ratboyrecall · 1 year
Thirteenth Post - Behold, I am back. Not that anyone really noticed I disappeared- I don't have the story at the moment but I do have a random bit to stimulate your eyeballs. I'm attempting to create different styles of these name tag art pieces so here's hoping I don't get distracted.
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ratboyrecall · 2 years
Twelfth Post - Yet another art piece, this time expressing my love for Petri as a villager on ACNH with a trashy bit. May this queen live forever and be recognized.
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ratboyrecall · 2 years
Eleventh Post - Last one for a day or two. Look at the pretty colours fhshchsnc
The Watcher (T.W. : Slight Body Horror)
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ratboyrecall · 2 years
Tenth Post - After putting this off a bunch of times, having a dilemma as to how the make this, and then going completely oblivious to the fact I did not post this, I am finally giving you a story. Now then. Without further ado, I present to you chapter 3!
Worlds Apart Will Soon Collide: Part 3
We had finished the milkshakes, a couple other people showing up after.
One of them came up to me, introducing himself as Sodapop. Sodapop seemed like an enjoyable person, cracking jokes alongside Two-Bit.
To be honest, both had rather curious names so of course, I had to ask.
Sodapop was easily up for it, as he said it was his real name. His ease soon grew into embarrassment as the others started to tease him for it. Eventually, Ponyboy got the other two to calm down.
Two-Bit on the other hand wasn't so keen on sharing whether or not it was his real name; therefore, I just gave up.
Eventually, the other introduced himself, his gruff voice seeming to echo in my mind as if he were some wise elder figure from a movie. This man introduced himself as Darry, Soda and Pony's older brother.
The joy that came from the group messing around with each other was indescribable. Mainly because it was one I had forgotten even existed amongst people. Honestly, the feeling was refreshing.
Later on, the Curtis brothers left, leaving me with Dally and Two-Bit. There was a bit of a light atmosphere as well as a discussion but eventually, the latter left.
So there sat me and the most stubborn man out of this group I've met so far. The only noise present was the voices of others and a clinking that came from Dally tapping his milkshake. We stayed silent until finally, I couldn't take enough of the awkward stress running through my blood.
"So... Is there anything you want to say?"
Dally looked up from his shake, a look of confusion on his face.
"Are you talking to me?..."
With a sigh, I nodded.
"No one else I know is here anymore..."
A grin suddenly made an appearance on his face as he took his thumb and ran it across his lips.
"Huh... The more I think about it, you're more feisty than any of the girls I've tried picking up. Got an attitude to ya. It's sorta funny you have more sass to ya than an eighth year old spoiled girl. Anyway, if yer askin' about our sleepover and if it has any rules, there ain't nothin' to worry about. You just... gotta keep yourself though."
I could help but raise an eyebrow at this peculiar set of words.
"So first, there were no rules. But you then give one?... That was like adding a "but" to that sentence. Just practically cancels out the part before that."
There came a scoff from Dally as he murdered the words smart-ass under his breath. The comment got me to smile, even if it bugged me a little.
"Look, when I tell you not to go snoopin' round, I mean it. My type ain't exactly forgiving when it comes to getting in somethin' yer not 'pose to, you got that?"
There was no chance I could hold off my sudden fit of giggling with what just went on. Dally looking all serious with his choppy grammar was simply making me weak.
"My god- You sure are hilarious... That accent... And who even is your type anyways? Not only that but are you talking about groups you hang out with or the females you choose when you say "your type"? If it's the first one, know I can take on a few females. Besides, it's rude to just keep me awake listening to something like that. I'd rather sleep in a box if you're gonna bring girls over tonight."
Dally growled, looking around before grabbing me by the collar.
"How 'bout you shut your mouth, wise guy. I wasn't talking about girls, I was talkin' about the people I crash with. And unless you want your brains blown out on their pavement, shut your yap- I'm just trying to keep ya from trouble."
As much fun as it would've been provoking Dallas, I decided to give it up, tired of his snappy attitude. Taking a glance at my empty milkshake cup, I shrugged.
"Fine. If you're trying to do something nice, I won't bug you about it. All I want to know is what I shouldn't do so neither of us get in trouble. I don't want to be kicked out of another house by someone's folks."
Dally raised a brow, looking at me funny.
"I thought I told you. Or at least one of the others did."
"Told what?"
