thread tracker!
yep. it’s that thing again. keep in mind i’m gonna be super busy between uni stuff and mod stuff, but i’m gonna try to squeeze in three threads regardless! group threads would probably be easiest on me, so if you're desperate for a lex this week, i’d suggest getting together a bunch of people and. idk?? party???
yumemi + takako (i’m assuming this is public y’all?)
sayuri + vulture b/c we still haven’t done that
@shsldenpas i know we didn’t get around to threading last week, do you want to do that this week instead? ;0c
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The tarot is back! Work in the minor arcana is underway, with Wands being the first suit I am delving into. Folks have also asked me if I will discuss my inspiration for the cards, the symbolism I choose to include in the imagery and my process in creating them. Yes, I will! This was the first milestone on my Patreon, and it has been reached. So now, patrons at any level can see posts about my Tarot project. So if you want to help me make the deck a reality sooner rather than later, if you want keep track of its progress and get first dibs on seeing the art, please feel free to sign up and support me!
Other tarot FAQ and info beneath the cut!
Keep reading
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Velvet seemed not to notice the pretentious tone to their voice. Thanks.
“I’ve just got a real short view of the kitch from down here.”
With that, they ducked into the cabinet, their chest pulled into their knees, and pulled the door shut with a wumph. Mission accomplished. Sure, it was kind of super uncomfortable, and they were starting to reflect on their life choices up to this point— but they had done the science necessary to experiment out their cabinet-fitting theory, even with minor setbacks. They squirmed a bit, digging their phone out of their windbreaker pocket and pulling up snapchat.
> LOL imai ur never gonna guess where i am ✌
They sat in quietness— just them and the faint sounds of stir fry, that is— for what felt like an eternity but was most likely only thirty seconds before getting restless. At least they had someone there to keep them company while none of their friends texted them back! Not that Kiyoshi Aoyama was turning out to be the most cheerful conversational partner in the world, but Velvet liked to consider themself a people person to a fault.
“I dunno.  you ever, like, want to become one with the blenders and, and the processors and the Williams Sonomas and all that? You don’t just reason it, yeah, you follow wherever the wind may take you, and in this case I was blown in— uh, pushed inside here by probably fate or something. Or impulse. Proooobs impulse. I mean, any particular reason you’re cooking?”
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The silence continued, and they were starting to realize that this was actually kind of boring.
They peeked out of the cabinet, opening the door just a crack.
“What is that mapo thing anyways?”
They Gotta Have a Good Meal | Kiyoshi | Prologue | [ATTN: Velvet]
Almost immediately after getting caught being a disaster of a student and someone you probably shouldn’t allow in a kitchen, Velvet started preparing for some harsh scoldings along the lines of “what the hell are you doing” and “you are tearing this kitchen apart, Welch???” and “[upset food cook-shsl-person-whoever-this-kid-is screaming at the state of the cabinet’s contents all over the floor].” Or something like that. The response they got instead (after the two of them had finished staring at each other in bewilderment) was… most certainly not any of those, and it caught them off guard.
“…Wow. That was… that was cold.”
Shaking their head, Velvet nudged one of the pots on the ground with their foot— and laughed.
“I’m— to be honest— honestly? Heartbroken.”
Sad face. They’ve known you for two minutes and you’re already bullying them, Kiyoshi.
“I’m fine though! Don’t— Don’t mind me. Go back to your… uh.”
They craned their neck upwards, trying to figure out what the hell Kiyoshi was doing, but there’s one problem with being hunched up inside a cabinet on the ground— you can’t see anything that goes on on the countertops from down there. They probably could have been making questionable and potentially illegal osso buco for all Velvet currently knew, in some strangely meta attempt to emulate jerkasses from days past. Hell, maybe they weren’t even cooking at all, and they had just been standing there, going through the motions like some non-playable character in a video game, existing just to stare at the stove and judge Velvet and repeat the process ad infinitum.
“Food… thing…? With the stuff. Up there.”
