rawendurance · 4 years
Can a fitness camp boot your benefits?
Those of you who have heard of boot camps but still ponder what a boot camp is, Let me try to explain but don't fall asleep yet, I've just started! Most people know that the boot camp stems from the military, To define a definitive point where the term boot camp originally came from is still obscure and i would be open for anyone to enlighten me on the History. The fitness Bootcamp has been around for 30 years in the United States and the beginning of the 2000′s for the United Kingdom.
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Image courtesy of: Business insider
Boot camps incorporate military training, and military training goes back an unknown number of years. However, one frequent recurrence between articles is the agreement of the word boot. The word boot came from US sailors who wore leggings called boots which signified they were Navy or Marine recruits during the Spanish American war (25th April 1898 to 12th August 1898), these recruits trained in "boot" camps.
What type of workouts are involved in a boot camp session? 
Boot camps can vary in the ranges of exercise from long steady-state cardio to high-intensity interval training. Even though it is military in origin, a boot camp can be a mixture of aerobic and strength training mainly using bodyweight and speed drills. They can be partner assisted that adds an element of teamwork and coordination. The partner-assisted activities also help with strength training due to your partner, adding resistance to various exercises. Due to the evolution of the bootcamp to indoors, the structure of a boot camp depends on the instructor teaching the class.
What are the benefits of participating in a boot camp?
A study carried out by John Pocari and Kistern Hendrickson, took six men and six women between the ages of 19 to 29. Measurements of each participant  were taken to determine participants fitness levels. The 12 participants were invited back to take part in an 40 minutes recorded boot camp exercise video. Oxygen consumption, Calories burned, heart rate and perceived exertion were measured every 3 minutes throughout the entire workout.
The results showed the average calories burn were 9.8 calories per minute. The average in men was 12 calories per minute and 9.9 calories in women throughout 40 minutes. It was interesting to find in the article that to enhance cardiorespiratory endurance, an individual needs to exercise at 70% to 94% of their HR Max and 50% to 85% of its VO2 Max. 
The data collected in this study demonstrated that people who participate in boot camps worked at 77% of their heart rate max, which is moderate intensity but during periods of intense exercise, reached 91% HR max. The data indicates that boot camps are a good source of interval training with lower intensity periods that concentrated on building muscle strength. 
The only problem I have with this case study which you can argue is the accuracy of the measurements. The study only examined the age groups between 19 and 29. The group of 12 participants overall limited the field of averages, and more accurate figures would have been produced if a the number of participants was considerably more. This doesn't mean the data is not accurate but can exclude a variety of external factors that could have given a different reading such as age.
Also, Boot camps come in a variety of different workouts, dependent on what the instructor or individual is trying to achieve. In this case, it was different because the boot camp was video led, meaning each participant had the same workout. Still, the quality of that workout might not be the same in every boot camp, leaving this open on the instructors quality to perform and instruct a class. 
Overall boot camps can be a source of high-intensity interval training that:
Help build confidence
Enhance cardio capacity
Build strength and shape muscle
Lose weight by burning calories
There will be a variety of boot camps in your area that you might wish to attend. Some classes do depend on your fitness level and skill. Some classes are for total beginners; If you are suffering from any injuries, it is always advisable to let your instructor know so he/she can alter the exercise based on your skill level and injury. Most of these classes will involve bodyweight movement patterns and posture, so be careful when exercising in these classes and if you feel any pain, tell your instructor!
As always, I hope you had a good weekend and stay safe.
Rodney Phillips
Heid, m., 2020. The Scientific Reason Boot Camp Workouts Are So Good For You. [online] Time. Available at: <https://time.com/5221282/bootcamp-workouts/> [Accessed 12 July 2020].
Mayo Clinic. 2020. The Benefits Of Boot Camp Workouts. [online] Available at: <https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/boot-camp-workout/art-20046363> [Accessed 13 July 2020]. 
Boot Camp & Military Fitness Institute. 2020. History Of Boot Camps. [online] Available at: <https://bootcampmilitaryfitnessinstitute.com/what-are-boot-camps/history-of-boot-camps/> [Accessed 13 July 2020].
Porcari, J., Hendrickson, K., Foster, C. and Anders, M., 2008. Exclusive ACE study investigates the fitness benefits of popular boot camp–style workouts. Fitness Matters, 14(4), pp.6-9,16.