"I don't live with my folks. I share a place with one of my buds. Well, more like acquaintance or whatever the word that Ponyboy kid uses to describe people you talk to. I don't really like him because he's annoying at time and doesn't know when he should keep his ass out conversations or such but he is decent company. That and he has a place to crash at so I stay with him. For now, at least."
My mind traveled, sending it's many cars down the paths of thought. On one hand, it was a place to sleep until things rolled over. Sleeping was all that needed to be done there because it was somewhat easy to continue living outside of someplace, especially with school. But on the other, there were still chances that could let me run into the other occupant, something I didn't want. Now I see what Dally didn't want happening.
What if that other man was some pervert or criminal? At any point in time, he could stab me or walk in on me in the shower. That's a thought I couldn't help but shiver at.
Dally seemed to take notice as he gave me a glance of confusion.
"Well, it's sounds okay but before we go, could we get some fries? They're something no one can mess up and I'm feeling a little bit hungry."
With a sigh, he looked around the diner.
"That'd just take up more money from me..."
I couldn't help but snicker while questioning him.
"You act like I'm a black hole sucking up your money and yet you're still getting those fries? I'm starting to believe what you say is the opposite of what you mean."
I only got a groan in response as he flagged down a waitress.
Once we received the "meal," we got up and started the journey to his place.
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ratboyrecall · 2 years
Ninth Post - I saw this adorable little floof floating on my tumblr page and decided to draw them in a basic, but still cute, sketch. And the beautiful fingers that went along with it.
In addition to this, it shouldn't be long before the next chapter to my current story is published so get ready my fellow simps for more Dally!
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ratboyrecall · 2 years
Eighth Post -
Nothing more. Nothing less. It is not a story, as that comes after. Tis-
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ratboyrecall · 2 years
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I dump upon you more of my bog boy, Leif. More pictures, maybe colored, and possible lore.
But for now, have his day dreaming and preciousness.
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ratboyrecall · 2 years
Sixth Post - Tis not a story but the lovely man himself, Dallas Winston. I provide you him in his chibi form of small glory, charm, and finger nibbles. And before anyone tries to go after me about the eyes, I understand they're not the movie color but I wanted to add a bit of the book into this piece. Therefore, our handsome escape from reality is with blue eyes that people might think are cold with all the hatred in the world but we know them to be warm like the sky on an early spring day.
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ratboyrecall · 2 years
Fifth Post - Yet again am I posting. But this be not an ordinary post. It is... THE NEXT CHAPTER. Yes, I know, this took way too long. And I apologize. But may Dallas make up for this by dragging you in like Pennywise drugged Georgie under. Just... less pain and more charm with the perfect look of an angel.
Worlds Apart Will Soon Collide: Part 2
I sighed, wandering to side of the road on my bike while watching houses go by. The frustration from the fight I had with someone in my family still sitting with me. It also didn't help that the humid air ran against me. The night's breeze was refreshing when I picked up speed but the muggy and stuffy breaths I took were bothersome. Areas where I had gotten hit didn't feel too swell either, aching each time I pushed my legs.
It wouldn't be a stretch to think I was running away since I had a backpack full of clothes, cash, a blanket, and snacks on. It made it difficult to keep going but I didn't want to stop.
Originally, I planned on going to Michael. He would tease less than James and wouldn't dote on me like Rebecca or Laura. Not to mention I'd probably get questions from their parents about ill intentions.
But I'd probably get questions pestering me so it wasn't worth the hassle. So I just decided to go on and on until I couldn't.
Trees started going past instead of high-kept cars and houses.
Then areas filled with things littered across the yard.
It was then that I started to slow. This place was somewhat unfamiliar. I wasn't use to seeing anything this messy in my neighborhood.
Pretty soon, I realized why.
There were looks as I passed by the run down houses. Ones of curiosity or hate. Even the soft scoffs, huffs, and grinding of teeth was audible as I looked around.
Suddenly screeching to a stop, my head whipped around.
I was in the ghettos with people that were now looking at me like vultures on their next meal.
I frantically looked around, attempting to find a way out that wouldn't land me in the claws of a Greaser, let alone anyone here.
In my 360° search, I laid my eyes onto a building lit up. Immediately, I identified it as diner from the flashing sign and laughter coming from it. In all honesty, I wanted to just skip it and travel back, staying with Michael until things blew over.
