rabbath-blog · 5 years
Get fine dining experiences in the Gold Coast at Rabbath. We are more than a Lebanese restaurant. Try Rabbath authentic Lebanese Cuisine busted with flavor.
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rabbath-blog · 5 years
Restaurants That Give You Fine Dining Experiences In Gold Coast
Over the last few years there has been an explosion of truly great eating establishments appearing everywhere, full of highly motivated and talented chefs and restaurateurs who are devoted to giving a fantastic fine dining experience around the Gold Coast to all their customers.
Regardless of which type of food you desire or which cuisine you choose you’ll find a delicious and inviting assortment to suit those on a restricted budget to those who are just wanting a fantastic time out and are willing and ready to pay for one.
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From such places as Burleigh’s very popular rooftop bars and restaurants, fine dining at Broadbeach and Surfers Paradise, Mermaid beach, Nobby beach and an assortment of beautiful locations sprinkled up and down the Gold Coastor even one of the superb Hinterland establishments, there is just no denying that right now the Gold Coast is truly a foodies paradise
Depending on your preferences you can avail of restaurants that specialise in seafood’s, Mediterranean styles of cuisine from Italy, Greece, France or any of the North African countries. Central and Eastern European and also choices from Asian styles including Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai, Malaysian, Korean, Himalayan Singaporean Sri Lankan as well as other mouth watering delights from around the Pacific.
In fact, almost every nation is represented in the culinary delights to be found when taking advantage of the dining experiences on the Gold Coast.
Whether you’re looking for a lavish breakfast for two, a stylish lunch served while enjoying exquisite views and open air freshness so you can enjoy the wonderful Gold Coast climate or are interested in a formal dinner where only the very best service, food and atmosphere will be acceptable, you’ll find it.
The finest dining experiences that the Gold Coast has to offer are available for locals and visitors to enjoy. They cater for couples, families, business functions and celebrations with their reputations as fine dining destinations and award winning menus and service in many establishments.
Types of Fine Dining
Everyone can easily find a place that caters to their own particular tastes and desires, including menus designed specifically for vegans, vegetarians, Halal certifications as well as Kosher certifications, organic, gluten free, dairy free establishments and gourmet burger and pizza bars.
You will also find local specialty espresso bars for coffee connoisseurs and boutique breweries who brew their own ales. There are specialty ice-cream parlors that create their own ice-creams with truly unique flavours.
All of these and more can be found with locations that take advantage of the spectacular setting they are in so you can enjoy their views that are just not available in any other places. This and the general warmth and open friendliness of the people in the hospitality industry all over the Gold Coast, helps to create a truly memorable and ultimately satisfying dining experience on the Gold Coast.
Having a great dining experience on the Gold Coast is now easy because of the huge amount of high quality establishments that are now ready to offer their customers a very high standard of service, cuisine and culinary delights from all areas of the world and for all occasions. Fine dining with a unique view and location.
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rabbath-blog · 5 years
Where we can get the best Lebanese food on the Gold Coast
Finding the best Lebanese cuisine on the Gold Coast is not an easy task as there are now many first class establishments serving authentic Lebanese food. One of the best parts of traveling to the Gold Coast is to sample the wonderful selection of food on offer. But the question is how to find the best Lebanese food on the Gold Coast.
The best answer is to take a food tour and talk with as many locals as possible; they love their food and also love to talk about their favorite restaurants.
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Taxi drivers and doorman, office workers and shop assistants can all point you to the best Lebanese places in their area.
Always avoid the places with flashy photos and printed menus outside, especially in busy areas and main centers as they always serve standard mass produced food that is little more than fast food you have to wait for.
The places with the best Lebanese cuisine are those that are tucked away, those that specialise in catering for the local community. They offer the freshest food at really competitive prices, dishes that are created for the growing Lebanese community.
When you take a walking tour you will soon see the places that are busy and by taking a bit of a look at the type of people dining there you can gauge the standard the establishment represents.
Restaurant’s that are always full are that way because they offer just what their customers want, great food, a great atmosphere and at a realistic price.
