randomrabbit-wun · 2 years
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randomrabbit-wun · 2 years
Could you imagine what the Deucalion would look like during Pride Month?? Jupiter and the rest of the staff putting up little flags, Martha decorating cakes with different pronouns or flag colours, a different one each day!? Fen with a badge that says she'll punch a homophobe!? Dame Chanada wearing Pride themed makeup!?
We deserve Pride Month in Nevermoor please!
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randomrabbit-wun · 2 years
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little mog go brr🚗💨
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randomrabbit-wun · 2 years
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a weird mog drawing
[id: a digital drawing of Morrigan Crow. She is curled up as if sleeping, and floating in a neon blue ring. The background of the image is dark blue. There is a yellowish orange sun to the left of Morrigan’s head. The lyrics of “morningtide’s child” (the summoning wunder song) are written in red and yellow, alternating from the left and right sides of the drawing. The yellow lyrics are the eventide related ones, and the red lyrics are the morningtide related ones.]
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randomrabbit-wun · 2 years
Nevermoor headcanon:
One of the "seventeen previously undocumented realms" that Jupiter North discovered is one where there's a portal that can be used to travel back and forth to fictional worlds.
Aka, fiction lover's dream!
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randomrabbit-wun · 2 years
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Another sad Israfel to go with my sad thoughts
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randomrabbit-wun · 2 years
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another Mog’s hair I try🫶🏻
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randomrabbit-wun · 2 years
proposed thursday addition for 2020
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randomrabbit-wun · 2 years
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hawthorne doodle (he’s my favourite 🥺)
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randomrabbit-wun · 2 years
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The trio as dragons because I’m trash :)
Should I do more?
(ID: Black and white sketches of Morrigan, Hawthorne and Cadence as dragons. Hawthorne is first, in mid flight looking to the left and smiling. His wings are down and has no horns, ears flat to his head. He has an arrowhead tail. Cadence is next, sitting and wingless with a frill instead of horns and ears. She seems to be in a shy positions, her tail is up and curling inwards. She has a fin on her back with black markings, and a few more dotted on her body. Morrigan is in midstep with her head looking over her shoulder. She has rams horns and floppy ears, and is smiling shyly. One of her wings is half open, and the other is tucked away.)
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randomrabbit-wun · 2 years
I was rereading the beginning of Wundersmith and it just now clicked to me that the reason Israfel seems/is so unhappy is because his mood is affected by those around him and he is literally always around empty additcts who only come to see him so they won’t feel as bad about themselves. 
Israfel is happy and fulfilled when he IS singing, since everybody else feels that way about his voice. That is the one moment he can feel a sense of world peace, but after he stops… it’s just this terrifying, miserable, empty feeling that fills the room and he can’t get away from it. 
I’m saying that Israfel is addicted to singing the way his audience is addicted to listening. He is only worth something to people when he’s performing. He is addicted to mattering to people and making other people feel better. They love him when he sings. He loves him when he sings. 
Other times he drinks to distract himself. RIGHT AFTER he’s done with his performance, he rushes to drink in his dressing room. 
He is constantly flipping between these two worlds, one being perfect and the other painful. He’s probably got some really conflicting feelings about himself. He is an arrogant diva but I feel like he can’t help but self-loath since those who come to his shows always feel like they aren’t worth anything. 
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randomrabbit-wun · 2 years
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Reupload my old Nevermoor doodles from last year I deleted them due to low self esteem It’s still terrible, but I am just glad that I was able to draw something consider my mental state back then I also redesigned the characters several times Might share them in the near future
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randomrabbit-wun · 2 years
Nevermoor tumblr fandom, i love you, but we need a talk. I only just joined tumblr a few months ago, but we need to address some of the sexualization of the characters in this fandom. 
I know some of the time its accidental and unintentional, but I’ve been seeing it a lot more.  I’m talking about the youngers characters and younger variants/versions of characters. Stop calling them sexy, stop calling them twinks, and other names that can be offensive. Please stop.  If you want a reminder, this is a children’s book series, these kids are 13/14.
 please just be more careful and remember what you’re posting about, a children’s book series.
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randomrabbit-wun · 3 years
Okay so. If a human gets together with a wunnimal major, their kid would develop more human features, no? And if the kid gets together with another human, their kid would get even more human features until their descendents are Wunnimal Minors, yk? So I was wondering. What if two Wunnimal Majors get together and have kids. What if Ren actually grows a brain. What if
would catwun minors b catgirls
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randomrabbit-wun · 3 years
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wip and lam :D
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randomrabbit-wun · 3 years
Ezra, to any person: You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?
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randomrabbit-wun · 3 years
Okay so I've had a little headcanon floating around for a while and I've decided to post it.
So we know that Jack lives with Jupiter right? I'm pretty sure his parents are dead (can't remeber if that was actually mentioned or not) and that's why he lives with Jupiter. I think the reason that he doesn't want to join, and at points shows outright contempt for, the Wundrous Society is because the Society was somehow involved with his parent's death. It might be pretty out there, but it just makes sense to me idk
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