But as my stomach growled, letting me know this, and the bars I brought wouldn't suffice.
With a quiet whine, I got my bag and drove my bike towards something I could lock it up on.
Walking in, I looked around.
Despite the gloomy outside appearance, it was actually nice...
Laughter bounced off the walls while people talked with one another like old friends who hadn't seen each other for awhile. They smacked each other friendly like, grinning ear to ear.
As I continued down the area, I suddenly met the end of the diner.
And with it came a crowd a few steps away from the only empty streets.
I tensed up before trying to silently shuffle my way towards the booth.
When I sat down, I messed around with the pen left on the table as I waited for the waitress. It dropped at one point so I leaned under the table to get it. The rough bumps of dried gum rubbed around my arm as I attempted to reach it. Coming up after doing so, scratches of things like initial hearts and drawings brushed passed my hand, making me regret coming here a bit.
But something else only increased that regret.
A voice drifted through the air, boastful and loud. It was oddly familiar as I kept on listening.
"The fuzz are never getting this one. I've escaped them once and I'll do it again. Besides, I'm not afraid of their little time out buildings! It's nothin' I can't handle."
That voice... Where have I heard it before?...
"Yeah but it ain't the same for the Socs!"
There was laughter before the voice bragging cut it off.
"You!- Now listen here, I left those girls on purpose. I just didn't feel like messin' with them anymore 'cause they were boring but if I wanted, I could'a picked up them girls in a heartbeat! Not to mention this other kid with a real ugly mug showed up and it was really annoying how he tried being all brave."
The laughter changed from mocking to a friendly shared one but that just made things more uncomfortable for me because realization hit me like a sack of bricks.
It was that Dally person I encountered at the park.
Now those snack bars didn't look like morsels, rather, a meal all of a sudden.
I rummaged through my bag, trying to get my hoodie so I could cover my face and leave. That plan failed when the crowd started to move around and I looked up only to make eye contact with the one person I wanted to avoid.
"Speakin' of pests... Look who decided to roach his way into our territory!"
I felt like I was shriveling up like a grape right in my seat as he stopped leaning against the counter and started walking towards my table.
"What's Soc trash like you doing in our turf?"
His voice was filled with venom, like he had just turned into a snake or something the moment his eyes met mine.
On second thought, maybe that fight was just a little bit of words calmly said to help me.
As if the universe wanted to remind me, one of the areas suddenly shot a sharp sting up the side of my face when I subconsciously bit the inside of my mouth. With a quick wince, I turned a bit, making Dally laugh.
"What, scared I'm gonna jump yah or something? You're just as sad as when you tried challenging me back at the park."
I stared up at him with fear hidden in my soul. But being the idiot I was, I replied with a smart remark.
"And you're just as pitiful as when you thought you could pick up my friend."
That's probably when he snapped, approaching with a bloodthirsty expression. Thank god he was stopped short by someone else that was familiar to me.
"Come on man, just let him be. You were sorta in the wrong when you bugged 'em. Just let him be."
Dally looked at me with disdain before walking off with a huff. As he did, the person came to my table.
"Sorry about that. Dallas sorta likes doin' his own thing. I'm Two-Bit by the way. Nice to meet you."
He looked at me for a response but I was too busy staring at the shake he brought with him. When he noticed my gaze, he snickered.
"I should probably let you get your order in first, yeah?"
I nodded, thankful I didn't have to sit hungry or else all of what he might say would've gone over my head.
As a waiter came by, I gave them my request before turning back to Two-Bit to listen.
"You all good now?"
A nod was sent to him in response as I waited for what else he was going to say. But instead of hearing words, I got a chuckle.
"I ain't got anythin' else. Sorry if you were expecting something. Got anything yourself? Like a name you're willin' to share? Questions?"
I paused for a bit, thinking about what I was going to say before finally speaking up.
"One, how'd you come up with your name?... And two, how do you seem like Dallas is the easiest person to talk to?... Oh, sorry, I'm Y/N by the way."
This got another chuckle as he looked to the side with a smile.
"Far from it actually. A few people in our gang just put up with him. But he's still alright. A hero at times the way I see it, though he doesn't loke bein' called that much so don't go using it on him, you hear?... Bravest man you'll ever meet but dangerous too. Sorta like a lion. As for my name, I just got by that 'cause everybody always says I have my own 'two-bits' to put in. Nice name by the way. Sounds interesting."
