restricted-official ¡ 10 months
RESTRICTED’s Revamp. (Yes, again.)
We’ve—meaning our team of two people currently—decided to sever RESTRICTED’s connection to UNDERTALE. It just seemed a bit far-fetched to conjure up overpowered characters and shrug it off as “multiple souls fused together”. UNDERTALE’s multiverse has its own set of rules that sort of fly out of the window when you attempt to apply them to RESTRICTED. (Making numerous practically invincible characters Tarylem, Mira, Amethyst, Destruction, Creation doesn’t seem right, but it also seems odd to limit our imagination.) A redo of this website will begin, and the sidebar will feature the two main characters (Amethyst and Tarylem). We haven’t decided yet if we should archive the old pages just for memories’ sake, or to just delete them. I’ve been experimenting with other software along with the hectic schedule that is life, and I’ve picked out three solid choices. It depends on the style of the game- if it should be more 8-bit, naturally we’ll go with GameMaker. If it should have a much more immersive experience, then Unreal Engine 4 will be the way to go. This post will be up for about a month while we decide as to whether or not to archive or delete the rest of the tumblr. - ASRIEL.
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restricted-official ¡ 11 months
Here we are.
Hi there. Did one of the creators mention this before? We’re turning Restricted into a playable game. Amethyst can’t seem to decide whether or not they should keep the current plot- they always rush to frantically type down ideas. It’s not too bad, although you’ll have to wait a while. Chalcedony has given Amethyst a few ideas, and now they’ve decided to “revamp” the entire plot again. So disregard the..lore posts below this one, alright? He’s been like this for the past year, in a loop of creativity- they get an idea and they claim it’s the best, but then they move on to another. And yet, the sparkle in his eyes every time they excitedly announce they’ve gotten a brand new idea- sometimes, it’s worth the long waits to see what kind of mischief he’s been up to.
Hi there. Safe to say, Almond isn’t that good at using technology. I asked PLAYER if they could teach Almond, but they were jumping around with Greyscale. Those two nearly blasted the ceiling to smithereens. But we’re going into a tangent here- as Almond said before, the lore in the post below isn’t accurate, but the creators and PLAYER will be editing them. As far as I know, the creators are taking a break. Asriel’s been annoyed lately, something about a test and loads of work. He insists he’s alright and the work is easy, although he looks a bit resigned to boredom whenever he starts his studies. I once recommended for him to relax and take a break. His reaction was a deadpan stare, and just a raised eyebrow. Touchè. He seems to be the happiest whenever he’s working on a new addition for Restricted- the school days seem to be long. Six hours of sitting in front of a desk, without any outlets of expression? It seems like a mere waste of time. Oh, there’s my call. Greyscale’s waiting, I did promise him and Sapphire that I would go a few rounds. See you all when I finalise the plot. - AMETHYST.
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restricted-official ¡ 11 months
Slight character tweak-
Quick impromptu name change: Elliot and Elizabeth are now Dayien and Melody.
Reason being?
"Meloday" as a shared name sounds a lot cooler than just Eli- also, these were Elliot and Elizabeth's original names at first.
That's all there is to it- and their last names will be "Eternity".
I think a few concepts about Destruction could be integrated as well.
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restricted-official ¡ 11 months
Amethyst’s Official Design!
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Alright, this took way longer than expected. After watching a few of Kooleen’s videos (she’s a digital artist who focuses on semi-realism art), I thought to try and draw a character using her tips.
Safe to say, it worked and helped extremely- mainly her how-to’s on shading, hands and clothing, those were the more difficult of concepts to master. But now I can finally draw hands without using references. (I’m unbeatable. :D)
But going back to Amethyst. His full lore will not be included in this Tumblr because I honestly think giving out Ame’s backstory would severely impact the surprise that Restricted’s storyline would have- with the entirety of Ame’s lore, you pretty much gain an understanding of everything that will and has happened in Restricted. I’ll start coding Restricted once all the characters are finalised, as well as after the storyline’s complete. But for now, here’s Amethyst and a slight explanation of his lore.
I won’t be explaining Amethyst, but rather someone who knows him better than anyone will be.
