ranmeet · 7 days
Some of us don't know what to do on Father's day.
The truth is as harsh as it can be, but the absence of Father in your 20s makes you clueless sometimes.
- Some of us can only remember them or feel them with us, while they're not with us.
- And some of us swivel down to uneasiness of not being able to contact them, for what they did or for what our families did that they're alive but not with us.
- And for some of us it is even more. The ones we used look up to as Father figures, are gone as well.
And then you're just left to become the Father figure of your own family, your own self—while still not having a person to go to when you're engulfed with shit tons of problems that just need one advice to solve, a Father's advice.
Here's to the 'Father Figures' of our life—may it be them not with us, or just not with us. 
I hope the generations ahead of us never feel the same.
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ranmeet · 10 days
Maybe money wasn't created for humans to trade.
Maybe it was created so that humans could not be used as a means of trade.
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ranmeet · 11 days
As humans, you need a comfort zone. We cannot always be out of our comfort zones.
There is always one particular area in your life which you cannot resist to call it one.
For some it may be a home, for some it maybe a person.
Or perhaps for some it's a city, or maybe a job. And for some it might be in moving with things always.
But you need at least one area of life where you can put your guards down, lay off your shields, and just come out of the 'flight or fight' mode.
You need that comfort, that safety net—the one that brings you out of your comfort zone in other areas of life. The one that becomes the 'Chicago' of your life.
And you shouldn't shy away from taking pride in finding one and being in one.
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ranmeet · 18 days
If someone abandoned you, and you took the pain you are greater than them because they cannot bare the pain but you can.
And if that person comes back with an apology, only to get the burden off their chest, and you choose to take the pain yet again then you become the greatest because they couldn't even bare the pain they had for themselves, but you have—twice.
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ranmeet · 20 days
Survival isn't picturesque, but Thriving is.
If you observe it in the outer world, all those communities or people who thrived made their surroundings and infrastructure picturesque.
And if you look at the sheer opposite, the community or people on survival, they aren't even familiar with what picturesque is.
Same applies for humans.
Humans who grew up in survival, cannot see the picturesque landscapes ahead of them. 
All they see is, how to get through the day.
And to change your perspective from survival to thriving mode requires an umpteen amount of rework.
If you have been doing that on your own, you are the strongest person in your ancestral lineage. Period.
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ranmeet · 23 days
There are places beyond,
We are destined to go.
While we traverse the entire Universe,
We still are bound to not let go.
Smiling at each other,
through the Cosmic times.
Or Loving each other,
Like the background of bells and chimes.
Causing the turbulences in your sea,
For I am your moon.
I will still take craters on myself,
So my Earth doesn't wither off in space, so soon.
And when it comes to remember your day,
I will remember as if it's my own.
Because when the Moon collided with the Earth,
It took some ounces, for its gravity, for its own.
But this goes far far beyond,
Beyond "Will you be my Earth and I be your Moon?"
Because in our Time & Space,
I will bend the reality to uphold that "Top of the World Afternoon".
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ranmeet · 23 days
When you turn 25, there's a constant battle between having absolute freedom and settling down.
And by that, I don't mean exploring avenues or getting married.
The battle is having to choose between eating an ice-cream with a bowl & spoon OR a mug & fingers.
Or maybe choosing between going for a late night movie or sleeping early for next morning's exercise.
Sometimes you want to have all the amenities that you can afford, and all those other times you just want enough to keep you going peacefully—with yourself by yourself.
And in all of this, nothing's right and nothing's wrong. It is just is, whatever it is.
We just want what feels good in the moment. Maybe the battles, of any kind, are meant to make you feel good in the end. Or maybe not.
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ranmeet · 24 days
You need to accept this.
Calling out people for what they've done, or even what they can do is always down the wrong line.
Because everyone can be called out for something.
The only way to take the path other than the wrong line is through 'acceptance'.
That everyone has their reasons for what they do, why they do, and how they do it.
Well if you say people can change by calling out and you rely on 'patience is the key'.
Then it's not.
'Acceptance is the key'. Accepting them that they are the way they are, and eventually they'll reach where you want them to see.
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ranmeet · 25 days
I wonder our DNAs not just holds the physical attributes but even how our parents think. And perhaps the reason why we spiral down with the same response as they would in a completely toppled down situation.
As if our DNAs not merely hold the characteristics, but also the seeds of a thought, a response down the line from our parents'.
Perhaps our DNAs are already brimmed with too much ancestral information of behaviours, patterns, stories, thoughts, stimulations and whatnot. And as a coping mechanism it is just trying to resurface the unwanted things and throw it out of the system, and the only way is through us.
But then, we do the same things as our parents or ancestors would do and yet again our DNA is fed with the same information as before. It's like the fail-safe mechanism is itself attacking its very own system, and that too on a loop.
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ranmeet · 28 days
The long lost habit of "asking" is what will perish every relationship in this world.
The world has become so opinionated that only a handful bother to "ask" you for anything they would like you to do.
People have come to just impose what they feel, what they think, whatever they want.
You don't see people asking about discontinuing something, stopping something, or ending something. Where did we all go wrong? When did it go from "Let's have a chat?" to "Let's have a chat!".
You see, we just took the question mark (?) to strain it, beat it, and elongate it to become the exclamation (!) - the same way we killed the innocence and decency of "asking".
Can we bring back the habit of "asking"?
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ranmeet · 4 years
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ranmeet · 4 years
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Escaped || Read to find out what escaped. Like | Comment | Share | Follow | Support #writersofinstagram #writersofig #writersofraipur #writingsociety #quotesgram #creativewriting #instaquote#wordporn #typewriter #textgram #authorsofinstagram #writersofindia #wordswithqueen  #wordsofwisdom #mywords22 #thepoetichouse #igwritersclub #Conecptualwriting #storybound #storycreation #FictionalStories #storybound #storycreation #FictionalStories #instawriters #instagramwriters #instagramwriterscommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CB4dS4Shl8J/?igshid=1klykraeg7v3o
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ranmeet · 4 years
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Voices are pure
A Remembering to loved and lost.
Swipe Right to Read
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ranmeet · 4 years
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