queenied · 3 years
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Artist: Lee Garbett
Edited these so they could be used as icons!!
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queenied · 3 years
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queenied · 3 years
La La Lu💕☁️
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Babysitting? Simple, that was one of the most easiest tasks Sora had ever been given. He amongst Axel, Riku, Ven, Roxas and Terra were to babysit an infant baby for Aqua's sweet friend, Darling Dear.
"Never hung around a baby before." Riku admitted, he rubbed the back of his neck as the boys dismounted from their Gummi Ship with Aqua and into the World of New Orleans. A bayou city bustling with horse and carriage and people itching to arrive on time to work. Because they would not want to cause any sort of tension within this world, the magic within Yen Sid allowed the boys plus Aqua to adjust to this world's customs and styles so the order ensured their attire was appropriate for the sign of the times.
"Relax Riku, it's a baby! What's the worst that could happen?" Sora grinned, nudging his best friend. They followed behind Aqua towards a very gated neighborhood, the houses were large and neatly in rows from one another. Even the trees on the sidewalk were gated and many of the neighbors had a dog right beside them, walking in rows.
"Sheesh, even the trash cans have gates around them. What sort of High-maintenance dungeon are we in anyways..." Axel rolled his eyes, Roxas snickering a little at his friend's remark. Before Aqua whipped around and faces towards the guys.
"Alright boys, in the house we're about to enter, there's a newborn baby. Who you will be looking after. I expect the five of you to be on your best behavior. Darling Dear and her husband Jim are going away for a bit and it's impossible to bring their baby with them." Aqua stated.
"Why didn't you ask Xion and the girls to look after the kid instead?"  Roxas suggested.
"Because the girls are already dispatched to a mission to Atlantica. Anyways, Darling reached out to me and Yen Sid suggested I brought you boys since I'm unable to tend to this mission because I have Keyblade master business to worry about."
Ventus smiled brightly at Aqua, grabbing her hand he looked up at his older companion. "You can count on us Aqua!"
"Now that's what I wanna hear." she smiled tiredly and approached a tall but large house. The windows were tightly shut but beautiful ivory laced curtains adorned them, and the stairs were white as well. A single doggy-door was implanted onto the front of the house which gave everyone the impression that there was a dog about the house—almost everyone in this preppy neighborhood had one.
Aqua knocked on the door, almost instantly a barking dog could be heard. She chuckled happily as she was greeted at the door by a Cocker Spaniel who happily barked and jumped around Aqua's feet.
"Well, hello there Lady!" Aqua giggled and petted Lady's brown fur that laid upon the top of her head. Then she was greeted by a tall, slender man  with a red mustache. He looked very much 'about business.' He stood at the door and nodded his head kindly at Aqua.
"Hello Jim! Long time no see." Aqua greeted the man of the house. He rubbed his pointed chin. "Good to see you again Aqua. Sorry to trouble you at such short notice but Darling and I appreciate your help. She and the baby are upstairs. We trust that little Jim jr doesn't give you a hard time. He's a very polite little baby...that he is."
Lady zoomed past Jim Dear's feet and scampered outside to the five boys, she barked and jumped upon Sora's legs. Her energetic pounces nearly causing the brunette boy to fall onto the grassy terrain below him and the others just laughed.
"Oh, Jim Dear, these are the babysitters. They're trusted friends and I promise they'll protect baby Junior with all their heart. That's Sora, Axel, Riku, Ventus and Terra." Aqua introduced the five of them as they made their way towards the door. Jim Dear sneered a little bit, his fatherly instincts kicking is as five unknown males show up to care for his baby.
"You can trust us Mr Dear!" Sora said proudly. Riku nodded. "We're sort of a group of overachievers. We're super trustworthy too.
Jim's eyes scanned over each of them until he turned to Aqua. "And where will you be going?"
"I'm far too busy, which is why I trusted them with this task. I know things will be fine Jim." Aqua pleaded, Jim soon obliged, allowing the group to entire their beautiful home. Lady continuously barked behind them. Excited that a fresh group of faces were inside her house.
"Darling is just upstairs." Jim called out before he began to pack the rest of his belongings along with Darling Dear's for their long trip.
Roxas and Axel raced up the long curving staircase and the rest followed behind.