Amethyst was the first “child of Creation” to receive a Perseverance soul. Destruction deemed Amethyst to be much too powerful, and so he ripped out Amethyst’s soul, leaving behind only a few fragments. The scientists at the facility eventually decided to inject Amethyst with an overwhelming amount of determination, causing the Perseverance soul fragments to fuse with the determination, creating another soul. Amethyst’s emotions were dulled because he didn’t have much of his soul left, so he vowed to find Destruction and retrieve his soul so he could feel love and compassion again. He didn’t want his sister to be left with the cold, callous version of himself, because he’d already seen the consequences of his detached and apathetic actions.
When a prophecy declared by Destruction claiming that “The holder of perseverance will retain the one thing he has left to gain”, Amethyst believes he has to choose between his soul and Almond, so he sacrifices the perseverance/determination soul to Destruction, re-creating Creation. This leaves him with his original soul that was missing a few fragments. Having been separated from its original body, the soul had dulled to Apathy. Realising Destruction had tricked him, Amethyst tries to save Almond, to no avail.
However, this is not the ending that you drop into when you start Restricted.
Why, you ask?
Perhaps another force messing with the timelines?
I’m surprise you all haven’t realised already- but in due time. I’ll leave you all to mull over this.
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restricted-official ¡ 11 months
RESTRICTED’s Development
No stalling or anything, just going to beat around the bush- GameMaker Studio is the primary candidate for RESTRICTED. I did say Restricted was in beta, but speaking from a new developer’s standpoint, that’s not really accurate- its more or less still in pre-alpha. However, the exposition of the storyline’s fully completed. The main characters are introduced, the conflict is shown, and Chapter 1 will be scripted. There’s still a slight issue- GameMaker Studio doesn’t allow you to export to any platforms except for GX.games unless you have a subscription. Working through that’s going to be a hassle, but there might be other programs. Any recommendations?
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restricted-official ¡ 11 months
Official PLAYER/Anemone Design + Lore!
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The first character with a fully completed backstory! PLAYER is on the left, while Anemone is the human/disguise on the right. Just to be clear: This is not the player from UNDERPLAYER. To be clear, I will refer to Restricted’s player as “PLAYER”, and the one from UNDERLAYER as “Player”. However, this PLAYER is very similar to the Player from UNDERPLAYER.
They came from the same timeline: in fact, Player currently stuck during in Undertale is PLAYER’s twin. While they were back home, Player had vanished. The only thing they left behind was Undertale, up and running on a computer. So PLAYER struck out on a mission- they had long ago shared their twin’s fascination with Undertale, but they had always appreciated the creativity behind the fandom and their alternative routes. Curiosity led them to program themselves into the game, although this time they were more successful than Player. They were able to access all the alternate timelines and program themselves into that, vowing to get a “Perfect Ending” for their sibling.
They first stumbled upon Underfell, where they adopted their iconic red-striped look after UF! Frisk suggested it. They moved over to UnderSwap, but they became dissatisfied with just following US! Chara through the Underground. They killed US! Chara, shattered their soul so that they wouldn’t be able to interfere, and modified the code so that the characters recognized PLAYER as the eighth fallen human. They went through the True Pacifist, Pacifist, Neutral, and Genocide Routes of UnderSwap, then they coded themselves from UnderSwap to HorrorTale, performing the same feats and then moving from HorrorTale to DreamTale, Storyshift, Storyshift: Facing Demons, DustTale, and eventually all of the timelines. They were becoming dissatisfied and increasingly frustrated and volatile with having experienced all the endings and interactions, and still not yet achieving an ending they deemed to be perfect.
InkShift Chara met them as PLAYER was in the midst of disassembling and reassembling their code for other timelines. Having had sensed the true amount of LOVE within their soul, InkShift called upon Atonement. (An OC designed by Tarylem: Atonement takes on the form of an unknown Sans AU, although in actuality he is a force created to dispense justice, and is present everywhere, not just in Undertale and Deltarune.)
Atonement managed to take PLAYER by surprise. He stripped them of their coding abilities and tore out their soul. 