Often these establishments are booked out weeks in advance especially at peak times, so to have a chance of dining there to indulge yourself, you need to be prepared to make a booking during their quiet times.
Go in and ask them for an off peak booking time and if they are just too busy to be able to fit you in, then ask them if they can recommend another great place to dine. Chances are they know all the other top Lebanese restaurants and will be happy to make some great suggestions. Maybe you will get an inside line to the best Lebanese’s food on the Gold Coast.
If you still can’t find the right place for you, then your next best bet is using social media.  Just ask on Facebook as well as all your other social media platforms for the best Lebanese cuisine on the Gold Coast you are sure to get lots of replies.
Then you could do a Google search for Blogs about Lebanese food on the Gold Coast or even make it a longer keyword search to the area you are staying in. There are heaps of foodies on The Coast who love to tell everyone about their latest discoveries, read the reviews and the feedback and before long you will know which places to check out first hand.
The search for finding the best Lebanese cuisine on the Gold Coast is not an easy quest, but you can be sure the best way to find it, is by asking the locals and doing a lot of research while keeping well away from the glossy in your face establishments.
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rabbath-blog · 5 years
Tips to make fine dining experience special
Fine dining on the Gold Coast is now equal to anywhere in the world, with an array of high quality local and international dishes available from tastefully decorated establishments. But fine dining is much more than just the quality and types of foods and décor’s on offer. You can provide the perfect dinner setting, glassware, crockery, cutlery, views and ambience, but you also need the personal touch and to create the perfect setting for your customers:
Ensure your staff know your menu
Customer’s expect that all servers will have an intimate knowledge of the menu and can advise and suggest subtle changes that may suit their preferences, such as more of less spiciness, types of cheeses or whether the oysters are Bluff from NZ or from Sydney Harbour and of course they can help you choose a suitable wine.
Etiquette is free, but worth gold
If staff don’t know or seem unwilling to help, or heaven forbid wish to argue about the specifics, even when the customer is wrong, it can spoil that customers special feeling and put them off. The staff in any establishment, really need to be fully accommodating and willing to help when they’re needed. With difficult and rude customers, being professional, calm and absolutely polite, with a solution based approach, a warm smile, a non-argumentative and positive attitude will awe customers and calm the situation without disrupting other customer’s.
Many customers have their specific preferences and desires, multiple questions and even complaints need to be addressed instantly and calmly to the customer’s satisfaction. Good serving staff, need to be there and ready, but also invisible and ready to observe the need for customers to enjoy their own intimate dinning affair.
A good eye for detail
No matter how busy a restaurant becomes it’s vital that all your customers feel they are getting equal attention, although some need more than others, it’s noticing their needs and seeing to them that matters. Noticing the different stages of all guests’ meals and being able to accommodate them by noting an empty glass, finished entrée or dessert. Allowing guests to sit too long is one of the signs of poor customer service, don’t be pushy, but anticipating their needs is a sign of good service.
Don’t hurry your guests
Just as good waiting staff are paid well guests are paying for the service they receive, they also tip in accordance with the service provided, although some establishments advise tipping is not required or expected.
Even when all the tables are full and everyone is busy, there is no excuse for trying to hurry customers to leave before they are ready. Rushing them through their meal to make way for new arrivals can spoil the evening for your guests in the same way as slow service can.
Fine dining on the Gold Coast can be a very special experience and a memorable occasion with many world class establishments open to look after even the most discerning customers. Always remember to make an early booking as many places are often fully booked well in advance, so for that special night get your booking in early.
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rabbath-blog · 5 years
Where we can get fine dining on the Gold Coast?
The Gold Coast is now home to a huge variety of eating establishments from fast food outlets, pizza and espresso bars to five star fine dining restaurants The sheer number of places there is to choose from when you want to eat is mind boggling. To find your perfect fine dining place on the Gold Coast is no easy feat.
The Gold Coast is known for its easygoing a relaxed lifestyle and miles of beautiful beaches. If you’re a visitor to the area you’ll find some of the best fine dining restaurants in Australia there and the best ways to find them are:
Food Guides
Food guides are a good starting place, they are usually reliable, but bear in mind these are often out of date in the fast paced world of eating establishments. Places sometimes change hands or chefs and it can happen that a place that was exceptional has changed and is trading or relying on their previous good name when their service has changed.
