randomprompts4you · 8 months
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randomprompts4you · 4 years
Selfishly throwing these AU prompts out there: Arthur is internet famous/model/actor/any celebrity type and painfully shy about his profession-meets Merlin and it's perfect Merthur-then Merlin accidentally finds out (news clip/article piece/photo) about Arthur and misunderstands; instead thinks Arthur is ashamed of him or something similar. OR Merlin owns/works at a shop and famous!Arthur, trying to avoid paparazzi, jumps into nearest store to hide-Merthur ensues... Either way, I adore you so!
Prompts + Ficlets
You always have such good prompts! I love it! I’m going with the first one!
When he first downloaded Instagram, in the first term at Camelot University, it just because everyone else seemed to have one.
A few months later, he had been contacted by some brands to work as their ambassadors. He was surprised at the salary, having no idea that he could make money by showing off a branded shirt or shiny new watch on a single Instagram post, but that hadn’t mattered to him at the time. After he had come out to his father, and he was left to defend for himself, the salary had meant a lot more to him. After uni, the sponsorships had led to model deals and the model deals had led to actual paid work in the advertising business. Seven years later he worked at a public relations firm, while still working part time as a model on Instagram.
He wasn’t famous, he kept telling his friends who seemed to think otherwise. He could walk down the street without being recognized. (That wasn’t a good gauge, they pointed out. Plenty of authors weren’t recognized but they were still famous). Oftentimes when they go down to the pub, women (and a fair amount of gay men) stop to ask him if he was ‘@pendragon.’ He would take a few photos with them all while fending off his snickering friends.
Thankfully he met Merlin far away from anyone who knew about his Instagram.
Arthur had been on a photo shoot at a hiking trail on the outskirts of Camelot, and the photographer had been an idiot who thought he knew better than anyone. He kept asking Arthur to go further out on rocks. Arthur had argued but had eventually given up when the photographer insisted.
Which was how Arthur ended up at the A&E with a sprained wrist and a dozen cuts from where he had fallen down the side of a cliff. (‘A small cliff!’ the photographer had protested, but Arthur was done talking to him.)
Merlin had been the nurse to evaluate Arthur. His purple scrubs were a size too large, his athletic shoes looked like they had seen better days, and his hair looked like a bird had nested in it all day. He was the complete opposite of what Arthur usually saw in the modeling industry, except for the fact that he had killer legs, sharp cheekbones, and long capable fingers.
Arthur may have flirted a bit too obviously, because Merlin had told him to be careful about what he said on the pain meds. Arthur remembered pouting and asking if that meant he couldn’t have the hot nurse’s number. (The pain meds had been working by that point, but to be fair, his wrist had almost broke and it hurt like hell.) Merlin had laughed, told him to rest his wrist and call his GP in a few days, and slipped him his number with a wink.
Soon enough, Arthur’s wrist had been healing up nicely and Merlin had humored him with a few coffee dates. Which had turned into dinner dates. And long weekends. Then, before Arthur really realized what had happened, they were dating.
Merlin knew that Arthur did some modeling and that was how he had hurt himself in the first place. (When Arthur first mentioned it, he wondered for a split second if Merlin would recognize him, but after a few curious questions, Merlin didn’t ask again.) It was just a job to Arthur, so he hadn’t mentioned it again.
That had been a mistake.
Merlin had asked Arthur to meet him at The Rising Sun. It was a pub nearby Camelot Uni and a lot of students frequented there. Arthur typically avoided it because he had been recognized more than once there.
But he couldn’t explain to Merlin that, without an awkward ‘humble brag’ and he didn’t want Merlin to think he was full of himself.
When they arrived, Arthur let Merlin get the drinks, hoping to stay hidden in the booth at the back of the pub. It hadn’t worked. A young man in a Camelot Uni jumper spotted him and Arthur saw the way he quickly spoke to his friends and they all tittered around their phones, looking at something and then back at him. Oh no.
Merlin was chatting with the barman. Maybe this could be quick.
The young man started toward the booth and Arthur immediately put on his Prince face (Gwaine’s term for his ‘pendragon’ facade.)
“Hi,” he said nervously. “Um, so weird question.”
“Am I Pendragon?”
Owl eyes and a small, “Shit, it is you. You’re all over my Insta feed.”
Arthur smiled and maybe he was a bit full of himself because the poor kid practically melted and Arthur felt a little proud of himself.