My mind wandered to Dallas' image, thinking about what he said. Now that it was brought up, he did look sorta like one. A wild mane, fierce looks, and sharp attacks. Seemed like a lion to me.
As if Satan himself heard my thoughts, along came the man I wanted to avoid.
"Hey, why are you acting like he's your best friend all of a sudden? Last I checked, we didn't need to add anyone into the group and you already had someone to fill that spot."
"Come on man, leave him some slack please. Seems like a nice person. Why don't you two talk while I get you a shake or somethin' Dally?"
My brain quickly though of something out of the blue.
What if I was the one who got something? It would ease Dallas a bit to the point he might talk to me. But why would I want that?... Hmm... Let's say for answers about his type of character besides the bothersome dick but we know about. Yeah, that's it and that's all.
Once he said his order, I spoke up.
"I'll pay for it!"
That's when heads turned my direction.
Oh lord why did I just blurt that out... Lovely, just lovely. Now I look desperate.
Dallas responded with a glare.
"What was that all about? Eager to flaunt your money or something? Big talk from someone who looks like they're on the run or something."
I stiffened up, staring down at the table to avoid eye contact but in hign-sight, it was just something that made me look more guilty.
A laugh followed. A cold, mocking laugh.
"You are... Aren't you?"
"And here I thought Socs were actually decent at one thing and that was being content with their lives. Apparently not. You guys have it all and yet you're still whiney little craps that want more-"
"Dallas, maybe you shouldn't-"
I felt something click, ready to be fired as he mocked me for my choice.
"You don't care about others. It's just yourself. You want to have everything and then take it again and again like the selfish brats you are-"
"Just shut up!"
My hands slammed down on the table as I stood up a bit.
"You're a lot of talk for someone who thinks they can just mess with whoever they want and act like they own people or things that aren't even theirs! Do you think I wanted to be alive?! To have this whole Socs/Greaser feud going on?! To have my family member always pestering me about things they shouldn't be on about? I'm sorry if I'm selfish but I'm also sorry for the fact you're so frail that you think you need to seem tough and act like a jerk all the time instead of being a decent person!"
By then, the dinner has went silent. The only sound that came now was the sound of me getting up and the rustling of my bag. But as soon as Dallas glared at them, the chatter went back like it had never died down. Yet I was already out the door.
Getting my bike, I tried to simply hop on and pedal off but my bag bought me backwards.
It's contents spilt everywhere, just adding to my frustration.
Leaning down, I started picking it back up, planning to leave quickly just like before. Those plans were put on pause as a pair of shoes stood in front of my face.
My eyes traveled up to meet Dally's, each having a look of murder.
"Let me help."
"I can do it myself."
"Well I can't be okay if I don't do just shut up and let me..."
I huffed in defeat, not wanting to have another fight, especially with this person. In the middle of picking things up, he spoke up yet again.
"I apologize about what I said back at the dinner Y/N."
"Don't. I know you're lying. And how do you know my name?"
"I am not now just take it!... And Two-Bit told me. Now just accept my apology..."
I looked back at the dinner to see a hopeful Two-Bit with his thumbs up and let out a sigh.
"Fine. Apology accepted now go away."
He stood there before finally saying something.
"No... I was gonna ask you if you needed a place to stay... I have somewhere... I was going to offer it. It would make me seem less like a jerk, right?..."
A loud scoff came from me before I sat there.
"You're just trying to fix your image... Figures."
"I'm am but not for the reason you're thinking. Look, I may not care what people thought before but I've already gone through a scene where someone didn't trust me because how I acted and it screwed things up so... I'm trying to make sure I seem okay. Besides, Soc or not, the others seem like they're already trying to drag you into this group... Probably because Ponyboy's whole speech crap, trying to convince us not all Socs are bad... And I want the people in my gang to know I'm not gonna screw them over if they ask for help."
I paused, processing the words. It was hard to believe these people who barely even knew me were trying to get me into their gang so it seemed like an excuse. But it's probably beneficial to me if I just ignore that... Nothing big would come out of me asking anyways, right?
"Fine... I'll take it..."
"You sound like you're reluctant. Look, I get that you're mad at me and some bullshit things, but the least you could do is be sure about staying."
I thought for a bit, mind playing what he said. Maybe this really was an apology but despite the meaning, he had a sucky way of showing it.
