Using your deadname is disrespectful, point blank, so unless you find some way of making them feel consequences for it, chances are that talking it out isn't going to fix it. So make sure there are consequences if they don't use your name!
You can say "use my name or I won't respond/listen to you" or "use my name or I'm cutting you out of my life" or "every time you deadname me, you need to give me $5" but whatever it is, make it clear and try to keep up with it.
Does anyone have advice on how to get someone in your family to use your chosen name and stop deadnaming me. I'm a poc person.
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There are a lot of options actually, even just in English so typically you have to ask the person which they prefer but here’s some of the options:
Auncle, Unty, Aun, Awn, Unn, Unny, Aunny, Aunn, Entle, Avaun
What is the non-binary term for aunt/uncle?????
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Not to be a reasonable person and actually pay attention to facts instead of twisting something to fit into a bigoted reality, but actually this woman didn't even mention sex so I'm not sure where you got that idea from. Maybe you should try a little harder to find a post that actually fits your distorted narrative.
I want to tell you something ❤️
I am transwoman, I am a real woman
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A friendly reminder that self-proclaimed “good faith” transphobes and the like can feel free to ask their questions to this blog. Same as anyone in general who has questions about queer/LGBTQ+ identities, especially people afraid to ask in case they’re being offensive. This is a Q&A blog, so go ahead. 
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You can tell them you’re straight or gay if you want to, actually. Gender is messy and makes sexuality a lot more complicated and if either of those, or even both of those, feel right to you? Go for it. As a genderfluid person myself, I usually just say I’m gay, but I have genderfluid friends who go by anything from “the only gay heterosexual” to “my sexuality is MEN, i have no other way to explain it.”  
My point is, it varies from person to person. There’s not really a right or wrong option, you just need to find what feels right and use it. Even if that’s not labeling your sexuality at all. 
Quick question to all of the LBGTQA+ peeps out there. How would I explain to people that I am only sexually attracted to men when I am genderfluid? I can't tell people I'm straight or gay because neither one is entirely accurate.
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My best suggestion would be to guilt him. People who're so casually into bigotry expect the occasional angry response or just to be ignored but what they rarely expect is someone just calling them out to say they're disappointed in them. For the most part, it can catch them completely off guard and that's usually what you want if you want them to stop.
Example: "It's just...I didn't really know you were like that/didnt know you were into that type of stuff. And it makes me uncomfortable. I don't want you to send me stuff like that."
Don't try to debate him, don't say you're mad: acting disappointed and uncomfortable, even just through text, is probably your best bet.
My dad keeps sending me transphobic, racist and misogynistic memes and idk what to say to him since he'll probably call me, and go off about biological gender and how LGBTQ+ people just want to be special, or how women are this n that, etc etc.
Does anyone know what I could text him to hopefully stop sending me them??
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I literally just realized I didn’t even ask what kind of non-fiction lesbian books you wanted...;_; soooo again, if none of these are the type of books you’re into or you’ve read them already, please let me know, I have others. 
i need to find more sapphic / lesbian books. pls i need recommendations so bad!!!
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Okay, I’m sorry in advance if any of these are shit because I haven’t read most of them, I just have a very long list of queer(lesbian and trans in particular) books and films I want to read and watch and if none of these work for you, feel free to ask for more because I do, in fact, have many more I can suggest. 
(Un)Familiar Femininities: Studies in Contemporary Lesbian South Asian Texts, Aneeta Rajendran
Lotus of a Another Color: an Unfolding of the South Asian Gay and Lesbian Experience, Rakesh Ratti
another mother tongue: gay words, gay worlds by judy grahn
baby, you are my religion: women, gay bars, and theology before stonewall by marie cartier
boots of leather, slippers of gold: the history of a lesbian community by elizabeth lapovsky kennedy and madeline d. davis
loving women: being lesbian in unprivileged india by maya sharma
dispatches from lesbian america: 45 short stories and memoirs by lesbian writers; edited by xequina maria berber, giovanna capone, and cheela romaine smith
vita and virginia: the lives and loves of virginia woolf and vita sackville-west by sarah gristwood
s/he by minnie bruce pratt
i need to find more sapphic / lesbian books. pls i need recommendations so bad!!!
