I vote to commit genocide on all American patriots, is my vote legitimate?
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Ewww, shame on you for not knowing this film
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Chapaev (Russian: Чапаев) 1934
Machine gunner Anka
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Chapaev (Russian: Чапаев) 1934
Machine gunner Anka
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People not from post-Soviet countries cannot understand what it is like to grow up among people whose dreams and hopes for the future have been shattered in the blink of an eye. Ten years ago they were studying to be actors, artists, historians, and now they are forced to work as caretakers and cleaners. These people lived in a country where there were no advertisements and charlatan shows on TV, and they were thrown out to "free market" countries, where the same channels broadcast about mystical properties of water, call them to financial pyramids and religious sects. I hope that my fellow countrymen will not forgive anyone who was involved in this coup d'état, and I hope they are as angry as I am at those who destroyed the lives of our mothers and grandmothers.
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Hello from Russia, anon lol xd
i find it curious that not a single communist has ever actually lived in the former soviet bloc
You sound very confident for someone stating something that could not be further from the truth.
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"Escobar's Axiom" is a meme of the post-Soviet space. The phrase was uttered in 1994, when a Ukrainian journalist asked the lead singer of the grindcore band Bredor, Zhora Escobar, to say which of two presented music festivals he liked better. Escobar's incompetent and chaotic answers were full of memeticis, and the most popular of his statements was a phrase with the use of foul language. The musician, probably under the influence of psychoactive substances, answered as briefly and directly as possible: «Шо то хуйня, шо это хуйня. Вот это обе хуйни такие, шо я, блядь, ебал её маму в рот» (This one is fucked up and that one is fucked up. They're both bullshit, I fucked its mum in the mouth) (rough translation).
I believe this fully reflects other countries' views on the US presidential election.
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Russians among themselves: "SOYUZ NERUSHIMYJ RESPUBLIK SVOBODNYH" "You're a kremlebot :3" "no you're a kremlebot, hee hee ^^" "Ah, it was good in the USSR." "Ice-cream was delicious…" "Yeah, I was born after the collapse of the USSR but friendship of nations and eat the rich sounds cool." "Za druzhbu mezhdu Kitaem i Rossiej!"
Russians when there is one (1) American in the room:
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(diligently pretend they are capitalists, democrats and liberals and repent for the crimes of the bloody sovok).
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アクリル (Acrylic)
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self proclaimed anti-authoritarian George Orwell when he is asked by the British government to be colonial police in Burma and produce a list of jews, homosexuals and communists
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"LGBT = Rusnya" (Offensive name for Russians, on a par with "Nigger" or "Hohol")
Just want to remind you that Ukraine is far more homophobic than it tries to appear.
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Le funny meme! Snuff film of two fa- gay men we have unpersoned for geopolitical proxy war reasons
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You don't vote in fascism and you can't vote out fascism. hitler was appointed by Hindenburg, the SDP president. mussolini was appointed by a high council in service of the king. franco won a civil war with the support of other fascists. tojo was selected by the incumbent military dictatorship under supervision of the emperor. How many of these actions involved a ballot box?
Did the 4 million strong Red Army that entered berlin vote hitler out in 1945? Was it the ballot box that ended franco's government or his death? Did the carnation revolution end Portugal's fascist government and colonial policy or was it the carnation ballot box? Did the american and soviet offensives in the pacific and china end japan's military dictatorship or did they vote on it?
During the short days of the weimar republic, there was the nazi party, the social democrats, and the communists. Time and time again, the social democrats sided with the nazis to persecute and destroy the communists. Time and time again they would cry to "vote for the moderate candidate or the nazis would get in power" and "we can push the country left just not now because of the nazis" until they voted in Hindenburg and he put fascism in charge. This is what I mean when I say you are already voting in fascism. One day, sooner or later, you will cast the ballot that puts 21st century blue american Hindenburg in the white house. And suddenly, the lack of organizing and agitating will hit you all at once and the most vulnerable and/or left-wing people who warned you about this get shipped off to camps and all you can do is slowly wait your turn on the trains. Only this time, there will be no Red Army to end the fascism which you have abetted.
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Is it true that in Melitopol such posters agitate for the Russification of surnames?
Original article
In November 2023, a photo of an advertisement with nationalist overtones was circulated on social networks and information websites. We checked whether such a poster was really hung on the Russian-controlled territory of Ukraine. The Ukrainian mass media reported that in the Russian-occupied territories in the south-east of the country, the local population faced a call to Russify their surnames. Thus, in Melitopol, passers-by photographed a poster with the text "Galushko → Glushkova. Changing your passport? Change your surname too! Let's cleanse ourselves of the imposed Ukrainian Nazism!". Further on the poster are the contact details of a law firm that helps to formalise all this.
"Provereno" has found no evidence of purposeful Russification of Ukrainian surnames in the Russian-occupied territories - even in the form of unofficial propaganda. This also applies to the Russian-controlled part of Zaporizhzhya region, where Russian passports have been issued to citizens since June 2022. It is in this region that Melitopol, mentioned on the viral poster, is located.
Let us consider this picture in more detail.
Glushkova is not at all a Russified variant of Galushko. The surname Galushko (Galushka) comes, according to various versions, either from the name of a culinary product, or from a root with the meaning "black" (like the word "galka"). The Russian surname Glushkov is etymologically connected with the words "wilderness" and "deafness".
