of Russian Roulette
  My subconscious loads the gun and sets the gun down on the table
Logic picks it up, the barrel against her temple as she pulls the trigger without hesitation
She lives for another round
Anger snatches the gun up next, his eyes ablaze as he cocks the gun
He’s the first to go
  The gun is reloaded and passed to Love, who’s crying as she feels the metal against her skull
The gun clicks: she’s still breathing
Agony is next, an old veteran who’s seen the game played too many, as she yearns to leave the table…
She gets her wish
  Another reload, another round
Shot after shot; Depression, Joy, Disgust, Rage- they all bite the bullet
Now, only Love and Logic remain
  The Final Duel
  They face each other
Logic holds a blank stare
Love has tears in her eyes
2 sides of the coin that is my mind
  My subconscious loads the final bullet and places the gun down
As she looks at the 2 personifications in front of her
  Logic picks up the gun first, pointing it at Love
“You can’t do this, Logic.”
“I’m trying to save her the pain, Love.”
“You never did that before! Why try it now?!”
“Because we both know how this will end between them.”
  Everything goes silent as Logic pulls the trigger
More silence. No bang.
  Logic sets the gun down, staring straight ahead at Love
Love picks up the gun, the barrel at Logic
“Let her feel this moment. She deserves it.”
  Logic falls dead as Love stands up and walks away from the table
A smile creeps onto her lips as she looks outside at the view through my eyes
She sees my lips on yours, a small smile coming to my lips as a blush reddens my cheeks
Neither Love nor myself care how this will end
All we know is that nothing will compare to this moment
    ~Love won, and so did I
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words-from-my-mind · 3 years
we’ve seen each other through it all
but we never crossed the line
we’ve held each other with a warm embrace
but we never held each other with our bare skin
we’ve laughed together for hours on end
but we never moaned each other’s names
  until that night
that night when late night talks of the past came to a head
that night when your hand ventured to the inside of my thigh
that night when your voice was the only thing i wanted to hear
  that moment could’ve lasted forever
your body on top of mine
your hands on my hips
your mouth on my neck
  the line was crossed that night
and i don’t ever want to go back to normal
   ~the lines we cross
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words-from-my-mind · 4 years
all i see is her
all i hear is her
her smile, her laugh
she invades my thoughts and haunts my dreams
all of my late nights stemming from my desire for her
  is it wrong of me?
to think the way i do?
  to be held, kissed, and loved by her
is all i dream of now
life had different plans for us
    ~my late night desire
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words-from-my-mind · 4 years
They say the past shapes who you become
I believe in that, 100%
My cocktail of trauma that I call a past
Makes for a peculiar mind in more ways than one
“But how?” you ask
 Well, that’s a story
to see with the lights down low,
to smell with the aroma of sweat and desire,
to feel with the warmth of my skin on yours,
to taste with the silver tongue laced with sweet nothings,
to hear with the quiet moans and praises that fall from our lips
Not everyone ends up like this, but…
I’m not so vanilla in my taste for desire
   ~desires out of trauma
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words-from-my-mind · 4 years
You know me so damn well
My eyes
My smile
My mind
My body
My soul
And yet I still get giddy when you read me like an open book
  The way you smiled down at me after I followed a gut feeling
By planting a kiss on your jaw
  I know I was just being hopeful that you would lead me back upstairs
Both of us giggling like idiots as we went to my room
  Slowly peeling back the layers we wore until we felt our own heat
A new emotion taking us both over as we look in each other’s eyes…
    ~Untamed passion
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words-from-my-mind · 4 years
You have no idea the time I could give you
If you gave me the chance
  No strings attached
Cancel anytime
As secretive as you want it to be
  I could be your occasional lover
Your nighttime secret
Your bare angel
Your dreams come true
  I would do whatever you wish
Sit on my knees in front of you
Push your face deeper between your thighs
Moan your name for God to hear
Bite my lip and keep quiet
  I would be whatever you want
Your toy
Your mistress
Your brat
Your master
  I can be whatever you wish
Whatever you dream
Whatever you desire
  But, this deal has
  Once you truly get a taste, be careful
As you may never find satisfaction like this again
  Because just when you think you’ve had enough
The need and desire will creep back in
And you’ll want, need, thirst for more
  As this side of me is hidden in plain sight
And you’ll be pulled back in by a simple gaze
  I may be human
But I can take you to heaven if you let me
  ~heaven in hiding  
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