ravinbrooke · 11 years
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I want to make sure every one knows about this and what it can do to your pets 
this is what has happened to my sisters cat after she wore a hartz flea and tick collar and now has a burn like wound on her neck. please pass this on and do not buy hartz’s products! they use poison in their products pets have died because of this!!
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
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See this statue? It’s located at the Glendale Central Library.  Big deal right? Yes. Yes it is. 
She stands here today as a memorial for the victims of the sexual slavery and abuse committed by the Japanese imperial military during WWII. Right now, Japan is running a petition to take her down.
We cannot let this happen.
Every Wednesday, the woman of Korea that were used as sexual slaves protest and cry out. However, Japan refuses to acknowledge their suffering. There have been no apologies and no recognition.
Please, please don’t let them get rid of her. Their pain deserves to be recognized and sympathized.
Luckily, There is a petition going on to save the girl and allow her to continue standing in Glendale CL. The link can be found here and you can read more about everything that she stands for here.  
Thank you so much for reading this. Even if you can’t sign this, please signal boost so other people will. 
[[A big thank you to tumblr user did-we-just-marry-thedevil for bringing this to my attention]]
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
Perfect little shits
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I can’t even fucking handle how he’s looking at her right now. Jesus fucking cheese biscuits, this is not fair Kristoff. You bastard, stop doing that… that thing with the face and the eyes and- UGH. You’re both too beautiful, you perfect little shits. I just CAN’T right now. This movie is 3 days away and I’m having this sudden influx of feels ever time I think about it. And don’t even get me started on KristAnna. Everything is KristAnna and nothing hurts…. actually everything hurts because I can’t draw anything right now and it’s my only outlet….
And may I just add that the detail in this poster is freaking phenomenal.
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
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Dare yourself
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
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I'm envious of this fan art
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
I want one!!!!!!!♥.♥
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This is a wildlife bridge in the Netherlands. Wildlife bridges are designed to help animals cross busy highways in safety. They don’t just protect wildlife from being hit by cars - they also connect fragmented habitats and help populations intermingle and breed.  The Netherlands is leading the way in designing these bridges. The country is home to more than 600 similar crossings.
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
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My love of anime and Disney combined and made a baby!!!
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
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My fall tribute
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
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I want someone who will wear this with me. ;-;
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
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I’m not crazy.  My reality is just different then yours. ♥♥
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
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Who needs a prince when you have your girls?
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ravinbrooke · 11 years
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Ariel and her thinga mobs
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