ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
What are the things you like about Peter? Any cute head canons? I want to like him more but because of what he later became it's kind of hard. He was probably very important if Sirius trusted him over Remus....
I’m sorry I took so long to answer. School got in the way :(
This is Peter before the war, let’s just emphasise that.
he is an amazing listener, not much of an advice giver but if you’re frustrated or angry he will let you rant for hours without interrupting
the same cannot be said for normal conversations, when he is excited there’s no stopping him… and he talks FAST
he is smart but not like class smart, he has a super practical mind and has a way of simplifying everything
he looooooves food and is a pretty damn good cook, he learned it from his mum
he gets along with every single elf in the kitchens and he is still the only student that the elves allowed to cook in the kitchens
he loves baking the most and he bakes the cakes for the Marauders birthdays every year
he is kinda shy around other people but never around the Marauders
when they were trying to become animagi, he tried so hard because he didn’t want to fail his friends or embarrassing himself and he didn’t
he loves sleeping with no lights on and under the thickest duvets, even in summer
he gets angry rarely but when he does, he sulks and doesn’t talk about it
if he feels sad or frustrated he talks to James first, he feels closest to him
he writes home very frequently but not as frequently as James
he loves cheese in any shape and form
he has the chubbiest cheeks, Euphemia always pinches them softly whenever he visits, it makes Peter giggle
he always feels like he doesn’t fit in with the boys but the boys make sure that feeling stays as far away as it can
he doesn’t trust easily due to some unfortunate friendships that he had in the primary school where he attended before Hogwarts
his magic showed itself around 4-5 years old when he was running down the stairs on Christmas morning and he tripped and flew just to bounce back softly from the wall
he adores Christmas but his favourite holiday is Easter - all those sweets!
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
Like we always talk about Sirius’ dog traits and Peter’s rat traits…what about James? Does he freeze when he sees headlights? Does he have an affinity for salt licks? What do deer even do?
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
POCKET-SIZED FEMINISM The only other girl at the party  is ranting about feminism. The audience: a sea of rape jokes and snapbacks and styrofoam cups and me. They gawk at her mouth like it is a drain clogged with too many opinions. I shoot her an empathetic glance and say nothing. This house is for wallpaper women. What good is wallpaper that speaks? I want to stand up, but if I do, whose coffee table silence will these boys rest their feet on? I want to stand up, but if I do, what if someone takes my spot? I want to stand up, but if I do, what if everyone notices I’ve been sitting this whole time? I am guilty of keeping my feminism in my pocket until it is convenient not to, like at poetry slams or my women’s studies class. There are days I want people to like me more than I want to change the world. There are days I forget we had to invent nail polish to change color in drugged drinks and apps to virtually walk us home at night and mace disguised as lipstick. Once, I told a boy I was powerful and he told me to mind my own business. Once, a boy accused me of practicing misandry. You think you can take over the world? And I said No, I just want to see it. I just need to know it is there for someone. Once, my dad informed me sexism is dead and reminded me to always carry pepper spray in the same breath. We accept this state of constant fear as just another part of being a girl. We text each other when we get home safe and it does not occur to us that our guy friends do not have to do the same. You could saw a woman in half and it would be called a magic trick. That’s why you invited us here, isn’t it? Because there is no show without a beautiful assistant? We are surrounded by boys who hang up our naked posters and fantasize about choking us and watch movies we get murdered in. We are the daughters of men who warned us about the news and the missing girls on the milk carton and the sharp edge of the world. They begged us to be careful. To be safe. Then told our brothers to go out and play.
POCKET-SIZED FEMINISM, by Blythe Baird (via blythebrooklyn)
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
Angst Prompts
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“I know for a fact that you’re not “fine”.”
“You’re looking at me like.. you’re disgusted. What did I do? Just tell me what I did, please!”
“I’m the one who deserves an apology!”
“You have everything in the world and that doesn’t satisfy you. Tell me, princess, how am I supposed to?”
“Every time you say you love me, it means a little less.”
