pyramidscience · 3 months
On Haiti
The US is quick to call the Haitians gangsters. But gangsters of what? gangsters of their country, because that's all they have at the moment which the US wants desperately. The US literally wants to infect the Haitian country with the US dollar and install foreign people willing to kill the very same Haitian people to protect US dollar investments.
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pyramidscience · 3 months
Loose emeralds?
Anyone interested in Colombian Emeralds?
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pyramidscience · 4 months
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Julie Bell, 1994
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pyramidscience · 4 months
US rice exports to Haiti, which account for the bulk of supplies of the country’s key food staple, contain unhealthy levels of arsenic and cadmium, heavy metals that can increase risks of cancer and heart disease, according to a recent study by the University of Michigan.
Haiti is among America’s top buyers of rice, alongside Mexico and Japan, and cheap imports are more affordable than local options in the Caribbean nation, the poorest state in the western hemisphere.
According to the study, average arsenic and cadmium concentrations were nearly twice as high in imported rice compared to the Haitian-grown product, with some imported samples exceeding international limits.
Nearly all imported rice samples exceeded the US Food and Drug Administration’s recommendation for children’s consumption. [...]
The study, which attributed the dominance of imported rice to lower import tariffs and long-term contracts signed during [US-supported] political turmoil in the late 1980s and 1990s, said Haiti imports nearly 90 per cent of its rice, almost exclusively from the US.[...]
When researchers ran the study in 2020, they found that Haitians on average consumed 85kg of rice per year, compared to 12kg in the US
23 Feb 24
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pyramidscience · 4 months
Even Peter pulled out a knife when the soldiers came to arrest Jesus. God gives no points to the cowardly.
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pyramidscience · 4 months
Sudan aid ending up in Gaza
If you believe that aid organizations or the Egyptian Government would mistakenly send aid meant for Sudan to Gaza you are believing Hamas/Egyptian misinformation. I know we have to make it appear as if Hamas and the Palestinians are above reproach, even considering they kidnapped hundreds of people. But it is ridiculous to believe Aid that is clearly packaged for Sudan would make its way all the way to Gaza and it be chalked up as a "mix-up". My heart still goes out to all the children killed in Palestine. But misinformation is the worst thing to accept as truth.
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pyramidscience · 4 months
The Nazi's thought it was funny to kill Jews WHILE the Nazi's were losing the war. Evilness is the biggest distraction, especially in the face of absolute destruction. I wish Motaz had been killed in Gaza before he could laugh at aid being STOLEN from Sudan. Because wtf.
The Ukrainians thought it was funny watching Africans being denied to leave Ukraine, and this is what humored them as they dodge ballistic missiles.
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pyramidscience · 6 months
On Normalcy.
Though I walk as a gangster and a outlaw, it is you, the ostensibly upright citizens, who truly reign supreme in the realms of abandonment and cowardice. How frequently does the average person forsake their own kin and companions for a veneer of normalcy, for selfish gains, or for wealth? My ethos, however, is rooted in inclusivity and in championing the disenfranchised by taking riches. Label me an armed robber if you must, but it is you who will be remembered as complicit in abandoning whole communities, endorsing conflicts, and pursuing a delusional normalcy. My strongest allies have been found not among the so-called 'normal' but among the residents of Indian reservations and fellow outlaws. This stark reality is proof of the Silent War against conventional living, ordained by God himself. Your deepest fear is not of the unknown, but of losing the only wealth you know how to value — material possessions, a fear known all too well to you and God.
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pyramidscience · 6 months
I've witnessed the painful reality of normalcy and conformity as parents forced their 17 year old daughter to abandon her child due to the child's father being black, subsequently putting the baby up for adoption. The heart wrenching aftermath saw the parents abandoning their daughter entirely, leaving her with nothing, not even her own child. Sadly these distressing situations persist in America and around the world.
the hell of normalcy
I've witnessed the torment of normalcy- a force capable of tearing families apart, inducing homelessness, suicide, and fostering a general averison to anything deemed "different." I've observed a father disown his son and convinced the child's own son mother that this the best option for him, yet this man is hailed as some type of Navy hero and a good father. Despite having it all, his family is shattered, living a facade, and swiftly ready to abandon anyone close to them. I've seen ordinary people suffer slow and agonizing deaths from cancer only to realize these people have spent their adult life supporting policies that detain poor and young people who will inevitably out live them. My heart goes out to all the normal people and I truly hope they continue to witness the hell of normalcy.
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pyramidscience · 6 months
the hell of normalcy
I've witnessed the torment of normalcy- a force capable of tearing families apart, inducing homelessness, suicide, and fostering a general averison to anything deemed "different." I've observed a father disown his son and convinced the child's own son mother that this the best option for him, yet this man is hailed as some type of Navy hero and a good father. Despite having it all, his family is shattered, living a facade, and swiftly ready to abandon anyone close to them. I've seen ordinary people suffer slow and agonizing deaths from cancer only to realize these people have spent their adult life supporting policies that detain poor and young people who will inevitably out live them. My heart goes out to all the normal people and I truly hope they continue to witness the hell of normalcy.
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pyramidscience · 6 months
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pyramidscience · 6 months
On Nations
A nation in its most fundamental form must be a war machine.
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pyramidscience · 6 months
On Ideal Communism.
idealistic communism is obviously far removed from the reality of the fundamental ways Nations are maintained in the modern world. When we focus on the realities, conquest in the face of socially constructed poverty is the only way nations either keep the lights on or destroy themselves. My Ideal of Communism has nothing to do with how communist countries operate in the Modern world. My ideal communism would never fight over oil. To fight over oil would be to accept capitalist rule and the murder of innocent people, which is exactly what will happen if Venezuela invades Guyana.
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pyramidscience · 6 months
On Guyana
If I were Guyana I would immediately destroy the oil that Venezuela wants to take to "save us from fraud". Without the oil we have absolutely nothing to fight over.
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pyramidscience · 6 months
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pyramidscience · 6 months
posting would suck irl im so glad there are screens to hide behind so i dont get attacked with knives and guns and poisons and ropes and daggers and swords and missiles and rapiers and mines and spikes and electricity and arrows and maces and rifles every time i post
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pyramidscience · 6 months
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