puella-sapiens · 4 years
It seems very necessary for me to add that there is a suggestion that Jaskier is actually part elf. So... that might be a legitimete reason for him not aging that visibly. I don't remember if this was ever addressed in the books apart from Jaskier being distraught about being mistaken for an elf... but in the 2002 polish tv show Jaskier outright admits to Geralt that he is indeed part elf.
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This makes sense however Jaskier should only have aged about ten years and some people don’t age that much between twenty to forty.  Ten years doesn’t necessarily mean much.
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puella-sapiens · 4 years
Isn't this what basically happens in Toussaint?
Jaskier with his rich vocabulary, weird ass clothes, and suspiciously long full name is secretly a prince and there's nothing you can do to change my mind.
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puella-sapiens · 4 years
I'm becoming famous, thought Geralt putting his hands over his chest. Too famous. Maybe I should dye my hair? Or shave myself bald, like Harlan Tzara? ~Andrzey Sapkowski, Season of storms 
 Finally stumbled upon some evidence :)
dyed-hair Geralt
Haven’t seen anyone suggesting that Geralt’s hair would be perfect for dyeing it in all sort of crazy colors. You know, it’s already basically white so you wouldn’t have to bleach it. We now that hair dyeing is a thing in the universe since there are characters in the books who have dyed their hair (Sorry, can’t find anything specific, but I do recall something… hmm, I confess it could have been something to do with sorceresses, would be lovely if someone could confirm this). Also Geralt’s hair is, of course, part of his advanced mutation so it grows in white but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it wouldn’t hold dye.
Anyway, imagine rainbow haired Geralt.
Jaskier/Dandelion would be either ecstatic or horrified.
Yennefer and Triss would make fun of him and refuse to magically help him get the dye out.
Ciri would’ve been the one to dye his hair as a prank.
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puella-sapiens · 4 years
Especially lovely since I got the the impression that Sabrina is very prone to her emotions from the books
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There are mages like Sabrina who ignore their emotions…
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puella-sapiens · 4 years
dyed-hair Geralt
Haven’t seen anyone suggesting that Geralt’s hair would be perfect for dyeing it in all sort of crazy colors. You know, it’s already basically white so you wouldn’t have to bleach it. We now that hair dyeing is a thing in the universe since there are characters in the books who have dyed their hair (Sorry, can’t find anything specific, but I do recall something... hmm, I confess it could have been something to do with sorceresses, would be lovely if someone could confirm this). Also Geralt’s hair is, of course, part of his advanced mutation so it grows in white but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it wouldn’t hold dye.
Anyway, imagine rainbow haired Geralt.
Jaskier/Dandelion would be either ecstatic or horrified.
Yennefer and Triss would make fun of him and refuse to magically help him get the dye out.
Ciri would’ve been the one to dye his hair as a prank.
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puella-sapiens · 4 years
Witchers are literate. They have to be, to learn about monsters and potion recipes. This can result in some awkward realizations when people see witchers (like Geralt) absorbed in books. 
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puella-sapiens · 6 years
Yes yes yes!!!
Why the world of Elan by Michael J Sullivan is AMAZING and why you should read it RIGHT NOW!
Is currently comprised of Riyria Revelations (completed) Legends of the First Empire (completely written, soon to release 2 books a year) and Riyria Chronicles (soon to be 4 books in and will probably end up at 12) He writes the entire series before publication so they can be released on time (no GRRM long waits)
Has elements of sword & sorcery, high fantasy, epic fantasy, political thriller, and slapstick comedy.
Has a really great duo in Hadrian Blackwater and Royce Melborn, the thief collective Riyria.
Has a wealth of fantastically written female characters, who are not Sexy Lamps™, damsels, or vehicles for Main Pain™.
Like seriously, all the female characters are fleshed out individuals, who are not sexually assaulted for PLOT REASONS.
Particularly in the Legends of the First Empire it is the women who get shit done!
Really tightly written plot, with no dangling plot threads (what may seem at the end of one book as a dangling plot thread is resolved in a later book)
Features a fresh take on common fantasy tropes and characters types like elves, dwarves, and goblins.
Features a character who looses everything and goes through a major suicidal depression, and who must find a new reason to go on living.
Actually believable romances! No instant true love, or rewarding the Good Guy with a chick.
No grand supernatural external evil, just people who are terrible to each other.
Fantastic humor, including someone who was imprisoned for centuries being angry about new grammar rules.
Flawed heroes who don’t always save the day.
