The Mystic Messenger from Heaven: Tale of Purple Lotus
During ancient times, the world was divided into four realms, the Heavenly Realm under the command of Gods and Goddesses, the Immortal Realm at Mount Penglai, the Void Realm or the Demon Land, and Xulan the main city of the Mortal Realm. The three realms continue to live in peace, while the Void Realm continues its vicious work at the Yao Huo Forest, the forest that divides the Demon Land and the Mortal Land. Mortal Emperor Gong Lei asked for the assistance of the Immortals from Mount Penglai and the Demon Realm got furious and continued to cause havoc in the mortal realm. At that time, the sprout of the Purple Lotus was expected by the Gods and Goddesses in the Heavenly Realm.
The war of Mortals, Immortal between the Void Realm was worsened when the previous Demon King, Qingshan was killed by the most powerful immortal from Yunhui Sect, Guo Fang with his divine sword from heaven, causing the son of the late Demon King to get revenge because of what happened to his late father, Wei Zhou planned to steal the most powerful item from the heaven to resurrect his father. He ordered one of his men to go to the banquet at the heavenly realm to celebrate the success of the Immortal and Mortal realms in defeating the Void realm.
The Gods and Goddesses together with the Immortals were all gathered to witness the ceremony of seeing the purple lotus sprout. All of them were mesmerized by what they saw. A color purple lotus sprouted at the sacred Fuhua Tree of the Heavenly Realm; the flower manifested its powerful essence around the heaven which caused the flowers around the world to bloom.
At the Demon Land, the son of the late Demon King continues to mourn because of the death of his father. His men came back as soon as he learned about the Purple Lotus. Upon hearing words from his men, the new Demon King planned to attack the Heavenly Realm and steal the said flower.
Shang Lu, was anxious about the safety of the heavenly flower, he felt uneasy and didn’t want to let his guard down while the ceremony was not yet over.
The High God Shang Lu, instructed his successor and the Chief God, Dong Mei to take care of the newly sprouted Purple Lotus until its reincarnation as the next Chief, God. The said flower is believed to be the most powerful item of the heavenly realm.
10, 000 years ago, the Purple Lotus was taken by the Demon King during the war between the Heavenly Realm and Void Realm. The previous Chief, God, Dong Mei together with the four main Gods and Goddesses, Tao Tai, Xue Fen, Su Xiang, and Qianfan, take all of their original beings to protect the Heavenly Realm from the massive destruction. The immortals from the Rain Society were given their mission from heaven to recover the heavenly flower from the possession of Wei Zhou. One of the powerful immortals from the sect, Guo Fang, led the fight against the men of the Demon King. They successfully brought back the heaven item and temporarily hid it in the Sacred Hall of Chang Ying and sealed it with his divine blood.
The next 4,000 years later, the Goddess of Moon, Renxiang ordered her mystic messenger Zheng Hu to go down to the mortal realm to retrieve the Purple Lotus that was under the care of Immortal Wan Xiang, leader of Yuhui Sect (Rain Society).
“Greetings mystic messenger of heaven Zheng Hu.”
“I, Zheng Hu, mystic messenger from heaven have received an order from the Goddess of the Moon, Renxiang to retrieve the heavenly flower to ensure its safekeeping from the hands of the Blood Cult (Xuejiao) of Void Realm.”
“The Blood Cult was kept on attacking the innocent people of Xu Lan, Reports were verified by my men when they encountered the bloodthirsty demon from the void during their visit to Yang Chun Palace.”
“I’m glad I arrived earlier than expected. Where did you put the Purple Lotus?”
“Come, let me guide you to Changying Hall.”
Wan Xiang and Zheng Hu went to Changying Hall to retrieve the Purple Lotus. Meanwhile, the Blood Cult was planning to steal it from the hand of Zheng Hu. The Blood Cult Leader, General Zou Shuren ordered his men to track down the route of Zheng Hu to heaven and to ambush him from his way to heaven.
“The Demon King, Wei Zhou ordered to retrieve the Purple Lotus, hence all you must do everything to get it by all means from the hands of Zheng Hu! I don’t care if you are going to kill him. Just make sure that we’ll able to get it. Understand?!
“Yes, General!”
“All hail to Void Realm!” General Zhou Shuren shouted.
“All hail to Void Realm!” all of the demons shouted.
            At the Heavenly Realm, the Chief God, Donghai was waiting for the arrival of Zheng Hu. The God of Winter, Mao Yi, approached him to discuss the preparations to be made after the messenger brought back the Purple Lotus to the heavenly realm.
“I already deployed my emissary, Feng Zexian to receive Zheng Hu after he completed his mission. As you saw from your vision, the Blood Cult was planning to steal the heavenly flower from our messenger.”
“I hope that the leader of the phoenix tribe along with our heavenly messenger will be able to protect the heavenly item.”
“Feng Zexian is the Phoenix Queen; she can protect the Purple Lotus. Let’s hope for the positive outcome of Zheng Hu’s mission.”
The goddess of the moon, Renxiang appeared during their conversation.
“Chief, God, Zheng Hu was already on his way.” Renxiang.
“Did he already meet Feng Zexian?” Mao Yi.
“He’s still on his way to meet the Phoenix Queen at the East Gate.” Renxiang.
On his way to meet Feng Zexian, the messenger suddenly sensed a demonic figure following him at the Peach Blossom Forest. Upon realizing that it was the men from Blood Cult he got ready himself to fight them and to protect the Purple Lotus.
“Zheng Hu! Hand over the Purple Lotus.” Ma Xia, is one of the official demons from Blood Sect.