A beautiful and low singing voice ringed out the baby's nursery. An angelic looking woman who sort of resembled a princess sat upon a rocking chair, frills covering the curtains which shone a nice set of sunrays. Her voice was just so dreamy, it could put anyone to sleep or even calm them down.
La la lu, la la lu
Oh, my little star sweeper
I'll sweep the stardust for you
La la lu, la la lu
Little soft fluffy sleeper
Here comes a pink cloud for you
La la lu, la la lu
Little wandering angel
Fold up your wings, close your eyes
La la lu, la la lu
And may love be your keeper
La la lu, la la lu, la la lu
Aqua walked into the room slowly to not awaken baby Junior, greeting Darling quietly. The boys followed behind Aqua, each of the hiding behind Darling Dear, staring down at the sweet little baby. His eyes closed but in a relaxed manner and his rosy little cheeks bright pink. He was so tiny...Sora could just die from the cuteness overload.
"Thank you for coming, Aqua." Darling whispered kindly. "Baby Junior has been quite fussy lately, but only that song seems to keep him at bay." She chuckled softly. Aqua grinned, taking a quick glance at the baby.
"This is Sora, Riku, Terra, Ventus and Roxas. They'll be babysitting little Junior." Aqua introduced each boy, however they seemed to be far too enchanted by the sweet little Starsweeper who'd lain in his crib sleeping his little heart away.
"Thank you so much for helping us boys, I'll pay the five of you as soon as our trip is over. And thank you Aqua for bringing them here. So sorry for the trouble! I just hate leaving my little baby so early." Darling sighed before she gave Junior a quick kiss on his soft little face and dashed down the stairs.
"You sure you guys can handle this?" Aqua asked nervously. "If anything happens to Junior I dunno what'll happen."
Terra approached Aqua, resting a hand on her shoulder. "We've got it under control. We're keyblade heroes...and this is just a baby."
💕☁️10 minutes later...
"OH MY WORLDS! THIS CHILD WILL NOT STOP CRYING!" Riku panicked as he was covered in baby powder and was scrambling on the floor to quickly pick up all of the diapers that he dropped when he was attempting to change the stinky diaper that Junior was using.
Sora held the baby in his arms, his ears ringing from the loud cries and wails that the baby mustered. "Make it stop!"
"Quick someone grab the pacifier!" Ventus yelled as he and Terra were hurrying to the kitchen to prepare the baby bottle. Roxas was trying to cheer baby Junior up by casting a few waterga spells to put on a little water show, but that only made the little child cry louder.
Meanwhile, Axel was knocked out cold on one of the beds in the nursery. Sleeping soundly like a baby, not helping at all.
"Hush little Junior!" Sora whined, the baby only screamed louder. Roxas reached down within the baby's toy bin to grab different rattles and stuffed bears for him to become occupied with. Junior would be quiet for a total of ten seconds before he starts to cry once more.
Just then, Lady returned from her little doggy walks with her fellow dog friends Jock and Trusty. She dashed up the stairs but immediately winced as Junior continued to cry.
"Ah, there you are Lady! Can you help!?" Riku gathered the diapers and grabbed Junior from Sora's hand and continued to attempt at changing the loaded diaper.
"Where the heck is Axel!?" Ventus yelled out, unable to hear his own self think as he and Terra heated up the bottle upon the bottle heating station. Axel only snored, he seemed unfazed by the wails and cries of baby Junior.
"I'm making sure he doesn't get paid when Darling Dear returns." Terra grumbled, he attempted to pick the bottle up from the heating station but burned his own-self and gasped, throwing the bottle in the air. Ventus scurried to grab the bottle before it breaks onto the ground.
"Remind me to never have kids when I get married! Okay Riku?" Sora massaged the temple of his head, trying to relieve the headache he had from the cries.
Lady barked and jumped up and down as if she was trying to tell the boys something. She ran to the baby's crib and pushed it over to Riku with her own head. She started howling Darling Dear's lullaby.
"What's she trying to say?" Roxas groaned as he handed Riku the clips to keep the diaper together. Then Sora handed Riku an adorable pastel blue onesie to allow baby Junior to wear.
"Lady, what are you trying to tell us?" Sora lifted Lady from the ground and brushed his tired fingers through her brown fur. His head pounding like a drum from the headache the baby gave him. The cries continued as Terra and Ven ran upstairs to the room from the kitchen.
