reililac · 6 years
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Hazbin hotel oc, Jay. I’ve only seen clips and know little about the show, but I love it! Just a rough sketch.
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reililac · 6 years
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Girl with dragon tattoo.
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reililac · 6 years
Winged Lotor AU: Part 2
Parts: 1, 2
The paladins were left shocked in the training deck. Not knowing what to do. “Lotor has wings? How is that possible? And why haven’t we seen other galra like him?” Pidge pointed out.
“I don’t entirely know but I don’t think it’s a good idea to bother him about it. He seemed kinda-“
“Scared.” Allura said, cutting Shiro off. “He looked scared when we saw his wings. Like if he doesn’t want anyone to know about it.” She said. She was worried about Lotor and why he didn’t want people to know.
“Paladins!” Coran shouted through the castle’s speakers. “The Blade of Marmora is requesting to speak with you.” And he said not more after that.
“We can figure out about Lotor later, give home some time to calm down. Right now, let’s go see what the Blade needs.” Shiro said. Everyone agreed. They walk toward the main deck. When they arrived, they saw Keith talking with Coran through the video chat. Keith sees them walk in.
“Hey guys! How are you?” He greets his former paladin teammates.
“We’ve been great buddy. How’s the Blade treating you?” Shiro asked.
“They’ve been treating me good.” Keith responded.
“Dude! You won’t believe what we found out!” Hunk said. Keith gave him a confused and curious look.
“Lotor has wings! It was like a fourteen foot wingspan!” Lance exclaimed.
“Wait, did you say Lotor has wings?” A voice said. The paladins didn’t know who it was until he walked into view. It was Kolivan. He looked shocked upon hearing the news about the galran prince.
“Yeah! It was crazy! But for some reason he got all cranky and defensive.” Lance explained.
“I know why.” Kolivan said. “When the galra became a star-faring race, unexpectedly, few galra started to be born with wings. It was a rare and unique trait, and Zarkon wanted to find out how it happened. So, he ordered the imprisonment of those who had wings and conduct test and experiments so they could give wings to other galra. Many tried to hide them or hide those who had wings, but one way or another, the empire would find them. Some would lose their wings, others would die from the experiments. It was a terrible thing. I knew some of those who have lost their wings, Ulaz was among those I knew.” The paladins were shocked at what he said. They can’t believe that happened to those galra. They knew the Zarkon was cruel, but to imprison his own people just to give the rest of the galra the same trait was awful.
“So that’s why Lotor was so defensive when we saw his wings. He fears that we will do something to him.” Allura said.
“We should probably go talk to him. Tell him that no harm will come to him.” Shiro said.
“The best course of action is to go talk to him right now. Just in case he thinks of leaving.” Kolivan suggests.
“What about you? Didn’t you want to talk to us?”
“That can wait.” Kolivan said. “Now go and clear things up.” And he ended the call.
Shiro turns away from the screen and looks at his team, “Ok team, let’s look for Lotor.” Everyone nodded.
“They weren’t supposed to know… no one else was supposed to know!” Lotor exclaimed as he hit the floor of the star gazing room with light force repeatedly. He was angry at himself in believing no one would see him while he was training. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid! I should have been more careful. I shouldn’t have even had them out in the first place!’ He scold himself in his thoughts. Dayak and Khaly warned him of the dangers of someone were to see his wings. They always told him to keep his wings hidden, to never showed them or he would be put in a world of suffering. They always looked after Lotor. In his hardest time they have both been there. No matter what.
Young Lotor was in the medical room having his latest injuries healed. The galra have never really taken a liking to hybrids. Though, Lotor was the born prince of the Galra Empire, that didn’t stop the galran children from hurting Lotor because of his heritage. He sat there waiting for someone to come help him. He heard the door open. He turned to see who it was and saw both his governess, Dayak and his druid friend, Khaly walk in. Dayak and Khaly saw the state he was in. Bloody nose, black eye, cut lip, his hair now cut to almost to his shoulders in uneven strands, cuts and bruises shines on his face and neck, and most likely more bruises hiding beneath his clothing.