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rawendurance · 4 years
Do You Want to Exercise Your Way Out Of Depression?
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Talking with a friend this week, the theme that came up in the discussion was depression. Due to the climate that we are in, especially coming out of lockdown. Those who have lost their jobs or with fear of job losses. Those who are afraid and confined to the safety of their own home. What about those of you who have always suffered from depression. The stress of the work environment, not being able to reach the level that is envisaged by others or created by oneself. The ones that are isolated because they’re different, and the isolation only enforces their depression. With more than 264 million people suffering globally with this mental disorder that can lead to suicide, this is a subject that we need to discuss. There is a list of triggers that can cause depression, but the question for me is how to find a solution to combat depression and is exercise one of them?
What are the symptoms of depression?
Depression can be categorised as mild, moderate or severe. Depression can come in the form of two types even if you have or do not have a history of manic episodes (An emotional state off irritable mood).
Recurrent depressive disorder: The World Health Organisation describes this as repeated depressive episodes in which the person experiences depressed mood, loss of interest and enjoyment and reduced energy leading to diminished activity for at least two weeks. Many people experiencing depression can also show the following symptoms:
Disruptive sleep and appetite
Low self-esteem
Poor concentration
Bipolar affective disorder is depression that consists of both manic and depressive episodes separated by periods of normal mood.
What are the effects of exercise on depression?
Exercise can reduce someone’s vulnerability to depression and anxiety; exercise is encouraged as a non-pharmaceutical treatment of depression. But why is this?
There are lots of hypotheses and case studies but not any hard scientific evidence to the reason why exercise or physical activity is a solution to depression, but these are some reasons why:
Exercises itself is a stressor, but with regular activity, your body becomes accustomed to handling this perceived stress, this is Physiological (Heart rate, blood pressure)and psychological (Mood and anxiety symptoms).
Communication between Brain cells or neurotransmitters release a chemical response and increase serotonin levels (Also known as the happy chemical) when participating in daily exercise. Serotonin production increases to the effect that is similar to antidepressant medication, balancing the chemical responses in the body. Low levels of serotonin in the body can cause depression and anxiety disorders, and these factors affect your mood.
 How can we approach physical activity or exercise as a Solution to depression?
If you are looking to use exercise as a Solution to tackle anxiety or depression, here are few tips:
Always start small, setting small targets with an overall objective will help you maintain A fitness schedule for the long term.
 Seek help or motivation from friends or a personal trainer. The hardest obstacle to overcome when sticking to an exercise programme is motivation, A friend or a coach can help you in creating a positive atmosphere hence making it more manageable.
 Diversify your workout, sticking to the same workout every week can be autonomous, in turn bringing a lack of enthusiasm that can lead to being bored and eventually quitting your exercise programme or regime.
 Make it fun, exercise, or physical activity does not mean working out in a gym, day in, day out. Daily guidelines for the minimum requirement for exercise is 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. All of this time does not mean you have to spend it in a gym. Go for a walk, do a bit of gardening, go for a hike, make it enjoyable to you and your hobbies.
Having depression or suffering from any anxiety disorder in most cases isn’t a quick fix, but there is a range of treatments available to help you combat the symptoms. If you suffer from depression or anxiety, always seek professional help from your local GP or Doctor. If you think you are suffering from the symptoms of depression or any mental health-related issues, there is excellent support online. On the telephone, organisations such as Mind can offer help and advice. Please see below for further advice, and as always I hope you had a great weekend and stay safe.
Rodney Phillips.
For help and support with mental health issues, contact Mind via the webpage: https://www.mind.org.uk/.
Otto, M. and Smits, J., 2009. Exercise For Mood And Anxiety Disorders. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Who.int. 2020. Depression. [online] Available at: <https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/depression> [Accessed 6 July 2020].
Son, J., 2015. Exercise and Depression. Endocrinology and Metabolism, 30(3), p.270.
Martinsen, E., 2005. Exercise and Depression. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 3(4), pp.469-483.