"Here's the baby milk!" Terra handed the bottle to Roxas who gently inserted the bottle into Junior's little mouth. He seized crying for a total of 2 minutes.
"Two minutes of silence was all we got." Ventus collapsed onto the floor, surrounded by baby items and the smell of baby milk formula all over his hands and  a little bit of powder on his cheek.
Axel slowly woke up, scratching his back and walking towards the rest of the guys. He chuckled lowly. "Woah, calm down youngster." He grabbed baby Junior who was crying endlessly. "So milk didn't calm you down? No biggie..." he groaned before rocking the tiny baby.
The boys stared at Axel in awe, he was amazing with babies for some reason. Junior was quiet while Axel held him and rocked him around the room. Axel reclined on the beautifully painted rocking chair and rocked back and forth as Junior stared up curiously at Axel's fire red mane of hair. 
"How are you doing that?" Roxas asked, he walked over to the rocking chair and Sora and the others later did. "Yeah what are you doing?" Riku questioned.
"Shush." Axel silenced the guys before he started to hum lowly. Secretly, Axel had a beautiful singing voice. As in, he could sing lovely ballads as if he were a Disney prince. Those emerald green eyes staring directly at baby Junior as he began to sing the beautiful lullaby that Darling would sing.
Lady smiled and curled onto Sora's lap listening to Axel sing. That was what she was trying to tell the boys.
This red human knows what he's doing. Lady thought to herself as she watched Axel sing.
La la lu, la la lu
Oh, my little star sweeper
I'll sweep the stardust for you
La la lu, la la lu
Little soft fluffy sleeper
Here comes a pink cloud for you
La la lu, la la lu
Little wandering angel
Fold up your wings, close your eyes
La la lu, la la lu
And may love be your keeper
La la lu, la la lu, la la lu
Terra stared confusedly at Axel until the song was finished, the baby slowly closed his little eyes, cooing cutely until he was fast asleep in his own little baby world.
Axel stood up slowly from the rocking chair and lowered baby Junior into the crib. Covering his little stomach with a swaddle blanket made of beautiful pink silk.
The boys stared at Axel until the ex-organization member raised an eyebrow. "Speak nothing of my singing." Before he yawned and collapsed on the floor next to the crib to fall asleep. Lady jumped down from Sora's lap and curled up next to the crib in a protective manner before falling fast asleep.
"Roxas, you've known Axel for a while. How come you didn't know he was good with babies?" Riku asked confusedly as he dusted the baby powder off of his black shorts.
Roxas blinked twice and shrugged. "Beats me, he never spoke about his hidden talent for singing either." Roxas stated before laying back on one of the beds in the nursery. Everyone slowly falling asleep after that long time of caring for a tiny child. Who knew nursing a Little Star Sweeper could be so difficult.
💕☁️ 2 hours later
Sora was greeted with Lady's licking all over his face, he groaned and then laughed a tiny bit, waking up, he heard the door unlock and he stretched.
Jim and Darling Dear were home. He happily walked downstairs to greet the couple and help them with their bags.
"How was your trip?" Sora yawned. Darling smiled and removed her winter's coat. "Oh Sora, it was tiring. Nothing but adult business really. How was our sweet little star?" She asked, placing the umbrella into it's rightful spot before being greeted to Lady who ran happily towards her owners. She barked and licked all over Darling and Jim's cheeks.
"Junior? Oh he was such an angel." Sora chuckled and lead them upstairs to the nursery, where the boys were awake. They all stood over baby Junior's little crib, where the small baby was fast asleep.
"My sweet baby..." Darling walked up to the crib, she sighed in content, glad to have trusted the boys with her son.
"Thank you for caring for my baby. As I promised you boys, I'm paying you all for your hardwork. Did Junior give you a hardtime?" Darling asked as she dug into her purse to pay each boy.
"He was a bit fussy but nothing a little singing cant handle." Terra grinned and looked at Axel who was staring down at baby Junior. He loved that baby even for the short amount of time he got to know him.
"Well that's wonderful! Thank you again for watching after him. I'll be sure to tell Aqua all about you boys. Maybe you should consider your own babysitting service." Darling Dear chuckled before lifting her baby boy out of the crib and into her arms.