"I said fine. I don't mind... It's better than any other place..."
"Wait, really."
I couldn't help but laugh at the sudden question and look on Dallas' face. He seemed confused and it was slightly humoring.
There was another pause amongst the multiple that seemed to be happening tonight before he crossed his arms and went back to the tough boy look.
"Then... fine. But you're coming back inside. You're wasting a good meal and you still owe me my shake. You aren't getting off rent free."
I sighed, picking up my bag with myself before following him back it. This may be difficult but maybe things were beginning to look up between me and Dally?...
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ratboyrecall · 2 years
Forth post - Introducing unsure fantasy boi: Leif
Better watch it though because even if this woods/bog-dwelling being is often nervous and easily frightened, he'll steal your shiny things, abduct your village's boys and men with a song, and take your kneecaps for revenge, even if all these things are tied, covered, or bolted down. And most of all, he'll come for your cows. But not like steal or devour them. He just really likes cows, especially the fluffy miniature ones. So if they're out in the open, don't be surprised when something with shiny eyes sets off your dogs at night when you see it staring back into your soul from the fields, running it's hands over your cow's head before suddenly taking off.
(A colored, or at least a full picture, will come soon.)
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ratboyrecall · 2 years
Third post - At last, after days of waiting, I give to you the first chapter of a Dallas Winston x Male Reader! I'll warn those wanting it now, I'll have random updates for this story and forwarning right now, it is a sloooow burn. But good news is once they finally acknowledge each others existence and feelings, the story won't suddenly stop and you'll have floofy feelings with a caring Dally.
Without further ado, I give you 5/20/22's newest fanfic to add to the already massive list;
Worlds Apart Will Soon Collide
  The day was nice and a cool breeze was running through the trees as me and the other Socs drove down the road in the convertible that Michael owned. James sat next to them while I was sitting in the seat closest to the door, Rebecca and Laura giggling away right next to me. I didn't mind it though. I was more focused on the stores that passed by almost nauseously fast, trying to remember the names of them all.
  Harvey's Hardware Store.
  Julica's Salon.
  Mayard Bar.
  Everyone who was anyone went to those places to hang out because it was cool, even if some that went to the bar were under age and could only get a coke. We passed all those places because we were going to a proper place for Socs to keep up our appearance. To look smart and stuff. The park.
  We usually just sit upon the bench and watch others but when you have a group to talk to, it's still fun and all.
  When we pulled into the parking lot nearby and Jamie helped Michael and me put the cover over it, Rebecca and Laura were already off to the green-covered reserves. The two other boys walked off, being the protective men they were over their girlfriends. After a bit of me standing aside near the entrance, they seemed to finally notice me and called me over.
  "Hey, Y/N, what are you doing standing around? You look like you're trying to be a greaser! You know we can't have that if you're part of the better group!" Michael yelled from a tree he was currently plucking leaves from.
  I was about to go towards them before hearing someone on my right.
  "You're a pretty feisty one aren't you? Well, that's alright, I like mine fiery and fierce."
  A tall male with a noticeable hairstyle was leaning over a girl. Though it was a question what one of them was doing on this side of town.
  Laura, I thought, as she shrunk underneath the man's stature. Immediately, I yelled back to the boys.
  "Give me a minute! Need some water!"
  And with that, I started to run towards the girls and the greaser. Maybe if Michael and Jamie saw how brave I was, I wouldn't get teased so much for looking like a nervous wreck most of the time. It wasn't my fault god decided to make people so hard to communicate with.
  When I got there, Laura was trying to push him off while Rebecca was attempting to pull this towering statue off her, only to be brushed aside like flies on a horse.
  Up close, he was more intimidating than he originally looked from where I was originally standing. Good build, not too skinny, grown-out messy blonde-ish hair. It was almost like looking at an angel on one of those church ceilings.
  But I wasn't about to let that stop me.
  After a few seconds of hesitation, I spoke up, stammering a bit to my dismay.
  "L-let her go already! She told you to stop!"
  The moment I spoke those words, I regretted it in an instant. Because next thing I knew, he was leaning over me, still holdin' on to Laura. A cocky smirk rested on his face.
   "And who says I gotta listen huh? You act real tuff when you're hardly as big as her."
