quantummindreader · 4 years
Laughter goes viral!
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Laughter is infectious, it spreads like a virus, from one group to another. No amount of hand washing can prevent it but a face mask could certainly dull down the laughter. An audience very much has a pack mentality. If the person next to you laughs then you’re likely to laugh too, after all you don’t want to appear as someone who didn’t get the joke? Of course there will always be someone that doesn’t find me funny, but at least they’re in an environment where (hopefully) everybody else does. It’s hard to keep a straight face when all around you are rolling in the aisles.
Like laughter, yawns also promote an auto-response. However, yawning during my show is something I actively try to avoid…
Laughter is a release and comedians can use that tool to garner a laugh from a sensitive subject or perhaps a darker topic. People WANT to laugh and sometimes they just need that opportunity to do it. That prompt from others in the audience tells them;
A: It’s okay to laugh
B: This is the right time to laugh
Laughter soon spreads and the more you laugh, well, the more you laugh and infect those all around you.
Funny videos on social media go viral, faster than covid-19 and with happier results. Comedy is my tool and I guarantee the audience will be throughly entertained and hopefully the laughter bug will be something they DO take away and spread to others!
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quantummindreader · 7 years
Product Launches
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Product launches are another field within the corporate entertainment sector. A new product brings with it a level of excitement and anticipation both for staff involved in it’s development, and for customers eager to see what the latest “thing” is. Car manufacturers were among the first to recognise the use of magicians and magic to reveal their new model. We’re all familiar with the illusion revealing the new car from a previous empty space with just the wave of hand. But how does a mentalist fare?
Mental magic is incredibly flexible and mind feats involving the audience can be utilised for a product reveal and make it just as memorable as that appearing car. I specialise in tailoring all my performnaces to suit the theme, brand and where possible, the product. I successfully used my mind reading talents to introduce the audience to credit cards, a games console, mobile phone, a diamond ring and even a designer clothing line.
With the performance customised in this way, the product is the star of the show and remains in the audience’s minds. Clients go away with having enjoyed the experience and more importantly — remembering your product.
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quantummindreader · 7 years
Corporate Entertainment
There are many benefits to hiring an entertainer for your corporate event. For many years now companies have enjoyed using the talents of various entertainers from ice sculptors, dance troupes, musicians, circus acts, hypnotists, magicians and then there’s me — a mind reader.
So what can I, a mind reader, bring to your next event? Quite apart from revealing a thought of word, predicting numbers, replicating a drawing, etc. I can instil a message into the performance, one that promotes the brand, identity or ethos of your business. I can create a performance to enhance or highlight a particular product, motivate the staff, poke fun at the CEO or even present the equation of the theory of everything for Professor Stephen Hawking…
Whatever the approach, I will ensure that the proceedings are remembered, and above all, enjoyed immensely. With my injection of comedy, the routines are not only fun to watch, but even greater fun to participate in.
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quantummindreader · 7 years
Science of Magic
Science and magic are not necessarily mutually exclusive. After my appearance at the Starmus Festival in Trondheim, Norway, I discovered that many of the attending scientists were fascinated with my performance. My comic approached fused with my pseudo-science principles really fooled some truly great minds. It was clear that I had presented the “Science of Magic”, as many approached me regarding the theories I laid out for the effects they had witnessed.
I was overwhelmed with the response and it further demonstrates the power of entertainment in an arena, where none is expected. Getting a message across can be made more effective when people’s defenses come down. Entertainment can lower the barriers and allow the message through, penetrating the minds and hearts of anyone you want to listen.
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