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Fiction or non-fiction? I have a list of suggestions for either(though keep in mind, I haven’t read most of them.)
i need to find more sapphic / lesbian books. pls i need recommendations so bad!!!
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It just means trans for trans, as in a trans person dating another trans person or other trans people. 
What does t4t mean-
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There are gels and patches you can use, as well as pills. They’re not quite as commonly talked about but they’re definitely approved. I’m not sure what they’re called exactly but you should be able to find them if you look it up or speak with a healthcare professional who specializes in that kind of stuff. 
Are there other ways to take testosterone other than injection? Cause I’m terrified of needles
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Literally yes. The history of lesbians who dont identify as female is vast and absurdly long and even if it wasnt, it's your sexuality, you get to define it. And plenty of nonbinary ppl, including nonbinary lesbians are femme! You don't need to be androgynous to count as enby and you definitely dont have to identify as female to be femme or a lesbian. That's just transphobia. Also, your outfit is incredible, I love your hat.
Just curious, i am a femme enby who identifies as lesbian. A lot a people have told me that i cant be enby because i dress femme, yet also tell me i cant be a lesbian because i dont identify as female. Is it ok to be femme while identifying as these? Its been a conversation with friends but no conclusion. (Also i cant find any good photos of me other than this)
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Yeah, you should definitely stop associating with us until you stop being such an ass. I dunno what you’re telling yourself this mess is but telling LGBTQ+ people to kill themselves because you don’t understand their identities or don’t like the fact they talk about their disabilities(?? wtf?) isn’t progressive or whatever, it’s just you being a bigot. 
I'm gonna go ahead and stop associating myself with the LGBTQ community because some if y'all are weird and annoying.
Are y'all not embarrassed that your whole life and personality is being a "qUiRkY, demisexual, cat gender lesbian who's also a transman and my pronouns are eyem/fckn/crAzy UwU! I'm also neurodivergent, and have anxiety, depression, tics, bpd, ptsd and aNoReXiA!!!!😘😘💅💅🤪🤪😝😛. Gender is fake but RESPECT MY PRONOUNS OR I'LL BEAT YOU WITH MY 80'' SUPER UBUER BIG DRAGON DOG KNOT DILDO UwU!!!!!😛😛😡😡😝🤪🤪"
That's your life? You live and sound like that and you dress like some hyperpop, goth, weirdo, but when people look at you weird, they're homophobic? Transphobic? Demisexualphobic? Really?
Chile anyway, so-
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Historically and to quote another blog, “butch has been a term used to mean someone with a queer connection or ‘take’ on masculinity���, from drag, to gender, to just general presentation. It’s more commonly used in the lesbian/sapphic community but can apply to pretty much anyone who relates to the label. 
can someone explain butches to me in as simple terms as possible
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No problem! Glad to help.
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could recommend me LGBTQA+ literature, movie or videos, specifically relating to our history, whether that be culturally or politically (obviously those two are intertwined but, yk)
I'm currently trying to learn more about the AIDS crisis and the erasure of lesbianism and transness, but anything will do. Thanks!
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Lol, glad we’re in agreement, here’s to you eventually getting the karma you deserve. :)
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gyns, I'm not gonna lie, I'm like.. REALLY curious about what this idiot responded to me with. Would anyone be so kind as to screenshot/rewrite their answer for me? They blocked me immediately after writing that lol
it's on this post:
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thank you in advance, loves!
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Awww, I’d totally give it to you if you weren’t a raging bigot. The answer is definitely a good one tho, too bad you got blocked lolll. 
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gyns, I'm not gonna lie, I'm like.. REALLY curious about what this idiot responded to me with. Would anyone be so kind as to screenshot/rewrite their answer for me? They blocked me immediately after writing that lol
it's on this post:
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thank you in advance, loves!
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