recordandtest · 3 years
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One of my favorites to drink hot with a bit of milk. Love everything!
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Update: new packaging
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recordandtest · 3 years
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I wanted to try it because I love the brand, but to be honest I think it still has weak points and it’s quite pricey.
I do like how much it lasts, that is removable with water and how full the eyelashes look, but in the beginning when I blink I make a bit of a mess that doesn’t happen with other brands. Also some times I end up with a bit of a lump on some lashes.
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recordandtest · 3 years
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Not sure what was the purpose of this… it is said for jet lagged eyes but… I used it for the morning after a partying night when I woke up with puffy tired eyes. I was the whole time worried about how hot it was, not that it burnt or anything, but it wasn’t relaxing. As for the puffiness maybe it worked a bit but I still look like a zombie.
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recordandtest · 3 years
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I liked it but the size was too small for my face. Won’t be buying it again.
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recordandtest · 3 years
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Love it! It's really nice! My face feels soft and refreshed.
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recordandtest · 3 years
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This is the second time that I have tried this mask. The previous time my feet peeled and I got scared. Decided to try again and it was really nice, my feet are way smoother. The only thing is that I had to cut the socks because there was no opening to put my feet. Didn't happen last time. I guess I’ll repurchase it and check.
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recordandtest · 3 years
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I wanted to try the bubbly effect. The feeling wasn’t nice while wearing it, my face is not that sensitive, and it felt like it was burning a bit. The peach smell was pleasant, but I wouldn’t recommend this mask. The aftereffect was ok, but I felt uncomfortable the whole time I had the show on.
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recordandtest · 3 years
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Couldn't tell any effect, and It was a little uncomfortable to wear, plus it’s not exactly cheap. Pass, not worth it
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recordandtest · 3 years
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I liked it, but it’s nothing special for its price.
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recordandtest · 3 years
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Not loving the smell. Even though I left it on for the appropriate amount of time it didn't feel good. I’ll pass on this.
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recordandtest · 3 years
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Nothing special but it feels nice.
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recordandtest · 3 years
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Good but nothing special.
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recordandtest · 3 years
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20 min. Nothing special, but it feels nice and soft
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recordandtest · 3 years
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One of my top Nespresso choices. Long, with a bit of milk and two ices.
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recordandtest · 3 years
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I like how it refreshes my face. However, the rose smell makes me feel like I’m using my grandma's cologne. Won’t be buying it again.
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recordandtest · 3 years
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My feet feel great but I had to look online for the instructions. I ended up leaving it on for 20 minutes and so far my feet feel comfy and soft.
However, I had issues with the socks. One of them broke on the tip, making it uncomfortable to wear as I wanted my whole foot to be covered. The sticker to wrap the edge of the sock around the ankle didn't stick very well. Also, I have used feet masks before, but this was the hardest sock to open.
Overall, the formula is good but not the sock.
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