Khaly sighed, “You poor thing… You can’t get a break, can you young one?” She grabbed a disinfectant and a cloth. “Now, remove your shirt. I have to clean all the cuts you may have and I have to check you wings as well.” Lotor nodded as he began to remove his shirt. His lilac skin covered with dark purple bruising, cuts, and a few scars that have faded but left his skin marked forever. Khaly poured some of the liquid on the cloth and began to clean Lotor’s wounds. Lotor winced a bit but soon got over the pain. This has happened before. He could handle it. Dayak grabbed a pair of scissors to fix Lotor’s hair. She stood at the other side of the table and began to cut his uneven hair.
“I swear! Those kids have to learn some respect! You are the son of Zarkon!” Dayak complained. She couldn't stand watching Lotor suffer like this, Lotor was like a son to her. She cared deeply for the boy and enjoyed taking care of him. Half breed or not, she saw past that and saw Lotor for who he is, but apparently, no one else could. Not even his own father wanted anything to do with him.
“Dayak, you know no matter what, everyone will always treat me terribly and look down onto to me because I am a half breed. Not even being the son of the Emperor will stop them. My father could care less if anything happened to me! To him… I am nothing.” he sighed. “I’d be of more worth if he knew I had wings.”
Khaly immediately stopped what she was doing and she looked at Lotor straight into his eyes. “Don’t ever say that. You know of the dangers if your father were to ever find out. You would suffer so much more than you already are. It is not worth it.”
“But at least I’d be of some use to the Empire!” He exclaim. “I am of no use to no one! That is why my father doesn’t bother with me. The only times he does is when he wants to just hit me and throw insults at me!” He said tiredly looking down to the floor. He hated this. He hated the way he was living. Being controlled. Abused physically and verbally. The hate. The torment. The fear. Feeling worthless. He was tired of it all.
Khaly put a hand on his shoulder, “Lotor…” She used her other hand to make Lotor face her. “Don’t ever think that. You are worth more than you think. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” She said.
“She is correct dear. Don’t listen to anything anyone else says. We are here for you.” Dayak comforted Lotor.
Lotor hesitated but eventually nodded, “Alright. I will try.” Dayak and Khaly smiled.
“Alright.” Khaly said as she put away the disinfectant and threw away the blood covered rag. “Now, let's take a look at those wings.”
~Flashback ends~
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reililac · 6 years
Winged Lotor AU: Part 1
I made this short story a long time ago because of a drawing I did. Since I haven’t been posting on tumblr for a while, I just did so today and I want to post the first part of it on tumblr. Enjoy!
Lotor was currently in the lounging room in the castle of lions. He was supposed to discuss plans with the paladins but they were called urgently to do help a nearby planet, so Lotor was by himself at the moment. He had planned to wait for their return, but he was getting tired of the waiting. He didn’t have anything to do and he was done of just sitting, but he had no idea what to do.
“Oh, There you are Prince Lotor!” Walking into the room was Coran with a tablet in hand. “I have to inform you that the paladins will not be here for a bit longer. I am very sorry to have you wait this long.” He said.
Lotor stood up from the couch to face the older altean, “Do not worry Coran. I understand they must respond to those in need, but I am getting a bit tired waiting here” he said. Then at that moment, something came to mind. “Coran, is it alright if I use the training deck?”
“Well of course my boy! Go and enjoy it! If you need me I'll be in the main deck.” Coran informed the exiled galran prince. He always liked Coran. He was kind to him, even when they first meet, he didn’t treat Lotor like a monster or a prisoner. He just treated him like a normal, but with caution. He had even made a bit of small talk with him when he would bring him his food when Lotor was in the cell in the castle.
Lotor smiled slightly at him, “Thank you Coran.” he said. Coran nodded and walked out of the room. Soon after he walked out, Lotor left the room as well. He walked down the hallway towards the training room.
He finally reached his destination. He walks in and it is obviously empty, like he was hoping it to be. The door closes behind him. He walks to the center of the room and summons his sword.
“Start training level from the beginning!” he announced. From the ceiling fell a training bot. Lotor prepared himself even though he knew he would win the first level robot. The robot ran towards him and swung at him. Lotor ducked and sliced through the robot with ease. Lotor composed himself when the robot disappeared.
“Start training level two!” He yelled and continued training.
