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This is Farah's 'GoFundMe' (she's not that far off from her goal :) ) -
You can clips of the situation people are facing in Ghazza that she's uploaded onto her Instagram handle - farah.n.ammar.
The entity delights in taking away these people's limbs, sight and dignity - the football players, the journalists, just every day humans.
Please boost and raise awareness.
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Буду с вами честна…
Прическа украдена из интервью вампира
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*displays textbook symptomatic behavior of my own disorder that I am well educated on* what’s my deal why am I like this
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I just realized that Gilear is the only competent parent in that household. Aside from Cathilda, who for sure raised Fabian more than his own mother did. But in terms of "default" parental figures, Gilear is the only one who is going to fully show up and be ready.
Telemaine has an entire world to learn about; you put that baby in granpapa's arms and tell him you just need an hour, you're getting a call from the cops telling you they found your baby with a strange man buying lotto tickets at a 7/11.
Hallariel is in no shape or form fit to raise another child. And I can see a world where we get some long overdue development in her character and relationship with Fabian, where she comes to understand what a shit mother she's been, but she's gonna fumble the bag a lot until then.
And you know Cathilda is gonna be doing a lot of the pushing in that department. It'll worry her to let go of the reigns on such a young child, but the satisfaction at seeing Hallariel's face when she goes to pawn off the baby and Cathilda refuses will be more than enough to reassure her that this has to happen.
So that just leaves... Gilear. A fully capable parent who already raised one kid, and who is still a prominent figure in that child's life. It's Gilear in the midst of caring for a newborn whilst Telemaine has Alston declaring his own nemesis, Hallariel panics on the sudden lack of Cathilda, and Fabian furthers his elaborate scheme to kill this baby as he stubbornly fights the slow creepings of affection.
Godspeed, Gilear o7.
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it’s a wonderful world! ✨
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Digital painting
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Ma'am this is the space restaurant we only serve bumpy fruit and severed tentacle
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platonic kissing.
platonic cuddling.
platonic love and affection.
petting, head scratches.
biting your friends?
open conversations about physical affection, talking about what you do and don't like
you agree
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vibin kirin
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happy pride month yall yuri powar.....
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I believe in my soul that the recent spike in trans men being blamed for transmisogyny is a psyop
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sorry but i simply cannot take anyone seriously with this argument. being horny is not a crime. acting inappropriately toward another person is a different thing from simply perceiving them in a way that scratches your brain. but you cannot make sexual thought crimes (thot crimes) a thing without it leading down an EXTREMELY homophobic, transphobic path of "the WRONG type of person PERCEIVED ME and I DID NOT CONSENT TO IT." sometimes you will be perceived by people you personally are not attracted to, and i'm sorry, but that alone is not a problem. you do not need consent to find another person attractive. being horny is fine, actually. get over it.
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sorry but i simply cannot take anyone seriously with this argument. being horny is not a crime. acting inappropriately toward another person is a different thing from simply perceiving them in a way that scratches your brain. but you cannot make sexual thought crimes (thot crimes) a thing without it leading down an EXTREMELY homophobic, transphobic path of "the WRONG type of person PERCEIVED ME and I DID NOT CONSENT TO IT." sometimes you will be perceived by people you personally are not attracted to, and i'm sorry, but that alone is not a problem. you do not need consent to find another person attractive. being horny is fine, actually. get over it.
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