“Never!” Zheng Hu.
“Then, I don’t have a choice but to kill you!” Ma Xia.
Ma Xia drew his sword and aimed it at Zheng Hu, using the cloud sword, Zheng Hu subdued the demonic power from the weapon of his opponent. The battle between the two powerful beings continues, nobody wants to surrender. Meanwhile, Feng Zexian got bored and she decided to go to Peach Blossom Forest. On her way to the forest, the Phoenix Queen sensed the energy from the cloud sword.
“Zheng Hu.” Feng Zexian.
During the battle between the messenger and the demon official, the Purple Lotus was almost lost fortunately, Zheng Hu saved the flower but he got injured by the demonic power.
“Hand over the flower and I will spare your life,” Ma Xia.
“I will never give you the Purple Lotus.” Zheng Hu.
“Then, Die!!!” Ma Xia.
            The demon was hit by a fireball from the Phoenix Queen, the messenger was able to temporarily recover his energy with the help of an elixir given by Feng Zexian.
“Zheng Hu, are you okay?” Feng Zexian.
“Yes.” Replied of Zheng Hu.
            The Phoenix Queen used her peach blossom sword to fight the demon. The demon was no match to the prowess of Feng Zexian and he was subdued by the phoenix arrow. After subduing their enemy, they both come back to the Heavenly Realm carrying the Purple Lotus. Chief, God was relieved when they arrived safely at the realm and asked the messenger if he successfully retrieved the powerful flower, and Zheng Hu showed it to his majesty.
“I’m glad that you are safe, especially the Lotus.”
“On my way here, I had a battle with a demon official named Ma Xia. Fortunately, the Phoenix Queen arrived and I was able to regain my strength. The Phoenix Queen and I subdued the demons on our way and were able to protect the Purple Lotus.”
“I’m sure that demons from the void already know that the heavens ruined their plan. It is important for us to ensure the safety of the next Chief God.”
“I will protect the flower until it transforms into her form.”
“I already deployed heavenly guards to Yan Shun Garden. You will be going to supervise and ensure the safety of the Purple Lotus.”
“Rest assured that I will protect the next successor of heaven.”
The next full moon will be the day when the Lotus will transform into human form. Gods and Goddesses were all gathered to witness the birth of the new Chief, God.
Flowers of the earth started to bloom and the stars from the sky shone brighter. The 12 zodiac spirits were also preparing to be born along with the purple star.
At the Bureau of Constellation (Mortal Land)
It is an auspicious day for both the Emperor and Empress. The Empress was on her way to give birth to a crown successor.
A beautiful light from the sky the moon and stars shine brightly, there is a big dipper and other star constellations. The constellation mage saw a bright light among the stars and he was fascinated that it transformed into a dragon.
“Your Majesty, please use your strength the baby is coming out.”
“Ahhhhhhhh……I can’t do it anymore…Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.”
While waiting for the Empress to give birth, it is remarkable from the face of the emperor that he was worried about both of his wife and child.
“Please be at ease Your Majesty, Her Majesty was doing her best to deliver your child safely.”
“How can I relax at this moment?”
“Your child and the Empress will be alright your Majesty.”
The emperor sighed and prayed for the safety of his wife and child.
After an hour of pain, the Empress successfully delivered her child. His Majesty rejoiced and was relieved when he heard a cry from the delivery room.
“The Empress had given birth to a prince.”
The Constellation Bureau congratulates both the emperor and empress for giving birth to a prince with a dragon zodiac spirit.
“Congratulations Your Majesty, The Prince was born during the birth of the Next Chief God and was blessed to be one of the Zodiac Spirit.”
“Are you saying that our son was chosen to have an important duty by the heavens?” Empress.
“Yes, Your Majesty, the prince has the spirit of Azure Dragon. One of the mythical creatures and among the 12-Zodiac Spirit.��
“Indeed, that we received a blessing from heavens.” Emperor.
“Congratulations to you, our Majesties.”
The Purple Lotus transformed into a beautiful Goddess. All of the Gods and Goddesses together with the Immortals rejoiced. The Chief, God named her Yi Xing Hua/Li’er.
That day the heavenly realm had already proclaimed the next successor of Chief, God Donghai. At the void realm, Wei Zhou was devastated because of his unsuccessful plan. He was extremely mad because of what happened to his demon official during the battle between Zheng Hu and the Phoenix Queen.
“Arrrrrrrrrrggggg! You’ll pay for your boldness, Zheng Hu! I will make sure to kill all Gods and Goddesses including the Immortals at Mount Penglai. I will redeem our honor! Hahahahahahahaha… Argh”
His demonic power is on rage. The Demon King was planning to kill the successor of heaven to resurrect his father.
“Yu Rong!”
“Yes, My Lord.”
“You have a mission to fulfill.”
“Say it My Lord and I will do it for you.”
At Mortal Realm (After 19 years)
The Emperor and Empress made a banquet to welcome the Crown Prince after 10 years of seclusion at Wangling Temple. Chaoxiang was born with a dragon spirit which made him more significant to his parents’ eye. He had a great talent and was under the care of High Immortal Fu Shuren where he spent his 10 years seclusion to become Immortal.
“Let us all welcome the Crown Prince Chaoxiang.”
 Upon his entrance, the sound of gong was all around the palace, as he was welcomed by his father and mother.
“Greeting your Majesties.”
“No need for formality my son. Me and your father miss you so much.” Empress.
“I am glad that I was given a chance to finish my training from High Immortal Fu Shuren.”
“We all know that you will never fail us.” Emperor.
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