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I have made a thing
Featuring: Paragirl, Demigirl, & Omnisexual
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Hello Humans!
So. Because I want reassurance that my existent is for nothing I am going to brag to you about my awesome talent to create games from Google Slides.
Below is a link that leads to a website, that leads to all of my game creations. You like Harry Potter? GOT THAT.
You like Among Us? GOT THAT TOO.
You like escape rooms? I'VE ALSO GOT THAT.
Like Monopoly? I DON'T HAVE THAT!
So. If any of you humans on the internet cares to look at my proudest accomplishments in life, then feel free to click the link below :D
Thank you internet for allowing me to be a braggy ad!
And if you do view it I don't know that so if you feel like your in the mood to make me happy than tell me that you traveled across Google and viewed my games.
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Random Thing I Decided To Put Out In The World
I like mixing up songs. And I what attention cuz I'm petty like that. My song mix up link thingy things is below. Your welcome for forcing you to listen to my terrible (it's not actually that bad...(I don't think)) music mashup things.
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The wallpaper I made :D
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"I have no idea where I'm going, but I know it won't be boring" -David Bowie
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So my mom was on the phone with my dad today, and he's gonna go duck hunting and he was looking for a hat. At least that's what I gathered from the half of the conversation I heard cuz I was next to my mom. This was the conversation:
Mom: Wait you need to get that one? I liked the other one better!
Mom: What do you mean the ducks will see you in the other one?
Mom: I don't get the problem the other one looks better quality
Mom: Okay the ducks will see you. That's fine!
Me: Jace Herondale?
Mom: *Gives me a weird look*
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Random Links
Here are some random links. They are my links. I made them. I didn’t make the links but I made the stuff the links lead to. I am confusing you. I do not care. 
Gosh that one hasn’t been updated in a while. Better get back onto that. 
I have also not written a lot on this yet. 
Hey look! One that actually isn’t that bad of quality!
Why am I showing you people this? Not like anyone’s gonna see it or anything. 
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Maybe you don’t think this is important but...
I thought that I should tell you that I have *counts in head*, 4 flags. I am...
Pansexual (So technically Panromantic)
My pronouns are she/her, they/them, he/him, or anything else. I don’t entirely care.
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So my little brother’s friend just walked down to our house. She rang the doorbell and I went to go get it, and the door was locked. Our lock sometimes gets stuck, and right now it was stuck. I tried for 5 minutes to get it unstuck, and when we finally finished I had to tell her that he wasn’t home, because he was at soccer. 😶
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If anybody cares to watch me draw for 3 minutes feel free to. I’m a sucky drawer so sorry 
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Anybody know a sexuality where gender doesn’t mater. Like maybe you stick with the one given at birth, but you also don’t care what people call you, or what your pronouns are?
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(Ignore the corn (Is that even a word))
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I made my own wallpaper. And it’s also my profile picture. The profile picture’s off-center. It bugs me...
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