random-writer06 · 5 years
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ahdjakak oh my GOD!!
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random-writer06 · 5 years
girls really will love you with all their heart and not say a WORD
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random-writer06 · 5 years
That was so lovely!
Can get a ship? I’m 5’6 I’m 22 and I enjoy reading, playing soccer, lacrosse, and I’m going to school to be a dentist. I love to cuddle and I also love holding hands. I have a yorkie named Lulu and we love gong on walks. (Ship with the Holland/Osterfields please) Thank you!!!
I ship you with Tom!
Tom would absolutely love nothing more than the idea of going on long walks with you, you taking Lulu and him bringing along Tessa of course.
He would also enjoy watching you play football, he loved playing too but he liked the idea of watching you do something that you loved so much. He had never tried lacrosse but he would encourage you to teach him everything about it, wanting to understand the game you played so often.
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random-writer06 · 5 years
A sitcom styled like the office or parks and rec that follows a group of band students. It opens with a random non-musical senior who has been assigned as ta for the band director, and follows as they all get to know each other. The success of the marching band is obviously one of the plotlines in the show, but much of it just follows the personal lives of the students and teacher. Their personalities are based on the instrument stereotypes, but each character is full and complex. It is named The Band Room.
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random-writer06 · 5 years
Tag me please OMG!!!
bruised (part two)
you can read part one here
summary: the holland family deals with the aftermath of the reader’s accident
pairing: brother!tom x reader
warnings: angst, blood, crying, kinda sad
word count: 2.6k
a/n: woohoo! it’s finally here! i’m sorry it took a while but i have been so busy with summer school and work. i just wanted to thank everyone who have read my works. i appreciate all your guys’ support and i’m so happy you guys are enjoying my writing. don’t forget to send requests or send me anything, i’m always here to talk. i hope you guys enjoy part two :)
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paddy immediately jumped from his spot at the table and rushed over to you, the other holland boys and harrison doing the same.
“y/n? what happened to you?” paddy asked, wrapping his arms around you, the sight of you almost bringing him to tears.
you whimpered as his arm grazed subtly against the edge of your eyebrow.
Keep reading
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random-writer06 · 5 years
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Shawn Mendes imagines/one-shots: (fluff - *, angst - ^, somewhat smut - (s.))
Lost luggage * - Shawn gets very upset over losing his suitcase and you find out that there is a bigger reason for his distress. 
Aaliyah’s birthday * - Overprotective but extra-cute Shawn on his sister’s birthday.
Dirty mouth * - You get stuck in the janitor’s cabinet with the biggest asshole in the school, Shawn Mendes, and discover that he is actually not that bad.
It’s cute or whatever * -  Y/N and Shawn being extra-mushy and cheesy with each other makes Geoff feel lonely, so they decide to set him up with someone.
Flight to Toronto * - When Y/N gets asked to switch her seat on the plane to Toronto, she finds out that her new seat is next to famous singer Shawn Mendes.
Appreciate yourself ^* - Shawn finds out that Y/N is very insecure about her body.
Daddy issues ^ - Shawn witnesses your fight with your dad and when it takes a bad turn, Shawn cannot help but gets involved.
Giving it a chance * - You cancel your date to go and support you best friend!Shawn whom you always liked, and the night turns out to be very interesting.
You won’t die, honey * - Shawn takes you on a date to an ice skating rink even though you cannot skate.
Do you have a question for me? * - Shawn asks Y/N on a date during one of his q&a sessions, even though he sees her for the first time.
When you’re ready * - Shawn gathers all of his family and friends, including you to celebrate new album, and you find out that you’re more than a friend to him.
Stay ^ - After not seeing and talking to Y/N for months since the break up Shawn wakes up to her in his bedroom.
You were always right ^ - one-sided love relationships between you and Shawn has been eating away at you, but you still comfort him when he is heartbroken
Distant *^ - you feel out of place while touring with Shawn.
Day with Aaliyah * - Shawn gets jealous of you and Aaliyah spending so much time together.
Play night (s.) - you show up to Shawn’s “play night” in a lingerie, but it turns out he has guests over.
I want that D (s.) - after being teased by Geoff you make an erotic comment, making everybody uncomfortable 
Are you pregnant * - having a conversation about future while cuddling in bed.
Try my best * - meeting Shawn for the first time at a wedding.
- What did your mom say? - She called me an idiot ^* - having an argument with Shawn right in front of his family.
It will get better, I promise ^ - you have a hard time living in another country with Shawn.
Are we actually dancing to Charlie on a Sunday morning in the gym? * - you try to lift up Shawn’s mood by dancing in the gym while he works out.
You’re so clingy right now * - Shawn keeps distracting you from the homework.
Do I smell jealousy? * - Shawn gets jealous because of your love towards famous actor.
A huge surprise * - surprising Shawn after he comes home from touring.
I don’t want to hurt you ^ - opening up to Shawn about your anxiety.
You got a tattoo? ^* - Shawn gets mad when he finds out you got a tattoo… of him.
So are we having a baby right now? ^* (s.) - Shawn finds your birth control pills.
At the end of the day, it’s MY song ^* - Shawn gets mad when you don’t let him to release his song about you.
I’m not mad, I’m furious ^* - having an argument with very jealous Shawn.
We’re keeping it * - as you feel sick during the road trip, Shawn holds your hand the whole time.
Babe, you’re bleeding ^* - Shawn cuts his hand while playing.