Both options were equally possible. At least things smelled good.
(This may have started as a culinary lesson thread, but it was clearly starting to turn into… something else, as Velvet scooted back far enough to get their legs properly in there. It was a tight squeeze, but it was a start.)
If this kid was expecting a display of sympathy from Kiyoshi, they weren’t getting it. No, all they were going to get was an apathetic shrug from they who were too exhausted to give a damn about most things out there, least of all the feelings of some weirdo trying to cram themselves into a cabinet. Sure, they weren’t going to rub it in their face (that’d take effort too), but…
…and maybe Kiyoshi would have just returned to making their damn lunch and left their classmate to get themselves stuck in that cabinet, perhaps indefinitely (seriously, they had no plans to help them should that happen), were it not for the whole ‘food thing’ comment. That was enough to jerk Kiyoshi’s attention back away from their meal preparations and back towards the weirdo, if only briefly.
“Mapo doufu. I’m making mapo doufu. I thought that was obvious?”
There was an obvious haughtiness in their otherwise mostly-flat tone as they spoke, plugging away at meal preparations all the while, a haughtiness that screamed ‘I’m sorry, you must not know who I am - I’m Kiyoshi Aoyama the culinary elitist and I have no time for stupid questions about what I’m making’. 
And it seemed as if Kiyoshi Aoyama the culinary elitist was going to leave it at that, until they spoke up again after a few more moments of silence.
“So, any particular reason why you’re doing this?”
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Almost immediately after getting caught being a disaster of a student and someone you probably shouldn’t allow in a kitchen, Velvet started preparing for some harsh scoldings along the lines of “what the hell are you doing” and “you are tearing this kitchen apart, Welch???” and “[upset food cook-shsl-person-whoever-this-kid-is screaming at the state of the cabinet’s contents all over the floor].” Or something like that. The response they got instead (after the two of them had finished staring at each other in bewilderment) was… most certainly not any of those, and it caught them off guard.
“…Wow. That was… that was cold.”
Shaking their head, Velvet nudged one of the pots on the ground with their foot— and laughed.
“I’m— to be honest— honestly? Heartbroken.”
Sad face. They’ve known you for two minutes and you’re already bullying them, Kiyoshi.
“I’m fine though! Don’t— Don’t mind me. Go back to your… uh.”
They craned their neck upwards, trying to figure out what the hell Kiyoshi was doing, but there’s one problem with being hunched up inside a cabinet on the ground— you can’t see anything that goes on on the countertops from down there. They probably could have been making questionable and potentially illegal osso buco for all Velvet currently knew, in some strangely meta attempt to emulate jerkasses from days past. Hell, maybe they weren’t even cooking at all, and they had just been standing there, going through the motions like some non-playable character in a video game, existing just to stare at the stove and judge Velvet and repeat the process ad infinitum.
“Food… thing…? With the stuff. Up there.”
Both options were equally possible. At least things smelled good.
(This may have started as a culinary lesson thread, but it was clearly starting to turn into… something else, as Velvet scooted back far enough to get their legs properly in there. It was a tight squeeze, but it was a start.)
They Gotta Have a Good Meal | Kiyoshi | Prologue | [ATTN: Velvet]
…Do you ever walk into a room and immediately forget why you went there in the first place? That was Velvet Welch right now. Fuck, what were they going to do again? They stood in the doorway for a good half a minute trying to recollect something from the fuzz in their head. Nothing. No idea. But they were in the school kitchen anyways.
(For the interested, it involved an internal thought process along the lines of
why is it called………. chicken of the sea…………. iconic
actually yknow what sounds good rn??? tuna melt. yes.
gonna go to the store to buy tuna!! gonna adult!!
ah shit man canned tuna’s on sale let me buy six cans
i did it lad look at me the absolute madman!!!!!!!
………………….wait i don’t own a can opener fuck
maybe i can just steal one from the academy kitchen?? ok
and the worst part was that they weren’t even really feeling tuna anymore, either. Thanks, Velvet. They’re trying their best.)