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rawendurance · 4 years
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Writing this blog on the raw endurance page is my first, so I want to say welcome! What is the importance of blogging and why create blogs on subjects in regards to exercise and issues relating to exercise or physical activity.  These Blogs aims to be a memoir that I'm willing to share, in sharing I wish to open up a Bible of solutions or tools that you might be able to use when coming across difficult situations that You might recognise are hindering your Wellbeing or performance. Sleep might be one of those factors. In my opinion, to say physical activity alone contributes towards better performance would be to refute or neglect that they are other functions the human body performs to enhance or maintain physical exercise.  Fitness to me symbolises a lifestyle of maintaining or possibly increasing mobility and strength to perform daily tasks and enjoy performing tasks during the duration of your lifespan, even increasing your lifespan. That's why sleep is a fascinating subject to take into consideration when performing any daily exercise. If it is in your life or competing as an elite athlete. There's information in journals and articles regards to sleep, but what is the importance of sleep and what effect does it have on exercise?
What Happens During Sleep?
When we sleep at night, we cycle through five stages of sleep, Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) and Rapid Eye Movement(REM). Stage one: is light sleep where the brain produces alpha and theta waves and can last up to seven minutes. Stage two:  increased brain wave activity is known as Sleep Spindles that eventually slow down. Stage three & Four: The beginning of deep sleep where the brain produces slow delta waves. Stage five: This is where rapid eye movement takes place; this starts approximately 90 minutes after falling asleep this stage is important in learning and memory function.
What stage is essential, in relation to exercise?
When we look at what stage is beneficial for exercise, it is stages Three & Four because during this stage the body repairs muscle and tissues, stimulates growth and development, boosts immune function, and builds up energy for the next day. The release of the human growth hormone (HGH) also described in an article as the athlete's steroid during your sleep helps maintain and repair muscles and cells.
What are the benefits of sleep?
The benefits linked to sleep seem to be plentiful but are not entirely conclusive due to its complex nature. The benefits of sleep can be:
Reduced risk of injury
Better immune system function
Muscle Repair and growth (already stated)
Better cognitive performance and Mental Alertness
Better physical performance
Better Mood State
You can argue that the effects are beneficial in conjunction with regular exercise.
What are the recommendations on sleep?
For those who find sleep beneficial, the next question might be, how much sleep should I have? The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) has created an independent study detailing the hours of recommended sleep, which I have provided below:
Newborns (0-3 months): Sleep range narrowed to 14-17 hours each day
Infants (4-11 months): Sleep range widened two hours to 12-15 hours
Toddlers (1-2 years): Sleep range widened by one hour to 11-14 hours
Preschoolers (3-5): Sleep range widened by one hour to 10-13 hours
School-age children (6-13): Sleep range widened by one hour to 9-11 hours
Teenagers (14-17): Sleep range widened by one hour to 8-10 hours
Younger adults (18-25): Sleep range is 7-9 hours
Adults (26-64): Sleep range is 7-9 hours
Older adults (65+): Sleep range is 7-8 hours
These are only recommended guidelines and do not consider athletic performance or high energy expenditure. Some articles even suggest for elite athletes up to 10 hours sleep will be required, especially before game day.
Possible Solutions for a Better Sleep?
We have heard the benefits but how can we get a better night sleep. Solutions could be:
Lower the temperature of the room
Quality of Mattress
Avoid heavy meals before Bed-time, three to four hours before
Turn off electronic devices before bed
Avoid caffeine in the evening
Use black-out curtains
Listen to relaxing music or meditate
Avoid sleeping during the day, if so reduce to 30 minutes nap
Below I have provided a list of references for those who wish to investigate more into the subject. I hope this information was useful and if there are any subjects that you wish to discuss, message me.
Hope you have enjoyed the weekend and stay safe, Rodney Phillips.
Chennaoui, M., Arnal, P., Sauvet, F. and Léger, D., 2015. Sleep and exercise: A reciprocal issue?. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 20, pp.59-72.
Sleep Foundation. 2020. National Sleep Foundation Recommends New Sleep Times | Sleep Foundation. [online] Available at: <https://www.sleepfoundation.org/press-release/national-sleep-foundation-recommends-new-sleep-times#:~:text=Younger%20adults%20(18-25)%3A,8%20hours%20(new%20age%20category)> [Accessed 24 June 2020].
Sleep.org. 2020. Understanding Sleep Cycles | Sleep.Org. [online] Available at: <https://www.sleep.org/articles/what-happens-during-sleep/> [Accessed 24 June 2020].
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