InkShift hid their soul within the only alternate universe PLAYER had not visited, forcing the timeline to jam it into a desperate host to stabilize the sudden power transfusion. Almond became PLAYER’s new host, as InkShift Chara had unknowingly given PLAYER reign over Almond and the created body (Anemone), allowing them to switch between the two at will.
This sketch took a while, mainly because I wasn’t able to think of a pose for PLAYER/Anemone. The others won’t take as long, for certain. -ASRIEL.
edit: eeee. Rereading this lore’s making me all giddy again- I really want to start coding the basics, but I’m not sure what program to run it with- GameMaker Studio runs on a jumble of C++ and C#, so if something happens to the program I won’t know what to do. :( I’m only good with HTML, but if HTML’s not available JavaScript’s second, although I’m really slow with JS. .-. But if that’s the only option left, then it’ll be better than nothing- Toby Fox used GameMaker Studio for Undertale’s battle system, as well as GMS 2 for Deltarune. Seems like a good candidate.
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restricted-official ¡ 1 year
Official Greyscale Design!
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As promised, here’s another character’s official design! This took a while, but hopefully (heehee!) this will make up for the previous month-long hiatus. I know, not a good look for the AU, but life interferes. (heehee.)
Anyway, moving onto the character: Greyscale is an android created to monitor Amethyst’s behavior and personality. He eventually struck up a friendship with Tarylem, and the two became best buds, Greyscale even going as far as to proclaim Tarylem and himself as siblings.
Amethyst genuinely cares for Grey- I mean, who wouldn’t? He’s basically the Papyrus of this world. Greyscale’s mischievous, and he always has a sparkle in his eyes- literally. He’s up to anything, declaring himself as “The Genial Greyscale!” (Greyscale is convinced “genial” means “cool”. Amethyst suggested Greyscale develop a cool nickname, so Greyscale chose “genial”.)
His catchphrase is “Mwahaha!” although he couldn’t be further from evil. His goal is to surpass Amethyst in combat. He constantly trains with Amethyst, and Amethyst occasionally allows himself to be defeated to allow Greyscale to triumph. Here’s a little script showcasing the characters:
Greyscale panted, dodging from left to right and attacking with his stars. His eyes flickered and glowed a bright lavender as a stream shot out from his hand and successfully hit Amethyst in the arm. Amethyst paused, a small smile forming on their face as they dramatically dropped to the floor. Tarylem clapped and Cashew cheered, raising his arms. “Woohoo, little bird!”
“You win, Grey.” Amethyst sighed, hiding their smile by pretending to brush the hair out of their eyes. Amethyst narrowed their eyes in mock anger. “But next time, I will get you.”
Greyscale jumped up, the blasters on the soles of his feet activating. “I did it! Mwahaha, the Genial Greyscale triumphs again!” He seemed elated, flying from one corner of the room to the other. He finally settled down back in front of Amethyst, his hands on his hips. He then offered a hand.
Amethyst smiled as they accepted Greyscale’s offer, hefting himself up. “Alright, round two?”
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restricted-official ¡ 1 year
Official Tarylem Design!
Alrighty, after a month of life’s interference (heehee!), Tarylem’s final design was agreed upon. He’s basically this Eldritch-god/demon-like being-
With fluffy hair. Oh, and he’s canonically terrified of the Kool-Aid mascot.
Asks for all characters are still open and I’ll be assembling the rest of the characters’ designs soon enough.
It won’t take as long as Tarylem’s did.
But for now, have fun with this munchkin. - ASRIEL.
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restricted-official ¡ 1 year
Hello there! This is an Undertale AU that’s still being created. The storyline, designs and concepts are still being worked out, but the character’s personalities are set in stone. This Tumblr will be a sort of ask blog, and you can ask the characters any questions you have.
Creation, Destruction, Amethyst, PLAYER, Christopher, Elizabeth, Elliot, Melody, Dayien, Tarylem, Cashew, Almond, Mira, Greyscale, Chalcedony, Sapphire. As stated before, this will be mainly an ask blog, but it’ll also include pieces of lore, sketches, drawings, etc. that are going to be posted here until the actual release of the storyline. Following the storyline, the comic will appear. Then an animation. Then a game. It’ll be big, but we’ll have to start with something small for now. Cheers-
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restricted-official ¡ 1 year
Hey, uh-
Could we get a rundown of the characters? Just some basic info, maybe abut of dialogue?
