queer-canyon · 5 months
It’s been slow going; when I’m not working I’m pretty tired and at my current job I get sick very often, but Queer Canyon is still being made!
About half of episode 1’s footage has been filmed at this point, mostly editing to do. Luckily a couple people are giving me a hand with it.
I truly would not have made it this far on my own. Big thanks to the Queer Canyon team!
I am being so serious when I say: if you have the financial and time privilege to get a group of friends together and make an indie project, PLEASE do. Indie games, indie animations, indie comics etc etc
the art industries are kind of in the shitter. It’s not so much because of AI (though that doesn’t help) but because studios just aren’t hiring people and funding projects anymore. People who’ve been in the industry for decades are finding themselves struggling, and once you have a mortgage or kids it’s harder to do something as risky as making something on your own.
completing projects is hard. it takes a lot of time and effort, and most people can’t afford it. so if you CAN afford to make art, even at the risk of no financial gain, I strongly encourage you to be as resilient as you can. We’re at a point where these industries are not going to turn around by themselves, and waiting for jobs to open up again in order to get experience and portfolio work might not be realistic.
people have been making art and telling stories longgggg before we were getting paid for it, and people aren’t going to stop just because no one has hired them to do so.
for everyone else: support indie artists when you can!!!! That person who made that cool indie game or youtube animation or webcomic might be doing this full time! your support might be the only reason they’re able to keep doing it.
and if you have already started an indie project: you’re so brave and I’m very proud of you!!! in fact, drop a link to it in the reblogs if you want! 👇
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queer-canyon · 7 months
No promises can be made but I’m hoping to get Queer Canyon episode one completed and uploaded in the next year.
The tricky part has been finding time that works for everyone to machinimate, but we have a few more machinimators than we did a year ago so I think it’s going to work out.
quick everyone rush to fill the void i want 10+ new halo machinemas of varying poor quality made by nerds on my desk by next month
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queer-canyon · 1 year
We could still use a couple more machinimators on the team! Due to limited availability it’s been difficult to find a time that works for enough people to record. Having more people on the team would help a lot!
Looking for more machinimators!
If you have Master Chief Collection and would like to help with a Halo Reach machinima fanseries set in the RedvsBlue-niverse, this is the… sentence for you. Idk man, wasn’t sure how to end that. Point is, I’m hoping to add a few more people to the Queer Canyon machinimator roster to make it easier to schedule times to machinimate, and therefore speed up the production process.
This is on a volunteer basis, not paid. You will need at least through Tier 86 (MK VI helmet) in Series 1 unlocked to help out (see Options & Career -> Catalog to use Spartan Points to unlock), but you can still reach out if you’re interested and haven’t unlocked stuff yet.
Recording sessions are over Discord, and although it would make communication easier while filming, you don’t have to speak on the voice call if you are not comfortable doing so. No recording equipment is needed, I do the “camerawork” on my end. Prior experience machinimating is not necessary.
Please DM if interested/if you have questions!
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queer-canyon · 1 year
August 2023 Update has posted on Patreon! Read it and all previous Update posts for $1!
See brief character descriptions and screenshots, progress on the title card, and rough drafts of the intro song/video for $5!
Months worth of sneak peeks are available to you now! is this enough exclamation points?
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queer-canyon · 1 year
Looking for more machinimators!
If you have Master Chief Collection and would like to help with a Halo Reach machinima fanseries set in the RedvsBlue-niverse, this is the… sentence for you. Idk man, wasn’t sure how to end that. Point is, I’m hoping to add a few more people to the Queer Canyon machinimator roster to make it easier to schedule times to machinimate, and therefore speed up the production process.
This is on a volunteer basis, not paid. You will need at least through Tier 86 (MK VI helmet) in Series 1 unlocked to help out (see Options & Career -> Catalog to use Spartan Points to unlock), but you can still reach out if you’re interested and haven’t unlocked stuff yet.
Recording sessions are over Discord, and although it would make communication easier while filming, you don’t have to speak on the voice call if you are not comfortable doing so. No recording equipment is needed, I do the “camerawork” on my end. Prior experience machinimating is not necessary.
Please DM if interested/if you have questions!
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queer-canyon · 1 year
New posts on our Patreon! Including a concept video of the intro with some test footage for $5+ patrons 👀
Four months of posts are currently available by becoming a patron at the $1+ or $5+ tiers
Queer Canyon is a fanmade webseries based on popular webseries Red vs Blue. Donations (becoming a patron for even just a month) go directly into making the show as cool as it can be! Imagine with me: a season 2 animated fight scene. Well, a person can dream at least. More immediate priority would be commissioning musical artists rather than only relying on volunteers!
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queer-canyon · 1 year
The song versions have been uploaded to a $5 tier post!
I’m really excited for the polished version to be complete, but for now the closest version is the demo with background instrumental. Consider giving it a listen! I think it’s really cool (but I may or may not be biased :p)
Happy Pride Month!
I had hoped to have a teaser trailer ready this month, but since that didn’t pan out I have something else for everyone
QC Intro first draft (no studio equipment or bg instrumental)
Performed by Nis Monet, Lyrics by RysingSun and Nis Monet
QC title screen rough layout (dw it's going to be colorful)
Tumblr media
Art by RysingSun
To see more complete versions of these, head to Queer Canyon’s Patreon
As of June 1, the Patreon has:
- Progress updates for April and May 2023 ($1 tier)
- Blue team and Red team screenshot reveals ($5 tier)
This month I will add:
- End-of-month progress update for June 2023 ($1 tier)
- Queer Canyon Intro first draft AND two demo versions, one with additional instrumental ($5 tier)
- Queer Canyon title screen progress screenshots ($5 tier)
The final versions of the QC Intro and title screen are not yet ready, so please note that they are unlikely to be included in the aforementioned June posts (maybe later this summer ;) )
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queer-canyon · 1 year
Happy Pride Month!
