rengonemad · 3 years
The button for the eye is just too adorable and precious~!! The smiley on Tenzou’s headband! xD
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Have a happy Tenzou hugging a Kakashi Plushie gif :3 
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rengonemad · 3 years
:o I never knew I needed this until now. Amazing!
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Akatsuki prompt entry for @asumaweek2021 :3 
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rengonemad · 3 years
Gorgeous colors, and her manner makes me think of someone with a lot of inner strength. <3
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Nothing naruto related (I know, weird right???), but here is a random drawing xD 
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rengonemad · 3 years
This style is just beautiful, the kind of thing I can look at all day and still find more things I love about it. Your gift with lighting and expressing emotions is truly awe-inspiring. <3
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Yamato :3 
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rengonemad · 3 years
!!! Look at that loveable expression! >.<
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Remember to keep warm, like Yamato here ❤️
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rengonemad · 3 years
This is how I envision Kakashi existing like 90% of the time. x’D Poor guy. Love the lighting, and the weariness in his expression makes me wanna hug him. ;~;
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Sleepless nights…
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rengonemad · 3 years
The sheen on the ice, the detail in the skates, and his expression~ I absolutely love his face and the flush to his cheeks! (insert :yamflail: here :P) Amazing!
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@mandapandabug20 Thank you so much for your amazing beta on my fic Minefield! <3 I truly appreciate it ^^  Here have an Ice skating Iruka as a thank you <3 
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rengonemad · 3 years
Soulmates — Tenzō’s Cabin One Year Anniversary
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(This is the starter for the Tenzō’s Cabin One Year Anniversary event! Please follow our official tumblr to see the multiple endings our members create, or check out the related works to the AO3 post!) 
It wasn’t often that Tenzō was the one laying nearly catatonic from chakra loss on a too-thin triage mattress, watching as medic-nins patched up what he’d been too weak to heal himself. Not only was Tenzō more cautious than the majority of high-ranking shinobi, his inheritance of Hashirama’s ability to regenerate meant that few wounds got to the point of needing external treatment. 
Unfortunately, more than a few parts of Tenzō’s normal life were in the process of being upturned tonight. 
He couldn’t concentrate on his surroundings, all ANBU paranoia chucked out the window. Only one of his teammates had also incurred injury, and though he knew they were in better shape than Tenzou himself, he hardly noticed when they were pushed onto the bed at his right. He was vaguely aware of familiar voices from the other side of the medical bay, as well, his own name drifting to his ears through a strange muffle of cotton and the strident, discordant ringing that had persisted since the blow to his head. 
He’d been assured he didn’t have a serious concussion, and he was tempted to believe that, since his balance had been fine and his memories from the battle were clear and continuous. No, the hearing issues, the nauseous churning in his stomach, the fuzzy edges to his vision, and his utter inability to focus on anything apart from the steady fingertips stripping away the singed, bloodied cloth from his chin—none of that was due to a concussion, or chakra loss, or even the pain radiating from his collarbone. 
What arrested his normal faculties was a sensation that Tenzō felt nearly every day in the field, and yet had always managed to push down past his gut—buried beneath logic, duty, and the knowledge that there was always something more important than that selfish emotion: 
The word came to Tenzō’s mind easily and clung with stubborn tenacity, refusing to be dislodged—just like the sensation it named, which burned in his chest and added the thundering of his heart to the cacophony assaulting his ears. 
He knew what the medic-nin would see as she peeled the ruined cloth down his throat. Or, rather, he knew what she should have been seeing. He knew the soulmark that had marred the skin there for so long, that had decorated him in colors that no words could have adequately described. He had stared at it for hours on end, wondering what it meant, who it connected him to, whether they were meant for him in romance or in friendship—and he’d ended each day with an inevitable dull ache, and an assurance to himself that it didn’t matter. 
His soulmate didn’t matter.
Tenzō knew who he was, the village he served, the loyalty and love that burned in his breast for those he fought for and beside. No mark could change that, could alter the course of his life and who he had become. That was what Tenzō told himself, and that was what he believed. 
There was one other thing that Tenzō had always believed in, though, that he couldn’t shake no matter what he told himself: possibilities. 
Circumstances could be altered, wills bent, cycles broken, and families found. The potential for change never died. 