“What happened between us?”
“Nothing has changed!” “Yes it has, and you know it.”
“Love isn’t supposed to hurt this badly.”
“You said you needed space. You were 5,000 miles away for a year, and you’re still unsure. I’m starting to think that an entire universe apart wouldn’t be enough space for you.”
“I remember when he/she/they used to look at me that way”
“How can something this difficult be right?”
“I know you want me to tell you I love you, but that would be a lie.” “Then lie to me. Just for a little while.”
“I want you to list every lie you ever told me. Then I’ll forgive you.”
“It’s not just us anymore. I might have forgiven you if it was only me you hurt. But you didn’t just betray me. You betrayed our child, and I will never forgive you for that.”
“I don’t hate you. I hate that after all of this, you’re still trying to lie to me”
“I can’t keep this secret for you anymore.”
“I’m sorry I’m not what you signed up for.”
“Why she/her/them? It could have been anybody, and you chose to betray me with her/him/them.”
“What did they do to you that you can’t tell me about?”
“I can’t hear your voice anymore without hearing his/hers/theirs too.”
If you use one or more of these for a story, I would be delighted to read it! Please don’t hesitate to send your writing to me:)
Request a prompt list/writing advice/playlist/study help post here Art Blog || Studyblr || Studygram || Instagram || Twitter
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
my sort of thing
Remus Lupin to Sirius Black: turn down gasolina
Sirius Black: ur literally miles away
Remus Lupin: are you playing it
Sirius Black: well yeah
Remus Lupin: turn it down
Lily Evans to Sirius Black: tell potter to stop trying to engage me with fruit based wordplay
Sirius Black: he’ll be gutted
Sirius Black: also how did u get this number
Lily Evans: its written in the girls bathroom with TWAT over it
Sirius Black: and u assumed it was me
Lily Evans: well potter doesnt have an 021 number
Peter Pettigrew to gross gang: DISASTER ALERT
Peter Pettigrew: the vending machine ate my dollar and didnt give me my crisps
Peter Pettigrew to gross gang: stop seening me
James Potter to crew (cuts should b our new Look™): U LOT ARE NEVER GOING TO FUCKING BELIEVE THIS
Keep reading
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
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I woke up really early and enjoyed the cold morning air :’) I can feel that autumn is arriving! 🍁🍂 I just feel so comfy and at peace during this season :’) what do you like about autumn?
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
I love teddy
Harry Potter didn’t get to meet Teddy Lupin until all the mess the war brought was over. He was kind of avoiding it at this point, he didn’t know how to behave in front of Andromeda and he didn’t know what good it would do to meet the baby since he was too small to understand anything, mostly he didn’t know how to feel. However, Teddy had just lost both his parents as Harry did to the same damn war and Harry knew he owed both Andromeda and Teddy a decent apology. He had been apologising a lot these days, Hermione tried to convince him that it wasn’t his fault and Molly Weasley constantly hugged him to remind him that he was alive but Harry felt the need for everyone to know he was sorry.
It had been a rough couple of months since the beginning of May, not just for Harry but for all the Wizarding World. Harry had been dealing with serious problems that he felt like he needed to be alone get over and people were just so determined not to leave him alone. So one day in September when it was all too much for him he left the Burrow to get some fresh air and thought it would be better to have some change of scenery. He thought it would have been better to let Andromeda know before he came bursting through the door but he knew he would lose the courage he mustered up if he lost time trying to reach her so he found himself in front of the Tonks’ home where he was brought by Hagrid the night they lost Moody and Hedwig. Ted Tonks’ memory stung but Harry tried to smile nevertheless as he slowly knocked on the door. 
“Coming,” said the unmistakeable voice of Andromeda Tonks, she sounded older than she did that night. She was one of the people who was hit the hardest by the war, Harry had stood by her side during the funeral of Tonks and talked with her during the never ending memorials, he almost always didn’t know what to say to her but he knew that she was as strong as it gets. Harry knew that he would be greeted by a wand to his heart, the paranoia of the war didn’t wear of easily.