A rundown of the characters- sure! The three main characters (Almond, Tarylem and Amethyst) have different endings where their personalities are revealed, but I’ll briefly touch upon all the characters in this ask. (I’ll be featuring several in-character asks later.)
Creation: (They/them, he/him, she/her, anything.) The so-called “Creator”, they gave a select few of humans SOUL traits. When one nation (Avalon) became too power-hungry, Destruction wiped them out. Creation weakened herself by giving a small amount of energy to everyone, and as a result he fell down.
Destruction: (They/them, he/him, she/her, anything.) The counterpart of Creation, they seek to retain balance and peace. When Creation had vanished, Destruction unleashed a fatal illness among the Avalonians. Creation protected them, and those humans who would survive the “SOUL affliction” were granted powers beyond comprehension.
Tarylem: (He/him.) A fusion of seven inverted SOULs, the combined magic from all seven was enough to create another one made purely out of SINCERITY. This SOUL took charge of the others, guiding their actions and restraining their dark actions. Considered a “gold medal” by the scientists of Avalon, he was rumoured to be the most powerful “child of Creation”.
Mira: (She/her.) Created when Tarylem’s SOUL was duplicated in an attempt to clone him, but it resulted in a less powerful version- for some reason, the inverted SOULs weren’t changed. (i.e.: instead of COWARDICE, it’s normal BRAVERY.) Regardless, she was still powerful, although not nearly as much as Tarylem.
Amethyst: (He/him, they/them.) They were forcefully taken away by the scientists of Avalon to study his SOUL. The harsh treatment resulted in his PERSEVERANCE SOUL shifting. Instead of losing his trait, however, AGONY covered him, and his SOUL was protected. This new protection was named APATHY.
Christopher: (He/him, they/them.) A normal human child with the SOUL of KINDNESS, they were killed and their SOUL was preserved. A mechanical body was created to house Christopher’s SOUL and harness his power for war.
Cashew: (He/him.) A “child of Creation” with two separate SOUL traits- HOPE and SINCERITY. He was created when Almond’s SOUL split into two, leaving her weakened. He very nearly died himself when his wings were ripped out by Christopher, resulting in an extreme loss of DETERMINATION. He was later stabilised by Tarylem.
Almond: (She/her.) She’s kind, empathetic and caring towards her sibling, despite the differences and long period of separation between the two.
PLAYER: (They/them.) A “dirty hacker” from the real world who had discovered Undertale and its AUs. They volunteered to beta-test UnderFell, but they couldn’t resist the temptation. They erased themselves from this world and rewrote themselves into UnderFell. They went pacifist, neutral and genocide. Soon, dissatisfied with the repeating storyline, they repeated the process and cycled through all the AUs, eventually making their way to RESTRICTED.
Elizabeth: (She/her.) The older sister to Elliot, and a human with INTEGRITY and JUSTICE. She found herself trapped in the institution along with Amethyst and her brother. She was later killed in an experiment and her SOUL was fused with Elliot’s.
Elliot: (He/him.) The younger brother to Elizabeth, he possesses a SOUL of SINCERITY and KINDNESS. He was taken along with Elizabeth to the laboratory, and later covered with AGONY when he witnessed Elizabeth’s death.
Greyscale: (He/him.) Tarylem’s brother, he fell to one of the experiments of the scientists. His SOUL cracked and shattered, resulting in Tarylem’s SOUL trait going from SINCERITY to empty.
Chalcedony: (She/her.) A human with pure PATIENCE, she was taken in by the scientists on a pretence to rescue her brother. She escaped, falling into the UNDERGROUND.
Sapphire: (He/him.) A human with BRAVERY, he is the brother to Chalcedony. He was killed by PLAYER, allowing AGONY to take form.
If you have no idea what’s going on, then that’s fine! The lore of Restricted will be revealed bit by bit by the character asks, comic, storyline and game to come later! In order of release: Character asks, storyline, comic, and game. Be sure to expect more from the future of Restricted!-
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