Well, they might as well make something of the experience— aaaaand someone else was busy in here. Cool. Instead of being like, totally invasive and all that and immediate going up to them to be all friendly-friendly and ask what they were making, they looked around, before deciding…
Hey, I wonder if I can fit in those cabinets down there.
You know what sounds great? Finding out.
Why? Because yes.
They, of course, were not expecting the student currently cooking with their back turned call out their presence halfway through their attempt at trying to science this thing out and figure out how to big leg in small space and whatnot.
(They knew they were there! What?! How?! They had tried so hard to be quiet!)
Startled, they dropped the heavy-ass stack of pots that they had picked up in order to— hopefully, without making a sound— move them and make room for a relatively large goat child. Which garnered a yelp of surprise as they flinched from the clatter that ensues when metal meets cast iron meets metal meets tile meets metal. Ouch.
So, this sure must have been a scene. Kid in light-up shoes and an obnoxiously neon windbreaker, sitting half-squished-up in a tiny kitchen cabinet, staring at Kiyoshi like a terrified deer in the headlights. A solitary pot lid started rolling across the floor, towards the other side of the room. They threw their hands up meekly in defense… or something.
“S-Sorry, mate, ha ha, I… uhhhhh…“
How do you explain this?
Kiyoshi was not someone who would self-describe as ‘normal’ by any stretch of the imagination. They did some weird stuff now and again. They’d admit it. Their interests weren’t entirely mainstream. They’d cop to that. They sort of stood out in a crowd despite their attempts not to, being a long-legged beanpole of a person sporting two-toned hair and a suit that had last been ironed somewhere in the ballpark of half a year ago. They’d admit that too, just as they’d admit that they weren’t someone who had a right to judge others.
But not having a right to do something certainly hadn’t stopped them before, and thus, once Kiyoshi properly registered what the other party in the kitchen was actually doing, something that finally spurred them to abandon their meal preparations in favor of turning their attentions towards why in the fuck. 
What followed was several agonizingly awkward seconds of silence of a very perplexed (and more than a little tired-looking) maned wolf staring down the very garishly dressed goat kid who was in the middle of trying to… stuff themselves into a cabinet? To what end? To what purpose? Look, they’d done some strange shit in their time, but there was their brand of strange, and then there was this level of… they didn’t understand at all, thanks. Of course, they could try to understand. Maybe this kid had a practical reason for trying to stuff themselves into a cabinet. Perhaps they could ask. Or they could just-
“I’m not helping you out if you get stuck.”
-do that. Thanks, Kiyoshi.
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…Do you ever walk into a room and immediately forget why you went there in the first place? That was Velvet Welch right now. Fuck, what were they going to do again? They stood in the doorway for a good half a minute trying to recollect something from the fuzz in their head. Nothing. No idea. But they were in the school kitchen anyways.
(For the interested, it involved an internal thought process along the lines of
why is it called………. chicken of the sea…………. iconic
actually yknow what sounds good rn??? tuna melt. yes.
gonna go to the store to buy tuna!! gonna adult!!
ah shit man canned tuna’s on sale let me buy six cans
i did it lad look at me the absolute madman!!!!!!!
………………….wait i don’t own a can opener fuck
maybe i can just steal one from the academy kitchen?? ok
and the worst part was that they weren’t even really feeling tuna anymore, either. Thanks, Velvet. They’re trying their best.)
Well, they might as well make something of the experience— aaaaand someone else was busy in here. Cool. Instead of being like, totally invasive and all that and immediate going up to them to be all friendly-friendly and ask what they were making, they looked around, before deciding…
Hey, I wonder if I can fit in those cabinets down there.
You know what sounds great? Finding out.
Why? Because yes.
They, of course, were not expecting the student currently cooking with their back turned call out their presence halfway through their attempt at trying to science this thing out and figure out how to big leg in small space and whatnot.
(They knew they were there! What?! How?! They had tried so hard to be quiet!)
