r-hariharan · 5 months
Unveiling the Mystique: Exploring the Sacred Significance of Nandi, the Divine Bull
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Many people in today's world know Nandi as the bull in front of Lord Shiva. Nandi Devar was also called Vahanam or vehicle of Lord Shiva. Nandi can withstand the three-eye power of Lord Shiva. He is also known as the closest abode and personal bodyguard of Lord Shiva. He is an expert in playing drums and plays an important role during Pradosham (a sacred time to pray to Lord Shiva). But there are always two faces to a coin. Did you ever think that Nandi is a Bull, a Man, or even a Bull man?
In this article, we are going to discuss who Nandi is, what he has done, and how he became a close abode of Lord Shiva.
Interesting Notes: It is believed that “During Pradosham, Shiva dances in the head of Nandi”.
Who Is Nandi?
We cannot be sure about the past. But ancient scripts from the great sage Agathiyar say that “Nandi is one ancestor of the Siddha way of life and the guru of Ashta (8) Siddhas, which includes Patanjali Siddhar.” So, it is clear that Nandi is one of the Siddhars who attained supreme power and reached Lord Shiva himself.
"Nandham" in Tamil means growing love and a person who is always happy. So, it is clear that Nandi is a Siddhar who has growing love towards Lord Shiva and is always happy.
Interesting Notes: Nandi is called Adhikara Nandhi, which means a person who has supreme power over all devotees of Shiva.
Early Life Of Nandi Devar:
Once there lived a Siddhar called Silathamunivar and his wife Chitravathi who were without children. So, Silathamunivar prayed to Lord Shiva for a son. Shiva said, "You will find a baby in the forest, adopt him, and raise him as your son." One day Silathamuniar found Nandi as a baby in the forest. He named him Nandi and educated him with dharma & other scriptures.
Interesting Notes: It is believed that “Nandi married Suyamprabha (granddaughter of Vashistar) also known as Kundalini.”
Devotion For Shiva:
During Nandi’s seventh birthday, an old sage told Silathamunivar that his son would die. So, Silathamunivar asked Nandi to meditate on Lord Shiva. Nandi meditated on Lord Shiva for months, and finally, Shiva appeared in front of him and asked what he wanted. He said, “Nandi says that he wants to meditate on his name throughout his life.” Shiva was happy that Nandi didn’t ask for eternal life but wanted his blessing for meditation. Shiva makes Nandi one of his sons and personal bodyguards.
Interesting Facts: Lord Shiva is prayed to not only by humans but also by all species.
Nandi Devar is known for his teaching of alchemy and medicines. He is a direct disciple of Lord Shiva and learned from him. He is one of the ancestors who taught the Siddha way of life. His life taught us that with growing love for God, we can attain the destiny of our life. Sivayanama - Mandirams depiction is Nandi Devar.
Interesting Notes: It is believed that “To get the blessing of Lord Nandi, you should donate food during the Pradosham period.
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r-hariharan · 1 year
The Siddha Way To Change Your Life
jumping into the topic. Why you should learn or practice Siddha way. Because following Siddha way gives you an opportunity to fulfill your purpose in life. All your questions & confusion are answered in a Siddha way. Meaning, you can find your purpose to be alive within yourself.
Author Note: I'm not selling anything & this article is purely for knowledge purposes.
The Siddha are not bound to any religion, language, or race. So, everyone reading in the world can relate to them. Sithar can be anywhere in the world & they don't have boundaries. Siddha or Sithargal gives you the way to live a happy & satisfying life. Before going deep let us get to know about who Siddhas are.
Who Is Siddha?
Siddhas are a person who achieves enlightenment to the fullest level. In other words, you can relate to them as a person reached God's status. They are in pure bliss in every moment of their life. Sithargal finds God within themself. Meaning, God is inside you & you have to leave your lust and other earthly desire to reach it. You have to do Yoga & meditation to find God within yourself. 
Names of Siddha's?
Millions of people have attained Sitthi but very few are known to the world. Here are the names of 18 sithargal who are the base of Siddha way.
Pampatti siddhar
Note: These saints have written a lot of wonderful literature on various topics which includes horoscopes, chemistry, physics, lifestyle and so on. You can read books written by them to enlighten yourself.
How Can You Meet A Real Sithargal?
Most of the people claiming saints or siddha are fake & try to fool you. You can meet people who are trying to be Siddhar or somewhat knowledgeable. But not real Siddhars. They are at a higher level of life that we can't understand. Once we reached a certain level of spirituality. We may get a chance to meet them. You can also pray to them to guide you to improve your spiritual life.
What are the powers they Posses?
Generally, Astam Siddhi or 8 powers are attained by siddhars to help not only humans but all nature.
Anima: Minimizing one's body size to the size of an atom or even smaller.
Mahima: Expanding one's body to an infinitely large size. 
Garima: Increasing the body weight so that they become immovable.
Laghima: Decreasing the body weight to an extended limit (help them to fly)
Prapti: Ability to realize what they desire like bringing an apple in the hand in a moment.
Prakamyam: Ability to adapt to their circumstances like living underwater, moving from one place to another in a blink & increasing life span.
Ishitvam: Ability to influence all natural forces like earth, water, fire sky & air.
Vashitvam: Ability to control any living things. This power is mostly used for medical purposes.
How To Identify a Sithar?
"செய்யதெங்கி லேயிளநீர் சேர்ந்தகார ணங்கள்போல்
ஐயன்வந்து என்னுளம் புகுந்துகோயில் கொண்டனன்
ஐயன்வந்து என்னுளம் புகுந்துகோயில் கொண்டபின்
வையகத்தில் மாந்தர்முன்னம் வாய்திறப்ப தில்லையே."
Famous sitthar Sivavakiayar explained in Tamil that "After god comes inside me & I don't interact with humans".
Sitthars are the ones who mostly don't interact with humans until they reached a certain level of spirituality.
There is nothing in the world that we can offer like money, food or other earthly matter to Siddhars. So, they don't ask anything from us.
They don't preach you anything, because they know you have to dig within you to find your answers. They left us scripts to guide us to reach enlightenment.
How To Change Life Towards Siddha Way?
Life is full of mystery, whatever you think is right is wrong one day. Because you are changing every moment of your life. As Siddha said, 'God is inside you & you can find him through meditation.' Some best practices are. 
Meditating daily.
Breathing exercises.
Open to helping others (all living things).
Donations (like food, clothes, water & other things).
Try to be kind.
Treat everyone equally.
love yourself & nature.
Try to spend some of your time alone.
I believe this article might help you to at least know about Siddhargal. I have given you a tiny bit of information about enlightened people. Stay connected to find more information related to this topic.
I hope this article is useful to you. Please give your feedback in the comment section.
Thank You.
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