Only one picture of the Melitopol poster is circulating all over the Internet, from a particular angle and without identifying marks in the background. If this advert was hanging in an open place, it would be logical to expect other shots of it as well.
In a number of publications the exact address and telephone number of the law office on the poster are not blacked out: Melitopol, 77/4 Интеркультурная Street, office 5, +79902168498. The name of the street is misspelled: "Интеркултурная". Another ad from the office with the same address and number and with the same mistake can be found on the notice board in the social network "VKontakte". However, the specified in it site of the office, despite the relatively recent date of the announcement, today is not functioning. The list of services of lawyers does not mention the change of surname. There is no anti-Ukrainian rhetoric in the advert. There is nothing similar in other publications from the same account. On any other resources legal offices at the specified address are not listed.
In the corner of the poster the national emblem of the Russian Federation is placed. According to part 6 of article 5 of the federal law "On Advertising", the use of official state symbols, including the coat of arms, is not allowed in Russian advertising. All of the above allows us to conclude: with a high probability the advert is not real. According to the TGStat service, the photo began to spread in the morning of 15 May on Ukrainian-language Telegram channels. It is possible that this is one of the examples of counter-propaganda and disinformation of the enemy from the Ukrainian side.
I didn't translate the whole article, just some fragments.
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The add includes the line “Let’s clean ourselves of compulsory Ukrainian Nazism” (not my translation) and links having a Ukrainian name to nazism. And yet people are still debating on Ruzzia’s intent for this war and what they mean by “denazification” (hint: it has nothing to do with nazis)
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UPD: Lest you think I've taken sites from the depths of local search engines, this is the first page of Google.
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Article from here (Ukrainian site), 2019
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Article from here (Ukrainian site), 2023
Among other things, I often see in Russian-speaking social networks (where else would they hang out? Facebook?) Ukrainians claim, hoping to insult the interlocutor, that Russians are Finno-Ugric Mongoloids, not Slavs. And you know, I'm kind of thinking. Is it bad to be a Finno-Ugrian? Mongoloid? Well, are these guys supposed to be worse than Slavs? D:
(But this rhetorical question I have exclusively to smart people from the internet that I have encountered personally, not to the authors of these articles)
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Article from here (Ukrainian site), 2019
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Article from here (Ukrainian site), 2023
Among other things, I often see in Russian-speaking social networks (where else would they hang out? Facebook?) Ukrainians claim, hoping to insult the interlocutor, that Russians are Finno-Ugric Mongoloids, not Slavs. And you know, I'm kind of thinking. Is it bad to be a Finno-Ugrian? Mongoloid? Well, are these guys supposed to be worse than Slavs? D:
(But this rhetorical question I have exclusively to smart people from the internet that I have encountered personally, not to the authors of these articles)
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Fidel Castro explaining how to cook lasagna.
Here with Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Habana - 1964.
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Google-translated, posted October 8th
This piece Manoel wrote in 2020 should also be mandatory reading for all Western "leftists," especially now as the Western illusion of military invincibility is being shattered
[...] Another factor that is very common in the western left is to treat suffering and extreme poverty as elements of superiority. It is very common in Western leftist culture to support martyrs and suffering. Everyone today likes Salvador Allende. Why? Salvador Allende is a victim, a martyr. He was assassinated in Pinochet’s coup d’ etat.
And, on Western leftists support of Palestine (pre Al-Aqsa Flood — Manoel, writing in 2020, was clearly underestimating the military capabilities of the Gazan resistance)
Palestinians are a people who are deeply oppressed, in a situation of extreme poverty, that don’t have a national economy because they don’t have a national state. They don’t have an army or military or economic power. Therefore, Palestine is the total incarnation of the metaphor of David vs Goliath, except that this David doesn’t have a chance of beating Goliath in political and military conflict. Therefore, almost everyone in the international left likes Palestine. People become ecstatic looking at those images -- which I don’t think are very fantastic – of a child or teenager using a sling to launch a rock at a tank. Look, this is a clear example of heroism but it is also a symbol of barbarism. This is a people who do not have the capacity to defend themselves facing an imperialist colonial power that is armed to the teeth. They do not have an equal capacity of resistance, but this is romanticized. Western leftists like this situation of oppression, suffering and martyrdom.
If you're a Westerner, I think it's worth investigating to what extent this image Palestinians as 'defenseless' or 'defeated' (I've seen some of you talk about Palestine in the past tense) factors into your support of Palestine as it is now, under occupation.
Because there will be an after.
Everyone supported Viet Nam when it was under attack, being destroyed and bombed for over 30 years. Viet Nam beat Japan in WW2, then had to fight France, and then had to fight the United States. It passed 30 straight years without being able to build a damn school or hospital because a bomb would drop, first from France and then the United States, and destroy it. When the country was finally able to beat all of the colonial and neocolonial powers and have the opportunity to start planning, to build highways, electrical systems, schools and universities without having bombs land on them the next day and destroy everything that was being done, the country was abandoned by the majority of the left. It lost its charm, it lost its enchantment. There is a fetish for defeat in the western left. It is an idea that defeat is something majestic.
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