Startled, they dropped the heavy-ass stack of pots that they had picked up in order to— hopefully, without making a sound— move them and make room for a relatively large goat child. Which garnered a yelp of surprise as they flinched from the clatter that ensues when metal meets cast iron meets metal meets tile meets metal. Ouch.
So, this sure must have been a scene. Kid in light-up shoes and an obnoxiously neon windbreaker, sitting half-squished-up in a tiny kitchen cabinet, staring at Kiyoshi like a terrified deer in the headlights. A solitary pot lid started rolling across the floor, towards the other side of the room. They threw their hands up meekly in defense... or something.
“S-Sorry, mate, ha ha, I… uhhhhh…“
How do you explain this?
They Gotta Have a Good Meal | Kiyoshi | Prologue | [ATTN: Velvet]
It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that Kiyoshi Aoyama was most at home in a kitchen. Culinary matters had been their passion since they’d been a small child, and even now, even after everything, that hadn’t changed. even if the path they’d ended up chasing after ultimately had. Kiyoshi belonged to the culinary world, and there they planned to stay.
That said, it was considerably more difficult for them to get as excited about cooking as they’d once been, not when there wasn’t anyone (that they knew and cared about or cared about knowing well) to enjoy their meals, and not when they… really, it’d be easier to just buy the cheapest, saltiest snack food they could find from a local store and call it a day.
But then, that would be a waste of the actually halfway decent energy levels Kiyoshi possessed today and besides, they had to keep sharp. Their skill at making food, be it the fake models that were their bread and butter as a food stylist now or the actual food they’d spent years learning how to cook at a level that had to be leagues beyond most of their peers, was one of the only things someone like them had going for them, after all.
Besides, Hope’s Peak had some damned impressive kitchens, and it would be a shame to waste them before they went off and up to the mountains. 
And thus, today found Kiyoshi in one of those kitchens, suit jacket draped over a nearby chair and dress shirt sleeves rolled up as they worked on sorting out out the myriad ingredients they’d procured for themselves earlier this afternoon - tofu, hot bean paste, pork shoulder, broth…
…and then they froze mid-task, the prickling on the back of their neck having alerted them to another presence in the room with them. Great.
“Yes? Do you need something?”
They didn’t even bother turning around as they said that. Thanks, asshole.
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in case it got buried in the chat, i made this music page for the class! i tried to find an EDM/electronic song that seemed to at least mildly fit each character? apologies if any dont feel very fitting tho! :’0
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dreams on sale, today only
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all of you people picking associated major arcanas in your 35 facts memes are killing me because screams loudly at my relationship page
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35 facts about velvet!
buckle in lads because this got long
velvet welch is, if you haven’t guessed, not japanese! wow, surprising, i know. they were born in the united states, and moved to tokyo about a year and a half ago. they’re of white, syrian, and libyan descent— mostly syrian, though, although i don’t have the exact percentages figured out. 
their family is christian— southern baptist, specifically.  velvet is not, even though they were raised baptist. however, they are extremely spiritual. 
(velvet welch isn’t their birth name btw, but it is the name they have listed on all of their official japanese papers. they’d really prefer if you don’t try to pry and figure out what their dead name is.)
fun fact: i got their name from an old 90s instructional video teaching old people how to use the internet. i’m not joking. this was yuro’s idea.
they’re from myrtle beach, south carolina! as the name suggests, it’s a beach town. and as that implies, they love the ocean? it’s like home to them. i could go on and on with this fact alone because i may or may not have been self indulgent and plopped them in a city i’ve visited multiple times a year for like, the past ten years of my life, but. 
velvet’s family consists of their parents and their eleven-year-old sister, rachel! she really looks up to them, and they used to babysit her when she was younger. they’re really good with kids, which is surprising for a lex character.