I had hoped to have a teaser trailer ready this month, but since that didn’t pan out I have something else for everyone
QC Intro first draft (no studio equipment or bg instrumental)
Performed by Nis Monet, Lyrics by RysingSun and Nis Monet
QC title screen rough layout (dw it's going to be colorful)
Tumblr media
Art by RysingSun
To see more complete versions of these, head to Queer Canyon’s Patreon
As of June 1, the Patreon has:
- Progress updates for April and May 2023 ($1 tier)
- Blue team and Red team screenshot reveals ($5 tier)
This month I will add:
- End-of-month progress update for June 2023 ($1 tier)
- Queer Canyon Intro first draft AND two demo versions, one with additional instrumental ($5 tier)
- Queer Canyon title screen progress screenshots ($5 tier)
The final versions of the QC Intro and title screen are not yet ready, so please note that they are unlikely to be included in the aforementioned June posts (maybe later this summer ;) )
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queer-canyon · 1 year
The Reds and Blues of Queen Canyon have all been revealed on the Queer Canyon Patreon under the $5 tier!
A $1 tier update will be posted by the end of the month
I just graduated and moved in to a new place, so l I’m going to try to make some new progress by the end of the month to share about!
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queer-canyon · 1 year
Queer Canyon’s Patreon is up and running and now has a $5 tier Blue Team character reveal post
A $1 tier update on progress will be posted by the end of the month
I plan to have at least one post per tier each month
All Patreon donations will be used for the project in order to include non-volunteers such as commissioning musical artists, sensitivity readers if volunteers can’t be found, and 3D animators (fingers crossed, if there’s enough funds in season 2)
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queer-canyon · 1 year
Queen Canyon sim troopers: 👀
Project Freelancer: 💦
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gotta be a common denominator here.
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queer-canyon · 1 year
Been a while since the last update, so here’s the state of things (almost a rvb pun if you squint):
-a logo has been made! (see icon above ^^)
-character designs for episode 1: finalized
-locations for episode 1: decided
-character lines for episode one have been recorded for a while, but due to busy life things, audio still needs to be edited. Once takes are chosen and dialogue is edited together, machinimation will start. Episode two lines will be recorded this month
-theme song needs a final studio type recording but a demo version was done and all background instrumental has been decided on. Just waiting on the next time our musical artist is able to visit her out of town friends to use their equipment
-A title screen is. definitely a thing I need to make. sometime
-We have a Patreon now! It’s under my “studio” name RysingSun Productions (I plan to use this name when I am directing group efforts rather than my individual works) but all donations go towards Queer Canyon funds (future music, sensitivity readers if volunteers can’t be found, maybe even an animated fight scene in season 2 🤞🤞). Rewards for a $15 tier are in-the-works and will be available after episode 1’s release (air date TBD).
Somewhat detailed progress updates like this (probably about once a month) will be available for $1 patreon members and up. Future updates about progress on this blog will be more vague.
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queer-canyon · 2 years
Lines for episode 1 are recorded, machinimators are starting to unlock the needed armor, logo concepts are being sketched, and music is being written. Lots left to do, but progress is being made!
Still needing sensitivity readers. Scripts are planned to be sent out for reading in a few weeks. For these first few episodes, sensitivity reading is mostly needed for a Jewish character.
See this post for more info on sensitivity reading:
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queer-canyon · 2 years
Queer Canyon is in production! The first episode will likely take longest as we are getting the hang of things, but I will post occasional sneak peeks and updates here in the meantime!
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queer-canyon · 2 years
Queer Canyon season one’s casting is complete and we will soon be starting production on episode 1!
Looking for sensitivity readers for season one’s scripts, more information on the linked document:
You guys helped boost before to find the cast, help spread this to ensure the show will be as good as it can be! Share with friends or family you think might be interested, reblog, everything helps!
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queer-canyon · 2 years
Looking for a masculine-voiced (pitch sounds like your average cis guy as opposed to a cis woman) Spanish/English bilingual person as a VA for Cap from my Red vs Blue universe fanseries Queer Canyon
Being familiar with Red vs Blue and being queer are not requirements. Must just be a decent human being, 18+, and comfortable with swearing and mature references (though Cap likely has the cleanest dialogue haha). This project is unpaid. Voicework is planned to start in November
Further information including how to audition is located here. Please audition by October 31, 2022 or contact my dms or the email on the document to request more time (a specific amount of time).
If unable to audition for this role, please boost to help me find our Cap VA. All other main characters have been found
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queer-canyon · 2 years
(Most of) the main characters have been cast! Smaller or future roles have been offered to the remaining applicants. Thank you to everyone who auditioned or helped to boost! I could not have reached so many people without all of your help.
Still looking for a masculine-voiced Spanish/English bilingual individual for Cap. No longer requiring being from a Latin-American country, US-born is fine too. Auditions remain open for them until he’s been cast.
Stay tuned for sneak peeks and news on the soon-to-be-in-production series Queer Canyon!
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