rainbowcatz123 · 19 minutes
No matter how you feel about the newer seasons, you gotta agree that the animation is better and more expensive than it was in previous seasons
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rainbowcatz123 · 4 hours
To elaborate on my “Armadylan hates loneliness” headcannon from a previous post: Armadylan loves being a hero, and would prefer to go into Power Q and go on missions every night, but he chooses to distance himself from the team because his teammates don’t fully see him as a hero. He’s always been the bad guy, or the clumsy one, or the one who’s a good hero, but not always needed. He comes back and joins the team because he finally feels respected, but leaves the next episode because he’s back to being seen as the villain. But, the thing is, he’s always been a nice kid. He tries his best even when everyone else doesn’t believe in him. He never really took anyone’s bullshit, and it makes total sense why he got angry from time to time. I have said that Armadylan and Ice Cub would make a great team, kind of as a ship thing, but also because I feel like their personalities would mix well. I feel like Ice Cub would be the first character to actually respect Armadylan and see him as the hero he truly. I like to believe that Armadylan will fully join the Power Heroes when he finally feels respected.
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rainbowcatz123 · 9 hours
Lunalette is actually cannon, Luna and Owlette both told me /j
STOPPPPP I WAS WATCHING THE GIVING OWL AND Owlette said "where would Luna find the most beautiful things" and I said "prolly gonna go find your bitchass"
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rainbowcatz123 · 22 hours
Time to answer the age old question:
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rainbowcatz123 · 23 hours
Haven’t shared any headcannons in a while, so here’s a few:
- Luna and Owlette ironically sing Jojo Siwa songs
- Motsuki has tried to get Luna cancelled before
- Romeo has an in depth beauty routine that he does every night
- Armadylan doesn’t actually like being alone, but he hides it (maybe?)
- Cartoka is color blind
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rainbowcatz123 · 2 days
Pj Masks has done enough edgy stuff already (*cough cough* Heroes of Iceworld, Heroes of the Sky) they should just let one of the characters swear or something
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rainbowcatz123 · 3 days
“Hey guys!”
“Bye guys!”
“Wait, what…”
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rainbowcatz123 · 3 days
Not me thinking Romeo was giving the middle finger
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rainbowcatz123 · 3 days
What if the evil Power Q from Mighty Alliance was a thing in the show, but all the villains used it as a headquarters…
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rainbowcatz123 · 3 days
So you know that episode where Romeo turns Catboy and Owlette evil? There was also a similar episode with Newton. What if there was something like that, but for the Power Heroes? Like, a villain turns one of newer heroes evil. I feel like that would be interesting. Like, Bastet has the power of the sun, so her being evil would be terrifying. Or the super nice Ice Cub suddenly being all mean and angry. Or Lilyfay, who knows where the end of the universe is. An Yu has also yet to be turned evil, so that would cool to see as well. I know we’ve had episodes where these characters have gotten angry and/or brainwashed by villains, but I want to see them go full villain mode.
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rainbowcatz123 · 3 days
Wut does the community thing do?
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rainbowcatz123 · 5 days
Ah yes, the child
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rainbowcatz123 · 5 days
“Night Ninja turned into America”
Red, white, and blue are also the colors of the French flag
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rainbowcatz123 · 7 days
Life advice from the demon cat herself
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rainbowcatz123 · 7 days
Asks r closed for now
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rainbowcatz123 · 7 days
hi! atomiclovedestiny is a documented scammer profiting off of the genocide that stole their story from this legitimate gofundme https://gofund.me/522a0090 and are instead linking to their private PayPal account with the name Mercy Jerop
would you mind deleting their scam from your blog, or clearly labeling it as a scam so it doesn't spread to others?
please familiarize yourself with the posts of some current scammers while they are still under these usernames: taheeeramohamed, stevmwita, lucymkiraa, thoughtfulfestivallove, keenladysussymerrriine, lucymkiraa, swagprincessfire, nashonimudaki, marryum-aljabill, quoradigestere, atomiclovedestiny
I had this gut feeling that the ask was sketchy, but still answered it anyway in case it was legit. I guess I really should be doing research into things instead of blindly answering asks. Thank you for informing me! I feel so stupid….
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rainbowcatz123 · 8 days
We need an episode centered around what happens in Power Q after heroes leave. Like, a few heroes go out on a mission, and everyone stays back and does something. I’m thinking they could have a party in the episode (maybe the villains could join). I’d call the episode “Pj Party Q” or something like that…
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