velvet makes friendship bracelets when they’re bored, anxious, or trying to relax. it’s something they picked up when they were fourteen— their sister wanted to try it out, and velvet (as her babysitter) ended up getting into it as well. she eventually grew out of it (after like, a couple months), but velvet still enjoys it. they usually wear a bunch of bracelets, and will carry around half-finished ones. it calms them down. they will make bracelets for your oc. 
this is the important one, guys: they have a pet cockatoo. she’s going into the game with them because she’s kind of a handful and they didn’t feel right leaving her with their flatmates. her name is felt. she’s basically a small child and velvet adores her. good birb. 
oh yeah, they’re sharing an apartment with some friends, i may or may not make a separate post about them at a later date. 
they love animals in general (and i mean looooooove), and have always grown up around them. their parents have two dogs, their other friends have a bunch of cats, they had a hamster growing up, and they’d really like getting more pets in the future once they have a bigger living space.
velvet is a huge furry, and their fursona is a goat! one of these days i’ll draw it. also hashtag kinfeels. this is why you’ll see me calling them the goat kid a lot, btw. 
their first job was working at a candy store! they love sugar tbh. they’re especially fond of things like sour gummi worms and ring pops, but they like most sweets in general.
they also really love soft serve ice cream! like, a lot. there’s a place on the boardwalk that boasts over 100 flavors of soft serve, and it’s their aesthetic. they especially like chocolate soft serve dipped in a cherry shell!
they wear those LED light up sneakers. like. these
they’re a capricorn! i’m planning on filling out a natal chart for them soon. i associate them with the hierophant card, followed by the devil, the high priestess, and the star! 
they fucking love cool ass rocks. they’re also a steven universe fan. i think their favorite rocks are bismuth, any kind of quartz (especially aura quartzes), opal, and amethyst? i have no idea what their gemsona is yet.
they have four piercings— both ears, a septum, and a medusa! they’ve considered getting more. if they were to get more, they’d probably want a bridge piercing, a labret (maybe? that or snake bites, but not both), and/or probably some extra ear piercings. not sure if they’d go for an industrial bar there but [shrugs]
they've recently been trying to learn how to cook, with varying degrees of success. they’re not bad just..... still in the process of learning. and they’re fairly forgetful
[ear trauma implied?] velvet suffers hearing loss in their left ear and wears a hearing aid! 
they love glitter. especially in their makeup. they’re also the kind of person that’ll wear cute little stickers on their face for fun. they also like rainbow sprinkles and confetti
they follow a bunch of stimming accounts on instagram? they’ve made slime for themself before, and really like that kind of stuff in general. they like slime and frosting stuff more than kinetic sand and paints, though.
they own a bunch of decks, including:
the starchild tarot (which i desperately want)
the 1980s tarot deck 
the hardy tarot deck
the golden thread tarot
tbh i can’t decide between this, this, or this so i might just say they have all three
they also have the food fortunes deck but that one isn’t an actual tarot deck. it was a holiday gift
their hogwarts house is hufflepuff, and their god tier is the seer of light! yeah, they’re rose lalonde. they’re also an ESFP, a chaotic good, sanguine, and enneagram 2w3 (the giver)! they’re right-handed, type B blood, and yes i’m throwing all of the cheap facts together in one slot.
they know english and japanese! their japanese isn’t perfect, and sometimes they don’t make sense, but they’re trying. they also know ASL, but don’t practice it often, so they’re not that great at it. 
i feel like their handwriting would be similar to the woodlands? in english, they write in cursive! 
they love sweet tea. i don’t get it. i live in the south and i fucking hate sweet tea. but, in general, tea is their drink of choice? whether its iced or hot! herbal teas are super nice too, but you gotta be in the right mood for them, y’know? otherwise, they like strawberry lemonade.
alright lets break out the musical aus because you know i love them:
in hamilton, they’d be john laurens
in heathers, they keep accidentally being JD when I AU with sieves, but in all honesty they’d probably be ms fleming
reefer madness? jimmy harper
(”what musical do you associate the most with them, lex?” ha ha, well, that’s a secret)
i mentioned this in my earlier post, but they currently live in ikebukuro! they love the city aesthetic, almost as much as they love the boardwalk aesthetic. 
