recreatedgbbau · 29 days
He so scrunkily
Ignavus Carnis - the common Trimming
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"Second member of the Carnis family, the Trimming is found wherever there is Crawl. They are often considered pests due to their abundance and tendency to rummage through the garbage, though some keep them as pets."
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recreatedgbbau · 1 month
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An old sketch of Stinger Flynn and a new line up sketches of the main crew
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recreatedgbbau · 5 months
The res of the Stuffies au designs, I don't have all of them done
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recreatedgbbau · 5 months
I have some designs for another BanBan Au. Some sorta 'stuffies' au
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These are some of them
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recreatedgbbau · 6 months
bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements
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recreatedgbbau · 6 months
hot artists don't gatekeep
I've been resource gathering for YEARS so now I am going to share my dragons hoard
Floorplanner. Design and furnish a house for you to use for having a consistent background in your comic or anything! Free, you need an account, easy to use, and you can save multiple houses.
Comparing Heights. Input the heights of characters to see what the different is between them. Great for keeping consistency. Free.
Magma. Draw online with friends in real time. Great for practice or hanging out. Free, paid plan available, account preferred.
Smithsonian Open Access. Loads of free images. Free.
SketchDaily. Lots of pose references, massive library, is set on a timer so you can practice quick figure drawing. Free.
SculptGL. A sculpting tool which I am yet to master, but you should be able to make whatever 3d object you like with it. free.
Pexels. Free stock images. And the search engine is actually pretty good at pulling up what you want.
Figurosity. Great pose references, diverse body types, lots of "how to draw" videos directly on the site, the models are 3d and you can rotate the angle, but you can't make custom poses or edit body proportions. Free, account option, paid plans available.
Line of Action. More drawing references, this one also has a focus on expressions, hands/feet, animals, landscapes. Free.
Animal Photo. You pose a 3d skull model and select an animal species, and they give you a bunch of photo references for that animal at that angle. Super handy. Free.
Height Weight Chart. You ever see an OC listed as having a certain weight but then they look Wildly different than the number suggests? Well here's a site to avoid that! It shows real people at different weights and heights to give you a better idea of what these abstract numbers all look like. Free to use.
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recreatedgbbau · 7 months
“why does that character have to be queer?”
why not?
“why does that character have to be trans?”
why not?
“why does that character have to be a poc?”
why not?
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recreatedgbbau · 7 months
so i realized i'm getting a little confused with my own ideas and story lines, so i made a google docs to keep everthing neat (hopefully, i'm a little everywhere with my stories lmaoo)
the link if anyone wants to view it :
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recreatedgbbau · 8 months
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Meet Nyla Moon is a female Mascot who is a leader with one eye. She lives in her house with her friends and they're also guardians. She has heard of Queen Bounceila’s death and Sir Dadadoo's return. she decided to help the player & the others. She secretly likes to sing, hidden from everyone and everything.
Meet Satsuki Dragon a Dragon Student Council President who is befriended & secretly in love with Nyla Moon, an Enemy of Shun Reaper, Elliot Ghost, Friends of Uzu Monkey,  Ira Toad, Nono Snake & Hoka Dog & older sister of Ryuko Beast.
Its very nice to meet you! Beautiful art too!
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recreatedgbbau · 8 months
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Henry being dad material 🥰🥰 he a true male wife
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My coloring is everywhere, excuse me, I'm struggling 😭
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recreatedgbbau · 8 months
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Baby Bittergiggle and Toadster, some old art lol. Baby toad doesn't understand
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Grown up and height difference 🤣
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recreatedgbbau · 8 months
SO for the characters in Recreated, they are a mixture clay, GV, human parts, bones, and blood. They have organs and veins, so the blood/GV has some place to travel. A lot of the human parts (like skin, blood, bone and so on) were taken from early Amalgamations. These were used to create the first 'successful' group of mascots, though they were not suitable for child care, they still were a step up from the first experiments (first ones that were thrown back into the river because they didn't work) The first successful ones didn't have well thought out designs, they were just thrown together in the moment because they were running low on ideas. (Sergio being one)
The creations
The video of Jumbo josh being made was kind of weird, i get GV is a crazy alien goop that can bring things to life but wouldn't it need some construction or a pathway for it to flow? It is said that the GV injected into the clay creates its owns veins and everything, and that its really painful. But how are the clay bodies strong enough to contain it? Injecting it would just create a pocket and it would just spill back out if you think out it logically. (Course there's no fucking logic in this game, lmaoooo)
But what if the creations of the characters required more than just clay and a genome doner? Maybe.... human bones? Idk but that would be creepy seeing half formed creatures with bones protruding from them in those tanks like the jesters were seen in.
Also, logically it would explain how they stand up right and can handle being bashed into the ground while keeping shape.
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recreatedgbbau · 8 months
Notice how we see nothing of the other workers in the actual game? no bodies, no name tags, nothing telling us that anyone but the mascots have been there (other than the lore papers, but those are far and few)
The two doctors we know the most about are Dr. Uthman and Dr. Mason. I've got a few ideas for how they will be introduced.