The door opened slowly as Andromeda waited with her wand raised, she looked at Harry with such intensity that he thought he would burn.
“What was the Portkey you used to get to the Burrow?” she asked. Her resemblance to Bellatrix Lestrange had become more visible with the dark circles surrounding her eyes.
“It was a silver-backed hairbrush,” replied Harry with ease, he would never forget that night. He saw Andromeda visibly relax before he opened his mouth again to talk. “I’m sorry Mrs. Tonks for coming uninvited.”
“Don’t be sorry and please call me Andy,” reassured Andromeda as the kindness that made her so different from her sister now shined in her eyes. “I just, um, old habits die hard I guess.”
Harry took a look around the place he vaguely remembered, he presumed it was the shock of seeing Voldemort at the time that he didn’t remember the living room at all. There were family pictures all around and countless flowers in one corner from various people with notes on them, Harry couldn’t bring himself the go closer, afraid of the ugly truth that he may have to face earlier than he had to. He hated how everyone thought he was this brave Gryffindor when he was the biggest coward when it came to stuff like this.
“So, what do I owe the pleasure?” she asked, two mugs of steaming hot tea in her hands. Harry took one before he gently placed himself on the couch. 
“I–” he began, he didn’t have any idea about what to say, he had been gone for two months and now out of the blue he came because he finally had the courage to meet his own godson. “I came to meet Teddy.”
“Oh, I see,” mumbled Andromeda as she pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “Let me wake him up, it was about time really,” she added when he realised Harry was about the object.
He could see the small bundle of blanket Andy cradled as she got back, there were small noises coming from the newly awake Teddy and Harry could see his hands, they looked perfect but Harry couldn’t understand why.
“Do you want to hold him?”
“I’ve never– I might hurt him,” protested Harry but she wasn’t listening.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” smiled Andy as he placed Teddy into Harry’s shaking arms.
It was like the Hogwarts Express ran over him as Teddy opened his eyes to look at him with amber eyes that Harry knew belonged to Remus Lupin and his hair was a dark brown as Andy’s was. Harry slowly pulled his right hand away and gave his pinky finger for Teddy to hold, when his little fingers wrapped around his Harry felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. Teddy was too small and too perfect have such a tragic story and it was his fault. The small boy in his arms yawned without knowing who was holding him, his curious eyes were taking in every feature of Harry.
“Hi there buddy,” whispered Harry with a shaky voice. “Nice to meet you finally.” 
As Harry smiled, he could see Teddy’s eyes light up with happiness and he was laughing with the purest sound Harry had ever heard, he wished he had came sooner since Teddy was doing more for his mental situation than anyone else did the past few months.
“I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me Harry,” said Andy as she gave a knowing look and left.
It was a good thing she left because Harry had a hard time crying in front of others and right now, he was having a hard time holding back everything that wanted to escape him. He looked at the beautiful creature he was holding and straightened his tiny shirt with a full moon on it, 
“We haven’t met before but I’m your– your godfather,” whispered Harry as the memory of his own godfather flashed before his eyes, he had a hard time swallowing. “I’m so proud to be your godfather, Teddy.”
Teddy was now playing with the loose string on Harry’s flannel he borrowed from Ron. His cheeks were red from the slumber he just had and Harry was afraid to touch him terrified that he might actually harm him.
“I knew both your parents and I’m sorry that you never get to meet them,” he continued as the tears were now stinging his green eyes. “Teddy I’m so sorry it had to be like this.”
“I know how it feels to not have your parents around and I’m sorry I gave you the same fate as mine. I never meant for any of them to die for me. I am the reason Remus was at the war, I’m the reason Tonks–”
Harry’s throat was burning as he whispered everything he had been holding in for too long. It felt good to talk about it at least and Teddy wasn’t giving him pitiful looks or small pats on the back that makes Harry want to punch people, he was just staring and blinking as tears slid down Harry’s cheeks.
