quackburhq · 3 years
ch2 outline for “ear to the ground” is almost done :))
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quackburhq · 3 years
anyway, to the person who’s spamming the dagger comments being a teenage, unemployed piece of shit — fuck you. if something makes you uncomfortable, stop reading it like a fucking adult. i know it must be hard for your little 12 IQ to understand, but annoying people doesn’t get you what you want. i’m sure your lack of irl friends proves that fact. get a job, and get out of my mentions.
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quackburhq · 3 years
fun little thought piece i’m gonna put out on the internet.
with “dagger,” i felt like i knew the characters so well. when i was writing them it felt like i became them while i typed, and it was incredibly easy to think of what they might say or do next. now that i’ve started this new piece i feel like i’m drowning in a shallow pool, because these characters feel like strangers to me. idk, i know it’ll fix itself once i start to write more, but it really made me realize how intimate an experience it was writing “dagger,” especially the last five or six chapters. they were MY characters — i might’ve taken the baseline from the creativity of others, but i built them into monuments of my own. it was more or less life-changing, to realize that i could become so consumed by something i created. if i wasn’t feeling my best, i could sit down and sink my consciousness into that realm for a few hours. god i wish i had the time and energy to do that now. anyway. just needed to get that off my chest :))
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quackburhq · 3 years
hey uh idk if anyone still checks this tumblr for updates, but if y’all are, i just wanna let you know i’m alive and kicking, just incredibly busy. i thought i would have time to pump out the AU once i got back on campus, but if there’s one thing i’m lacking atm it’s time. most likely, i’ll start it over winter break and finish through spring, since my classes are going to be a lot easier and i won’t have marching band every day. also, thanks for nearly 1000 kudos on Dagger!! cant believe we’re hitting milestones almost six months later.
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quackburhq · 3 years
i outlined the first chapter and started doing a shit ton of research for the AU instead of doing rewrites LMAO
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quackburhq · 3 years
OH MY GOD so i know i’m supposed to be working on my rewrites for Dagger but the half-formed AU idea i had absolutely exploded in my brain while i was on vacation and now all i want to do is write that lmaoooo
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quackburhq · 3 years
okay i’m putting this here but it’ll also be the new first A/N when i post rewrites — i’m only going back through ch1-5, because if i go any further i will literally never stop lmao and i want to be free of this fic. i’ll also be combining ch 4/5, so final chapter count will be 14. word count won’t suffer from this, trust me lol
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quackburhq · 3 years
i’m so fucking bad at giving quackity trauma, i’ve been trying to rewrite ch1 with a lot more schlatt/alex depth for consistency purposes and the words just. wont come out.
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quackburhq · 3 years
Chapters: 15/15
Fandom: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Alexis | Quackity/Wilbur Soot, Alexis | Quackity & Technoblade, Alexis | Quackity/Technoblade
Characters: Alexis | Quackity, Wilbur Soot, Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF) Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Trauma, Awkward Flirting, Soulmates, Smut, c!quackity is horny for the mentally ill, and there's a lot of angst along the way lmao Summary:
"I guess you’re right,” Alex admits quietly, remembering the moments he and his rival shared before the reign of tyranny Schlatt imposed. He feels the tension leave his shoulders when Wilbur finally pulls away to a respectable distance.
“I’m always right,” the taller man says with what only can be described as a rakish grin, his hand on Alex’s chin adjusting slightly to hold his cheek.
 Alex Quackity escapes Schlatt, Wilbur is intense when it comes to his feelings, and this turned into a way longer project than I anticipated.
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quackburhq · 3 years
finishing up rewrite outlines for the first five chapters of Dagger!! there’s gonna be a ton of new content in these things, i was looking through my original manuscript and the first ten chapters are less than half the story🙃🙃🙃 the rewrites are definitely gonna fix that, we’re look at 40k+ new content with a 100k+ total and i’m very excited about it!!
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quackburhq · 3 years
posted ch14😈
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quackburhq · 3 years
sunday. it will be done.
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quackburhq · 3 years
ch14 outline done, y’all are gonna fucking murder me after i post the finished product lmao
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quackburhq · 3 years
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quackburhq · 3 years
i’m so stuck on this chapter. i’ve literally never had to delete and rewrite so much and so often before, i keep pushing into territory that feels boring or wrong. ugh. i’m 2k in and about four bullets into the 30 bullet outline. this is the long haul.
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quackburhq · 3 years
holy fuck this chapter outline is three pages long. it’s gonna take at least two days to write and goddam is it a monster of fluff, angst, smut, and carefully crafted symbolism :D
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quackburhq · 3 years
new chapter!! check pinned post :)
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