retrohits2023 · 11 months
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retrohits2023 · 11 months
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Number 6
Growing up classical music was something I listened to on very long car rides, I didn't really enjoy it but now when I hear it it makes me think of a lot of memories I have in cars.  There was a time when my brother got car sick and threw up and the only thing that I could imagine playing in the background was classical music.  I found that there are a lot of health benefits of studying classical music, one being that your brain just focuses better. According to an article I read it reduces stress, increases productivity, combats depression, decreases blood pressure, and betters your heart health.  According to this study, classical music is supposed to make the brain happy.  I really appreciate the benefits we can get from classical music but when I listen to classical music I do appreciate the calmness I feel with it. To be very honest I feel so tired anytime I listen to it for more than a couple minutes.  It feels and sounds like a lullaby being played over and over to me, and that makes me super tired and honestly bores me.
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 I think something I like about music is the act that I can relate to or just feel the songs or lyrics, and with classical, I can't get anything out of it just a good nap.  Music is a big aspect of my life and to see other forms of it I do find myself shutting it out and not really accepting it.  I've decided to change it up and when I'm doing homework or studying I'll listen to some classical music for a bit.  I hope I can get used to it and help my productivity and overall brain health.  Classical music is a  very interesting genre listened to by a lot of people but for now I will make it stand as my number 6.
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retrohits2023 · 11 months
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Number 7
We are back with number 7 on our list of top ten genres in my opinion of course.  I have voted jazz as the seventh because I don't hate it but it's also not my favorite and I will expand my thoughts on it.  Growing up I listened to some jazz music because it was something my mom really liked to listen to.  I never felt a good connection with jazz before I saw that Disney had a movie all about it called Soul.  I haven't seen him yet but I have seen clips and the trailer from random videos on my feed and stuff.  I see the way jazz is such a  classic genre in some people's opinions and decided to give it a listen when I ended up listening to a song that took me back to my childhood. I think I have to vote for a genre that really speaks to the soul.
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Fly Me to the Moon is a song that used to be played a lot in school by one of my favorite teachers and it really did help me open my mind to it and made me think about how much I used to like that song.  It also reminded me of the cutest little girl who went on America's Got Talent and sang that song and how much that impacted me as a kid watching that brings back a lot of nostalgia feelings some sadness but also some joy, and a feeling of not having to really stress about life and I think that what really impacted me when I  listened to that one song again after maybe 8 years of not remembering that it really existed it really impacted me and gave me some emotional feelings.  Jazz music really opened up a side of my childhood that brought back really good memories but again jazz music tends to be slow and really mellow which honestly just brings me sadness and gives me mixed emotions so I try not to listen to music that brings me that, for now it still has to take a stand as my number 7!
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retrohits2023 · 11 months
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Number 8 Rap
Rap is a very controversial music genre, it's either a hit or miss for a lot of us and for me it's leaning more on the miss side because I just don't really connect with it.  Growing up rap wasn't too popular or known in my family so we never really enjoyed listening to it.  As I got older I realized that rap had a good sound to it so I can't tolerate it now.  I find that rap songs that are just pure bass make me super uncomfortable while the slow rap songs are more a style that I like.  As I mentioned before about music being something I like to listen to and being able to connect with the words of the song with rap it can be very hard to recognize words in very fast tempo beats, it kinda takes away from the lyrics and I can really only listen to the beat.  Over the past few years there have been so many versions of rap that have been released to the music industry, starting from drake, to kanye west and even ice spice have changed a bit of what rap used to be like and into a new style which has never really been seen.  Recently I've added a lot of rap songs to my playlist for working out or running because I found that it can be really motivating when doing heavy lifting, workouts or cardio and it keeps the brain thinking about anything but the pain you're feeling.  Overall I found that rap doesn't quite resonate with me yet but I am willing to give it a good shot and get to know different artists and styles and songs to maybe better my opinion on rap and be more open to it, but even after that it will stand at number 8 on my list.
Make sure to stay tuned to make it to the halfway point!!
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retrohits2023 · 1 year
Number 9  Techno
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Techno is a genre of music that is popular especially in our parent's generation because it was seen as an advanced and new technology in the music industry, compared to other types of music techno doesn't have words.  It is a hardcore instrumental song with no lyrics and just a  repetitive 4/4 beat.  Techno can be a very complex genre because it has so many components starting from synthesizers, samplers, drum machines, keyboards, and sequencers.  It only takes a decent amount of knowledge with the software to create a good hit song and it really doesn't take talent or passion.  
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I love music that is an uplifting beat but techno music doesn't have words, and to me I like lyrics. I have a big appreciation for the lyrics in songs.  Techno just makes me feel like I'm playing Geometry Dash or I'm watching an introduction to a watch mojo video what is that vibe.  Another reason I don't like techno is because electronic music really doesn't show me too much talent. I think real music is instruments that are learned to play with passion and years of practice, not just software programs you learn and mess around with to make a beat.  I think techno really decreases the value of music that I hold.
My whole family is very musical and growing up we were all forced to play an instrument and I started with piano. I quickly learned how much work I had to put in to keep going up levels, and I learned how much work it really took.  I find techno like an easy way of making music and it's not very likable to listen to.  It wouldn't be a good style to play in a lot of places or at certain times during the day. 
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At the end of the day, Techno isn't ranked as my worst but it does stand at number 9.
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retrohits2023 · 1 year
Number 10
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 When I was around seven or eight years old I started a big interest in music. I was interested in learning about different genres and about all the different types of inspiration people got from them.  I wanted to find a genre that really just made me want to listen to music and appreciate it.  I was raised in a very conservative household, my parents were very strict about TV shows, games, and all sorts of different things normal children do.  In the church I grew up in, heavy metal was seen as a way of glorifying demons and evil spirits and that really freaked me out as a kid, it was often something I thought about but I was too scared to ever really do my own research about. 
I have nothing against heavy metal, everyone can like whatever genre of music they please but sadly it ranks as my least favorite genre of music.   As I got older I realized the root of the dislike that music wasn't the meaning people thought was behind it, it was more of the way my brain functioned to it.  I found that whenever I heard a heavy metal song on the radio my brain just became air and I couldn't hear my thoughts or think properly, for some people that is a way of helping them cope and relax during a stressful day or after a hard day but for me, it's extremely uncomfortable and not likable at all. 
Heavy metal is a genre of music that spikes my interest from time to time. I like to think how on earth can some people listen to it on a daily basis and not feel drained and just stressed out and unsettled.  The “devil music” I grew up being scared of turned out to really stress me out and realized it's not for everyone. Maybe I'll explore a different branch of some type of metal and find one that I can listen to but for now, it has to be ranked as my number 10 being the worst genre of music in my opinion.
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retrohits2023 · 1 year
In this blog, I will be ranking music through time from my least favorite genres, to my most favorite genres!
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