“I’m glad you have Andy though, she is a very strong woman and I will be around as much as I can. I know I can never fill their shoes and I never intend to Teddy but I will try my best for you to be happier than I was. I will be there for you for all the times I couldn’t be with my godfather. I swear I’ll be there for you for all the times your father missed being there for me. I would have been a better man if I was lucky enough to have Remus around as I grew up.”
Teddy was trying so hard to reach at Harry as he was trying to breath regularly, he was trying so hard to keep it together for the sake of not scaring the small boy but Teddy looked curious and concerned. Harry got him closer to his face and felt a small hand touch his cheek softly.
It happened when Harry least expected it. When the amber of Teddy’s eyes melted to the green that was so Lily Evans, Harry laughed a little through his tears.
“I guess that means you like me, yeah?”
“Yes it does,” replied Andy as she wiped away tears from her eyes hastily. “I didn’t mean to eaves drop but I just couldn’t walk away when you mentioned her.”
“It’s alright,” smiled Harry. “He’s a great listener, I needed that.”
“I know, he listens to me all the time, too,” teased Andy. “I promise I’ll raise him with all I have Harry–”
“I have no doubt Andy,” he interrupted, he really didn’t have one single doubt. This was the woman who raised Tonks, he didn’t expect anything less. “He couldn’t have had anyone better than you to look after him.” 
Andy simply smiled at him and stared at all the pictures surrounding the room.
“I want to ask you something,” she said, she looked uncomfortable. “I have– I have no family left and I just wanted to know if you think it is wise for me to contact Cissy after all of this.”
“First off, you are more than welcome to reach out to me when you need help. You are family Andy, don’t forget I was also the godson of your cousin,” he pointed out. “And I think it would be good for both of you, I really do. After all, she saved my life.”
“With that, I should get going, people worry about me too much,” he added and got up with Teddy in his arms. He took one last look at Teddy’s eyes and smiled to himself, every promise he had just given to him he intended to keep. 
“You’re welcome anytime, dear,” said Andy as she cradled Teddy in her arms safely, his eyes didn’t change as he tried to reach Harry with his chubby hands.
“Good to know but please also come visit us, I’d love to see Teddy with Weasley red hair,” suggested Harry with a raised eyebrow and walked out to door. “Thank you, Andy, for everything.”
They both knew what was hidden in that “thank you” as Harry apparated almost instantly after saying it and Andy was left on the doorstep with a green eyed Teddy.
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
afterlife masterpost
for those of you who don’t visit the actual blog
Philosopher’s Stone
the boy who lived
the vanishing glass - AU with Wolfstar
letters from no one
diagon alley
platform 9¾
sorting ceremony
the potions master - AU with Wolfstar
troll in the dungeon
flying lessons
the midnight duel
gryffindor vs. slyhterin
the invisibility cloak
mirror of erised
Chamber of Secrets
whomping willow
the chamber of secrets
Prisoner of Azkaban
aunt marge’s big mistake
professor lupin
expecto patronum
the map
cat, rat & dog
Goblet of Fire
alastor “mad-eye” moody
the goblet of fire
hungarian horntail
the second task
flesh, blood & bone
Order of the Phoenix
closed ward
occlumency lessons
snape’s worst memory
behind the veil - without 
Half-Blood Prince
Deathly Hallows
regulus arcturus black
godric’s hollow - AU with Wolfstar
Teddy Remus Lupin
my moony
leather & gasoline
Albus Severus Potter
James Sirius Potter
Lily Luna Potter
the hufflepuff
the slytherin
the talk
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
yes exactly
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
I want this
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Just A Pool, Disguised As A Pond
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
It's funny how people may think Harry's like smart for diving all those riddles and stuff but really it was just Hagrid accidentally telling him stuff
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
Its so funny I literally have two moods either -I'm never ever gonna marry maybe date but I want to be free Or -pls love me I just want someone desperately
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
Harry and James
I never thought about the fact that Harry and James had the exact same type. Red hair, fiery personality. But it's also funny how their crushes went the opposite way. James was obsessed with Lily for a long time, and Ginny was obsessed with Harry a long time, even though she did date other guys I guess
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
Dear white cis straight boys on tumblr
Dear white cis straight boys on tumblr, Yes we may have more of a voice in this society than others, but we should use that voice, that privilege to speak out for others and to help bring a voice to everyone. Also if you are not suffering from any mental or physical disability, we should help others, even if it’s just something small like an awareness post or telling people they are amazing just the way they are can make their day. If you can do more that it’s even better. So even though you may be doing well, others aren’t and it is a great chance to help them out and encourage them.
