quantumstateofdenial · 2 months
"immortality sucks because all your friends die" all your friends die anyway. those we do not mourn are those who mourn us.
"immortality sucks because you forget who you are" we always forget who we are. do you remember who you were at four years of age? who you were at fourteen? "who i am" is a shadow cast on the wall.
"immortality sucks because" skill issue. skill issue. skill issue. give me your liver
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quantumstateofdenial · 2 months
I wish everyone who wants to live forever could have the opportunity. But I'd never choose it for myself. I just don't like being alive all that much.
"immortality sucks because all your friends die" all your friends die anyway. those we do not mourn are those who mourn us.
"immortality sucks because you forget who you are" we always forget who we are. do you remember who you were at four years of age? who you were at fourteen? "who i am" is a shadow cast on the wall.
"immortality sucks because" skill issue. skill issue. skill issue. give me your liver
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quantumstateofdenial · 3 months
Fine, you have generous criteria of what counts as a "cathartic" ending. That's good. That doesn't make it any more correct to claim that horror is "supposed" to be cathartic and exhilarating. You're just describing your personal tastes.
Does it have to be horror to be Bleak?
Does it have to be horror to be scary but cathartic?
Does it have to be Bleak to be Horror?
Of course it doesn't. You, however, said that stories without cathartic endings "fail" as horror, which is the claim I'm contesting.
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quantumstateofdenial · 3 months
If your ""horror"" story has a happy ending, it's not real horror. Real horror should emotionally destroy you forever. See? I can do it too.
I don't actually believe that. I just think your opinion is extremely silly. You have any idea how many giants of horror literature and film would be considered "failures" under your proposed definition? Come on now.
And what about those of us who want stories where nothing turns out right? I need to read stories where nothing turns out right, where "things turning out right" isn't even a concept that makes sense within the story, because this helps me to face the world I live in. I need to read stories about problems that can't be solved because I have problems that can't be solved. This is the closest thing to catharsis that a story can give me.
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quantumstateofdenial · 3 months
Also think of how much classic horror literature would be considered a "failure" under that criterion.
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quantumstateofdenial · 3 months
I think it's valid to decide "If the price of [ABC] is [XYZ] then I'm no longer interested in [ABC]." You just can't complain about it.
It's like we all collectively forgot as a society that friendship and just connection in general takes effort. Even if you meet someone you immediately click with, it takes hanging out about 20 times (!) to become friends. And guess what, some of those 20 meetings might be awkward or unimpressive.
We all want to reap the benefits (having a friend circle, having a partner, getting married) without doing the work (going to events, interacting with people, learning to handle conflict maturely, dating). Myself included. If I could, I'd never leave the house or go on another mediocre date again... except, that's part of the process.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, the cure to the loneliness epidemic is touching some grass and building tolerance for tedious in-person interactions.
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quantumstateofdenial · 3 months
Similar to the concept of an "alief" as distinguished from a belief. But applied to moral claims rather than factual ones.
im sure theres a word denoting the divide btwn what you believe as a citizen of civic society and what you believe as an animal with anger synapses. as a civic citizen i do not believe in the death penalty nor do i think anyone deserves to die for being stupid on twitter. as an ape,
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quantumstateofdenial · 5 months
“I know in a way I never knew before that there is nowhere for me to go, nothing for me to do, and no one for me to know. The voice in my head keeps reciting these old principles of mine. The voice is his voice, and the voice is also my voice. And there are other voices, voices I have never heard before, voices that seem to be either dead or dying in a great moonlit darkness. More than ever, some sort of new arrangement seems in order, some dramatic and unknown arrangement--anything to find release from this heartbreaking sadness I suffer every minute of the day (and night), this killing sadness that feels as if it will never leave me no matter where I go or what I do or whom I may ever know.”
Thomas Ligotti, The Bungalow House
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quantumstateofdenial · 6 months
take your best guess at an average. also put in the tags if that’s also the preferable amount of hugs for you :)
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quantumstateofdenial · 8 months
reblog and put in the tags a lyric that absolutely cuts you. im so curious to see what makes everyone hurt
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quantumstateofdenial · 8 months
reblog and put in the tags a lyric that absolutely cuts you. im so curious to see what makes everyone hurt
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quantumstateofdenial · 8 months
I don't want things to get better.
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quantumstateofdenial · 8 months
not a big fan of how bodily autonomy as a value seems to be strongly rejected by a lot of leftists
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quantumstateofdenial · 8 months
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quantumstateofdenial · 9 months
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quantumstateofdenial · 10 months
"we live in an uncaring universe." sorry the special planet full of beauty and animals and food literally growing out of the ground isnt good enough for you. i guess
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quantumstateofdenial · 11 months
i’ve heard a lot of people say “don’t reach out to your friends first and see how many people will remain in your life. those are your true friends” and i get it. it sucks and it’s tiring constantly being the one to message first, to initiate hang outs but don’t take this so literally. some friendships require initiation. i have lost touch with so many people who genuinely cared about me and wanted me in their life because i stopped reaching out. it’s a hard pill to swallow but honestly some people just suck at it and it doesn’t mean they don’t love and value you. i’ve reconnected with some people over the past few months and it’s crazy how genuinely happy they are to see me and how engaged they are in the conversation. i just think sometimes we’re too harsh on each other & too quick to emphasize other peoples flaws and remove them from our lives but then we’ll all be alone and what’s the point of life then!!!!
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