punk-rock-nashir-blog 7 years
We all loved you and trusted you. You made me eat, made Elliot stop self harming, and helped Souda with his confidence.
Suddenly you hate us... you called Elliot a tranny, told me you hated me, and screamed at Souda for wanting attention.
We needed you and you left us. Now I an the one having ti take care of us once again.
Elliot wants to self harm again, he keeps trying to steal the reazors from his pencil sharpeners.
Im not hungry anymore. I throw up at the site of food.
Souda has gone silent. The one thing I have heard him say was "im sorry"
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punk-rock-nashir-blog 7 years
I am so angry. We trusted you and you backstabbed us. Im sorry that our host isnt always happy. They have trauma caused by things. You need to help them get over it not make it worse. You hurt them so bad and now its left to me and Souda to fix them again..i hope you are happy
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punk-rock-nashir-blog 7 years
Tw: school shooting
Dont listen to what they tell you. He DID have a gun.He DID threaten kids. He DID post that he was gonna shoot up the school. Its bad that our school is covering this up. So many kids are now mentaly scarred, are you happy PCC?
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punk-rock-nashir-blog 7 years
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punk-rock-nashir-blog 7 years
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punk-rock-nashir-blog 7 years
Our host is really sick so I am in charge for a bit. We are now all warm and curled up with our dog and watching Heathers (mine and Soudas fav movie)
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punk-rock-nashir-blog 7 years
This is Souda's blog. It would be great if you could follow them. And wow thanks El, nice to see how much you care for me.. bitch.
Welcome to our blog!
Hello. This is a blog ran by the baby of our system, Souda. They are really shy so its gonna take them a while to warm up but they are super friendly.
In all there are 5 of us
Nashir- he/him, 17, kind of rude
Ellie- she/her, 14, enjoys drawing
Morgan- she/her, 16, is a nerd and is obsessed with bts
Naliana: it/its, ???, it rarely fronts.
And finally souda, they/them, 3, a total sweetie
- this was written by Ellie and Morgan.
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