Word of Mouth
By far the best method of finding a good fine dining establishment is by asking people who are likely to know such as taxi drivers, tourist guides and the staff or management of the place you’re staying. They quickly get to hear about what’s going on in all the places in the area, both the good and especially the not so good so can be a goldmine of good information.
Foodie Blogs
A host of foodie blogs can be found by using your Google browser to bring up “fine dining on the Gold Coast” or get more specific and use the name of the exact area you’re in to find the best options in your area. You’ll be able to read the latest reviews and recommendations from some of the local “Foodies” who love nothing more than sharing their thoughts on the latest food gem they have found. They will be equally scathing of places that don’t reach their standards so by reading a selection of reviews on any given place you will get a good idea of what you can expect.
Tour Around
Many of the better fine dining eateries on the Gold Coast are tucked away and not so easy to spot, but the locals know where they are and are usually happy to point you in the right direction.
Avoid places in the main areas with people trying to entice you inside with flyers and such. Often the best places are booked out and you need a reservation well in advance, a sure sign of quality is when you can’t get in for weeks because they are booked out.
When you find a place that you’ve heard is wonderful want to try, but they seem so busy, go in and talk with them and find out when they have their quiet time and make a reservation accordingly.
When you’re looking for fine dining on the Gold Coast you will find there are many great establishments to choose from, usually the best ones are tucked away off the beaten track so that a bit of finding but the locals will know and be happy to point them out to you in the friendly Gold Coast style.
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rabbath-blog · 5 years
Tips to find the best Lebanese Restaurant on The Gold Coast
Often it’s hard to find the best places to eat so you can enjoy and have some truly great dining experiences, especially if you’re new in town or don’t eat out much. Finding which one is the best Lebanese restaurant can even be harder as there is a good selection to choose from.
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This guide may help you find the best Lebanese taste in town:
Plan Ahead
Don’t wait until the last minute, if you have time, scout the area before you decide. Take a walking tour of the different Lebanese restaurants; you can quickly see which ones are popular and those that don’t attract a crowd. Find out their busy time and when they are not so busy so you don’t have to wait. Ask if they accept bookings and the times they normally have available.
Places that have people waiting in a line to dine there show they have something special to offer, usually quality and value.
Don’t chose places in busy, scenic locations or the center of town, these tend not to provide the best quality and tend to be more expensive as they have lots of passing traffic so are not so worried about their reputation. A busy out of the way place full of locals tells you they provide good quality and value.
Take a look at the customers, are they mainly locals or do they look like tourists. Most tourists dine where their tour guides suggest which may not be your best option.
Check the Local Food Blogs and Reviews
A simple Google search will find all the local food bloggers and reviews good and bad about all the Lebanese restaurants on the Gold Coast. Local bloggers love to discover and spill the secrets of local culinary gems. Google maps will also have the restaurants in the areas you’re going to give their opening hour’s, menus and specials.
Ask Real Locals
Talking to locals has been always a great way to find the best eating spots, taxi drivers always know which places are popular. Asking people about their favorite Lebanese eatery is a great way to start a conversation. The locals can advise were not to go as well as places that don’t have long waiting times.
Facebook is another great way to get recommendations from your friend lists or general inquiries.
Avoid Places that Over Advertise
Establishments, unless they have just opened should not need to have flyers everywhere and people on the street harassing you to go inside. If they are any good they will have a faithful local following.
Do You Have kids
Go into the Lebanese restaurant on the Gold Coast that appeals to you as see if there are any kids there and ask about kid’s meals. If there are strollers outside, then you know they welcome and cater for families.
You will find the best dining experience on the Gold Coast by talking with some of the locals, especially shop keepers, taxi drivers and people you meet. Asking about the best Lebanese restaurant in the area is a great way to begin conversations with people and hear the truth. Locals know and enjoy great food.
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rabbath-blog · 5 years
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