they’re also a huge fan of like.... idk how to describe it but? they like kitschy cheap tourist-trap souvenir shops with bright neon hoodies advertising the city (side note— they fucking hate that tan / pale blue “life is better at the beach” style of home decor. hate it. their parents love it.). on this note, the gay dolphin. it’s legendary. truly a landmark in myrtle beach. 
and they like... i don’t know how to describe this flavor of psychic advertisement. they also really love miss cleo commercials. because i love miss cleo. they also binge watch old 90s commercials sometimes. because i binge watch old 90s commercials sometimes. they also like that old VHS tape aesthetic. and neons. 
they prefer animated movies and tv shows tbh, and cry over them a lot. their favorite movies include howl’s moving castle, song of the sea, zootopia, and bee movie finding nemo? all animation is good tho. they also really love pokemon!
they’re kinda lowkey goth. on the inside. they went through a (closeted, as best as they could do when their parents would kill them if they get scenekid hair) scene phase when they were younger (it was kind of embarrassing in hindsight), and a lot of their friends are goth, so they still really appreciate the subculture, even if their everyday style is more colorful and floral and obnoxiously neon at times. on occasion, they’ll get dressed up in something trad, but...
they absolutely hate feeling stuffy and restricted in their clothes— you’d be hard pressed to catch them dead in a button-up shirt and trousers and a sportcoat. not happening unless the suit is bright pink or otherwise fun. 
they keep a dream journal! i hate that this became a popular meme.
they’re gay  (...pansexual and very polyamorous, to be exact, and prone to getting crushes on their friends and being super affectionate in general but. gay)
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Leean Pan photographed by Sabrina Canoy
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thread tracker
i’m such a mess rn guys. if i forgot somebody pls lmk?? otherwise reply to this post or fight me on skype if u wanna rumble. i’m also cool with group threads btws. also i’m taking 4 max until i get my life together, 
alright this is all i’m taking this week, but we can also shitpost together on skype really casually if you’re dying for goat kid in your life!!
vulture + sayuri?
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wow this is late
look i’ve been Suffering™ irl anyways. onto the main event here
would your oc know the goat kid with the cards??????
i mean. i’m not gonna say no, but it’s kind of a stretch. 
the tl;dr of what you need to know about their Talent and Stuff is that 
they’re one of like, three or four (maybe five?) people that joint run a small tarot shop in ikebukuro — if you live around there then hey we can probably work something out
It’s, like i said, really small and unassuming from the outside, one of those almost-tacky feeling psychic advisor places with the neon signs and kitschy look to em. they give out spiritual guidance (not just tarot, although that’s what velvet feels the strongest connection to— they’ve got palmistry and astrology stuff as well), mostly, but they also sell crystals and tea blends and decks that they import in! the shop looks small from the outside, and it is pretty cramped in there, but it’s three stories tall.
they’ve got local notoriety—yeah, there are skeptics, and people who think their setup is kinda tacky, but divination is popular, especially among young teens/adults and middle-aged businessfolk looking for advice, and velvet (in particular, people who are repeat customers will request them if they’re available)’s got a reputation for being like, scarily accurate. something about them just seems really in touch with what they’re doing? people tend to have good experiences talking to them, even if they can be a little... weird. 