Shawn Mendes blurbs:
No Reason to Cry - you were feeling down lately and Shawn noticed it right away.
Binary star - Shawn buys Y/N a star for their anniversary. 
Jar of Pickles - After having a fight with you, Shawn decides to make up by tightening up the jar of pickles.
I’m pregnant - You and Shawn go to his parents house to tell them you’re pregnant, afraid of their possible reactions.
Distraction -  Shawn is having an important conversation over the phone with his manager but Y/N is a quite distraction to him.
Small hands - Y/N and her best friend!Shawn have funny conversation about her hands after smoking weed together.
Sleepy boy - cuddling with Shawn on the couch late in the night, listening to his silly mumbling, as he falls asleep in your lap.
Fuck yourself, Shawn Mendes -  Shawn gets turned on by your angriness after you two have a massive fight.
Love? Certainly, love - how being in love with Shawn feels like.
I told you she’s a treasure - you amaze Shawn and his family with your bilingualism.
Gryffindor - getting annoyed with Shawn Hogwarts conversations you call him a Hufflepuff 
You smell like peaches - cuddling in bed, while Shawn tells you how good you smell.
You don’t wear lipstick because of me? - Shawn finds out why you haven’t been wearing lipstick anymore.
Parenting with Shawn - Shawn sings a lullaby to put your baby to sleep.
You are soft, Shawn - explaining Shawn what ‘soft’ means.
Have you been reading tweets this whole time? - you stay up late with Shawn to read tweets about IMB
Shawn Mendes series:
The Royal Engagement - Prince!Shawn AU, you have to sacrifice your freedom to marry the prince and save your country, but his heart is already taken by someone else. - masterlist/cover, pt 1, 
Back to you (in process) - you go back to your family house and rediscover your friendship with Shawn, who is visiting his family too - pt 1
Girl like a curse (fic 8K) - how weird it is to fall for your professor’s daughter? who is also in toxic relationships?
Love Actually (finished) - masterlist/cover, pt 1, pt  2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6
First (finished) - three parts of you meeting, getting to know and going on a date with Shawn. | all parts here
Unsteady (series | in process) - spending most of your days in the hospital you meet Shawn who is going through the same sufferings as you. | pt. 1
Time flies (finished) - Shawn finds out he has a four-year-old son, all parts here
Writing week masterlist
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random-writer06 · 5 years
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My brother did it! So proud of him!!
Remember to leave out milk and cookies for Captain America tonight when he comes to leave presents under your flag.
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random-writer06 · 5 years
Reblog if you’re a girl and are a big Marvel fan!!
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Trying to prove a point…
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random-writer06 · 5 years
Did It Hurt?
Shawn Mendes x Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 129
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Shawn was home for the weekend and he was visting my condo in Toronto.  He and I were sitting on the couch watching The Office. All of a sudden Shawn looks at me with a serious look.
“Did it hurt?”
I roll my eyes, “Let me guess, when I fell from heaven?”
“No,” Shawn says with those gorgeous eyes of his.
“What,” I say with an arched eyebrow.
He has a cheesy grin and he finally responds, “No did it hurt when you fell for me?”
I grab the nearest pillow and threw it at him, “Of course it did idiot. Come here.”
He scooted closer to me and his lips met mine.
“It hurt for me to Y/N.”
“Promise you’ll always love me Shawnie?”
“I promise hun.”
Feel free to send feedback! If you did it would mean the world to me!
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random-writer06 · 5 years
Being the younger sister of the Holland brothers would include…
Word Count: 500 ish
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff
Hi so this is my first post/story. Criticism is always welcomed. You can always request things too. Enjoy!
You were Dom and Niki’s miracle girl
Being Paddy’s twin
Tom was so excited when you were born because he would be able to show you too off
“But I’m young one mum,” Sam said for him and Harry
He was having trouble forming his anger into words
When you were born they needed more space in the house (because 2 sets of twins?!?!), so they had a yard sale
Tom was first put in charge of you but Harrison showed up so, he handed you off to Harry and Sam
They were both being little snots so they took a piece of paper and pulled a for sale sign from the table
Harry stuck it on your and Paddy’s forehead
Harrison noticed first
He started to laugh and took the sign off your forehead
They soon started to warm up to you when you were both 4 and they were 9 after you stole Harry, Sam, Paddy, and you a biscuit from the tin
Flash forward to a couple years and Tom was in Civil War, Harry was an amazing photographer, Sam could play amazing pieces on the piano, Paddy had football (soccer), and you didn’t have anything
You tried gymnastics, dance, football, piano, photography, and acting
You didn’t enjoy any of it
The boys did everything in their power to find something for you that was fun
But none of it worked
Until one day you were scrolling on your Instagram and saw an ad for YouTube
That was it you’d start a YouTube channel
You shared idea with the family and they were all for it
You’re first video was a day in the life of the only girl in the Holland household
It was a major hit
Tom, Sam, Harry, and Paddy all endorsed it on their socials
Within the next month you had a million subscribers
Your channel included set tours, music lessons, photography tips, and football tricks
But most importantly you realized that the reason you didn’t like anything your brothers did was because you enjoyed art
You took your artistic skills and put them to makeup and hair
You got attention of major Game of Thrones Star Emilia Clarke
She reached out to you and wanted to meet you
She was your favorite actor
Tom was upset
But you made it up to him by telling him he was your favorite Spider-Man
You were so happy you cried when you met her
After that you kept creating
At last you found your place in the Holland household and you couldn’t be happier
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