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
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I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
stood up
inspired by @jilys and @alrightpotter and everyone else who has made lovely group chat aus
this is one inspired by the prompt “i got stood up and you sat down and started talking to me who are you”
Lily Evans to Marlene McKinnon: what would u say if i broke ur heels
Marlene McKinnon: i would murder u w. Out thinkng abt it
Lily Evans: ….
Lily Evans: i broke ur heels
Lily Evans: marlene
Marlene McKinnon: blocked
Dorcas Meadows to diagnose me dr lily: lily
Dorcas Meadows: i have a rash on my arm lily diagnose me
Lily Evans: pneumonia
Dorcas Meadows: ???,,,,???? Its getting worse???…
Lily Evans: did u try turning it off and on again
Lily Evans: geez i m not a doctor yet
Marlene McKinnon to all boys r twats: dorcas i just saw snape and rosier following after lily
Marlene McKinnon: oh shIr
Marlene McKinnon: Lils
Marlene McKinnon: im coming to get u stay there
Lily Evans to Severus Snape: if u come near me again i will grind ur balls in a blender
Severus Snape: you know I’m right
Lily Evans: you’re a white supremacist
Lily Evans: YOU are wrong
Marlene McKinnon to Dorcas get me those spicy pita chips: what did snivelus say
Lily Evans: ‘’’’’im a nazi’’’’
Dorcas Meadows: rly
Lily Evans: no but basically
Lily Evans: i need booze asap
Marlene McKinnon: i got lots
Dorcas Meadows: omw
Dorcas Meadows to lily needs to get laid: mission imposible: how about Peter Pettigrew
Lily Evans: pass
Dorcas Meadows: u say that about everyone
Lily Evans: and
Lily Evans: i m focusing on school rn
Dorcas Meadows: do u even know who pettigrew is????,,?
Lily Evans:  y es
Marlene McKinnon: just one pls
Dorcas Meadows: lil if you go on one blind date ill take you to nandos
Lily Evans: deal
Lily Evans: but just one and not peter pettigreq
Lily Evans changed group name to i deserve better friends than these weeds
Lily Evans to Marlene McKinnon: where am i meeting him
Marlene McKinnon: corner of 165th by tha t pizza plce
Marlene McKinnon: he said hed b inside
Lily Evans: he better b hot
Marlene McKinnon to tminus 0 days until lilys date: LILY
Marlene McKinnon: IM SO SORRY
Marlene McKinnon: EVANS
Lily Evans to blondie + inferiors with rat nests: marlene he was rly hot ur the best
Lily Evans:  wait what
Dorcas Meadows: ?,,,,,,,???
Lily Evans: he stood me up?
Lily Evans: then who was i with last night
Lily Evans: Marlene McKinnon get ur butt over here with the nandos Marlene McKinnon: it’s 3am lily why did u just get back ;)))))
Lily Evans to James Potter: who r u rly
James Potter: oops
Lily Evans: r u actly james ?
James Potter: yeah srry i didnt know what to say u just kind of sat down
Lily Evans: ?? I was there first twat
James Potter: u were rly cute
James Potter: what cna i say
Lily Evans: so u just sat down with a random stranger and pretended to know me
James Potter: yes ?
Lily Evans sent a picture to group: what Do I dO
Marlene McKinnon: James Potter SAT NEXT TO YOU?
Dorcas Meadows: the CUTEST guy at on campus???