💕☁️back at Mysterious Tower
"So you're telling me Axel was able to sing a baby to sleep?" Xion whispered to Roxas as he told his best friend all about what happened.
"Yeah, he's apparently good with babies...I wonder where this trait came from." Roxas laughed before hearing someone behind him clearing his throat. The room suddenly felt warm and he knew exactly who it was.
thank you all for reading !
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queenied · 3 years
Just saying hi girly! It’s Moko btw! Hope you are well ^^
heyyy Mo!!💕💕💕
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queenied · 4 years
Hiiiiiii 🥺 I hope you’re liking Tumblr so far!
i have zero idea how this app works !! but im trying !!!
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queenied · 4 years
And a million years ago she said to me 'This ones mine...'
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loosely based off of a Hamilton scene.
Your sister, S/N, along with you were attending the ball tonight. This ball marked the celebration of our new Keyblade Masters, the young Masters Xehanort, Eraqus, and Yen Sid All you could ever dream of was meeting Xehanort, you only caught a fleeting glimpse of the young silverette around the beautiful town of Scala Ad Caelum, but other than that...you have never exchanged sweet words.
You and your sister walked up the steps of the beautiful banquet hall which was charmingly decorated to fit the evening theme. Your father was a rich man and he was a famous politician within the city...automatically allowing you and your sister access to this party. Your father along with other famous men were going to share a few toasts and cheers for the masters..praising them and wishing nothing but good health. And all your father wants for you, the eldest of the two is to be able to marry rich. Your father shown no interest in your romantic fantasies of Xehanort, and he was rather more interested in you marrying someone like Yen Sid, a master whom was on the road to magical studies, which was a fine and wealthy trade. Alas, your heart yearned for Xehanort and you vowed to dance with him tonight.
"Oh isn't this wonderful Y/N?" Your sister squealed with delight as she clutched your wrist gently as the two of you walked into the hall. Your beautiful gown which was the rich colour of F/C gleamed stunningly against the light of the many chandeliers.
Nodding quickly, you glanced at your sister. Giving a quick smile towards her. "Oh...uhm.." you moved your head around the dance-floor of the ballroom, in search of Xehanort, trying to fake your small interest in what your sister was saying. "Most definitely!" you said as your E/C eyes lit up when the young man who stole your heart came into view. He was surrounded by neatly dressed males who were patting his back and congratulating him. Along with your father who smirked widely at the boy.
Adjusting your dress so it was neatly hugging your frame, you cleared your throat turning to your beloved sister. "S/N, be honest! Do I look ravishing?" you asked her, hopeful orbs filled your eyes. She chuckled lightly, how that chuckle creates a whirlwind of happiness within you. Your younger sister who was only three months younger than you, who was your better half, she made you happy and you knew her like you knew your own mind.
"Are you sure?" You rested your hand on your hips. She nodded quickly and touched her nose. "Who are you even trying to impress anyways?" she asked in a questioning voice before stuffing her mouth with the most cute and beautifully decorated pastries ever.
You scratched your chin and glanced over at Xehanort. Not sure if you were willing to reveal your crush yet...you decided to half-way tell your sister. "W-well he's in the ballroom alright...and he's talking to father. I'd rather wait when father is no longer occupying him...I want to steal a dance." you winked at your sister and glanced back at Xehanort who was then greeted by Eraqus, the other young master.
S/N raised a brow and nodded. "Oh, okay...have fun waiting then! I'll be over here admiring these pastries. Until someone here catches my eyes as well as someone has caught yours sister." she said to you and then faced the table of sweets.
Shaking your head you began to approach Xehanort, luckily all of the males surrounding him were gone. It was just you and him and the dance-floor. Just your luck, the song changed to a violin sounding waltz. His beautiful silver eyes met yours and his gentle and lightly tanned skin shone as the chandelier light reflected its rich melanin. He smirked and bowed his head, reaching his hand out. "Have you been desiring a dance from me? This entire time you have been watching me from afar..." he said as he exposed your thoughts.