A cleared throat and the kid jumped to find Merlin, staring daggers at him.
“Excuse me,” Merlin set down the drinks forcefully.
“Oh, sorry,” The bloke said, looking back to Arthur, “I didn’t want to interrupt and it’s totally fine if you don’t want to, but no one is ever going to believe me. Can I…?” He awkwardly held out his phone.
Arthur nodded, still in full Prince mode. “Sure, love.”
He gestured for him to come in close and let him take a few bad-angle selfies.
“Thanks.” The bloke was as red as his Camelot jumper. “Have a good one.” He waved awkwardly and went back to his friends, probably to post the photo and tell all his uni friends. Arthur was never going to be able to come back to The Rising Sun.
“What the hell was that?” When Merlin had arrived at the table he had looked murderous, as if Arthur was flirting with someone else on their date, but now he just looked befuddled.
Arthur had hoped that when Merlin found out, it would be when Arthur wasn’t with him. He imagined that someone would mention ‘pendragon’ and Merlin would do some internet searching. This was so much worse.
Arthur sipped his beer, “Just, um. Work stuff. You know.”
“Work stuff,” Merlin deadpanned.
Arthur hung his head, defeated. He pulled out his phone and opened Instagram. Merlin blinked at the phone for a few seconds. “What? So it’s your model stuff, I don’t…Wait, holy shit you have how many followers?” Merlin’s voice raised an octave and Arthur had to shush him.
“You’re famous!” Merlin scrolled through the posts, “This is you and that one guy from Top Model!” Merlin’s eyes were quickly turning just as wide as the student’s had.
“We just did one shoot, it’s not that big a deal,” Arthur muttered, trying to take back his phone but Merlin wasn’t having any of it.
“Oh my god, here I was thinking I’d already tricked a model into dating me, but now you’re a famous model.” Merlin tugged at his hair.
“You didn’t trick me, I asked you out,” Arthur snatched back his phone, feeling insulted for Merlin.
“You were high on pain meds!” Merlin protested.
“I’m not now,” Arthur slid closer to Merlin in the curved booth, hooking a finger into Merlin’s belt loop and tugging. “And you’re not half bad yourself, Emrys.”
Merlin’s cheeks turned a light pink and his eyes were glued to Arthur’s lips. Arthur couldn’t help but feel that pride swell in his chest, but this time tenfold.
Merlin lightly pushed at his chest, “You’re a flirt.”
Arthur smiled, kissing Merlin lightly, “Maybe so.”
Prompts + Ficlets
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randomprompts4you · 4 years
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Part 17
The Little Mermaid and the Sea Serpent
Keep reading
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randomprompts4you · 5 years
Soulmate au the first words you hear from your soulmate are tatted on your body, only it's "sup y'all".
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randomprompts4you · 5 years
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the suffering never ends
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randomprompts4you · 5 years
Well done, Gillette!❤❤❤
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randomprompts4you · 6 years
transgender people exist, transgender people are valid, transgender people are people
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randomprompts4you · 6 years
Holy Trinity of gay Simons
Simon Snow, Simon Spier & Simon Saunders
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randomprompts4you · 6 years
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randomprompts4you · 6 years
It's pride month and I'm proud!!
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randomprompts4you · 6 years
if Cyrus gets to kiss a boy on a Disney Channel show I’m NEVER gonna complain about anything in my life
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randomprompts4you · 6 years
This is really well done.
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randomprompts4you · 6 years
I'm Calling It
Deadpool: is introduced to Bill Skarsgard’s character
Deadpool: Who’s this clown?
Bill: gives annoyed look
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randomprompts4you · 6 years
blessed image, let’s get this money y’all! reblog chadwick boseman rubbing his hands together for good luck and good coin!
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randomprompts4you · 6 years
I am gonna need Netflix to buy Shannara, and uncancel Spike’s and MTV’s dumb ass decision
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randomprompts4you · 6 years
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Don’t drink and fly - it’s ILLEAGLE! (I stole this joke.) My website – My Facebook page – See me on LINE Webtoon!
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randomprompts4you · 6 years
and erik killmonger is tHE BEST villain in the whole mcu because he has a reason for what he’s doing. he’s not wanting to take over the universe or cause mass destruction, he’s wanting justice for HIS people. he’s trying to rule wakanda, not for his own wealth or power, but so he can provide weapons so poc can protect themselves. he truly believes that what he’s doing is the best thing to do
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