Uthman will be heard, but unseen in Henry's flashbacks of him. Henry doesn't like Uthman or Mason, for good reason too. But he has very few memories where we could see Mason.
Mason can be found in the lower levels, she's only seen in notes she's left as she tries to find The player and Uthman. Henry doesn't let her find The Player, not trusting what she might do. The player never gets a glimps of her face, but can see her body/ hear her talk to Henry.
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recreatedgbbau · 8 months
From my other account, I may be using some of these spooky designs for the au. Def the Banban one
Art of the Devious Duo for my au I'm working on
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They act so much like siblings, and you bet BonBon has beat BanBan up for the stupidest shit 😭
Also, spooky versions
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recreatedgbbau · 8 months
and polyamory
“how do you support multiple ships”
there are infinite timelines. in my mind.
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recreatedgbbau · 8 months
Or taking it into your own hands to make it good
why would you like media that is good if you can like media that is bad instead and pace around your room like an insane person thinking about What If It Was Good
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recreatedgbbau · 8 months
Edit :Banban's introduction has been changed. He will be wandering around the Grand Hall room, checking the rooms doors.
He notices the metal door opens and scurries off to hide, thinking someone was their to get him. Once hidden, he peeks out and sees the Player, a small girl, definitely not supposed to be there (and won't hurt him lmao). He steps out, getting the attention of the player " Oh, sweetheart... What are you doing here? It's not safe.." he says as softly as he could, not yet recognizing the girl in front of him. "Let's get you back home to your parents, okay?.."
The girl perks up, she says nothing but makes a sign with her hands excitedly. This catches Banban of guard, he steps closer and recognizes the child.
"Oh.. no.. what are you doing back? Sweetie you shouldn't be here!" He looks around slowly and kneels in front of the girl, slowly signing back " go home.. you need to go home..." The player shakes her head
Banban sighs, frustrated "why not?..." The player signs "my toy! Lost!" She stomps her foot.
"lost? Hm.. we can check the lost and found.. how about that? Then you need to go straight home... Okay?..." Banban takes the girls hand gently. She plays with his pawed finger and nods, signing "yes Henry"
With that, the two make their way into Forest Friends, 'Banban' keeping the child close.
Recreated Banban Au
(This is copy and pasted from my other account, i just wanted my Recreated Au all together in one thing, lol) This is a recreation of the whole janked up idea that is BanBan. Now I don't support the Euphoric brothers, and I myself think the game is a pile of flaming shit, but I want to revamp the characters and give them substance. Also autism won't let me be and so I'm making a whole Au/game idea for this piece of flaming dogshit game. Thank you for reading this info dump of a post. Also, this will be updated/ edited as I come up with more ideas.
Map Sections
The map is made differently from the normal game ( a big fucking improvement) It has different rooms that lead to different areas with characters that match the rooms theme. The rooms are:
Sign in (front room, first room seen when entering) down a hall with bathrooms on each side leads the player into the-
Grand Hall (a large room showcasing the different sections of the facility) were most of the rooms are shut off except the-
Forest Friends (room where Opila/Tartar and the babies, BonBon, Toadster, and Jumbo josh live. They have an outside access but its closed off for 'repairs'.
The characters that are seen in the first 'chapter are as follows:
Banban will be seen in the first 'chapter' but not 'seen' but heard for most of it. He'll be a voice explaining how things happen. Voice of the tutorial and all. He will drop some subtle lore. But before he can explain what happened he is seen being attacked by Opila bird before the player is meant to go into the Forest Friends section. He is seen being dragged by Tartar into another room while Opila waits for the player to approach and collect the eggs around the indoor playground.
Opila and Tartar Bird
(+ babies, but they don't really do much, just watch you collect their brethren)
While only Opila is seem attacking someone, Tartar Bird is still considered an enemy in the first chapter as he's seen helping Opila attack Banban and hide him.
Aside from only seeing Tartar, he's seen with a few scars (other than the surgical scars) telling he's capable of attacking and fighting as well.
Opila and Tartar seemingly calm down after Banban is 'disposed of' and only silently watch the player till all the eggs are collected and they disappear. There is a screw driver that the birds leave behind (while the two birds disappear, so do the eggs the player as collected and put into a nest, the eggs are replaced with a screwdriver and flash light)
The player
okay, so, why the hell are you here? I'll tell, don't worry. it cause you wanted to explore the old shut down MASSIVE daycare (Like mega pizzaplex size because that makes the BIG BUCKS) and find some cool shit to bring home. (also cause people disappeared and your curious ass wanted to know why)
So you sneak into the building through some old boarded up glass doors (looks like some other people did some exploring before you. Huh) It looks decades old, but it only shut down a few years ago. The Entrance looks like people would camp out there, a bunch of trash strewn about and the walls had layers of graffiti on them. Walking through the short hallway, bathrooms on each side of you, you could see only the main entrance was really explored because the doors inside the actual building had metal covers (Someone didn't want anyone getting in apparently{or out}) How are you supposed to explore more??
As you start searching for a way deeper inside, you notice a number pad on the wall near the door (First puzzle)
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