Staring in embarassment and disbelief, you cleared your throat, your h/c locks fell in your face before you moved a strand away. "Whatever happened to greetings?" you gave a light chuckle to the new master. He raised both silver brows, then his smirk intensified. "You know what? You strike me...as a woman who has never been satisfied." Xehanort spoke lowly as he grabbed one of your hands and the other on your waist, he stared into your E/C and chuckled when your cheeks began to flush a light pink. "I-I'm sorry I dont know what you mean...you forget yourself?" I slowly backed up, I felt my whole world spin as the man I always dreamt of holding is touching me, oh so gently! But...what did he mean? When he said 'As a woman who has never been satisfied.'?
"You're like me...I've never been satisfied." Xehanort repeated the last part. "Always training with Eraqus." he spun me around as our feet worked in harmony to waltz perfectly. "Constant training never reaching my true goal...my true potential." He whispered the potential part and I slightly shuttered. He held my hand slightly tighter when he noticed that I nearly tripped.
There was a moment of awkward silence, just as dancing...no more talking. I'm not going to lose my chance of never speaking to Xehanort again...so I did what any civilized stranger would. "My name's Y/N L/N."
"Where's your family from?" I asked him kindly. "Are you from Scala Ad Caelum or did you decide to move here due to your desire to wield a keyblade...?" I clarified my question, turning warm inside when his smirk grew.
"Unimportant...but there's a million things I haven't done." Xehanort coughed a bit and his eyes met mine. "I dont want to just understand what little...the light has to offer. I want to understand the darkness as well." Xehanort admitted to Y/N before letting her hand go and releasing his gently grip on her waist. He backed up and bowed his head. "Miss L/N..I bid you farewell. Until we shall meet again." he said and turned away and approached his friends Eraqus and Yen Sid again.
My heart could not stop pounding, my foot began to tap slowly and I rested my right hand over my heart, and took at last glance at the keyblade master, he was literally all I had wanted, and I know love at first sight makes now sense...not being able to be proven that it exists...but Xehanort made me a believer. This is what it exactly feels like to actually want someone's heart as your own...
Squealing sounds were audible as my sister ran towards me. Her cheeks were a bright red and I can tell that she was flustered, I knew everything about her. She was currently entranced by someone, I wonder whom.
"Hey S/N what happened?" I asked in curiosity once S/N relaxed, she looked over at the crowd where Xehanort and his friends were. "S-sister! He is so handsome!" She said as she squealed once more, her flustered-ness taking over her. Chuckling, I held her shoulders. "What do you mean? Who is so handsome? Master Eraqus?" I questioned, but the next thing my sister said...made my heart drop. My legs began to feel weak and the ebony walls of the ballroom felt as if they were closing in on me.
"Y-You find Xehanort handsome?" I whispered in a hurt voice. "A-as in...you are in love with him?" I asked her, looking to my sister's E/C orbs.
S/N nodded quickly. "Oh goodness, yes sister. I am so sure! Xehanort..." she whispered, practicing his name on her pink small lips. "My beloved Master Xehanort. Sister...could you please talk to him for me? At least bring him over here!" she pleaded me, holding my arm, A pout grew on my lips.
I was hurt, I did not know what to do. But my sister, she comes first before anything. I love her and whatever she wants...she gets. So forgetting all about the love that I once harbored for Xehanort...is gone. Xehanort would be lucky to have my sister...he will never find anyone as trusting or as kind.
"Fine." I said to her finally and took a deep breath, approaching Xehanort, Eraqus, and Yen sid. Bowing my heads at the masters, I turned to Xehanort whose stoic stare turned into a smirk.
"Hello Y/N. Long time no see." Xehanort said sarcastically. He then walked towards me, my heart pounded like hammer against a nail. For S/N.
"There's someone I'd like for you to meet. I'm about to change your life forever." I faked a smile and grabbed Xehanort's hand, directing him to where my sister was, Xehanort's eyes lit up and his smirk intensified. "My name is Xehanort...it's nice to meet you." he spoke to S/N.
S/N glanced at me, her smile growing, she bowed her head, blushing when Xehanort grabbed her hand to kiss her knuckles. "S/N L/N...it's a pleasure to meet you too." she confused. Out of confusion, Xehanort turned to me. "L/N?"
"My sister." Y/N said to him and sighed lightly. "I'll leave you two to it."
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queenied · 4 years
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welcome !!! i dont even know how Tumblr works...but
i’ll be doing kingdom hearts one shots and plus posting my old stories here💫💫
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