A man Tenzō respected had once told him that it was easy to get lost on the path of life, and Tenzō had questioned if a path could exist for something that wasn’t set in stone, something ever-forming and created with every moment and choice made. He hadn’t asked, but thinking of his soulmark, he’d wondered. 
Who Tenzō was would not change, he wouldn’t allow it to—but his path of life wasn’t fully formed, not in every way. There were still possibilities, options, and maybe… a person that Tenzō could scarcely imagine. 
Perhaps it was insane to think that this could change it, that a single well-aimed fireball jutsu could destroy a trail on which Tenzō had yet to tread. But he peered out of the corner of his eye as best he could as the medic-nin quickly clasped a thick piece of gauze over Tenzō’s mark. She moved too quickly before he could assess any damage beyond the crimson blood obscuring any other colors. His breaths came shallow and his white-knuckled fists clutched the rough, sterile sheets on either side of his abdomen, muscles taut and straining with as much effort as he could afford to expend.
“The burn, it...” The medic-nin muttered, her low voice cutting through the din. Tenzō could swear he heard a frown, a concerned furrow of a brow in her voice, but he couldn’t tear his gaze from the quickly staining gauze pad to check. She pushed Tenzō’s chin to his other side with a few firm fingers. His eyes started to water with the strain of focusing at such an odd angle, but he managed to hold the stare. 
Time slowed down. Tenzō’s breath hitched in his throat, every fibre in his body growing still, as she slowly lifted the gauze to reveal the damage.
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rengonemad · 3 years
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Hello everyone :)  Today is a very special day for all of us here as it is the one year anniversary of this discord server! 
Tenzō’s Cabin started as a whim when two people wanted to find others who believed in the beauty of a character, and the power of fandom to bring people together. It took a while for our idea of the server to truly take shape, and once it did, we were shocked by the scores of people that joined us. Within a day we’d surpassed our several-month member expectancy, and we’ve just kept growing ever since. 
A lot of interesting things happen in this server, from tons of events to lively discussions about the horror that is Mashimoto’s timeline.  But what really makes this server amazing is you. The discussions about how your day went, the feedback on a work you were uncertain of posting, the open mindedness we’ve seen regarding pairings and ideas that might not mesh with your own. This server is truly a community, one that we couldn’t possibly be more proud to be part of.
As our Tenzō once said, “It’s not important whether the things you do are large or small.” This server isn’t going to change the world, but… having friends? Listening to one another, fostering love, and joy, and celebrating that which pulls us together? That’s enough to change a life.  
Our hope is that this community continues to grow, and that Tenzō’s Cabin is a home you can always come back to, no matter how long you’ve been away. And every person here is part of what makes this Cabin a home.
~Ren and Nina
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rengonemad · 3 years
Hi there, do you have works for sale or write on commission?
Thanks for asking! I don't at the moment. I have a novel I'm planning on publishing in some manner soon, and I have toyed with the idea of creating a Patreon and perhaps taking some commissions there, as well as publishing my own work.
I haven't done it yet because I doubt my fanfic readers would be interested in that. I'm not comfortable taking money for creations done with copyrighted characters or worlds, so any fanfic I wrote for commission or Patreon would be off of Public Domain works only. The majority of the writing would just be my own original novels/short stories, and perhaps some of the latter on commission. (I do have quite a bit of original work, I just haven't tried to publish yet in any way.)
If anyone does wish to commission a fanfic from me, I will gladly hear your idea for free. :) I can't promise anything, but I love hearing new concepts. If I have the capability/desire and end up doing it, I'll publish it on AO3 for anyone to read.
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rengonemad · 3 years
Come (Un)Prepared
A fic for the @tenzoscabin Spring 2021 Exchange! This is for the amazing @hades-bitch, and it was so fun to write for you. <3 I chose to use the prompt Modern AU.
Come (Un)Prepared by RenGoneMad
Rating: Mature Pairing: Mitarashi Anko/Yamato | Tenzou Word Count: 5,053 CW: Violence, implied/referenced NSFW content, blood/knifeplay Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31103084 Summary:
“You’re Yamato, right?”
Tenzō nodded. A bead of sweat rolled down the back of his neck, impeded from further descent by the plastic at his nape.
“I heard that you were recommended by Yoroi.” She tilted her head, sorrel eyes narrowing.