“Start training level nineteen!” He panted as he combed some of his hair strands back with his hand. His back was starting to ache. He ignored the pain though. He took a swing and sliced the robot. He fixed himself up a bit. He had been training for a while. Then an idea came to mind. It had been awhile since he had done it but no one would see him, they were still probably at the planet, so he could do it without someone seeing his lifelong secret. He put his sword down and began to strip himself of his armor. When he was done, he was left only in his under pants from the armor and he put his hair into a ponytail. He took one more look at the door and stayed quiet for a moment to make sure no one was nearby. Silence was all he hard. He sighed in relief. He picked up his sword once again and stood at the center of the room. Then he began to extract his wings. His snow white wings came out from the scars that were made from the wings extracting whenever he could. Which were a few time. It was hard to have these wings. There were very few galra that were born with the trait of wings and those who possessed it, were taking away to be tested and experimented on to give other galra the same trait, but up to this day, all test have failed and some of those who are tested die from the experiments.
One of the few lucky times that had happened in Lotor’s life was when he was born. When Honerva gave birth to him, the druid that helped her saw that Lotor had wings and out of fear for him, the druid hid Lotor’s wings until he was old enough to do it on his own. The only people that knew his secret was the druid and his governess. He would have told his generals but the day he was going to do it, they betrayed him and were ready to send him to his death sentence.
He took a deep breath and exhaled. “Start training level twenty.” He said calmly. The robot fell from the ceiling. The robot came charging at him at full speed. He used his wings to get him above the robot. He swung his sword at it but the robot turned around quickly and blocked the hit with his staff. Lotor grunted and tried to swing at it again. The robot tried to knock him of his feet but Lotor flew into the air the robot stayed on the ground, keeping a close eye on Lotor. Lotor dived down towards the robot and cut through its legs the turned around and cut the robot in half. The robot disappeared. Lotor panted. He looked at his wings then laughed lightly. He felt good. He felt great actually. It had been awhile since he let his wings out and it felt amazing to be able to use the gift the ancients had bestowed on him.
“Release the shooting drones.” He said. Fifteen small sphere shaped robots flew through the air, aiming and ready to aim at Lotor. He smirked, “Begin!” he said as he took of into the air before the bots even started shooting. He flew around the room, sword in hand. He sliced three from behind with ease. ‘Twelve to go.’ He thought to himself. He flew above the bots and this time took down three more from in front. ‘Nine more.’ A shot went by him, almost hitting his right wing. He flew away from them. Then he dived down towards them and flew in between them and four of them shoot each other. ‘Five more to go.’ He flew above four of the bots and sliced them in half. ‘One left.’ He was ready to slice through the bot when he heard the door open. He looked towards the door with wide eyes. At the door he saw all the paladins. They all had shocked looks on their faces.
“Oh no.” He whispered to himself. He was distracted by the paladins that he had forgotten about the remaining bot and it shot him in the back, dead center of his wings. “Ah!” He screamed as he tried to land carefully on the ground but ended with his back crashing into the wall. He moaned as he felt the pain through his back.
“Lotor! Are you alright?!” Allura was the first to be there by his side when he crashed into the ground. The rest of the paladins right behind her.
“I… I am fine.” He said as he tried to get up. Shiro stopped him quickly by grabbing his shoulders.
“Hold up Lotor. You just got shoot and then crashed into the wall.” Shiro explained. Lotor quickly moved away from Shiro. He hugged himself, almost in a protective manner.
“Yeah! And you have wings! When were you planning to tell us this?” Lance questioned.
Lotor gave a slight glare at him, “I wasn’t.” He said as he pushed through them.
“Lotor wait!” Allura yelled as he grabbed his arm. Lotor looked at her. Allura could see fear and worry in his eyes, but he showed no expression to expose what he was feeling. He pulled his arm away aggressively from Allura.
“I’m sorry princess, but I believe it is better if I go.” He said. Before anyone could stop him, he flew towards the door and when it opened, he flew through the hallways.
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reililac · 6 years
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James Griffin! I literally did not like him because of how he treated Keith. I thought he was rude and stuck up, but my opinion changed after season 7. Now, I love him!
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reililac · 6 years
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First drawing: September 2018 - Second drawing: December 2017. I am quite proud of the improvement.
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reililac · 7 years
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Cigarettes and turtlenecks ~ Gotta work on my body anatomy
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reililac · 7 years
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“I am the son of a monster. And the heir to nothing.”
Hi! As you already know by the username, I am Rei Lilac. Im just a simple artist wanting to share her art and writing if possible. To begin my page, I decided to make an art piece of Prince Lotor from Voltron: Legendary Defender. I love the show! It’s amazing! I was inspire to make this when I read something that said I am the son of no one, so I just decided to change it up a bit.
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