Seriously, you should be reading it by now. It’s awesome. READ IT!
also Michael J. Sullivan is an actual sweetheart who super appreciates his fans
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puella-sapiens · 6 years
I just really want to write a book (in fact, I think that I’m going to) where the protagonist is in a wheelchair. And they live in a city where there’s a group of superheroes. And there’s a big, magical, villain because of course there is.
And since they were a young child, this protagonist has wanted nothing more than to join the group of superheroes. Like they’re a huge fan of the group and they just know that it’s their destiny to join.
And one day, when wheeling through the city, they see the group of heroes fighting the villain. And they quickly wheel over and cry, “Let me help!”
But the ‘heroes’ laugh and instead make a whole bunch of ableist remarks.
And so the protagonist has to prove themselves.
And the villain is trying to warn them to stop.
But the protagonist ends up taking their footrest off of their wheelchair and they swing it. And it hits the villain in the side of the face and the villain collapses and groans in pain.
And so the protagonist proudly smiles and turns to the group of heroes.
Because they just proved that they are strong and worthy enough.
But the group of ‘heroes’ still keeps making ableist remarks.
And the protagonist is shocked.
And meanwhile, the ‘villain’ staggers to their feet and is standing next to the protagonist’ wheelchair.
And one of the ‘heroes’ goes too far when calling the protagonist the R word.
And the protagonist and the ‘villain’ just sort of glance at one another.
And the ‘villain’ is just like, “You know…I can zap them for you…if you want.”
And the protagonist hesitates and says, “Yeah, alright!”
One fried group of heroes later, the ‘villain’ says, “Why do you think that I’m always fighting them? They’re all a bunch of assholes.”
And the protagonist sadly nods and starts to wheel away.
“Hey, do you want a job?”
The protagonist turns at the villain’s remark. And the protagonist mumbles something like, “Oh, come on. I don’t need your pity.”
And the ‘villain’ is like, “Pity!? Do I look like someone who hands out pity!? I don’t pity you! I’m kind of afraid of you, to be honest! I mean…I’m going to have a giant bruise on my face because of you.”
“Water under the bridge! So, what do you say? Do you want a job?”
And the protagonist thinks about it for a minute before shrugging.
And the ‘villain’ is all excited because they’ve wanted someone to work with them for years but no mortal is allowed to ‘step into’ their lair.
And then the ‘villain’ stops and is like, “Hang on…you can’t work with me in that.”
And they gesture to the protagonist’s wheelchair.
And the protagonist is all embarrassed.
And then the villain goes, “Because we can get you a much better wheelchair! It’ll look great! And it’ll be indestructible! And it’ll have all sorts of weapons and gadgets! Hey, how do you feel about flying…?”
And all of that is literally in the first chapter and then the rest of the story follows the two going around the city like BAMFs, forcing people to stop being ableist, one way or another. And maybe it’ll have some commentary on the scale of morality and what it truly means to be a hero and what it truly means to be a villain.
Would anyone be interested in this!?
Because I really want to write it!?
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puella-sapiens · 6 years
Stick it, Merula
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Merula is like a fourth wheel in a tree-wheel-vehicle
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puella-sapiens · 6 years
I wondered about this too... I reckon he hates the player because their brother really fucked up and "ruined the house's reputation"
irhinoceri said: The whole Merula thing is so banal, as is the fact that the game tries to make you be Harry Potter instead of your own person. Like, did Snape wanna fuck my mom too and that’s why he extra super hates me or what          
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I’m in his House. ugh. it’s nice hanging out at hogwarts but the total lack of choice in the game is really undercutting the general experience. maybe it doesn’t even matter if I beat merula in a duel; the game will just proceed however it wants to either way.
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puella-sapiens · 6 years
Why is there a rawenclaw in that tree
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Look at her smile 😂 Girl you do know
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puella-sapiens · 6 years
Just a PC Peter Grant phase
You know what I want? I want Peter Grant to walk into my house, my room and analyse it like hell and write it all down. And then I'm gonna read it.
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puella-sapiens · 6 years
Professor Sprout's wonderful yet unappreciated hobbies
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I wonder why...
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puella-sapiens · 6 years
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You bloody liar, you haven't even been to any Herbology before
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puella-sapiens · 6 years
Madam Pomfrey
You've heard of madam Hooch's death threats, now prepare for madam Pomfrey's optimism.
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puella-sapiens · 6 years
Wifi by the forbbiden forest?
Maybe you have a better idea of what thus student is doing then?
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puella-sapiens · 6 years
So my friend has a kitten...
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