Once more, Tenzō nodded. That was the only way that anyone got into Otoga, after all: recommendation. Lucky for Tenzō; he hadn’t had much trouble setting himself up near Yoroi’s known haunts, and it had only taken a month’s work to pander to the man’s insatiable ego.
It had been an easy ticket in.
“Yeah. See, the problem is… Yoroi and me?” Anko said as she leaned forward, her cool breath fanning against Tenzō’s heated cheek. He couldn’t fight back a reflexive shiver. “We just don’t get along.”
The fine edge of her knife cut into Tenzō’s skin.
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rengonemad · 3 years
This is fantastic! <3 The misdirection, the banter, the art on that gun! Love it!!
Made another gift for @rengonemad
Prompt: Modern AU
For the @tenzoscabin discord server event.
Assassin and the spy (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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rengonemad · 3 years
Tenzō’s Cabin Theme of the Month Event - April
Every month, Tenzō’s Cabin Discord Server members are prompted to create fics/art/poetry/edits/other content featuring our beloved Tenzō. They are given a theme as a starting point and allowed to interpret it however they see fit. Participation is optional and without sign-ups – very low pressure! If you’d like to join our Discord, this post has the invite information you need. <3 April’s theme was Celebrating Traditions and we are super excited to present to you the amazing stories that were created this month by our members!  ————————————————— Traditions by @pinkcatharsis Rating: Explicit Pairing: Umino Iruka/Yamato | Tenzou, Hatake Kakashi/Yamato | Tenzou Word Count: 1,434 CW: Major Character Death https://archiveofourown.org/works/30484056
Selfish Thanks by @rengonemad Rating: Teen Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Yamato | Tenzou, Hatake Kakashi & Yamato | Tenzou Word Count: 8,640 https://archiveofourown.org/works/30931889/chapters/76387715
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rengonemad · 3 years
This is absolutely stunning!! <3 I can completely envision this scene! The details are fantastic, and her face is so expressive, it’s like I can feel her pain. ;~; Thank you so much for making this! It’s truly fantastic!
This is my gift for @rengonemad for the
@tenzoscabin cabin exchange :) I decided to make a Tenzo and Anko moment during the chunnin exam where Orochimaru revealed himself. I think those 2 would definitely get along considering their exposure to the snake sannin.
Prompt: Anbu
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rengonemad · 3 years
Selfish Thanks
New fic! This is for the @tenzoscabin Theme of the Month Event for April: Celebrating Traditions! :3
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Hatake Kakashi/Yamato | Tenzou, Hatake Kakashi & Yamato | Tenzou Additional Tags: Romance, Fluff and Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Hatake Kakashi is Bad at Feelings, Canon Compliant, Getting Together, First Kiss, 5+1 Things, Developing Relationship, Anbu Hatake Kakashi, Anbu Yamato | Tenzou, Hokage Hatake Kakashi, Eventual Happy Ending Word Count: 8,640
June 24th.
There was nothing objectively special about that date. It wasn’t a holiday or a birthday (at least not Kakashi’s or Tenzō’s). It wasn’t the anniversary of any large battle, nor was it precisely the summer solstice.
But it was, unquestionably, the day that Kakashi had chosen to thank Tenzō, year after year.
(Or: Kakashi thanks Tenzō in increasingly flustering ways, plus one time that Tenzō thanks Kakashi.)
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rengonemad · 3 years
We interrupt our regular broadcast to bring you ... Vulcan Kisses
I put together some vulcan smooches for you, because I love you.
Vulcan husband-wife kiss:
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Vulcan mother-child kiss:
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Sexy vulcan makeout:
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ooh yeah get some
Vulcan–wait what
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what are are you doing
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oh my god
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yeah so I don’t know what this equates to in human terms
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but I’m pretty sure if you did it in public on Vulcan it would get you arrested
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rengonemad · 4 years
!~! I’m truly bereft of words! This is lovely beyond my wildest dreams! You know how much I love the depth in your work, and the trees here, the lighting, the rain, Kakashi’s pose—it’s all so entirely perfect, and I’m stunned as always by your talent and generosity! ;~; Thank you so much for this! This, more than anything, makes me eager to write again. <3
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It might not be very birthday themed, but here! Have a slightly angsty ANBU Kakashi chilling in the rain! @rengonemad! <3 Piece inspired by your incredible fic Unspoken where Kakashi find relief from his loneliness by observing Iruka <3  HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a wonderful day <3 
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