Marlene McKinnon: to clarify
Marlene McKinnon: the star football player who also happens to be v hot and buff sat next to u bc u were cute??
Lily Evans: i got stood up and i guess i didnt know who he was
Lily Evans: he was a little concieted
Lily Evans: and not that hot
Dorcas Meadows: ur in denial
Marlene McKinnon: ur name together is lames
Lily Evans: …..
Dorcas Meadows: so what happened after the date
Marlene McKinnon: u didn’t come back until late late
Lily Evans: ..nothing
Sirius Black to Remus Lupin: whats wrong with james
Remus Lupin: he went on a date with Lily Evans
Sirius Black: the redhead in his calc class
Remus Lupin: yeah
Sirius Black: oh
Sirius Black: he’s in a daze and wont move
Remus Lupin: tell him theres a spider on his bed
Sirius Black: he didn’t move
Remus Lupin: woW
Sirius Black: im calling 911
Remus Lupin: nO
Peter Pettigrew: too late
Marlene McKinnon to Sirius Black: theyre the worst
Sirius Black: tell lily to meet u at the library
Sirius Black: ill get james to go to
Sirius Black: also how did u get this #
Marlene McKinnon: it wastn that hard
Sirius Black to James Potter: meet me at hte library in 10
James Potter: u never study
James Potter: r u trying to set me up again with evans
Sirius Black: no ?
James Potter: wanker
James Potter: leaving now
Lily Evans to James Potter: im not good enough to be a doctor
Lily Evans: i just got fired from the pizza parlor
James Potter: yike what happened
Lily Evans: fell asleep during my break n missed my shift
James Potter: im coming with nandos
Lily Evans: im in the tesco parking lot
James Potter: np
Lily Evans to James Potter: ur gonna crush it today!!
James Potter: are u coming
Lily Evans: ofc
Marlene McKinnon to lily ate the chocholate and deserves disembowlment: lily and james just hugged after he won the cup and
Sirius Black: most sexually charged hug i’ve ever seen
Remus Lupin: is that an apostrophe
Sirius Black: there are more important things to worry about right now
Peter Pettigrew: who put Marlene on this chat
Lily Evans to We”RE OUT OF CHOCOCLATE: so
Lily Evans: theres this guy who is hot and toned
Lily Evans: and also happens to be mischevious and smart and is good at literally everything
Lily Evans: but also has a big head and generous and super rich
Lily Evans: and i cant tell if i hate him or like him
Dorcas Meadows: r u kidding me lily
Marlene McKinnon: a match made in heaven
Lily Evans: i cant TELL
Marlene McKinnon: im texting him right now
Lily Evans: NO DONT
Lily Evans: mar i will kill you im not even sure yet
Lily Evans: some people said i just want him as my sugar daddy
Marlene McKinnon: who said that
Dorcas Meadows: snape
Marlene McKinnon: he’s an asshat don’t listen to him
Lily Evans: but what if potter just leaves
Lily Evans: there are way better girls for him
Lily Evans: ones his parents would approve of
Dorcas Meadows: thats bs and u know it
Marlene McKinnon: ^
Lily Evan’s Notes: u just do everything perfectly theres nothing you could do wrong and its unfair and you have perfect messy hair thats so beautiful and i could stare at the stars for hours with you just because nothing can stop you and u want to learn everything like i do and your the only person i can call at 2am without worrying and your tall and i think im in love
James Potter to Lily Evans: sitting on third floor by statue of humphrey
Lily Evans: can you pick me up
James Potter: we have a quiz in five mins
Lily Evans: its important
James Potter: ill b right there
Sirius Black to twats + grammer twat: LAMES HAPPEND
Sirius Black changed group chat name to LAMES: THIRE SNOGGING IN TH PARKIING LOT
Remus Lupin: IM COMING Marlene McKinnon: freaking adorable
James Potter: twat
Lily Evans: shut up black
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ralphie-fabio-blog · 7 years
yes I lov him
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Teddy Lupin… again
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