They understand my chosen color palette 
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Versace Spring 2016––photographed by Steven Klein
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Slippers with glue :P
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i should try this on Odin
Dangerous Turkish minds
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First they’re sour.
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Then they’re REALLY sour.
I did not care for getting my mouth sewn shut after my harmless prank of cutting off Sif’s hair.
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Loki Looking For Love
I Loki, the most infamous trickster of them all. I am known as the greatest God that ever lived is looking for a mate. 
Likes long walks on the Bifrost, shape shifting into hags, and calling the Gods whores.
Interested in interracial and inter species relationships. (preferably magical stallions)
Half God/ half giant
Proud mother and father. My kids names are Sleipnir, Fenrir, Jormungandr, and Hel. 
Looking for someone to prank the Gods with. 
Has to be into shape shifters.
Must despise Odin and Thor 
Disclaimer married to: Sigyn
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One time some insignificant builder was promised the sun, the moon, and the Godess Freyja if he could build the walls of Asgard within a specific period of time. So I turned myself into a radiant female horse to lure his magical stallion away which he was using to help him build the walls. The ignorant man thought he could finish the wall by turning into his true identity as a mountain giant. Unfortunately for him, the ill tempered Thor buried his mjolnir into the mans head. In a twist of fates, I birthed Sleipnir, the eight legged horse.
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The Ruined Feast
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your family at dinner
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my family at dinner
The Sea God Aegir declared a feast and his servants Fimafeng and Eldir praised everyone at his bountiful feast. This annoyed me. SO I KILLED FIMAFENG!!! After that they didn’t want me to join there little feast so after a while I called Odin up on an oath we swore earlier to drink plentifully. The idiotic Gods were forced to accept me once again. So I told the whores and cowards how worthless they were. I only stopped because the “mighty” Thor threatened me with his “powerful” Mjolnir.
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Today Begins The Ragnorak
On this day, I Loki, laugh in the faces of the other Gods. For I gave death to their precious Balder. Hod was so naive to fall for my trick. I only needed a meaningless mistletoe.
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When you piss off the other Gods and they tie you up and make snakes drip venom on your head.
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