queenpromptmeme · 2 years
Please please please, if someone is talking about their special interest/hyperfixation with you, don’t tell them they’re being annoying or cringy. They love something so much and they want to share that love and happiness with you. I know it might be hard to listen to someone talk about something you may not be interested in, but please don’t do that. 
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queenpromptmeme · 3 years
Fills and Prompts Masterpost
Queen in a Haunted House
Prompt Pages
Each of these contains 10-20 prompts, starting with the oldest.
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queenpromptmeme · 3 years
Queen as single dads AU. They get to know each other when their kids keep getting into trouble (together or with each) at school. First, there’s a decent amount of rivalry between them as they keep blaming the others’ kids for all the problems - but then bond over crafts projects, play dates and minor catastrophes.
Could be gen or poly.
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The Dad Energy in this photo is over the top
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queenpromptmeme · 4 years
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I’m sorry but what-
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queenpromptmeme · 4 years
60s Froger Record Store AU
60s Froger au: Freddie goes to a record store, looking to buy a Jimi Hendrix vinyl when he runs into a certain blonde haired beauty.
The store doesn’t have the copy he’s looking for, but Roger does. He ends up back at his place and listens to the record and finds that he has much in common with Roger. He develops feelings, but fears rejection, and for awhile keeps them secret.
After many weeks of trying to forget Roger, they run into each other again, and he finds out Roger likes him too.
(Prompt sent to my main by anonymous)
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queenpromptmeme · 4 years
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(Photo source: musicbeatsss.wordpress.com )
John is the Master of Ceremonies; Brian is in charge of props like the rabbit hat; Freddie is the magician and Roger is the sexy magician's assistant.
(Prompt by @trixie-bobwhite​, photo originally posted by @39-brian)
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queenpromptmeme · 4 years
One-Sided Pining Freddie
One-sided pining fic (set in the late 60s/early 70s or an AU of your choice). Freddie, a young student of arts, moves in with a dentistry (or biology) student. He's blond, he's hot and he has a new girl over almost every night. Will Freddie do something about it? Will he succeed? It's all up to you!
Other ships are welcome, too, this is just the initial idea.
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queenpromptmeme · 4 years
Hair Cut
The boys see Roger with his short hair for the first time. How do they react?
Can be smut or gen.
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queenpromptmeme · 4 years
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An explanation/ continuation for this photo!
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queenpromptmeme · 4 years
And the winner is...
Freddie, Brian and John are all in love with Roger. To decide who he wants to date Roger tells them they each need to fuck him.
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queenpromptmeme · 4 years
Freddie Lives AU
A “fix it” scenario where Freddie lives and Queen is now in their 70s - and living their best life. The plot could be any lighthearted scenario. Are they having a barbecue? A rehearsal? Is it someone’s birthday? Do they maybe have a chat group where they crack jokes? All in all - a feel-good fic about what if everything ended up as good as it could be
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queenpromptmeme · 4 years
Three Men and A Baby AU
Sharing a happily carefree life in their upscale apartment as roommates (and unrepentant bachelors?), our boys see their perfectly organised world turn upside down when they find an adorable abandoned baby girl right on their doorstep.
Has she been brought to them by pure chance? Is any of them her father? Will the mother turn up at some point? Does it follow the movie or take a completely different turn?
Any ships or gen. Humour, fluff, some angst and lots of cuteness!
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queenpromptmeme · 4 years
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queenpromptmeme · 4 years
First Time Dragon!AU Virginity Loss
"A dragon has come to our village today..."
... and he demands a virgin sacrifice. Luckily, village lads John, Freddie, Roger and Brian - best friends since childhood - don't have to worry about that. Or do they?
Or: One (or more) of them have to lose their virginity in order not to be eaten. One (or more) of their friends bravely helps out.
Any ships, including poly. Be as angsty or cracky, romantic or smutty as you like.
(Based on the Brobdingnagian Bard's song "Do Virgins Taste Better Than Those Who Are Not?")
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queenpromptmeme · 4 years
Roger's first tattoo
Prompt: roger loves tattoos, right? so how about a fic where he gets his first one. why he does it and how it feels. if he hates the pain but loves the result. or if he likes it???
Can be as it actually happened or AU. any ship or gen.
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queenpromptmeme · 4 years
Prompt: a jimercury fic (or any other pairing, this is just the initial idea) set in the '20s, Gatsby-style. Freddie is a lavish young man who throws lavish parties, Jim ends up on one of those and so the pining starts.
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queenpromptmeme · 4 years
Filled! (As band fic rather than actor rpf)
(The prompt is from the short-lived AO3 prompt meme)
Haunted house gen-fic
The BoRhap Cast spend the night in a haunted house. Hi-jinks ensue. No splatter, please, should be rated teen or lower and funny rather than too scary. Whether the house is actually haunted or it' all just in their heads is up to you.
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