so yeah. unless you’re one of the locals from around there, you probably won’t know much about them. the only other thing i can think of that might make them recognizable is that? their roommate is a youtuber that does nail art / nail art tutorials, and sometimes they’ll make an appearance in their videos to provide an extra set of hands to work on (or to grab drinks for them when they’re struggling halfway through one of those “100 coats of _____” challenges), but. yeah
wow typing this up it feels really ?????? what the hell lex but i promise my shit is together i’m just rushing through this post and not referencing my notes if you want clarification on anything please ask because i’ll probably make another post later getting down and dirty with the specifics of their talent and stuff
OH YEAH ALSO SHIT I FORGOT THAT VELVET’S A HUGE FURRY they don’t currently have a fursuit and they aren’t the best artist in the world but if your oc does a lot of furry art and/or spends time at conventions it is..... possible..... that velvet will recognize them
i’m gonna clear stuff up more in their 35 facts meme i just want to get this stuff out in a timely manner so i don’t drag behind everyone else lol
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tarot card reader: *pulls out a deck of pokemon cards* lets see… mr. mime here says you may be facing financial difficulties real soon
me: what is this
tarot card reader: just a joke to lighten the mood. *pulls out a deck of yugioh cards* now lets get started
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A pair of rose quartz cockatoos with serpentine, carnelian, and rubellite accents, mounted on a watermelon tourmaline-in-matrix base - Peter Mueller
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Mustache Man - Cake
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oh yeah also i forgot to add i live in EST which is like fifty million hours ahead of the clock the game runs on so basically expect me to be Snoozing a lot
wow, look at me, getting this done early so i don’t have to worry about it later
congratulations on getting in, everybody, and welcome to cinereus! some of you are familiar with me at this point, but i know a bunch of you aren’t, so i figured a proper introduction post would be in order! y’know. to introduce myself.
my name is lex— i’m comfortable with all pronouns but usually use they/them the most often— and i’m one of the mods this round! i’ve never been in one of the BDB games, but i’ve been around for a looooooong time. four years now, i think? yeah. some big name games you might recognize me from are:
Doubt Academy 2: Black — Shizuka Fujiwara
Doubt Academy 3: Omega — Usoko Tsuki
Doubt Academy 4: Rot — Kenshin Takayuki
Doubt Academy 5: Mizu — Haru Uotani
Semester of Desolation I — Damodara Chaudary
Semester of Desolation II — Kimiko Narita
please tag dental trauma, whether it be visual or written. there are some other things that i’m not comfortable with, that i’m choosing not to put on the triggers/squicks list because they’re either incredibly specific, situational, unlikely to come up at all, and/or something i can easily duck out for without it being too big of a deal. i’ll let you know in private if something small like that bothers me. thumbs up emoji. likewise, if i forget to tag anything, please message me and i’ll immediately fix it! i do the large majority of my posting during the day on mobile, so it’s easy for me to mess up. 
this is my first time modding anything, so please be gentle with me! i’m also a #freshie in my first year of university, and my mental health / stress levels are generally a hot mess. the state of the world around us ain’t helping. i’ll make a post either here or on twitter when i need to step back from mod duties (or thread replies) for a few days, whether it be for health reasons or schoolwork reasons, but i’ll most likely still be trying to do behind the scenes work. figured i might as well make that clear early on, because i know this semester is pretty busy for me as of right now. 
i’m always available to talk to, if you have any questions, concerns, or just want to talk about ocs or aus or anything. i love all of these kids a lot and i cried multiple times when reading their apps. i also want to try and thread with everybody, if possible! so pleeeease don’t be intimidated by me! i’m just a tired lex trying my best. 
i do a lot of the design work around these parts, especially with promos and blog themes! i might also be helping with maps. not sure there yet. i also care a lot about making sure that all of our coding and graphics are accessible for all players, so please message me if you have any concerns— whether you would like font sizes to be larger or more otherwise readable, if a background is too busy or eye-strain-y, or if there needs to be more contrast between background and text. 
i’m also playing velvet welch, the super high school level tarot card reader. there’s gonna be another post about them sometime in the next week or two, depending on when i initially post this, so as not to make this one longer than it needs to be. they use they/them pronouns. 
if you need other methods of contacting me (other than my skype, which— although I plan on adding everyone in the game over the first few days— i would prefer you ask for in private), then i can also be reached on my twitter or my personal blog! keep in mind that i check my blog’s inbox less often than my twitter dms, but i try to be fairly active on it nonetheless. 
i hope y’all enjoy everything we have in store for you! it’s gonna be great! >:3c
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