rengokug1tl · 5 months
For the longest time that she could remember she had the biggest crush on toji. Everyday she’d say to herself “I’ll most definitely tell him how I feel…tomorrow” it’s been 5 years. “Y/n! Don’t tell me you’re still stuck on that toji guy” said her friend that she didn’t acknowledge as she was lost in her thoughts. Shoko:“Girl you gotta move on you’re too pretty for this have fun do something you don’t even have his contact info leave him in the past. Let’s go to the club tonight” y/n looked at shoko and sigh she knew she was right and it was hopeless so she nodded her head.
At the club
Shoko: “Girl where are you don’t tell me you change your mind again!” She was practically yelling as she said that on the phone.
Y/n: “No Im here turn around”
Shoko turned and looked y/n up and then she ran up to her and hugged her “you look pretty you already got some fans”
She was wearing a black corset that snatched her curves nicely and hold her boobs properly with a short black skirt which is a little daring. She wore some accessories to not look boring like silver ring silver necklace and earrings with a long lace heals that has a cute black bow on her tighs. For hairstyles she had straightened her hair she thought her 4c/4b hair looked a bit childish for the club.
They both laughed at what Shoko had said and went towards the bar and sat down. “Umm.. I wanna get wasted what should I get” Shoko: “there you go have some fun for once give her something strong and I’ll take what she’s having” The bartender nodded and fixed them a drink and they drinker it almost instantly then Shoko took another glass and hugged y/n before she took off to dance. Y/n resumed her drinking but she felt a bit uneasy as if someone was watching her she turned around she saw a big muscular figure sitting on a couch with a drink in his hand staring right at her but she couldn’t exactly see his face so she turned back around and tried to ignore it and continued drinking but it didn’t go away almost as if it got stronger? She had enough she got up and was ready to tell him off until she bumped into a bricked wall?. She looked up and it was toji she gasped and hit herself she thought she was hallucinating maybe she drunk too much? “Hahaha what was that about? You’re funny” she still couldn’t believe maybe those drinks were too strong. “Hmm? What? Cat got your tongue?” Toji said as he bent slightly to get on her level to face her. He probably doesn’t remember her right? It’s been 5years after all. She sat back on her stool and took a sip of her drink “what do you want?” He chuckled and sat next to her “what? did I make you mad? Mami don’t me be like that it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other” …”you don’t even know me” she mumbled and finished her drink “aren’t you the girl that had a lil crush on me? You would always follow me around we’d always be around each other so I assume you had something for me” her eyes widened at his words he really does remember her not like it actually was but. It’s something. Y/n: “Well you assumed wrong we were dumb teenagers” “alr fair enough what you been up to? It’s been what 3,4years?” She looked up at him and back at her drink “5… it’s been 5 years but not that much changed same old same old yknow? Wbu” “hmm…a lot happened I got a good job a good place and I’m not a zenin anymore got married and divorce..kinda and ..oh I got 2kid” She looked at him completely shocked “what!?? No way you’re joking right?” “Why would I?” He said in a low tone. Y/n: idk. you fr got married and have 2 kids? You really had everything figured out and planned out in just 5 years huh” she looked took the got another drink she feels a bit pathetic for holding on to a crush for so long just for him to not think twice about her not to mention he got married and got 2 kids with some women. “Do you really think that low of me? Why’s that hard to believe ma? So why are you here and wearing that?” He said while shamelessly checking her out y/n:“maybe I wanna get laid who knows? And I should be asking you that why aren’t you home with your kids and wife?” He chuckled and took her drink and finished it “Well maybe I wanna get laid and my wife’s dead the kids are at a sleepover rn” y/n: Oh… umm sorry for your loss she said while looking at him softly she felt guilty for some reason not to mention she just made things awkward. “It’s fine. Are you not gonna ask me about my kids? Most girls do” y/n: oh sure how old are they what’s their gender?” “Tsumiki is 7 I adopted her a while back and my boy megumi is 5” y/n:”they sound adorable I’m glad I got to see you again” she said with a smile and took a bottle of liquor and went to the dance floor she started dancing while drinking. While toji chuckled to himself and watched her danced. Not too long she was surrounded by drunks female and males she was dancing with all them. Toji still sitting down his brow furrowed but he’s still not inter-fearing while she she started rubbing her hips on a guy dancing carelessly as the guy held her hips. Toji couldn’t stand it for some reason he got up and walked towards them hi grabbed her wrist and dragged her to a corner. “Think you’ve had enough to drink princess” he took the bottle from her hand as she sulked “mad at me? Dc where’s the girl you came with? Y’all should head home-“ she kissed him mid sentence
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