 He pointed to Rebecca, who was the shortest of the two girls, and I felt my face get warm. Even if both girls were older and tall for their age, it felt embarrassing to be considered short by an outsider. Especially one like this person. His hair was wild, just like his personality, and he grinned like the Cheshire Cat. He stood tall, probably around 6'2", almost leaning over me like a tower. And his eyes burned into my memory and soul. Those blue eyes that had mystery and danger written on them. Seas even the most experienced sailor could get lost in. And soon, I felt my face heating for an entirely different reason.
  "I am. I-it is not gentleman-like to do this to a woman. Don't you have manners?"
  I felt proud of the fact I barely stuttered but my achievement was soon covered by the shadow of a man standing over me that made me quake in my shoes.
  "You think you're a real smarty-pants and brave man trying to go against me, don't ya? Just like all the other Socs around here, ain't that right?"
  Suddenly, my embarrassment and hesitation broke away from me as he said that last sentence.
  "Just like all the other Socs around here, ain't that right?"
  This bothered me as I knew the stories. Rumbles and fights, deaths and jokes that went too far. But those weren't who I was. Far from it. Sure, I might come from a well set family where I was considered smart but it just wasn't like me to maim and kill like a wild creature. It annoyed me that people got grouped to social-constructed classes as if they were just bullet points being organized under a T-chart.
  The man in front of me must've noticed my blood boiling because he snickered before teasing me.
  "What's wrong shortcake, you upset I'm right?"
  Suddenly, he was taken aback as I slapped him across the face, a scowl on mine as I pushed him back and pulled Laura next to me in order to get her out of the way. Rebecca joined us, hugging Laura to make sure she was okay.
  It annoyed me how he acted but he really crossed a line there, especially the way he said it.
  When he wiped his face while still hunched over, he looked back at us, those blue eyes showing anger that swam in the stormy sea. Standing up-right, he turned us.
  "Why you little-"
  Thankfully, for my life and the girls', someone interrupted.
  "Hey Dally! What'cha doin' over there? Me and Ponyboy were looking all over for ya!"
  Two boys came jogging up, one seeming like he was around 18 while the other looked like 14. Maybe older, but I could be wrong about both. Once over, the older of the two seemed to examine us.
  "Say, what's with the Socs?... You ain't lookin' at trying to pick up another, are you?"
  The boy from earlier, now known to me as Dally, huffed before standing up straight and dusting himself off.
  "I was until this one came along. But Socs girls are always so noisy or defiant. I think I'll stick with our girls for good…"
  He looked at me and gave me a glare that would've made me fear my life had it not been for the frustration in me.
  "Come on Dallas, let's just go. Two-bit and I wanted to go to the burger place for food."
  Dally just hummed in annoyance before lighting a cigarette and taking the lead out the park, the other two leaving. I wished they would have apologized but it was two late now.
  James and Michael finally ran up to us, silly grins on their faces.
  "Hey, y'all scared the crap outta us (YN)! We thought you were behind us being all quiet like you normally are after you got your drink but it was too quiet so we turned around but you were there! We've been lookin' all over the park for you three!"
  Me and the girls all looked at each other before Laura laughed a bit.
  "Well, you boys sure didn't think to look here! We had a run in with this Greaser! (YN) stood up for us. He was super brave. The boy who was trying to mess with me is gone now thanks to him!"
  Immediately, I got a smack on the head before a pat on the back.
  "Bravely stupid I'll say," stated James with a smirk.
  I let out a whine as they laughed, rubbing the back of my head.
  "So who wants to go to Pattie's Diner for some dinner?"
  The mention of food made my stomach rumble a bit too loudly and the whole group laughed again, my face flushing a noticeable red on my (SC) skin.
  "I suppose we should since (YN)'s stomach is putting its own yes in!"
  And with that, we left the park, my mind wondering subconsciously about the stranger we met named Dally.
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ratboyrecall · 2 years
IT'S A!- Actually, we don't know who she is yet. She always tells us different names and we've never seen her stick with one job around town- She might be a librarian.
Better treat her with respect because that dress hides a lot more than her legs (Such as the mass of coal she has used to knock over 5 men out before, which is still the least of you problems as she also has a few book pockets underneath and won't hesitate to school you.)
Might go back later to actually shadow and blend instead of being lazy.
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ratboyrecall · 2 years
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First post - Have a relaxing yet random picture of the sunset I took. May edit it later for art.
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